Storing a char in a char pointer - pointers

I have a global variable that is a *char. My main function header reads as int main(int argc, char* argv[argc]){...}. These two lines of code have to remain the way they are. The first argument of my main function is a number of type *char, that I convert to a char using atoi(...);. I am basically changing the ASCII value to its corresponding character. Now I want to store this local variable character I have into the global variable that is a char pointer. I know the problem is related to allocation of memory, but I am not sure how to go about this.
My code:
char* delim;
int main(int argc, char* argv[argc])
char delimCharacter;
if (isdigit(*(argv[3])) == 0) delim = argv[3]; //you can pass in a character or its ascii value
else { //if the argument is a number, then the ascii value is taken
delimCharacter = atoi((argv[3]));
printf("%s\t,%c,\n", argv[3], delimCharacter);
//sprintf( delim, "%c", delimCharacter ); // a failed attempt to do this
*delim = delimCharacter;
//strncpy(delim, delimCharacter, 1); // another failed attempt to do this
This yields a seg fault.

You need to verify you have got (at least) 3 arguments before you start using them.
if (argc < 4)
printf("Need 3 args");
Then you need to allocate some memory to put the character in.
delim = malloc(2);
// TODO: Should check the result of malloc before using it.
*delim = delimCharacter;
delim[1] = 0; // Need to NULL terminate char*

You're dereferencing an uninitialized pointer. delim never gets initialized when it goes into the else block.

char delim[] = ","; // anything really, as long as as it's one character string
delim[0] = delimCharacter;

In addition to your memory issue, I think you are confused about what atoi does. It parses a string representation of a number and returns the equivalent int value, e.g. "10000" => 10,000. I think that you think it will give you the ASCII value of a character, e.g. "A" =>65.
Since you have a char *, and you are (I think) assuming that it contains a single character, you could simply do this:
delimCharacter = *(argv[3]);
However, there really seems to be no need to use the intermediate step of assigning this value to a char variable at all. If the end goal is to have delim point to the char that is the delimiter, then it seems this is all you need to do:
delim = argv[3];
Not only does this remove unnecessary code, but it means you would no longer need to allocate additional memory for delim to point to.
I would also declare delim as a const char * since I assume there is no reason to change it.


char array variable name want to use in variable in Arduino IDE

i created char array
char Jan1[] = "1,2,3,4";
char Jan2[] = "5,7,3,4";
char Jan3[] = "10,9,3,4";`
the above char arrays i want to use it as shown below in for loop each time it will iterate and print, print is an example i am processing this string further in code, but it is giving error. if instead of yy i use Jan1 then it is printing properly. what is the other way i can use yy as to get print char array as string.
for(int i=1;i<=2;i++)
char yy[4];
String presentMonth = String(yy);
So by the comments it seems that what you want is to print the contents of the JanX variable based on an index variable.
First of all you need to understand the difference between strings as datatypes and variable names. The former are ways to represent a sequence of characters (used mainly, but not only, to display output messages to any sort of output like a file, a console etc..). The latter are names that you use while coding and they can be whatever you want but they will never appear in the final program.
This for instance creates a String (datatype) named hello which contains the sequence of characters h e l l o.
String hello = "Hello";
Nothing prevents me to assign goodbye to it:
hello = "Goodbye"
Serial.print(hello); // This will print "Goodbye"
In general (apart from very hacky ways) you can't retrieve the name of the variable from your program and have them ready in your executable.
char Jan1[] = {'1','2','3'};
String yy = "Jan1"
Serial.print(yy); // This will print "Jan1"
To print the items in Jan1 you need to iterate through the values.
void printItems(char* s,int N){
for ( i = 0; i<N; i++ )
{ Serial.print(s[i]); }
Since Arduino provides the String class, however, it would be better to do this:
String Jan1 = "1,2,3,4";
Serial.print(Jan1); // This iterates under the hood, takes care of the length, and all the good stuff.
You want to do something a little more advanced, you want to point to a particular string based on a variable, then print the content of the retrieved string.
I can think of two ways for doing so: by using an list of strings or via a hashmap.
List of strings
String list[] = {"1,2,3,4" , "4,5,6,7", ... };
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(list)/sizeof(String) ; i++ ){
The reason I am thinking about this is because you want a string as the "index" that let's you lookup the string, so you can "search" by name. The easiest and quickest method I can think of is to declare an array of structs string_name;string_content and use strcmp to iterate through the array of structs until the needed one is found.
typedef struct{ String name; String content;} element_t;
element_t dict[] = { {"Jan1","1,2,3,4"} , {"Jan2","2,3,4,5"} ... }'
// Note this is not even close to perfect (for instance lacks check if key does not exists)
String lookup(element_t DICT, int DICT_SIZE, String key){
// Iterate through the elements, use strcmp to retrieve it
for(int i = 0; i < DICT_SIZE ; i++ ){
if(strcmp(DICT[i].name,key) {
return DICT[i].content;
// Now create the key, as in your code, and then lookup.
for(int i=1;i<=2;i++)
char yy[4];
String presentMonth = lookup(dict,dict_size,yy);

Need to understand how char * strcpy (char *cad1, const char *cad2) works in C

Can't get how a method with this head: char * strcpy (char *cad1, const char *cad2), works in C in this sample:
'char * strcpy (char *cad1, const char *cad2){
char *aux = cad1;
for( ; *cad1++ = *cad2++; );
return cad1;
Starting from the method signature or prototype, that tells a lot about the how it works: we have two parameters together with their respective types and a return type. All parameters in this case are pointers to char, more known as char pointers. Those char pointers are what is used in "C" as strings of characters. One parameter is a const, because that value must not be changed in the function, it MUST keep, the original value.
Strings in "C" have some peculiarities, once the pointer is created to a string it always points to the first characters in the string or index 0, the same as char *v = var[0], and can be incremented passing to the next char in the string such as v++. Other peculiarity in "C" is that all strings represented by char arrays end with a 0 character (ASCII null = 0).
The strcpy version account on that concepts and makes a for loop to copy each element in the char *cad2 to *cad1, that variables MUST be allocated statically or dynamically (malloc) before calling the function, and the return of the function in the code above is a pointer to the original variable (in that case *cad1, normally they return the copied one). In your function it was changed, I mean it is returning the original instead of the copied what looks wrong since you catch in the aux the pointer to the first element of the copied variable and you did not use it.
One good point to observe is the for loop:
for( ; *cad1++ = *cad2++; );
How it works is tricky, the first interesting point is that the for loop has tree parameters, and in "C" all are optional. The first is to initialize, the second is a boolean condition to continuing iterating, and the last one is to increment or decrement.
Next, tricky is is *cad1++ = *cad2++ a boolean expression? The answer is yes, it is. Since in "C" the value 0 (zero) is false, and anything else is true. Remember that I have said strings in "C" finishes always with a 0 (zero), so when evaluating and assigning to the copy the value of a pointer (using *cad1 will return the value pointed by a pointer variable, the star in the begin makes that magic) and reaches the end of the string that will return false and finish the iteration loop.
One point is interesting here, first the evaluation has less priority than the assignment in this case, what makes first the value being copied to the copy variable, then evaluating the boolean expression.
"C" is like this you writes a small code that have large meaning behind it. I hope you have understood the explanation. For further information have a look in "C" pointers at :
char * strcpy (char *cad1, const char *cad2){
for( ; *cad1++ = *cad2++;);
return cad1;
the way this works, at the calling side, it can be used in two ways, but always requires a buffer to write to so the use is simmilar.
char arr[255];
memset(arr,0,sizeof(char) * 255); // clear the garbage initialized array;
strcpy(arr, "this is the text to copy that is 254 characters long or shorter.");
char arr[255];
memset(arr,0,sizeof(char) * 255);
puts(strcpy(arr,"hello C!"));
sense the function returns the pointer to the buffer this works as well.

How can i split a wchar_t / TCHAR / WCHAR / LPTSTR into a QStringList?

While working with the Win32API, the function i must use returns its results by writing them to buffer of type LPTSTR as well as the individual number of characters that were written.enter code here
As this buffer is a string, and the function can return multiple values, the actual result data look something like this:
What is the best way to get this into a QStringList?
LPTSTR = Long Pointer to TCHAR. On modern systems (those with unicode support) this is synonymous with a WCHAR array.
Since your output buffer will contain characters where each is two bytes it is thus compatible with UTF16.
QString has a fromUtf16 static method which requires a simple cast to satisfy the compiler.
In this case, we MUST also specify the total length of the entire string. Failure to do this results in QString only reading the input data up until the first null character, ignoring any other result data.
Once we actually have a QString to work with, splitting it is simple. Call QString's split() method specifying a null character wrapped in a QChar.
Optionally, and required in my case, specifying SplitBehavior as SkipEmptyParts ensures that no empty strings (the result of parsing the null character) end up in my desired result (the QStringList of values).
// The data returned by the API call.
WCHAR *rawResultData = L"Value1\0Value2\0Value3\0";
// The number of individual characters returned.
quint64 numberOfWrittenCharacters = 22;
// Create a QString from the returned data specifying
// the size.
QString rString =
QString::fromUtf16((const ushort *)rawResultData, numberOfWrittenCharacters);
// Finally, split the string into a QStringList
// ignoring empty results.
QStringList results =
rString.split(QChar(L'\0'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);

Which is the most efficient operation to split an integer to two characters in an Arduino?

Which of the following two approches is more efficient on an ATmega328P?
unsigned int value;
unsigned char char_high, char_low;
char_high = value>>8;
value = value<<8;
char_low = value>>8;
unsigned int value;
unsigned char char_high, char_low;
char_high = value>>8;
char_low = value & 0xff;
You really should measure. I won't answer your question (since you'd benefit more from measuring than I would), but I'll give you a third option:
struct {
union {
uint16_t big;
uint8_t small[2];
} nums;
(be aware of the difference between big endian and little endian here)
One option would be to measure it (as has already been said).
Or, compile both and see what the assembly language output looks like.
but actually, the 2nd code you have won't work - if you take value << 8 and assign it to a char, all you get is zero in the char. The subsequent >>8 will still leave you with zero.

How to append this in Qt?

I want to add a new line in this. This is my sample code:
ui->button->setText(" Tips " + "\n" + TipsCount );
This is the error it shows:
invalid operands of types 'const char [7]' and 'const char [2]' to binary 'operator+'
But when I add to label it gets appended!
ui->label->setText(name + "\n" + City );
Can someone please help me?
This is a very common problem in C++ (in general, not just QT).
Thanks to the magic of operator overloading, name + "\n" gets turned into a method call (couldn't say which one since you don't list the type). In other words, because one of the two things is an object with + overloaded it works.
However when you try to do "abc" + "de", it blows up. The reason is because the compiler attempts to add two arrays together. It doesn't understand that you mean concatenation, and tries to treat it as an arithmetic operation.
To correct this, wrap your string literals in the appropriate string object type (std::string or QString most likely).
Here is a little case study:
QString h = "Hello"; // works
QString w = "World"; // works too, of course
QString a = h + "World"; // works
QString b = "Hello" + w; // also works
QString c = "Hello" + "World"; // does not work
String literals in C++ (text in quotes) are not objects and don't have methods...just like numeric values aren't objects. To make a string start acting "object-like" it has to get wrapped up into an object. QString is one of those wrapping objects, as is the std::string in C++.
Yet the behavior you see in a and b show we're somehow able to add a string literal to an object. That comes from the fact that Qt has defined global operator overloads for both the case where the left operand is a QString with the right a const char*: well as the other case where the left is a const char* and the right is a QString:
If those did not exist then you would have had to write:
QString a = h + QString("World");
QString b = QString("Hello") + w;
You could still do that if you want. In that case what you'll cause to run will be the addition overload for both operands as QString:
But if even that didn't exist, you'd have to call a member function. For instance, append():
In fact, you might notice that there's no overload for appending an integer to a string. (There's one for a char, however.) So if your TipsCount is an integer, you'll have to find some way of turning it into a QString. The static number() methods are one way.
So you might find you need:
ui->button->setText(QString(" Tips ") + "\n" + QString::number(TipsCount));
