cannot access drupal admin site - drupal

I am in the process of moving my drupal site to a new IIS server. I had it running perfectly on one server. I disabled all non-core modules, turned off clean urls, put the site in maintenance mode and moved the files and database to my new server. I am able to bring the new site up fine. I can view the main page as well as other content. I can even create new content.
However, whenever I try to access the admin page, I am getting a 500 error on the server. I am not getting anything in the server logs to indicate what the problem might be. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?
Thanks for any thoughts.

Is the menu router menu system not rebuilt correctly?
Try getting to the Modules page, Menu page, or run cron.

There could be many reasons why you cannot access the administrative pages, including the fact the database tables have not been correctly moved.
Check the content of the table users, and verify the user account for the "super user" (the one with user ID equal to 1) has still the user ID equal to 1. That is a particular user that has automatically any permission; if the user ID is not 1 anymore, then the account becomes a normal user account, and it needs to be expressly allowed to do anything.

you don't need to disable clean urls, this is how your enable them in IIS:
could be something to do with clean urls, i also had this problem when recently removing my website to IIS, clean url's fixed this issue!


HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is incorrect but only for me

We have a number of webpages that employees can access. I have a table, in a database, which determines who can access the individual pieces.
I use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, to get the current username, and then determine whether they are allowed to access the page they are requesting. If not, they are redirected to an access denied page, which has contact details where they can request access.
This is been working for months and is still working for everybody, except me! As well as my usual active directory account, I have what we call a developer account to login to servers et cetera. When I run the webpages on my PC, either through visual studio or IIS, I have determined that it is working because it is using my standard active directory account.
I am not aware of making any changes. I was actually just going through the pages as part of a documentation exercise.
However, as soon as I try to browse the pages on the server, it appears to be using my developer account! How do I know this? Firstly, I have built a test page that displays the current username. Secondly, I have an audit table, which records who try to access what page, when and whether they were allowed access.
Yes I could add my developer account to the users table but that would obviously not be my preferred solution. I have been working on something else for the past few days (nothing to do with this) and based on the audit table, I think this problem started today.
Any ideas?

Drupal 7 admin/config/people/accounts not displaying correctly. Cannot restrict User Account Creation

I'm trying to limit the ability for user accounts to be created. My host has noticed spam activity on my account and has suggested that it is being generated by accessing the user account creation script directly.
When I try to access that feature in Drupal 7, the Setting tab doesn't render correctly. Fields and Display tabs function correctly.
Screen Snap
If your host is right about the script being accessed directly, then your site might be hacked.
Since you also have problems with rendering of the settings tab, I would execute these steps in this order:
Follow the instructions for updating Drupal, starting with backup of
the database and the files:
Set secure permissions for files and folders:
The second step alone might help stopping the user creation by direct access to the script, but it will not get back the original settings tab.
In back-end go to Configuration -> People -> Account settings. There is a section Registration and cancellation and Who can register radio buttons group where you can forbid anonymous user create account. If that's already set well and people are still registering then it really is possible that your site has been hacked.

How to stop Windows Security popup for Sharepoint 2007 site with anonymous access enabled

I've been researching this a lot lately and cannot seem to find a solution to the exact problem I'm having, so I figured I'd ask and get any help I can get.
Here's the scenario: I took over a Sharepoint web application that was in development for a client. I finished adding the rest of the content for him and he wanted to go live with the site once I finished. I am wanting to make the entire web site (web application) public so I completed the steps to allow anonymous access for the entire web site.
The problem I'm encountering now is that every time someone goes to the site, it pops up with a window asking for the username and password. When you cancel it, then the site pops up as it should and you can view anything on the site. However, each time you click to go to the Home page (default.aspx), it pops up with the Windows Security again. Basically you can view the whole site as intended without logging in, but the popup happens each time going to the default.aspx page to where you have to keep cancelling to continue viewing the site. Of course this needs to stop since the site will be public for users and many do not have a log in. This obviously will confuse people trying to see the site because they'd think they need to log in.
Does anyone have some suggestions to why this is happening and how to stop it? None of the other Sharepoint sites we've made have had this issue when enabling anonymous access so it's not an issue we've come across before. I've looked at the other sites and how they're set up and it looks identical to this site that is having the popup issue. There's also not been a need before to adjust IE Internet Option settings since that was one solution I've seen.
Any help would be appreciated. I've tried researching and couldn't find a solution I needed and I'm at a loss. I can provide any additional info if needed. Thanks!
This can happen (and most probably) if a resource is not published in your site. Make sure to publish all your resources (Images, CSS & JS files.. etc) and then give it a try.

Website shows textbox in debugger but not when hosted w/ISS ASP.NET

I've been tracking to tackle this issue and narrowed it down, but first a little description:
I have a website that a client would fill out, some basic text boxes, bullets, and dropdowns. They click submit and the information they submitted (nothing sensitive) is Response.Redirect(ed) to another page which has text boxes that are populated by the information included in the redirect. This page also prints itself for the client to sign.
The issue started when I added one more field to the redirect page so that it appears as well when printed. It simply does not appear on the page or the print out and I cross-checked the properties with all the other textboxes and everything is the same. Now, I did narrow it down in that the new textbox does appear when using the built in debugger for MS Visual Web Dev 2010 Express but it does not appear when I host the website on the local IIS server. From here it seems to be obvious that the issue is a setting on the IIS service.
To the question: What setting in IIS would cause a newly added textbox to not appear under the circumstances mentioned? Also, am I approaching this website as a whole in a round-a-bout way i.e. instead of redirecting to another website the populates data, prints itself, and redirects back to the host page is there an "internal" form I can have the data sent to and print from there?
The issue was that I setup the ISS server/website under and an administrator account with the website being under a folder on the desktop. I overlooked this fact and copy/pasted the website folder to the desktop of a different non-administrator account and so naturally none of the changes were actually showing because IIS wasn't even pointing to that website folder of the non-admin account. Once I dumped the modified files under the proper folder under the admin account they finally appeared in production.

Drupal 7 newbie question: Node Access Permissions = disabled?

I've worked in D6 for quite a while, and am just now dipping my toe into D7. I've got the basic installation working on my server and all's well; the only thing I don't understand is whether I should be bothered that admin/reports/status is telling me that Node Access Permissions are disabled. I understand that NAPs are nothing new to D7, and I've had occasion to rebuild the permissions once or twice in the past. But the new admin page calls out the disabled status explicitly, so I'm now wondering about stuff I hadn't wondered about before:
What does it mean for these to be disabled (I'm logged in as user 1, if that matters)?
Should I try to reconfigure the system or my server to get them enabled? What would I gain by having them enabled?
Everything should be perfectly fine.
That only means that you are not using any module that is declaring node permissions so all nodes are visible for users with the view content permission.
Don't know if it's perfectly fine, but on my drupal site, since I upgraded to 7.2 (a security update it said) spammers are able to create new users (even though it's reserved to administrators now and the 2 only administrators did not login in between), create post with spam HTML links every day by the dozen!
Here is what it says on the status report:
Node Access Permissions Disabled
If the site is experiencing problems with permissions to content, you may have to rebuild the permissions cache. Rebuilding will remove all privileges to content and replace them with permissions based on the current modules and settings. Rebuilding may take some time if there is a lot of content or complex permission settings. After rebuilding has completed, content will automatically use the new permissions. Rebuild permissions
When I rebuild permission, it takes a few seconds only and the same message appears.
