Live Radio on Blog - wordpress

I'm trying to get a live radio stream to play on my WordPress (.com) blog. Is there a widget I could use to achieve this? Can I use the RSS widget to accomplish this? I tried pasting the live stream link into this widget but the station's blog feed displayed on my blog. Any assistence will be appreciated. Thanks is very limited in terms of what you can do. See Audio « Support — If you want to stream audio, you need your own self-hosted Wordpress site: Getting Started with WordPress at


Can I see WP blog in SHP Online?

I want to see Wordpress blog (from already existing wordpress page) to my new SharePoint site. Is it possible? If so, what should I obtain to make it work?
It would be best to see it for example as newsfeed..
Yes it is possible.
You can use the default WordPress RSS feed of your Blog ( at the address URL:
Then on your SharePoint Site you will have to Add and configure the RSS Viewer Web Part as described on the Step 2 of the official documentation.
If so, what should I obtain to make it work?
You will gain content on your SharePoint Site with possible links to your WordPress blog.

Link Youtube Channel In Wordpress Site

I am trying to develop a site where people can find and view videos of my activities from my youtube channel. I am quite new to wordpress but I decided to use it to achieve this purpose.
I have been looking for a wordpress plugin to use to display all the videos from my youtube channel but I have not found any. I used these plugins Youtube Channel Gallery and YouTube Upload Widget, but none of them work the way I want, they are only able to import one video at a time only when you input the video url. But what I want is to for my video library on my site to update as the videos in my youtube channel updates.
I would appreciate all answers thanks.
If you are not sure how to configure this plugin Youtube Channel Gallery . See the link below :

How to embed videos in posts or pages in wordpress?

Hello i have already brought my server videos to medial library by "Add From Server" plugin. Now i'm trying to embed that video to post or pages of wordpress i am unable to embed it, i used many plugins but none of them worked. Any suggetions please.
Thankyou in advance
If your Wordpress install is up-to-date, in your post editor, just click the Add Media button above the post editor, and select your media. Wordpress will build out an HTML5 video tag that will play your video for the majority of site users.

RSS Feeds WordPress (.COM)

Is there a way (hack or work-around) to display RSS feeds on a page in a WordPress (.com) blog? I do not want to use the RSS widget because I do not want the feed to be displayed on every page. Thanks in advance. doesn't allow javascript, which is probably the only other way for this to work. Maybe you should move to
Can you run javascript on a page at .com?
Developer's Guide - Google AJAX Feed API - Google Code
If not, might be time to self-host Wordpress. There are cheap hosts out there.

Easily incorporate blog feed into site

I built a site for a client not too long ago and built it fairly standard. Now she has a Wordpress blog and would like an area on the main site to have links to the most recent blog posts. Is there an easy way for me to pull a list of the most recent posts into this content area without having to chop the page up into a Wordpress template?
You want to place the WP feed on the static site? Maybe Developer's Guide - Google AJAX Feed API - Google Code
I have a WordPress blog integrated into my hand-coded site. I use SimplePie to display my latest posts on my website's home page. I wrote a blog post about how to do this - Displaying WordPress posts on a separate web page. Hopefully that will work for you as well. Let me know if you need more information or help.
