mongoid references_many referenced_in not working rails - associations

I have a problem with referenced_many and referenced_in relation model.
My model is of following.
Student references_many mobile_numbers
MobileNumber referenced_in Student
Now when i try to do
#mobile = MobileNumber.first
It pops error saying
Document not found for class Student with id(s) 4c47e74ff1936f05f9000015
And #mobile object has student_id : "4c47e74ff1936f05f9000015" as one of its attribute
Is there any thing wrong with my data or with my model

Make sure you're using the latest version of Mongoid. I believe older version used has_many_related and belongs_to_related.


Navigations can only target entity types with keys

I am working on a project with a 'database first' approach rest API backend. I am using ASP .Net Core 3.1 and Entity Framework 3.1.1.
I ran a script to scaffold the database into the models and db context class. However, some of the model building functions have tables/models without keys x.hasnokey(). I thought this would be fine but I get an error trying to hit the endpoint that states
ERROR : InvalidOperationException:
The navigation '' cannot be added because it targets the keyless entity type 'AAA'
Navigations can only target entity types with keys
This happens in a few different locations and this originally ran okay in the past. This is running on SQL Server 2012 (version 11). I am not sure how I can solve this issue, I have limited entity/sql experience and I just don't know where to begin. Here is the offending lines (inside DB Context):
modelBuilder.Entity<AAA>(entity =>
entity.HasOne(d => d.BBB)
.WithMany(p => p.AAA)
.HasForeignKey(d => d.CCC)
The script I used to scaffold the models and db context was (generic version):
PM> Scaffold-DbContext "Server=.\SQLExpress;Database=SchoolDB;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models
I believe this might be that the database that was originally created about 10-15 years ago, cannot be made into an ORM so easily as I would have hoped. It could also a versioning issue, the scaffolding script I ran is incorrect, or if I just am out of my depth but I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction. Thank you!
This error usually comes because of Primary Key issue.
In my Case I was running this query and result was same problem you mentioned
var exists = await _dbDontext.Students.FindAsync(Id);
My Student table has relations with other tables and one of other tables was missing Primary Key.
So two Possible Solutions .
Solution 1 :
Make Primary Key column in your table that is mentioned in your error.
Solution 2 :
If things are complicated , just delete the table and Re Create It. It would work fine
I think you have two options,
1- Go and add key to the table.
2- check the following link

Drupal 8: Mismatched entity and/or field definitions

While trying to understand why my view is not displaying, I noticed the following error in the log:
I do not think it is possible to delete the URL alias from Taxonomy terms. At least I cannot find how to do this.
I have, however gone through ALL of my taxonomy terms and removed the value for this field.
I have also done the following with Pathauto:
Also, I have checked the report located at admin/reports/fields and can confirm that there are no entities that use a field called URL alias.
I have gone through each content item and ensured that they have the following setting (anyone know how to do this in bulk?). But still the error remains.
Anyone know then how I can fix this strange error?
Im not entirely sure what this command does, but it fixed the error:
drush updb --entity-updates
Since, the magic in Drupal core that took care of updating entity definitions is gone. drush updb --entiy-updates is an alternative to this but it is not a silver bullet. Instead, it is safer to write database updates.
Taking the screenshot at the top as an example, here is a database update that would delete those two field definitions:
* Fix taxonomy and node field definitions.
function mymodule_update_8101() {
$manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
if ($field = $manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('alias', 'node')) {
if ($field = $manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('alias', 'term')) {
Have a look at the rest of the available methods at in order to write database updates for each scenario.
use the entity_update module or the devel_entity_updates module

Symfony2 passed argument is null

I'm building a CRM system and I faced a weird problem I'm unable to solve. When I try to create a new CustomerCase entity, I want to assign a CaseState entity for it, so this is what I do in the createAction of CustomerCaseController.php:
$caseStateId = $request->request->get('caseState_id');
$caseState = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('HSWAshaBundle:CaseState')->findOneById($caseStateId);
$entity = new CustomerCase();
...... etc.....
Everything works just fine until the setCaseState method. After running setCaseState, I get the following error:
Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to HSW\AshaBundle\Entity\CustomerCase::setCaseState() must be an instance of HSW\AshaBundle\Entity\CaseState, null given, called in /home/webuser/Symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Util/PropertyPath.php on line 538 and defined in /home/webuser/Symfony/src/HSW/AshaBundle/Entity/CustomerCase.php line 843
The weird part is that $caseState really is a CaseState object (because for example $caseState->getName() works and gives me the correct name for the selected CaseState). For some mind blowing reason it just turns null when I use the setCaseState method. If I do $entity->setCaseState($customerStateObject->getId()), I get the same error message, but this time null changes to integer.
The CustomerCase has a manyToOne relationship with CaseState.
This works just fine if I use the formBuilder's add() method and skip all this manual work, but since I'm using a very specific auto-populating jQuery dropdown for selecting the CaseState from a nested tree structure, I had to manually add the dropdown and read it with $request->request->get().
I've been fighting with this part for almost three days now and would greatly appreciate every help I can get with this!
Finally I got it to work! The reason was $request was missing some parameters because the twig template was missing form_rest(form). After adding that, everything started to work. Thank you!

ASP.NET: Errors in autogenerated .Designer.cs file for Model

I'm new to ASP.NET and having a problem with a tutorial.
I've created a new MVC4 Project in VS2012 Express for Web.
And I've added a SQL Database with 1 Table "Persons" and filled it with some random testdata:
Id int (primary key, is identity=true)
name varchar(50)
birthdate date
adam 01.01.2001
berta 02.02.2002
As a Model I've used ADO.NET Entity Data Model, named it "PersonsModel.edmx"
and used the Personsdatabase for it.
To see the PersonsModel.Designer.cs file, I activated "Codegeneration Status" to "Standard". Refreshed and clicked on the PersonsModel.Designer.cs file.
But in this file I've errors... So I wanted to use something like this in my controller:
PersonsEntities1 db = new PersonsEntities();
but it doesn't work, and I think(?) it's because of the errors in the .Designer.cs file.
PersonsModel.Designer.cs: e.g.:
public PersonsEntities1() : base("name=PersonsEntities1", "PersonsEntities1")
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
errors in the base: ... line
and in ContextOptions.
Unfortunately I've no english VS, but it says something like:
The best accordance für the overloaded System.Data.Entity.DbContext(string, System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbCompiledModel)-Method has some invalid arguments
And no definition found for "ContextOptions", there is no method "ContextOptions" which accepts "MvcApplication7.Models.PersonsEntities1" as a first argument.
I'm a bit confused, because I did it like in the tutorial explained.
I think this code is in error:
base("name=PersonsEntities1", "PersonsEntities1")
There is no constructor that takes two strings. Your second argument is supposed to be of type DbCompiledModel. (See here.)
Now, I don't know why your designer would produce code that can't compile, so I'm wondering whether you have the wrong version of Entity Framework installed.
Apparently the problem was VS2012. It all works with VS2010.
I've downloaded the installer again from and added Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. After installation of VS2010 and all dependencies I tried the tutorial again and all works fine now. No wrong code in the .Designer.cs file :).
Thanks a lot Ann L. for your support. Your hint (wrong version of Entity Framework installed) prompt me to try another VS version.
In addition I've to say: I also tried VS2012 Ultimate (complete DVD version) but it didn't help.

Error while posting Purchase Packing Slip Through X++

I have been trying to post packing slip from code. I have tried several ways but unfortunately without success.
My code is below:
purchTable = PurchTable::find('PO0012555');
purchFormLetter = PurchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip);
numberSeq = NumberSeq::newGetNum(PurchParameters::numRefPurchPackingSlipId()).num();
"14",// numberSeq, //this is coming out blank
When I tried to execute, I was getting this error:
Inventory is closed for physical and financial transactions until
Do you have any idea? Any help will be appreciated.
My guess: your transDate variable does not have a valid date.
Using the cross reference you see the error only occurs in the checkOpen method of the table InventClosing.
Feel free to add a breakpoint here!
The method will fail if called with a blank transaction date.
Are you posting to a closed period? What is transdate? Check (General Ledger>Setup>Periods>Periods)
Thanks to masters who tried to help me but I figured out my problem. There is no problem about my code or anywhere.
We are working on this project with another consulting company. Somehow, one of developer who works other company remarked (commented) transdate line at PurchFormLetter class without any information.
So, when I tried to set transdate value at "purchFormLetter.transDate(transDate)" line, PurchFormLetter could not able to set the value cause of remarked line.
I uncommented the line and the code worked like a charm.
