Sitemap Generator detect Only Home Page and also screaming frog detects only homepage - wordpress

I am trying to generate sitemap for my website but its detecting only homepage. The following generator I used
Even Yoast SEO plugin sitemap is not accepted in google webmaster tool where it says "
Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead."
Anyone please help me to find the solution for this problem.

Keep using Yoast SEO plugin, it also generates XML sitemaps, just enable the option then upload them to google webmaster tool.
Here is how this can be done:
You might also want to make sure that only things that you want to be indexed in Google index are existing in the sitemaps, because Yoast SEO generates XML maps for all posts types, testimonies, bookings, etc... (This can be also customized)


Unable to get Google to index certain pages on website

WordPress website
Checked and no security issues
Checked and not black listed
Checked correct settings in Yoast
Checked basics in Google Search Console
Checked asked Google to reindex pages with issues
Pages appear in the sitemap
25 pages are indexed on the site so know there is no wider issue
Have a client website the issue is that many of the pages are not being indexed by Google. Have taken all the above steps, and see no issue with the way pages are built.
Example page with issue indexing is
Any help would be handy, going crazy with this.
Have requested indexing of pages several times over the last 3-4 weeks.
Is there anything else I can do or try to get these pages indexed?
Once try the Rankmath SEO plugin and add the sitemap url to Google Console provided by Rankmath and check wether the pages is indexing or not.
Check the Yoast setting of the page which is not indexing and make sure it is set to "index"

wordpress images not being indexed on google search console

this is the search console view of my webpage
it's for 1 week we launched and submitted our web domain on google by yet just 15 images out of total 59 images are indexed or crawled by google. so now we have gotten frustrated by the issue this is while 70 out total 77 submitted webpages have been indexed by google. so now we request you team to provide us the solution.
Thanks a lot in advance for you taking time on the issue
Content Mamager
Just you need to install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO.
From the dashboard, you need to enable the Sitemap from SEO Plugin for media attachments, post, pages, categories, tags.
Now in your google webmaster settings submit the sitemap link created.
You can submit the one file that is index file of sitemap or you can submit the different listed files in that index, the result is the same.
Google will index your sitemap slowly but it will.

Upload info that appear when share web link on Facebook

I have made a website. I did it with wordpress, making a custom theme.
All works fine, but I have a problem.
When I share any url on facebook, the info is not showed correctly. Only shows correctly if I go to open graph stories and I fetch the newest info.
I must do it for any url of the website?
Is posible do it for all urls once?
Or any other option?
Thank you!
I would propose to check if ALL your OG tags are correct,
or just simply use Facebook OGP plugin for Wordpress, which makes your work easy. Search WP plugins here

Webmaster Sitemap error

I'm getting 1,509 errors reported for my sitemap in google webmaster tools.
The sitemap is generated by Wordpress plugin All in one SEO pack.
In order to rule out a problem with the plugin, I installed another plugin to generate the following sitemap:
When added to webmaster tools it also errors.
The error is in the below image.
It must be something I've done, but for the life of me i can't work out what. Can anybody see anything obvious??
Still not sure why it happened (or indeed why with 3 different sitemap plugins).
However editing the XML sitemap manually to sue full urls worked for google webmasters to accept it error free.

Need a wordpress plugin for Google analytics, favicon!

I am using wordpress for my site. My site needs to add google analytics, favicon, meta keywords, meta descriptions. I searched plugin for this. I found different plugins for each. Can anyone suggest me a plugin which can add google analytis, favicon, metakeywords and meta description?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
These are different functionalities and are properly handled by different plugins. Install the plugins you need. On Linux platforms, you can often just put the favicon in the sites root directory and not use a plugin.
As far as I know, the keywords and description meta tags are ignored by all search engines because spammers exploit the heck out of them. I suggest not bothering with them. However, if you still want to, read what the WordPress guys say.
As for Google Analytics and favicons, here are the plugins I recommend:
Shockingly Simple Favicon
Google Analytics for WordPress
Google Analytics Dashboard (Optional, but very useful. Shows an Analytics summary in your WordPress dashboard to save you time.)
Don't forget to also add a favicon.ico to your site root (even an empty one will do) to stop browsers from repeatedly attempting to retrieve it. (Don't believe me? Install any WordPress favicon plugin and then check your server logs.)
The favicon.ico in the site root will appear temporarily until the page has loaded enough for the <head> to be parsed and the new icon loaded, so I suggest not leaving it empty. Some sites (eg. deviantART) even take advantage of that to display different icons for "loading" and "loaded".
