How to change "site_name" in Drupal 6 - drupal

This is probably a really obvious question, but it's driving me nuts.
We have a drupal installation and we need to change the site_name and site_slogan variables. It sounds like it should be easy, but I just can't find an option anywhere in the admin panels to do it. The only place I can find is in the initial installation script
I know I can write some code to call variable_set('site_name',...) to do it, but that seems like a last-ditch solution; I'd rather do it the correct way.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The form to change it is at site information: admin/settings/site-information.

If you want to do it directly in the Database there is a table called variable. You can change it in there. In Drupal 6 this value is of type longtext, but in Drupal 7 this value is of type blob. It is serialized so you cannot simply write to it with an update query, and expect it to work.
I have some code here that shows how to write to it.
Also, if you are using Drupal 7 it shows how to go to the configuration settings and modify the site_name and site_mail variables.
Don't forget to clear the caches if you have caching setup.

It seems that you have to edit sites/default/settings.php:
It answers the slogan thingy also.
Since I'm not using drupal anymore, you have to verify it by yourself :-)


How to make MultiValueField with Composite Fields and i18n enabled work properly?

Have anyone tried to have a form with MultiValueField in Magnolia having Composite fields with i18n enabled and is working properly?
Currently, I'm encountering some weird behaviour when adding items to English then switching to other language and adding items again then switch back to English with items all gone. In one JIRA post it said it was already fixed but I still encounter this issue. Also encountered issues in sorting which apparently not supported by the DelegatingMultiValueTransformer.
If so, can you please show me the configuration you use to make this work properly? If needed customisation, can you give me ideas on how to do it?
Would really appreciate any help on this.
Btw, I'm using the latest release 5.4.6 now.
Maybe you don't want to put two questions in one request in the future ;)
Re language issue:
did you check that you have i18n enabled also on the subfields, since you are using deletage transformer? AFAIK with delegate you need to have them enabled on all fields in the hierarchy.
Re transformer & ordering:
IMO the only way out is to write custom transformer. Look at source code of MultiValueTransformer and in the part of the code where it goes just two levels down when checking child values, you need to go deeper.
You would also need to define different structure storage for your values there since one used by the MultiValueTransformer would not suffice for multiple levels.
Perhaps you can extend one of the more specialized MultiValue*Transformer or perhaps you try MultiValueJSONTransformer if storing all values in json array is enough for you (you would still need to extend it and to repopulate values back into dialog when opening dialog for editing).

how to config SlickUpload 6 AJAX to NOT require a file

I've been trying to figure out how to make the current SlickUpload 6.1.7 play nice in a form that does not require someone to include files. We want it to be optional. This form is for people to contact us, and we want to give them the option to include attachments, just not require it. It works if you upload a file, however the form will not submit, if you do not upload any file.
We are trying to use the Ajax version with Memory stream, but the 'AspNetAjaxCs-VS2010' sample code is not helping much... the documentation is sparse, and the samples have little constancy between them, making it hard to understand how exactly it all works. (at least for me) The fact that they got bought out, and the new owner company pretty much ignores people unless they are paying for it, is not cool.
Any ideas?
You could use a div to detect a drop inside your page. That way you could only activate it when the user really need it, or whenever the using actually select something for uploading, like a trigger.
I'm not sure I understand your question, but if so, it sounds like you already have a form that you want to use SlickUpload with to upload files IF there are files to be uploaded. Are you using the CustomUploadStreamProvider form?

Integrate OsTicket into Drupal 7

Our main web page is Drupal and we would like to use Osticket as our issue tracking system, but there is a problem with Osticket: anybody can create new tickets.
We can protect this by .htaccess, but we don't want do that; we would like to make this protect by Drupal: only authenticated users should access the Osticket page.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Found a solution here:
Here is the relevant part:
It just so happens I was doing some off-again on-again work with integrating this into Drupal.
If you're just interested in ensuring a user is logged you're right, you need and you're right you end up with useless blank pages.
I've yet to get to properly documenting, so try this and let me know if I missed something and I'll have another look, however the following should sort the issue:
Duplicate Function Names
osTicket uses db_query() and (I think) db_close() rename the functions to something like db_ost_query() and you'll be fine. (Note I put the 'ost' in the middle to help future find/replace) I can't remember whether all occurrences of the function needed renaming for it to work, but its probably a good idea to do it.
Location of the bootstrap
The bootstrap has all manner of issues if called from outside the root Drupal directory, I gave up finding an answer to this and just kept an file in the root that osticket would include.
Headers, Headers everywhere
Bootstrap seems to like sending additional headers out so you'd want to include your file in an appropriate location (i.e. one of the .inc files). I think this solved everything.
Of course, remember this will break on any updates and any mods you add you'd have to take this into account. If I've remembered rightly this will get bootstrap up and running and you can run is_user_logged_in() and show or redirect the page.
Further Concerns
I actually had a greater goal in mind in my meddling and so I don't remember whether everything was perfectly cosy after this addition.
I do remember having further issues with headers being sent and when fully bootstrapping the system session usage interfering with ostickets sessions - I think this occurred later though and shouldn't be an issue for you.
An Alternative Solution
When googling, many people suggested simply creating a module and having it iframe the contents inside it, this might be a good enough solution for what you want and would require a whole lot less messing around with ostickets code.

Cannot edit first post in a Drupal forum thread

In a Drupal 6 (core) forum, when I post something, I can afterwards edit it, unless someone replies on my post creating a thread. In that case the option to edit my original post does not appear at all.
Can I override this behavior? I'd like to be able to edit my posts/comments where ever they appear, even inside a thread.
This is checked in, it looks like that check has been removed in D7 (the documentation hasn't been updated to reflect that, though).
I guess you could implement hook_links on your own and then add the link yourself. See
The more complicated one to override will probably be, you could use hook_menu_alter probably.

Export Drupal Content?

I want to know what is the easiest way to export ALL content of a specific user in Drupal, by only making use of the database. Is this even possible?
Reason being, I moved a site, and now clients created content on the old server, unknowingly, and I need to move it to the new server. Unfortunately, the site can't be accessed anymore (due to the move) so I only have access to the database.
Should I perhaps look at finding a way to maket the isntallation accessible and then using an export mdoule, or is there an easy way to export using PHPMyAdmin?
You could take the db and set it up on a sandbox somewhere, which would give you access to see what changed. Genrally if you have access to a DB (and know which version of drupal and modules you had), you can run a drupal site from it.
In an earlier question I suggested the migrate module for getting content from one drupal db to another, I think that appies here. If you can't get another code base to look at the old DB.
Instead of trying to pinpoint the content that a specific user has created, it will probably be a lot easier to get the stuff you need based on the datetime. But it really depends what kind of content that have been created. If it's just nodes, it should be fairly simple to load the nodes from the one database and save it to the other.
Another thing worth mentioning is that Drupal support having more than one database in your settings. You can relatively change the db connection if they are of the same type (e.g. MYSQL). See the db_set_active function.
You can also try to make use of the migrate modules like Jeremy suggested, which way to go depends a bit on how well your Drupal/PHP/SQL skills are and how tricky it is to get the data you need.
I think this module will help you
I know you already fixed this, but what about the backup_migrate module?
