Need a wordpress plugin for Google analytics, favicon! - wordpress

I am using wordpress for my site. My site needs to add google analytics, favicon, meta keywords, meta descriptions. I searched plugin for this. I found different plugins for each. Can anyone suggest me a plugin which can add google analytis, favicon, metakeywords and meta description?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance

These are different functionalities and are properly handled by different plugins. Install the plugins you need. On Linux platforms, you can often just put the favicon in the sites root directory and not use a plugin.

As far as I know, the keywords and description meta tags are ignored by all search engines because spammers exploit the heck out of them. I suggest not bothering with them. However, if you still want to, read what the WordPress guys say.
As for Google Analytics and favicons, here are the plugins I recommend:
Shockingly Simple Favicon
Google Analytics for WordPress
Google Analytics Dashboard (Optional, but very useful. Shows an Analytics summary in your WordPress dashboard to save you time.)
Don't forget to also add a favicon.ico to your site root (even an empty one will do) to stop browsers from repeatedly attempting to retrieve it. (Don't believe me? Install any WordPress favicon plugin and then check your server logs.)
The favicon.ico in the site root will appear temporarily until the page has loaded enough for the <head> to be parsed and the new icon loaded, so I suggest not leaving it empty. Some sites (eg. deviantART) even take advantage of that to display different icons for "loading" and "loaded".


Why is the blog section of my wordpress site not on Google?

I recently started a website,(,
I made a seperate sub directory for my blog section and added wordpress to it with Ocean WP theme. I realized that my posts are not coming up on google, site indexing is failing everytime.
I do not understand what is wrong with the site?
Does installing seperate wordpress in my subdirectory affect google somehow?
I just want my posts to show up on google.
The SEO is very well done and properly optimized, also if anyone can check
can you check if my blog is mobile friendly because it shows up perfectly on my iphone, but google says its not mobile friendly.
The sitemaps are not being indexed too.This is the sitemap index
Make sure you don't have checked "Search Engine Visibility" option in Reading Settings on admin.
The option you will find here in admin side:

Sitemap Generator detect Only Home Page and also screaming frog detects only homepage

I am trying to generate sitemap for my website but its detecting only homepage. The following generator I used
Even Yoast SEO plugin sitemap is not accepted in google webmaster tool where it says "
Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead."
Anyone please help me to find the solution for this problem.
Keep using Yoast SEO plugin, it also generates XML sitemaps, just enable the option then upload them to google webmaster tool.
Here is how this can be done:
You might also want to make sure that only things that you want to be indexed in Google index are existing in the sitemaps, because Yoast SEO generates XML maps for all posts types, testimonies, bookings, etc... (This can be also customized)

Upload info that appear when share web link on Facebook

I have made a website. I did it with wordpress, making a custom theme.
All works fine, but I have a problem.
When I share any url on facebook, the info is not showed correctly. Only shows correctly if I go to open graph stories and I fetch the newest info.
I must do it for any url of the website?
Is posible do it for all urls once?
Or any other option?
Thank you!
I would propose to check if ALL your OG tags are correct,
or just simply use Facebook OGP plugin for Wordpress, which makes your work easy. Search WP plugins here

Google Analytics not tracking a Wordpress directory

Just wondered if there is a known issue with GA having trouble tracking a site which has a Wordpress directory?
It seems to be able to track all of my other pages on the site, but we have a /news/ directory which is powered by Wordpress and it doesn't pick this up at all. It is obviously an issue with the fact that this directory is a Wordpress blog, but there must be a way to track it with all of the other pages.
Aaahhh... Sounds like the google analytics tracking code is present on your main site pages, but is not included in the wordpress template that's applied to that sub-section of your site.
The GA tracking code must be visible to google on every page you want to have tracked.
Try 'View Source' in your browser, and check wether the analytics tracking code is present.
If not, you could hard-code the GA tracking code in, or use one of the free WordPress Plugins to do it for you, like 'Google Analytics':
Hope this helps - post back if you're still having problems!
It may not be related, but did you check if your blog is indexable? Under Settings -> Privacy you can check if its enabled.
Another option is to install a google analytics plugin for the blog. If you enter the same credentials from your already-in-use GA it should be combined. I'm using this one on my blog and its working.

Cannot see my wordpress website on google search

Hi guys I recently uploaded a site made with wordpress.
The site url is
I have set on the privacy settings of wordpress for the site to be visible by search engines. However after almost 45 days the site is invisible on google even when I'm searching using the url name and very specific keywords.
Since I have made quite a few sites with wordpress I have never seen this behavior before. Sites will eventually be visible to google engine, sometimes even in the first day.
However in this case the site does not show nowhere in the first 20 pages.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should create two files robots.txt and sitemap.xml and upload on your site and then google crawler will come to your site. You can use Google Webmaster Tool for that.
Also, there are some wordpress plugins available to create sitemaps for example. See this:
