Using iGoogle Gadgets API with a custom website -

Is it possible to use Google iGadget API with my ASP.NET website or it just can be used to develop gadgets for iGoogle portal only ?

You just need a compliant gadget container. Take a look at Apache Shindig for an open source example. Not sure if there's anything specifically for ASP.NET, though...
UPDATE: Looks like Pesta might be a possibility.


What Platform Use for the Site?

I want to make a website more likely like the site with is a real estate site. I can see that some pages have WordPress Structure but the homepage doesn't have that WordPress imprint and I do wonder what 3rd Party System do they use?
Thanks if you answer my question.
This web is using ReactJS. To get the details there are two ways
Easy: Use or
Advanced : Go to Developer tool of the browser and get the details. Specifically for this web you can see the worker processes, this is one of the hint that they are using any JS framework.

How to see if a google site is updated

I'm planning to use Google Sites API - Revision Feed in order to check if a google site is updated.(what I mean by google site Also I may use it in Laravel or WP. Do you have any other platform or way suggestion that will make it easier and more efficient?
I give a good gadget for that.
"Subscribe to changes for Sites viewers"
I use this on my Google sites and it's really nice.

search my site with the help of google in

i want to search my site with the help of google. search result will show in my page and no google related icon will show as if user will feel the search functionality is internal. how could i implement in thanks
Ah, you are looking for Google Site Search.
It provides custom branded, in-page results.
Google's free, slightly striped down version is pretty good too: Google Custom Search
You could use the Google Search API to accomplish that. Here are some examples, how you could do it:
ASP.NET web client for Google Web API
Using the Google search API from ASP.NET
Google Search API implementation in Tutorial

ASP.NET: Internal Site Search

I'm searching for some internal site search code.
The scenario is:
I'm having a site in which the content comes from database (CMS) which makes the pages dynamic. So the search tool should search this dynamic content too.
I don't want to use readymade search engines like google, bing etc....
Do I need to make my own search control for this or would I get a ready code? If I would have to make my own then what approach should I take?
Lucene.NET can search files and database, or any text-based content. See here how to start. You can also buy a book. For documentation, you can search for Java examples, wikis and docs, because it's direct port so most of concepts for on .NET version also.
You can use google search to search in your pages, see
How can I add a Google search box to my Web site?

Google site page in an iframe

I'm building a quite large Flex application as our administration tools and I need build in documentation functionality. I want this documentation to be like a wiki and as we're using Google apps I though I'd use Google sites to host the wiki pages (why reinvet the weel...).
To include the wiki page in Flex I'm using the component that uses an iframe.
The problem is that it seem that google site uses some form of iframe javascript breakout script and that when i load the iframe the entire page is loaded with the wiki page.
You could try an anti-frame-busting script like the one on Jeff's site. Normally I wouldn't recommend that, but it seems like you have a legitimate need for it here.
