In drupal 7 user access only files assigned to him - drupal

Hello I want to user in system have files that only that registered user can open. And there is no other access to it.
Can it be done in Drupal 7 like so: configuration->account settings add new type as file and set it as private? Or there is other better way to achieve that ??

To do it without modules, see this page:
Or here are a couple of modules:

Along with making storing the files in a private folder on your server, try the content access module:
It creates a view own permission on a content type that will allow you to grant view permissions on content only for the owner. You would just create a new content type for this type of file and then grant the proper access for that new content type. It also says in the documentation that the module allows for access control not only at the content type level, but also at the node level.


sulu cms set up multi port website

How can i set up multi portal website in sulu cms?
Example: I will have one admin panel from that i will manage content of site like,,
I try by make copy of file
and make file lilke app/Resources/webspaces/
And in i also add another portal tag in portals but had no luck...
but in admin panel left side i see just one site
How can i do that? Is there any documentation? Any link?
Multiple portals within the same webspace are not visible in the Administration UI, what you want are multiple webspaces. Just create a second XML file as described in our documentation, and make sure you have different URLs setup and both webspaces have a different value in their key tag. Afterwards you have to execute the bin/console sulu:document:init command once more to initialize some nodes.
Maybe also check the logs in var/logs for any errors and warnings, because if you have an error in your webspace configuration file, the new webspace will not show up in the admin UI.
Another thing that could go wrong is that you are missing the permissions to see the new webspace (that usually happens when you create a new webspace after you've executed the command mentioned above). In that case you have to navigate to Settings -> User roles -> Your userrole, and add the missing permissions in the shown matrix.

How to manage access permission in alfresco

Hello Everyone thank's in advance for your help.
I am trying to configure access permission in alfresco and now stuck in a scenario
It would be great help if someone defines proper way to achieve this functionality
now my problem is
I want to create a site (which will be accessible by all user)
then will create folder and sub folder in that site (i am ready to customize content type of those folder if required)
now i want to configure alfresco in such a way that specific set of user can access specific folder and it's content
for example
This is list of user
And this is folder structure
Now how to configure it in such a way that
user1 can access Data->Exam
user2 can access work and all it's child folder
user3 can access Data and all it's child folder
user4 can access Design and all it's child folder and
user5 can access Data->Work, Design->art,Work->W1 folder
Note that i am using CMIS api to generate this folder structure
so is there any way to achieve this by java code only ?
i have read about managing permission but not sure about using it just because when i have tried to provide permission to folder it allow to add only single user
but in my case i want to make group of user and want to make the folder accessible by that particulate group.
Thank you so much for you time :)
If you want to use a group, you'll need to create the group in Alfresco using either the admin console or the Alfresco API. CMIS cannot manage users or groups.
Once your users and groups are in place, you can use CMIS to assign them to ACLs. However, the challenge is that you may need to disable or "break" ACL inheritance to do exactly what you want. You cannot disable ACL inheritance with the CMIS API. You'll have to do it in the UI or through the Alfresco API.
With your users and groups in place and with your folders configured to inherit or not inherit parent permissions as needed, you can now add users and groups to your folders. With CMIS, you can add as many users or groups as you need to a given folder. It is not limited to a single user or group. This page has some examples on using Access Control Entries (ACEs) which make up Access Control Lists (ACLs).
I think that Jeff Potts answer is great i will only add few thing's you can look to this post it will give you an answer how to work with ACL How to get Acls of a document.
You can also use the allowable action in any Folder (or document) it will look like this :
Action a = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT;
object = session.getObjectByPath(idObject); // In case it's a folder
if (object.getAllowableActions().getAllowableActions().contains(a)) {
return Boolean.TRUE;// You can do it
Only remember that you can get the allowable action from String (In case you want work with few of them)
String canCreateFolder= Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER.value();
the most importante Action that you have to use :
can_create_folder = Action.CAN_CREATE_FOLDER.value();
can_create_document = Action.CAN_CREATE_DOCUMENT.value();
can_update_folder = Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES.value();
can_update_document = Action.CAN_UPDATE_PROPERTIES.value();
can_delete_folder = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT.value();
can_delete_document = Action.CAN_DELETE_OBJECT.value();
Hope that helped you.

Is there a module to specify access rules for specific nodes or specific pages?

Is there a Drupal module to specify access rules for specific nodes ?
I don't need to specify them for a generic content type, but for a specific node (nid).
Also I would like to specify permissions on a specific page (let's say a view).
The Content Access module allows you to specify access control per node by role, breaking it down to a granular edit, view or delete permission by role.
Views allows a permission to be set by role under the 'access' option in basic settings. You can therefore set by display giving you quite rich control over what visitors have access to by role.
I've also used Nodeaccess which may be worth looking at. I believe this allows delegation of deciding which roles may edit, delete or update a node to the node author rather than the administrator.
Views has access control built in, you can set permissions for a view from inside the Views UI. When you edit a view there is a setting "Access" where you can set a role or permission that is required to access the view.
"Content Access" has an option for node-specific access, but I never used that part of the module myself (I previously wrote Module Grants, but that functionality came from Content Access).
Other options are Taxonomy Access or TAC lite that apply permissions based on taxonomy.

How to store Blobs in Drupal?

I want to store PDF and Image files in Drupal. By default Drupal seems to store binary/uploaded files into the filesystem. I want to to be able to store files so that - I can have workflows, metadata, IP information and URL aliases?
Update, am still stuck at how to create URL aliases for files on the file system. Drupal only seems to allow creating URL aliases to node content.
The simplest solution for Drupal is to use the Upload module, which is in core. The upload module allows you attach files to nodes. As you note, they are stored in the filesystem.
If you want to get more complex, you can build your own content types through the web interface by using the CCK family of modules (such as the filefield module or the imagefield module). Your files are still stored on the filesystem.
You could use CCK to create the metadata field you want.
You could use the workflow or rules modules to implement workflow.
IP information is recorded automatically by Drupal's logging module (either the database logging module, which logs to the database, or the syslog module, which logs to syslog).
URL aliases for nodes are available in core Drupal by enabling the path module (or download the pathauto module for automatic creation of aliases).
I tried Drupal's Upload module, FileField as well as uploading files using FCKEditor - I prefer the last one - it is closer to my specific scenario.
Creating an alias to the file will likely require some custom code.
It's not possible to simply create an alias using the Administer > Site building > URL aliases screen. I tried inserting a record with
insert into url_alias (src, dst) values ('sites/default/files/ChipotleArt.JPG', 'here-is-the-file.jpg');
That still didn't work. So, you will really likely need to write some custom code.

Drupal How to see document attached to Node for anonymous users

I am finishing up a Drupal site and I have attached a word document on one of my page nodes. I want anonymous people to be able to download it, but they don't even see the document. I do as a logged in user.
Any Ideas?
You need to give anonymous users permission to view uploaded files.
I'm guessing that you used the upload module.
The permissions page is at /admin/user/permissions and under the group "upload module" you are looking for "view uploaded files".
Assuming you only want to enable this one particular file to anonymous users, you can do it without touching permissions, which would affect your whole site.
The simplest way, assuming you have configured downloads as "public" instead of "private" is to just add a link to the document in your page node, like Download myfile.doc
