How do I handle modal dialog fadeout in jQuery UI? - css

At, there is a sample modal dialog; when you click on "Create new user", it displays a modal dialog and fades everything but the dialog.
On my work based on that, I've specified "modal: true," and the modal dialog appears and disappears appropriately, but nothing else is greyed out; the rest of the screen looks as it looked before.
Do I need to apply additional CSS or serve up an image? A brief look at the sample source code didn't make it clear what I need to be adding so that it greys out the background.
If I need to have other static content served up, how can I serve it up under a Django /static/ tree? In other words, do I need to make /foo/ and /bar/ additional static content directories, or will it work with subdirectories of /static/?

When you're passing modal:true as one of the options to ui-dialog, there should be an overlay div element created with a high z-index and a classname of ui-widget-overlay assigned to it. If you decided to write your own stylesheets rather than use one of the available ones as a template, it could just be that you need to define the ui-widget-overlay class in your stylesheets, set its opacity etc.

Do you have the appropriate theme files in the correct place on the server? If you aren't using a standard default theme you can create your own using jQuery UI's theme roller.


CSS Important when reloading page

I have custom css for my nav buttons. On pressing buttons the page ofcourse reloads and I can for a split second see the original btn colors. Worse if one of my buttons does a "target=_blank" then button that was selected prior to it remains on the original bootstrap colors..
Would appreciate insights how to fully override the css so I always get the custom colors
Try to use grunt to generate inline css and that would solve the problem.
If you are unable to configure the grunt then add button styles in inline.
Based on your site link. Your request takes too long so the css is not there. Just have that css load when your page does. There is no reason to keep a 1kb file to be loaded on request, or any size at all. What is your reason to have this approach?

How to add a wallpaper/image in the background page in google appmaker?

I need to add a particular wallpaper in the background page of my app to make the app look more colorful and beautiful. Is there any way?
The problem is that once you add an image to a page then it does not allow you to place another widget over it or cover it. It always aligns it horizontally or vertically.
This is pretty much basic css. I'd recommend you to look over this to learn more. So, in appmaker, if you want to apply the background image to a page do this:
1.) First, select the root widget of the page you are interested.
2.) Now, that you have the page selected, let's move to the style editor. Once there, on the Page Style section just type a "."(period, dot) and wait for the suggestions to appear. The first suggestion is what you need, so just press enter or select it with your cursor.
3.) Now that you have selected the element with a css selector, you can apply styling. For the background, you need to do this:
.app-myTestingPage-myPage {
background: url("url-to-picture");
In the above example, url-to-picture represents that, a url to a an image, preferably if it is served over https.
I know two ways in which you can get the background image url. The first one is to use any image url you find on the internet or a url hosted in your own server or cdn. The second way is to upload the image to appmaker resources and use that url. If you choose the latter, then do the following:
1.) Go to the app settings.
2.) Click on Resources
3.) Drop your image file in the respected area or click the button to browse
Once the resource finishes uploading, you can click the copy icon to copy the url to the resource and you can use that in your page css as the background url.
You should be able to accomplish this using CSS in your style editor. Either in your 'Page style' or 'Global style' depending on if you only want the background image to a specific page or be available throughout your application. You will want to declare a custom class or reference the specific elements that you want to render the background image in.
For a specific element:
.app-YourPage1-YourPanel, .app-YourPage2-YourPanel {
background-image: url(YourImageURL);
For a global style, create a class and for each element you want the background image applied you would add that class to the 'Styles' section of that element(widget):
.YourPanelClass {
background-image: url(YourImageURL);
Either way I highly suggest you do a search on 'html background image' so you can read up on additional options such as repeating the image to fill space and such.

Joomla css hide date create

I want to hide the date on this page.
I tried to change it inside joomla but I couldn't. It's not an article but a JKit page and there is no such an option.
I used the "inspect element" feature to find the corresponding css file and line (bootstrap.css #554). When I change the element through the "inspect element" menu its working but when I open the css file and change it, it doesn't work.
Any suggestions how I can hide it?
p.meta {display: none;}
That ought to do it. Granted, any other metadata will also be hidden. You should add this to a custom CSS file and not modify core Joomla or extension files.
I find it hard to believe that jKit doesn't have a setting for that. (Update: I see that jKit is very new and lacks good documentation.) Also, a template override might be more to your liking.
Most Joomla components allow you to control things like this in the options for the items and also in the menu options when creating a menu link (or setting the global options to change the default behavior. If this component does not, make either an alternate layout or a template override (depending on whether you want to always change this or just on this one page). If you go into the template manager, template view there is a system in place that will automatically create a copy of the layout and put it in the right location. Just edit that to show what you want.
Ok so I solved by editing the according .php file of the component.
I just removed the echo line of the date.
Nothing else worked.

Where should page hierarchies be rooted in Confluence?

I've recently started getting familiar with Atlassian Confluence (v. 3.3), but I'm having trouble understanding the best way to use page hierarchies within a space.
Within a space, pages can be located underneath the "Home" page, or one level higher, next to the home page. However, in the "Documentation" theme, the left sidebar page hierarchy is only shown for pages rooted below "Home". This means that the "Home" breadcrumb is always displayed when viewing pages that appear in the sidebar hierarchy.
So, what is the purpose of having pages on this top level? Should it be used specifically to hide pages from the sidebar hierarchy (like meta)?
Is it possible to have the sidebar hierarchy display for pages rooted next to Home (on this top level), instead of below it?
Is it possible to remove the Home breadcrumb?
How many of these questions are made irrelevant by later updates to the software?
The only real purpose I can think of for having a page on the same level as the home page would be to disclude it from a page-tree display starting at the home page. So if you have some pages you use for holding images, documents, testing content, et cetera then you would not want it to show up in the hierarchy viewed by regular users.
When you define a page-tree macro, or the children-display or anything similar, you can specify which page it is displaying the hierarchy from. If you want to use a page other than the home page, just specify it in the page-tree macro.
I don't believe it is possible to remove the breadcrumb, or at least I don't know how.
Software updates will maybe bring some other page-tree-esque options but won't fundamentally change anything else we're talking about here.
So, what is the purpose of having pages on this top level?
Specifically? You'd have to ask Atlassian.
Generally? The default configuration is that only pages from the specified Home page down are shown in the navbar.
Should it be used specifically to hide pages from the sidebar hierarchy (like meta)?
Yes. Any page which is used for navigation, control or configuration is stored at the top of the hierarchy. That way they don't show up in the navbar.
Using the {alias} macro will create a page in the top hierarchy.
If you use a page as input to your navbar then this page can be stored here out of user sight but still publically visible. So, if you had a page with lots of markup for a colourful and exciting navbar named SpaceNavigation then in the Documentation Theme Configuration you would have this code:
Is it possible to have the sidebar hierarchy display for pages rooted next to Home (on this top level), instead of below it?
Yes. Use the pagetree macro.
You can edit the space theme to show anything in the left navigation bar.
Browse > Space Admin > Theme > Configure theme
Untick the 'Page Tree' option at the top. Put your code to display content in the navbar in the navigation box.
If you want a pagetree somewhere in your custom navigation use the {pagetree} macro. You can set the root page to a page lower in the hierarchy. {pagetree:root=apple}
The {children} macro is also useful here.
The reporting macros can print a list of all pages in a space. You can build your own macro or import a wiki page to display as the navbar.
Is it possible to remove the Home breadcrumb?
This may need clarification. Are you looking to remove the breadcumbs or just the word 'home'.
Either way, the answer is 'JavaScript or CSS'.
If you are a space administrator you can add CSS styles to the space to disable CSS for the space from the header.
If you have the {html} macro or {style} then you can add styles and JavaScript to the wiki page.
If you are a wiki administrator, or have one on your side, then you can create a macro or plugin to put CSS or JavaScript code on the page.
Here is a code sample to find two classes on a page and after the page has loaded (document.ready) hide them.
<script type="text/javascript">
AJS.$(document).ready(function() {
This example will remove the word 'Dashboard' as it has the class of 'first'.
Go forth and write the code to find the objects that so draw your ire and vanquish them.
CSS is also an option and sometimes less messy.
Some CSS objects can be removed from the page from within the page. E.g:
<style type="text/css">
ol.breadcrumbs { visibility:none; !important; }
However, to remove objects at the top of the page you need to use javascript or put CSS in the space style sheet.
Browse > Space Admin > Stylesheet
How many of these questions are made irrelevant by later updates to the software?
It's pretty much the same. Some styles have changed. Some things have been moved around. The general look has changed.
Some of the style sheets have changed and they have said that they are looking to deprecate the Documentation Theme. However, given the community support for the Documentation Theme even if they remove it no doubt it will be available as a downloadable theme in V6.
If you are interested in looking at this yourself then you can download Confluence V5 with a trial licence or try their OnDemand free for one month.

Increase size of Facebook Like Button

I am developing a feature where I want to increase the size(width and height) of Facebook Like button which is getting rendere on my page.
I have tried overidding the css but it is not working as my css is loading very late.
Help required.
Are you sure you're using the correct overrides in your CSS? If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't matter when the CSS is loaded, just that it is loaded.
Be sure to check your CSS includes in the header file to make sure you're using the latest version. Also double check the classes or ids you need to override.
Perhaps you could post the code containing the like button you're trying to manipulate. If you're loading it in via Javascript you can use Firebug or other Web Inspectors to find out the actual HTML that gets inserted.
First of all, the css MUST be interpreted by the browser before the html element it refers to is loaded...
Second, the reason you can't select the button through CSS directly, is because it is rendered inside an iFrame that is controlled by the Facebook framework (you can check this out with firebug or any other inspector).
I'm not sure if it's feasible, but you have two possible ways to do it:
use javascript and the DOM to access inside that iFrame, select the button and style it.
create a button yourself, and give it the same href as the one generated originally, thus losing the fan-counter capabilities and whatever else is part of their framework
