How to use notanyof in nlobjSearchFilter - suitescript

var ids = ['1', '2', '3'];
var filters = new Array();
filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter('mainline', null, 'is', 'T');
filters[4] = new nlobjSearchFilter('entity', null, 'notanyof', ids);
var searchResult = nlapiSearchRecord('creditmemo', null, filters, columns);
Hello I'm trying to list all credit memos but where the customer ID is not 1,2 or 3?
Can you help me? Thanks

The proper operator is "noneof".
new nlobjSearchFilter('entity',null,'noneof',[1,2,3]);


Drupal 8: convert node id from string to integer

Retrieve a node based on condition:
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
->condition('type', 'my_content_type')
->condition('title', 'my node title');
$nid = $query->execute();
The result of $nid is the correct node ID but the format is a string, (es: "123")
When I want to load the node by its ID, I write:
$node_id = Node::load($nid);
Doing this, the result I get is NULL because the variable $nid is holding a string (not integer).
If I write the code like this:
$node_id = Node::load(123);
I get the node loaded.
How can I convert the variable string ($nid) as an integer ?
I tried:
$nid_int = (int) $nid;
$node_id = Node::load($nid_int);
also I tried:
$nid_int = intval($nid);
$node_id = Node::load($nid_int);
But I alwas get result NULL
Thanks for your help
You can't use Node::load($nid); directly, because the $query->execute() return an array like ['vid' => "nid"].
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
->condition('type', 'my_content_type')
->condition('title', 'my node title');
$nids = $query->execute();
$nid = (int)array_shift($nids);
Can try:-
$nid_string = $nid->__toString();
$node_id = Node::load((int) $nid_string);

Display result of linq query randomly in listview in C#

var getquest = (from q in dc.Exam_Questions
where q.ExamNumber == int.Parse(Examnumber)
select new
QuestionTitle = q.QuestionTitle,
correctanswers = q.correctanswers,
ID = q.ID,
ListView1.DataSource = getquest;
How to display result of linq query randomly in listview in C#?
You can create a random data by adding a guid property to your query. After that you order the result by this new property.
var getquest = (from q in dc.Exam_Questions
where q.ExamNumber == int.Parse(Examnumber)
select new
RandomId = Guid.NewGuid(),
QuestionTitle = q.QuestionTitle,
correctanswers = q.correctanswers,
ID = q.ID,
ListView1.DataSource = getquest.OrderBy(p => p.RandomId).ToList();

how to assign value to entity got from database

I have a linq query like below:
public IQueryable<vmEmp> GetEmp(int crewid)
var dt = new EmpEntities();
var e = from t in dt.tblEmp
where (t.CrewId == crewid)
select new vmEmp
Id = -1,
Crew = t.crewid,
Name = t.Name,
Address = t.Address
return e;
I hope can make the Id auto decrease by 1 till end of the employee.
like first's Id is -1, second's is -2, third is -3 ...
How to do that here? Thanks a lot
If this was LINQ-to-objects, you could use this overload of Select:
var dt = new EmpEntities();
var e = dt.tblEmp
.Where(t => t.CrewId == crewid)
.Select((t,index) => new vmEmp
Id = -index - 1,
Crew = t.crewid,
Name = t.Name,
Address = t.Address
But EF doesn't suport this, because the indexer can't be translated into SQL. So you need a work-around:
var dt = new EmpEntities();
var e = dt.tblEmp
.Where(t => t.CrewId == crewid)
.Select(t => new
Id = 0,
Crew = t.crewid,
Name = t.Name,
Address = t.Address
.AsEnumerable() // Continue in memory
.Select((t,index) => new vmEmp
Id = -index - 1,
Crew = t.Crew,
Name = t.Name,
Address = t.Address
Side note: it's recommended to put dt in a using construct.
Use a counter variable and decrease it for every record while you project it to your custom POCO.
public IQueryable<vmEmp> GetEmp(int crewid)
int counter=0;
var dt = new EmpEntities();
//load the items to a list of anonymous type
var eList = from t in dt.tblEmp
where (t.CrewId == crewid)
new { Id = 0,
Crew = s.crewid,
Name = s.Name,
Address = s.Address
var e=eList.Select(x=> new vmEmp
Id = --counter,
Crew = x.Crew,
Name = x.Name,
Address = x.Address
return e.AsQueryable();

How to calculate count on of table column using group by clause in linq

I'm new to linq.
In c# I'm doing as follows to get the count of one column.
SELECT DispatcherName,
GROUP BY DispatcherName,
Can any one tell m,how I can achieve the same thing using LINQ.
HI I did as follows and got the reslut.
But I'm not able to convert result to datatable.
this is how I did.
here dt is datatabe with two columns Dispatchername and ActivityType.
var query1 = from p in dt.AsEnumerable()
group p by new
DispatcherName = p.Field<string>("Dispatchername"),
Activity = p.Field<string>("ActivityType"),
into pgroup
let count = pgroup.Count()
orderby count
select new
Count = count,
DispatcherName = pgroup.Key.DispatcherName,
Activity = pgroup.Key.Activity
pls help me out asap.
group c by new {c.DispatcherName, c.ActivityType} into g
orderby g.Count() descending
select new { g.Key.DispatcherName, g.Key.ActivityType, Total = g.Count() }
If you want your results returned back to a DataTable, one option is to use the CopyToDataTable method.
Here's a live example:
This method basically requires you to create a dummy table in order to use its NewRow method - the only way to create a DataRow, which is required by CopyToDataTable.
var result = dt.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(p => new {
DispatcherName = p.Field<string>("DispatcherName"),
Activity = p.Field<string>("ActivityType")})
.Select(p => {
var row = dummy.NewRow();
row["Activity"] = p.Key.Activity;
row["DispatcherName"] = p.Key.DispatcherName;
row["Count"] = p.Count();
return row;
Perhaps a better way might be just fill in the rows directly, by converting to a List<T> and then using ForEach.
DataTable dummy = new DataTable();
.GroupBy(p => new { DispatcherName = p.Field<string>("DispatcherName"),
Activity = p.Field<string>("ActivityType")})
.ForEach(p => {
var row = dummy.NewRow();
row["Activity"] = p.Key.Activity;
row["DispatcherName"] = p.Key.DispatcherName;
row["Count"] = p.Count();
Live example:
This should do the trick:
IList<ACTIVITYLOG> allActivityLogs;
var result = (from c in allActivityLogs
select new
DispatcherName = c.DispatcherName,
ActivityType = c.ActivityType,
Total = c.ActivityType.Count
}).OrderByDescending(x => x.Total)
.GroupBy(x => new { x.DispatcherName, x.ActivityType });
You only need to substitute the allActivityLogs collection with the actual collection of your entities.

JSON Array in Flex

I have code:
api_result = '{"response":[{"uid":1969258,"first_name":"Walle","last_name":"Woo"}]}';
var myobj:Object = JSON.decode(api_result);
So, how I can get uid, first_name and last_name from "response" array?
var UID:Object = myobj.response[0].uid;
var firstName:Object = myobj.response[0].first_name;
var lastName:Object = myobj.response[0].last_name;
