JSON Array in Flex - apache-flex

I have code:
api_result = '{"response":[{"uid":1969258,"first_name":"Walle","last_name":"Woo"}]}';
var myobj:Object = JSON.decode(api_result);
So, how I can get uid, first_name and last_name from "response" array?

var UID:Object = myobj.response[0].uid;
var firstName:Object = myobj.response[0].first_name;
var lastName:Object = myobj.response[0].last_name;


I need help for woocommerce integration in google sheet through web hook

I just attach my woocommerce through webhook in google sheet and get some code from internet for getting orders data on it every things looks fine but there is only one product name available even if the order contain more than one products.You can check the webhook data here when order is created. here is my google sheet script code
//this is a function that fires when the webapp receives a GET request
function doGet(e) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("request received");
//this is a function that fires when the webapp receives a POST request
function doPost(e) {
var myData = JSON.parse([e.postData.contents]);
var order_created = myData.date_created;
var product_name = myData.line_items[0].name;
var itemName = myData.line_items[0].name;
var quantity = myData.line_items[0].quantity;
var product_items = quantity + " x " + itemName + "\n";
var product_qty = myData.line_items[0].quantity;
var order_total = myData.total;
var billing_email = myData.billing.email;
var billing_first_name = myData.billing.first_name;
var billing_phone = myData.billing.phone;
var shipping_address = myData.shipping.address_1;
var timestamp = new Date();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
You are trying to loop through sone JSON transaction data that includes multiple line items.
There are two flaws in your code:
1 - the script does not loop through the product items:
var product_name = myData.line_items[0].name;
var itemName = myData.line_items[0].name;
var quantity = myData.line_items[0].quantity;
var product_items = quantity + " x " + itemName + "\n";
var product_qty = myData.line_items[0].quantity;
You are getting line_items[0], but if there are multiple line items in the transaction then you are only ever returning the first line item.
2 - The variables being appended in sheet.appendRow() need to be re-considered.
Your code specifies ten variables, including product name and product quantity. However there are no unique values for these two variables since they are form part of the line items and vary with each line item in the transaction.
Your variable product_items is an attempt to recognise this by concatenating the details for each line item; however the variable fails because it depends on looping through the line_items AND progressively concatenating line item values.
The following code is an example of how you might achieve your outcome:
function doPost(e) {
var myData = JSON.parse([e.postData.contents]);
var timestamp = new Date();
var order_created = myData.date_created;
var billing_first_name = myData.billing.first_name;
var billing_phone = myData.billing.phone;
var billing_email = myData.billing.email;
var shipping_address = myData.shipping.address_1;
var order_total = myData.total;
var lineitems=""
for (i in myData.line_items)
var product_name = myData.line_items[i].name;
var itemName = myData.line_items[i].name;
var quantity = myData.line_items[i].quantity;
var linetotal = myData.line_items[i].total;
var product_items = quantity + " x " + itemName + ":$"+linetotal +"\n";
var lineitems =lineitems+product_items;
Logger.log("Timestamp: "+timestamp);
Logger.log("Order created: "+order_created);
Logger.log("Billing first name: "+billing_first_name+", Phone: "+billing_phone+", Email: "+billing_email);
Logger.log("Shipping Address: "+shipping_address)
Logger.log("Line items = "+lineitems);
Logger.log("Order Total: "+order_total)
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

Amazon DynamoDBv2 QueryOperationConfig SelectValues.Count not working

I have this piece of code like this:
var options = new DynamoDBOperationConfig
ConditionalOperator = ConditionalOperatorValues.Or,
OverrideTableName = nameTable,
ConsistentRead = true
new QueryOperationConfig()
IndexName = indexName,
Filter = queryFilter,
Select = SelectValues.Count
result = context.FromQueryAsync<TEntity>(queryConfig, options).GetRemainingAsync().Result;
as per the documentation, it should return just the count of values that match the filter, at least, the piece of code in the SelectValues class says that
// Summary:
// An enumeration of all supported Select values for Query and Scan. Value of Count
// will force service to return the number of items, not the items themselves.
but result is always an empty list; how can i make the count work ?
If you are still looking for the answer, this is the solution:
new QueryOperationConfig()
IndexName = indexName,
Filter = queryFilter,
Select = SelectValues.Count,
ConsistentRead = true
var table = context.GetTargetTable<TEntity>();
var search = table.Query(queryConfig);
result = search.Count;
Having ConsistentRead set to true will cause it to give you real time updates when the table is updated.
It's not working on Document level...
You can try to do this in low level model.
int count = 0;
Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> lastKey = null;
var request = new QueryRequest
TableName = "tableNmae",
IndexName = "indexName",
KeyConditionExpression = "ID= :v_ID",
ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>
new AttributeValue
N = "1"
ConsistentRead = false,
Select = Select.COUNT,
ExclusiveStartKey = lastKey
var respone = await tableClient.QueryAsync(request);
count += respone.Count;
lastKey = respone.LastEvaluatedKey;
} while (lastKey != null && lastKey.Count != 0);

Join two dynamic Linq in Asp.net

I have used linq to store data, below is the code:
var result = (dynamic)null;
var serviceData = (dynamic)null;
var userData = (dynamic)null;
/****Linq 1*****/
serviceData= dtPasscode.AsEnumerable().Select(m => new
ACCOUNT_ID = intAccountId,
SUB_ACC_ID = m.Field<string>("ACCOUNT_ID_ALIAS")
/**Linq 2**/
userData = DisplyCustomerDetails(Convert.ToInt64(strSubAccountID));
result = serviceData.Concat(userData);
And another linq through function:
System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection DisplyCustomerDetails(Int64 intAccountId)
var result = (dynamic)null;
/** Data Display if no service avaiable **/
IAccount_BL objAccount_BL = new Account_BL();
Customer objCustomer = new Customer();
DataTable dtCustomer = null;
int intErrorCount = 0;
objCustomer.Account_Id = Convert.ToInt64(intAccountId);
dtCustomer = objAccount_BL.GetCustomerDetails(objCustomer, ref intErrorCount);
objAccount_BL = null;
objCustomer = null;
if (intErrorCount == 0)
if (dtCustomer != null)
if (dtCustomer.Rows.Count > 0)
result = dtCustomer.AsEnumerable().Select(m => new
ACCOUNT_ID = intAccountId,
SUB_ACC_ID = m.Field<string>("ACCOUNT_ID_ALIAS")
return result;
I wanted to join both the result of Linq1 & Linq2, I tired Concat & Union, getting below error
'System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection<<>f__AnonymousTypea>' does not contain a definition for 'Concat'
To Concat both enumerables must of the same class; you cannot use anonymous classes. Define a class that has the two fields and change the code to Select them.
Also, don't use ... = (dynamic) null; just assign the variable directly
var serviceData= dtPasscode ...
var userData = DisplyCustomerDetails ...
var result = serviceData.Concat(userData);

iOS- swift 3- Nested sorting and union with flatmap, map, filter or formUnion

class Flight{
var name:String?
var vocabulary:Vocabulary?
class Vocabulary{
var seatMapPlan:[Plan] = []
var foodPlan:[Plan] = []
class Plan{
var planName:String?
var planId:String?
var flightList:[Flight] = []
var plan1 = Plan()
plan1.planId = "planId1"
plan1.planName = "Planname1"
var plan2 = Plan()
plan2.planId = "planId2"
plan2.planName = "Planname2"
var plan3 = Plan()
plan3.planId = "planId3"
plan3.planName = "Planname3"
var plan4 = Plan()
plan4.planId = "planId4"
plan4.planName = "Planname4"
var plan5 = Plan()
plan5.planId = "planId5"
plan5.planName = "Planname5"
var plan6 = Plan()
plan6.planId = "planId6"
plan6.planName = "Planname6"
var flight1 = Flight()
flight1.name = "Flight1"
flight1.vocabulary = Vocabulary()
flight1.vocabulary?.seatMapPlan = [plan1, plan2]
flight1.vocabulary?.foodPlan = [plan3, plan4, plan5]
var flight2 = Flight()
flight2.name = "Flight2"
flight2.vocabulary = Vocabulary()
flight2.vocabulary?.seatMapPlan = [plan2, plan3]
flight2.vocabulary?.foodPlan = [plan3, plan4, plan5]
flightList=[flight1, flight2]
Problem 1:
I want to use flatmap,filter,custom unique func or Sets.formUnion to achieve a union of seatMapPlans. For this particular example it is
seatMapUnion = [plan1,plan2,plan3]
Because of nesting with the help of answered questions I am unable to achieve this.
Please give me a combination of filter,flatMap and map for resolving this particular problem.
Problem 2:
I have vice-versa scenarios too were i have to sort this array flightList on basis of plan(plan1 or multiple) selected. I want to sort this on basis of filter and map, but the nesting is making it difficult to achieve.
e.g. 1:
if the search parameter is plan1 for seatMapPlan. Then the result is flight1.
e.g. 2:
And if the search parameter is plan2 for seatMapPlan. Then the result is flight1,flight2.
For the first problem I would use sets. So first make Plan implement Hashable :
class Plan : Hashable {
var planName:String?
var planId:String?
public var hashValue: Int { return planName?.hashValue ?? 0 }
public static func ==(lhs: Plan, rhs: Plan) -> Bool { return lhs.planId == rhs.planId }
Then it's straightforward :
let set1 = Set<Plan>(flight1.vocabulary!.seatMapPlan)
let set2 = Set<Plan>(flight2.vocabulary!.seatMapPlan)
let union = set1.union(set2)
print(union.map { $0.planName! } )
It'll print:
["Planname2", "Planname1", "Planname3"]
Not sure I understand your second problem.

How to use notanyof in nlobjSearchFilter

var ids = ['1', '2', '3'];
var filters = new Array();
filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter('mainline', null, 'is', 'T');
filters[4] = new nlobjSearchFilter('entity', null, 'notanyof', ids);
var searchResult = nlapiSearchRecord('creditmemo', null, filters, columns);
Hello I'm trying to list all credit memos but where the customer ID is not 1,2 or 3?
Can you help me? Thanks
The proper operator is "noneof".
new nlobjSearchFilter('entity',null,'noneof',[1,2,3]);
