I heared the cairngorm is not a framework and parsely framework is inbuilt(IOC container). So we here no need to use the frontcontroler to control the request to respose. Can any one please send ma clear architecture of the cairngorm3.
I had searched documents for cairngorm 3 architecture but not found anywhere.
Is it necessary to know the cairngorm2 or parsely framework (IoC container) or design patterns for learning cairngorm3 architecture.?
Everything you need is written here :
As already said , Cairngorm3 is not a framework, it's more like an architecture blueprint, guidelines and some libraries. So you can use CG3 with a "standard" MVC framework. I would stay away from Cairngorm2 if I were you.
Adobe uses mainly Parsley, but you can use CG3 with Swiz, Spring Source, Robotlegs, ...
I am core java and Java EE developer with loads of experience in UI and web applications. I have encountered in a project now which has Flex and ActionScript as technologies for development and i have totally no idea about what is the above two and never worked in technical environment.
I just wanted a start as how it works, what the things to be taken care of to start with PureMVC and Flex coding.
Examples are Java has class files as output, we need to code in .java and literals expressions methods and classes. What's dere in flex and AS?
Is PureMVC same as MVC used in web applications?
PureMVC is an MVC framework with a flex port (actually, the original was developed in flex and later ported to other platforms). It was one of the first frameworks (along with Cairngorm) to be released for flex. I find it to be a little restrictive myself with a learning curve.
You'll find AS3 to be somewhat natural for a Java developer. The syntax may be a little funky, but you will have most of what you want directly translated to AS3. AS3 source files end in *.as and the output is either a *.swf (executable) or a *.swc (library).
If you pick up flex, you'll also find *.mxml files which is its markup language. The fundamental difference between MXML and programming in Android's XML template or webdevelopment with HTML is that the MXML file actually compiles to a pure actionscript class.
For a Java developer, I would recommend that you take a look at spring actionscript. It one of the first (if not the first) dependency injection frameworks and comes out of the port directly from Java Spring. You will get your annotation-based injection or injection through XML configuration.
Personally, if I were to start from scratch as a beginner, my framework of choice is swiz for its simplicity.
I not really recommend you start with PureMVC and Flex. Most of all enterprise solution use Parsley + Flex. Parsley very similar to Spring and you as Java and Java EE developer will be more easy understand how it work.
I have been working for 4 years as a PHP developer and I'm currently transferring to ASP.NET (Since I have 4 years of C# experience too, and selected PHP because of specific conditions - now I wish to use my C# knowledge and the .NET Framework is impressive).
When developing with PHP, I always use a framework - or something I've wrote myself (I'm working as a software architect...) or Zend Framework / Yii etc - the reasons is lack of classes, tools and OOP in PHP (such as MVC, ACL, Cache etc.)
When working with ASP.NET MVC 3, I see that combining the MVC framework and the general .NET framework I have many tools, and here is my point: when developing in ASP.NET, do you need to use any other framework than .NET? (just like in PHP I'm using Zend).
If so, there's any recommended frameworks?
Thanks! :)
In a .Net world, there are many options infront of you. see below popular vendors;
But most of the time, asp.net is perfect itself. And when you are talking about mvc3. You can use another view engine instead of using Razor(the default one) such as spark. So, i mean that asp.net itself can be expended accroding to your needs.
And when you are working with mvc3, then you have best choice which entity framework. There is alot of support out there for this framework. So good luck in this.
Yes, there are other frameworks that you can choose to use alongside .NET MVC - but I myself haven't chosen to utilize them in any recent projects. Here are a few examples aside from what others have already pointed out:
That said, while I don't personally use frameworks like I mentioned above here in no particular order are a few tools that I have found that I have come to rely on while developing applications within ASP.net MVC:
Fluent Nhibernate - If you choose to use Nhibernate as your ORM
Ninject - Dependency Injector
AutoMapper - object - object mapper
ELMAH - error logging facility
lg4net - logging etc
Check out Telerik http://www.telerik.com/ They have some great tools like their RadGrids and specific imput textboxes that once you get used to will save a ton of time and add a lot more flexibility. Definitely worth a look.
No THE framework has everything you normally need. But the amount of tooling available is tremendous! We use asp.net 4.0 but we choose DevExpress controlls to get nice look and feel and functionality that would cost too much to build myself.
We worked with almost every component builder in the last 10 years but DevExpress is our favorite for one simple reason. Super fast support! And I agree with the above comment about Infragistics very disapointing support!
But again those vendors or other community frameworks are there too make our life even simpler. By itself THE framework can solve almost everything from THE core libraries.
Good luck switching to C# again my favorite language too!
I am fresh out of college and I've been put on a project using the technologies/techniques mentioned in the title. It's all a bit mind boggling to learn these new patterns on such a large codebase so I was wondering if there is a sample app somewhere (something ridiculously basic like a phonebook maybe?) that will demo these patterns. Thanks!
(Castle Windsor is the framework in use and then there's a custom built ORM library)
"Who can help me" is a nice reference web app using Sharp Architecture (ASP.NET MVC, NHibernate, Windsor, repositories). It's not a trivial app though, but in a trivial app you wouldn't see how these technologies fit together anyway.
I liked the sharparchitecture.net Tutorial. Although it is a tutorial about sharparchitecture it covers testdrivendevelopment(TDD), ASP.NET, DDD, Repository Pattern and the use of Interfaces which is the base of IoC.
I am looking for an example of an asp.net website(with source), implemented with 3 layer architecture and has some complexities like user authentication and user permissions, etc. .
Does anybody know such an example?
If you're favouring ASP.NET MVC (and I would suggest you should be) then Nerd Dinner (source) is one of the best examples on structuring an application.
Personally I feel that rather than focus on n-Tier/3-Tier architectures you should focus your efforts on responsibly designing web applications using principles like SOLID.
KiGG is a nice application to use for reference.
Source code can be found on codeplex: http://kigg.codeplex.com/
Now before I dive too far into this this question, I am aware of nDjango and MonoRail; however, those project seem to be lacking.
What I'm wondering is if there is a solution out in the .Net world that has the following features out of a single box like Rails has in Ruby or Django has for Python. I know tools that do pieces but am curious if there's 1 unified solution out there.
Database Versioning/Migrations
ORM or similar code gen
Pre-generated administrative screens
View generation
Theming / styling
(I'm sure I'm forgetting another cornerstone feature)
There's lots of options that cover one or more of these aspects but is there something in .Net that covers all of them?
I have not yet found a solution as you have described, but as you know there are bits and pieces that could be used together to provide a stack that is close:
Database Versioning/Migrations - DotNetMigrations
ORM or similar code gen - Nhibernate, Entity Framework
MVC-based - native to ASP.NET MVC
Pre-generated administrative screens - PLINQO
view generation - available in Entity Framework or CodeSmith templates, PLINQO
Theming / styling - native to ASP.NET
This would provide a stack that is .NET and not another ecosystem sitting on top of a .NET substrate.
You can actually run Rails under the .NET DLR. This allows you to not only access the feature set Rails provides, but also everything else which is available in the .NET ecosystem.
I haven't found a one click installer which gives me everything on your list, but, as you say, I have found excellent solutions for each point on your list which integrate well.
I'm honestly not sure how close this gets you, but S#arp Architecture seems to be trying to cover a lot of this ground in a single package.
There is a django for .net, the name is django!
In the web there is a lot of post about django running with ironpython (a implementation of python for the "virtual machine" of C#, CLR, i think)
there is also ndjango - the django templating language written in f# for .net. you can use it with bistro or asp.net mvc (or whatever else that you plug it into)