How to highlight in flex - apache-flex

In flex, how can I highlight text/label? I have text and a small image that I want to highlight.

Easiest way is to add a glow filter around the UIComponents you want highlight.
Glow Filter
If you want to highlight part of the text, not so simple, you'll need to work it out in HTML and set the htmlText of the Label.


How to create a button with an image and text WatchKit

I want to create a tappable button with an icon and some text.. kind of like how the map app does it. See the attached picture below.
I've currently tried having a button that is set to the Group mode for content. However, this makes the background clear and I wasn't sure if there were any better options. Another option that came to my mind was creating a table view with one cell that took up half the width but that would be very hacky as well.
Just create two groups. Then you can change the background color, add an image and text label. To make it clickable simply add a tapGestureRecognizer to the group and it will function just like a button.

Flex ComboBox - Removing Borders

Does anyone know how to remove the small border around the combobox?
In a Flex3 Combobox (Halo Theme) there is this little gray border at the left, right, and bottom edges. I want to remove those borders so that the button part of the combobox doesn't have any border at all. Instead, I just want the top border.
Any ideas how it can be done?
I think you have to replace the Class that's used by default in the skin css property with one of your own. The docs say that is defined in ComboBase, so you'll need to look there to see what the Class is there and if you can extend or even do away with it (by setting skin to an empty ClassReference).

In flex how can someone add both bold and border?

I am trying to make a text area in flex 4.5. The problem is i need some part of it as bold not all. Also i need border.
A simple code is
<s:TextArea text="Text here1 Text here2">
By default s:TextArea contain border but I cant bold only one part of text that is "text here1"
If I try to use mx:TextArea Then I cant add border to it.
Please if anyone can help over how to add border along with if i can make only a part of text as bold or of different color etc.
Why can't you add a border to mxTextArea? There are a couple of ways:
specify borderStyle css property;
write a skin class, which draws a border and background you need, and assign it to borderSkin css property;
draw a 3x3 graphic skin and assign it to borderSkin css property.
Place a border container around the control
Use the textFlow property instead of the text property and you will be able to use rich text (bold, italics and so on).

Flex text selection: does it have to be white on black?

When you select text in a Text or Label or TextArea (or other) control in a Flex application, the selection is shown in white text on a black background. Always.
I have a request to change that — and it seems to be a simple enough thing to want — but I can't find a style (or property) anywhere that permits that. Any ideas out there about how to do this, or reasons why it definitively can't be done?
Change TextField selection color in AS3

moving image in a div by mouse draging and generating the css dynamically

I want to implement an image/div drag functionality like the one in the tinymce,
when the user click on the image, its border are selected and one can move the image/div around in the editor, and in the meanwhile it generate inline css as well..
You probably want something like jQuery UI's draggables, which allows you to make dragging movements with your mouse which will alter the dragged element's CSS accordingly. Use the start and stop events if you want to change the border color when it is being dragged.
