Is there a module to specify access rules for specific nodes or specific pages? - drupal

Is there a Drupal module to specify access rules for specific nodes ?
I don't need to specify them for a generic content type, but for a specific node (nid).
Also I would like to specify permissions on a specific page (let's say a view).

The Content Access module allows you to specify access control per node by role, breaking it down to a granular edit, view or delete permission by role.
Views allows a permission to be set by role under the 'access' option in basic settings. You can therefore set by display giving you quite rich control over what visitors have access to by role.
I've also used Nodeaccess which may be worth looking at. I believe this allows delegation of deciding which roles may edit, delete or update a node to the node author rather than the administrator.

Views has access control built in, you can set permissions for a view from inside the Views UI. When you edit a view there is a setting "Access" where you can set a role or permission that is required to access the view.
"Content Access" has an option for node-specific access, but I never used that part of the module myself (I previously wrote Module Grants, but that functionality came from Content Access).
Other options are Taxonomy Access or TAC lite that apply permissions based on taxonomy.


How to manage access permission in alfresco

Hello Everyone thank's in advance for your help.
I am trying to configure access permission in alfresco and now stuck in a scenario
It would be great help if someone defines proper way to achieve this functionality
now my problem is
I want to create a site (which will be accessible by all user)
then will create folder and sub folder in that site (i am ready to customize content type of those folder if required)
now i want to configure alfresco in such a way that specific set of user can access specific folder and it's content
for example
This is list of user
And this is folder structure
Now how to configure it in such a way that
user1 can access Data->Exam
user2 can access work and all it's child folder
user3 can access Data and all it's child folder
user4 can access Design and all it's child folder and
user5 can access Data->Work, Design->art,Work->W1 folder
Note that i am using CMIS api to generate this folder structure
so is there any way to achieve this by java code only ?
i have read about managing permission but not sure about using it just because when i have tried to provide permission to folder it allow to add only single user
but in my case i want to make group of user and want to make the folder accessible by that particulate group.
Thank you so much for you time :)
If you want to use a group, you'll need to create the group in Alfresco using either the admin console or the Alfresco API. CMIS cannot manage users or groups.
Once your users and groups are in place, you can use CMIS to assign them to ACLs. However, the challenge is that you may need to disable or "break" ACL inheritance to do exactly what you want. You cannot disable ACL inheritance with the CMIS API. You'll have to do it in the UI or through the Alfresco API.
With your users and groups in place and with your folders configured to inherit or not inherit parent permissions as needed, you can now add users and groups to your folders. With CMIS, you can add as many users or groups as you need to a given folder. It is not limited to a single user or group. This page has some examples on using Access Control Entries (ACEs) which make up Access Control Lists (ACLs).
I think that Jeff Potts answer is great i will only add few thing's you can look to this post it will give you an answer how to work with ACL How to get Acls of a document.
You can also use the allowable action in any Folder (or document) it will look like this :
Action a = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT;
object = session.getObjectByPath(idObject); // In case it's a folder
if (object.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions().contains(a)) {
return Boolean.TRUE;// You can do it
Only remember that you can get the allowable action from String (In case you want work with few of them)
String canCreateFolder= Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER.value();
the most importante Action that you have to use :
can_create_folder = Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER.value();
can_create_document = Action.CAN_CREATE_DOCUMENT.value();
can_update_folder = Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES.value();
can_update_document = Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES.value();
can_delete_folder = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT.value();
can_delete_document = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT.value();
Hope that helped you.

Show different menu and items to different users

I am making drupal website for students on which they will be able to upload and download documents for exams. When the user registers he will be able to choose his university and type of files that he is interested at.
My question is: How can I set up that every user can see only the documents from his university?
This module do exactly what you need : Content Access
The module provides hight granularity configuration for node access permissions

In drupal 7 user access only files assigned to him

Hello I want to user in system have files that only that registered user can open. And there is no other access to it.
Can it be done in Drupal 7 like so: configuration->account settings add new type as file and set it as private? Or there is other better way to achieve that ??
To do it without modules, see this page:
Or here are a couple of modules:
Along with making storing the files in a private folder on your server, try the content access module:
It creates a view own permission on a content type that will allow you to grant view permissions on content only for the owner. You would just create a new content type for this type of file and then grant the proper access for that new content type. It also says in the documentation that the module allows for access control not only at the content type level, but also at the node level.

What’s the “official” way to remove Plone’s Users tab?

I've got an installation of Plone 4.2.1 running nicely, but visitors to the site can click on the Users tab in the main menu and go straight to a search of all my registered users. Certainly, anonymous visitors are unable to actually list anyone, but I don't want this functionality at all.
What's the Plone way of:
removing the Users tab from the main menu?
stopping the URL /Members returning anything except 404?
Are there other effects of this functionality I should be aware of?
The Users tab is only shown because there is a Members folder (with the title Users) in the root that is publicly visibile.
You have three options to deal with the default; make the Members folder private, delete it altogether, or remove the index_html default view.
You can 'unpublish', retract, the folder workflow to make it private, and anonymous users are then redirected to the login form instead of seeing the user search form:
Simply go to the folder, click on the workflow state (Published) and choose Retract.
If you do not need to have per-user folders, you can remove the Members folder altogether. You do need to make sure that user folder creation is not enabled first. Go to the Control Panel (click on your username, top right, select Site Setup):
select Security:
and make sure that Enable User Folders is not checked. If it is, uncheck it and save the settings.
Now just delete the Members folder; click Users, find the Actions menu on the right, then select Delete:
then confirm the deletion in the popup:
Deletion means all users will get a 404 when visiting /Members in your site.
Delete the default view
The Members folder contains a index_html object that provides the user form search. If all you want to get rid of is this view, you can delete it. If your Members folder is still public, visitors can see any userfolders that have been created though.
Deleting this view requires going to the ZMI, the Zope Management Interface, navigating to the Members folder and deleting the index_html object there.
Since this is not really the recommended course of action I'm leaving out the screenshots for this part.
You can just delete the Users folder.

Module Based Security

I am trying to create an application that is based on module level security. The idea is we would have a user login, grab there roles, grab the pages those roles have access to then in those pages grab the modules they have access to then the functions inside the modules they have access to (list, create, edit, delete). That way in an admin screen someon could allow or deny modules and module functions to groups.
Has anyone seen any sample projects like this or have ANY clue on how to implement this? I would really like to try this on a n-layer architecture.
Create your site with a basic membership system. Group your pages into folders and have Web.Config files in each to control access. This is all out-of-the-box functionality for the most part. The only custom code you would have to write is when creating an admin form.
As for the fine grain access, if they can't access the pages, they can't access their methods...
if User.IsInRole("Administrator")...
On the same page, in the code-behind, you can check their roles programmatically and display/enable panels/modules accordingly :-)
I would use a base class for your pages to accomplish the effect you describe. In your base class you can add all of the available methods you will need, but provide an authorization method within the base class that allows methods to identify themselves based on the roles they're allowed to have. All of this could be configured with the web.config if you plan it down. A lot of times the "folder" based method for SQL membership just isn't robust enough.
I suppose as an example, you could build your own (or find one in the System.Security namespace) security enumeration to define access levels and then map access levels from your groups in AD (or wherever) to the enumerations. The methods could then use the security enumeration against your user object to determine if the user's access allows the function.
