Custom URL aliases in Drupal 6 - drupal

I have several pages in my drupal website that produce custom query strings. The query string values and aliases I want to use are referenced from a MYSQL database.
I've seen examples for this in Drupal 5 using the custom_url_rewrite function but not in 6... can somebody provide me with an example of how to do this?

It's not clear to me exactly what it is you want to do, but the function you reference, has been divided into two functions in Drupal 6: custom_url_rewrite_outbound() and custom_url_rewrite_inbound().
I don't hope you will use the url run queries against your database, that can quickly become a gaping security hole.

The path module is part of core and does what I think you want, with a little coding. You may also find PathAuto will help you.


Search multiple plone site indexes

I need to implement a central search for multiple plone sites on different servers/machines.If there is a way to select which sites to search would be a plus but not the primary concern.Few ways I came upon to go about this:
-Export the ZCatalog indexes to an XML file and use a crawler periodically to get all the XML files so a search can be done on them,but this way does not allow for live searching.
-There is a way to use a common catalog but its not optimal and cannot be implemented on the sites i am working on because of some requirements.
-I read somewhere that they used solr but i need help on how to use it.
But I need a way to use the existing ZCatalog and index and not create another index as i think is the case with using solr due to the extra overheads and the extra index required to be maintained.But will use it if no other solution possible.I am a beginner at searching so please give details as much as possible.
You should really look into collective.solr:
Searching multiple sites is a complex use case and you most likely need a solution that scales. In the end it will require far less effort to go with Solr instead of coming up with your own solution. Solr is build for these kind of requirements.
As an alternative, you can also use collective.elasticindex, an extension to index Plone content into ElasticSearch, for this.
According to its documentation:
This doesn’t replace the Plone catalog with ElasticSearch, nor
interact with the Plone catalog at all, it merely index content inside
ElasticSearch when it is modified or published.
In addition to this, it provides a simple search page called
search.html that queries ElasticSearch using Javascript (so Plone is
not involved in searching) and propose the same features than the
default Plone search page. A search portlet let you redirect people to
this new search page as well.
That can be and advantage over collective.solr.

Possible to search through all JSPs in Adobe CQ5 repository with CRXDE?

We have a couple of relatively simple websites running on Adobe CQ 5.5 that were developed by a third party. I'm pretty familiar with how CQ works, but I'm working with somebody else's code here and I need to be able to search through all components in the system for a particular string.
The issue is that I can't seem to find a way to search across all of the various .jsp files stored with the various system components. I would have figured that the query tool in CRXDE Lite would have done the trick with something like this:
/jcr:root//*[jcr:contains(., 'Find this exact string in a JSP')] order by #jcr:score
But I've had no luck.
What I am looking for is some sort of global search that includes JSP files. Is that possible? Were I using a regular Java system, any IDE worth the download would be able to do this.
Might not be easiest way, but you can use the VLT tool to checkout the repository into your filesystem. Then you can lookup using whatever tool you prefer. It might even be faster in the long run
I don't have the actual answer but I suppose the JSPs are indexed via a filter that strips out some of their content.
It should be possible to configure the repository to index them as is instead, based on the info at and
Sorry about the vagueness of this answer - I know the basic principles but to provide the details I would need more time than I can afford now ;-)

Field data in one table, not many. for drupal7

I am working with the commerce module to create an online store. I am modifying the products .install file to create a content type (as I have been told this is required) and as part of that content type, I need to create lots of fields. The list will be around 50-60 different pieces of information.
Ideally I would like to store these in a single table with the productID at the beginning and all the other information along, but this doesn't seem to be the case; all the fields are stored in different tables.
I noticed that the "Address" module that is also used with commerce creates a field-type that has about 15 different values all stored in the same box. How is this possible? I noticed that if I set the cardinality up to 5 for example, it creates different rows. I just want a table with the following:
ID - value1 - value2 - value3 etc etc.
I also don't need any modules/extensions as this all needs to be written in the files. I also don't think that changing to the mongoDB ( I think ) is an option, so what are my options in this situation?
That's not how the Drupal field system works I'm afraid, one field == one table (well actually 2 tables if you include the revision table for each field).
The Address module uses hook_field_schema() to define several columns for that particular field (have a look in address.install and you'll see what I mean).
So if you want to put everything in one table you'll simply have to define your own field type (see the examples module, specifically field_example for help with that).
Bear in mind though that the number of columns you define in hook_field_schema() will be static once the module is installed, and the only way you're going to be able to increase/decrease it is with an _update hook for your custom module.
Also, if you're hacking at files that are included in the Commerce module...stop!: Commerce is still very much in it's infancy and you will likely have to update it soon...once you've done that your code changes will be gone and there's a good chance your site will be in an inconsistent state.
The whole point to Drupal is that everything is hooked/farmed out so that it can be altered by other parts of the system. There's nothing you can change in product.install that can't be done by implementing a Drupal hook in another module.
If you're unsure, post another question detailing what you're trying to accomplish by directly editing a contrib module file and one of the Drupal gurus on SO will point you in the right direction :-)
Just to say I've been working with Ubercart in Drupal 7 for quite some time now and find it a very, very good solution (a lot of Commerce contributed modules are still in dev/alpha/beta; this is less so for Ubercart contributed modules). It might be worth a look.
Some more info
I think you've basically got two options here but either way you'll need to create a custom module (excellent set of instructions here).
Option 1: Create a custom field
If you're a Drupal coding beginner I'd suggest this is probably the easiest way to accomplish what you want, but it's still not totally straight forward. Grab the field_example module from the Drupal Examples module link above and have a look in the .install file, specifically the field_example_field_schema() function. That defines the columns that will be in the table for that field. Then have a look in field_example.module...pretty much every function that's commented with Implements hook_x is one that you're going to want to copy into your module and tweak for your own needs.
I think this will be easier because Drupal will handle the table/form field creation for you
so you don't have to mess with the database, schema or form APIs.
Option 2: Create a custom module
This option involves implementing your own table (like you suggest in your comment) where the primary key would be the entity ID of the product and would also contain all of your custom columns. (See the Schema API documentation for help with this).
Then you'd implement hook_form_alter() to add the form fields necessary for a user to input the data, and then implement hook_node_insert() and hook_node_update() to persist this data to your database table. It's quite hard to go into any more detail without actually writing code and it's quite a bit of code!
Hope that helps, sorry I can't be any more specific but it's not easy without knowing all the ins and outs of the situation

could i add some variables into the drupal node body?

when i create an article useing the story type,could i add some variables into the body's textarea.then can invoke the variable and output it. thank you.
the drupal version is 6.
Inserting textual placeholders to be replaced by actual values on render is the purpose of the filters system in Drupal. Token filter provides, well, token replacement and is an handy tools if your need replacement for tokenized values. But there are plenty of filters for Drupal 6.x and you can even define your own in a custom module. The Custom filter can help for this. You can also use token filter and define your own token in your custom module.
A simple solution is to use the PHP filter but this is a insecure way of doing it. Also, putting PHP code in node (or any content) is a maintenance nightmare and a bad habits. You would be better doing it properly from the start.
Contrib modules would be the way to go, unless you feel comfortable with PHP in which case you can just use the PHP filter. Depending on what variables you need you can try one of: and
There are a couple of others (I like insert view) but they're currently not marked for production use.

How to programmatically add new nodequeue?

I'm writing an install file for a custom module, that needs to create some new nodequeues. But a drupal and google search are so far turning up empty. Anyone know how to do this?
Drupal 6
The closet thing you come to a API function to save nodes is nodequeue_save, but all you really need to do, is to insert some data to the {nodequeue_queue} table. You can do it yourself with SQL or use the function, but the result will be the same.
You should remember to add the nodequeue module as a dependency in your module's info file and check if it's installed before running your stuff in hook_install.
Some API documentation might help you on the road?
