Getting jQuery plugin to act on dynamically loaded (ajax) content - css

I have one jQuery plugin (colorbox) that loads a modal popup window (with an external html file). <-- works perfectly by itself. I have another jQuery plugin (jScrollPane) that loads custom scroll bars for divs. <-- it too works perfectly by itself. Both have a JS component and a CSS component.
My process thus far:
I tried to load and initialize the scroll bar jQuery and CSS from the eternal html (popup) and my div disappeared.
Then I tried to load the scroll bar jQuery in the parent window and initialize it in the colorbox callback...this time my div didn't disappear but the scroll bar and arrows (even OS standard arrows) did disappear.
Finally, I put the scroll bar CSS in <style> tags and shoved it inside the eternal html file's <body> tags. That works on all major browsers, however, now you can't exit the popup window. Arg!
So I think my question is: how do you get jQuery plugins and their CSS files to initialize on dynamically loaded content? What goes where (incl. the jQuery library itself)?

If you are using the "" type of popup, then I would say make it a little simpler and bring it into your page as a JQueryUI Dialog box that pulls in your external html file are the content, loading it in the DIV and accessible within the general page context, inheriting the JQuery and CSS as well. The simple form of this should be like:
Where #id is the DIV that is hidden and will contain your dialog data, and URL is the external url to the html file in your popup.

Found the solution....
My question was specifically on integrating colorbox (a jQuery lightbox plugin) with jScrollPane (a jQuery custom scrollbar plugin). My ajax call to load content with the colorbox worked, however, the jScrollPane could not initiate because the required wasn't loaded (because the ajax call didn't pull any info from the head tags).
If other Stack Overflowers stumble across a similar issue this is what I did to solve it: used iframes instead of an ajax call. Ooops. duh.
I don't know if colorbox is the only plugin that pulls info only from body tags and not the head but I imagine many plugins work this way when working with external files. If this is your problem, use iframes to ensure that the data in your head tag is pulled.
Thanks Stack Overflow anyhoo! I still love you.


The menu (Navigation bar) becomes collapse unstylish for a few second. need Solution

I am facing a problem after deactivating the pre-loader. When someone tries to open the website all the menu (Navigation bar) becomes collapse unstylish for a few seconds. After a while when the page has fully loaded the menu gets its style.
I think the CSS file is loading after the website is gets fully loaded, maybe this is the reason. How Can I solve this issue?
put the css inside head tag before any scripts etc,
add preload to your css and critical js files

Prevent Google Chrome Content Scripts from interfering with webpage DOM CSS definitions

I am building a Chrome extensions which injects a decent amount of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML into the page DOM for the current webpage tab. It it does so to show a Modal window with my extensions functionality in that modal.
I cannot use the background or popup scripts to do what I need to do so I have to use a content script which injects into the actual page DOM.
My issue so far is I have to be super careful with CSS class names and JS as well as I have discovered if the page has a CSS class matching the name of any of my extensions CSS, my extensions ends up over-riding the pages CSS!
I have seen that some other extensions that have to do a lot of HTML, CSS, JS into the content end up injecting into there own Iframe in the page which helps prevent this name collision.
Is using an Iframe the standard best practice in this case?
One of the features in my extensions is to do full-page screeenshots which require my contnet.js script to send a message to my background.js script which is responsibble for calling the CHrome API and taking the screenshot of the current scroll position in the pages viewport.
user clicks button in DOM modal windows
content.js sends message to background.js with the coordinates of the viewport.
background.js takes the screenshot with those coordinates. THen sends a message back to content.js.
content.js then scrolls down the page to the next area of the viewport for the next screenshot and then sends those new coordinates back to background.js.
this cycle continues until a shot of the whole page is made and stiched together and then sends back the URL of the new image to content.js when done.
Because both the Chrome API needs to sends messages back and forth between my content.js and background.js and then also if there is an iframe the iframe has to send messages back and forth with the page and the iframe.
Because of this I am not sure if I could use an iframe or not even?
Also if I did use an iframe, it would not load the content from a remote server but instead would be loaded into the page as html.
So is there a best practice for doing this?
Use inline styles instead
You can wrap your css in content.js then apply it to your target elements, it won't interfer the original design of the webpage
Use Shadow DOM
It provides encapsulation for js/css and makes it easy to ensure your components separate from the DOM of the main document.

How do i avoid a flash of unstyled content (FOUC) on Google Sites

I have placed some custom HTML, CSS, and jQuery inside an HTML box in my google site. but as the page loads, the unformatted content shows for several seconds until the loading is complete. attempts to add the following:
html { visibility: hidden; }
and then turning it back on later in jQuery do not appear to work inside a Google site.
Does anyone have another suggestion?
I don't know if this works on a google site or not, but using
<body style='display:none;'>
and then in the jQuery document ready function place
$("body").show(); has worked for me.
For some reason using style on the body statement works faster than the CSS file even if the CSS file appears in the head section.

CSS stylesheet not loading on linked page

I have a site that has multiple pages. The first page is just a listview with icons and links to the other pages. CSS stylesheets work fine on the first page, but when I go to one of the linked pages, my custom css stylesheet (and js for that matter), related to that page, is being ignored. If I look in the FF inspector I see that it has dropped the associated lines that tell it about my stylesheet. If I directly go to the desired page or if I hit refresh, the styles look fine, but whenever I come from a link off the first page, the styles are gone. I see no errors when loading the page. Is this a know issue? How can I force it to not ignore my stylesheets.
I am using jquery mobile 1.4.5 in addition to my own.
Looking further. It looks like hitting the link is appending the body of the 2nd page at the end of the first and not simply loading the 2nd page.
It turns out that by default links behave a little different than normal when using jQuery Mobile. The don't do a full page load, but instead only inject the part contained in a div marked with data-role="page". I did not know this.

Lightbox Display Loading Box at End of Page

I'm using Lightbox for the first time, and it's working for my images. However, for some reason, I get a strange box at the end of my page that shows the loading icon, even though there shouldn't be an image there.
The image:
Upon inspecting the element, I get the following HTML code.
<div id="lightbox"><div class="lb-outerContainer"><div class="lb-container"><img class="lb-image"><div class="lb-nav"><a class="lb-prev"></a><a class="lb-next"></a></div><div class="lb-loader"><a class="lb-cancel"><img src="/z/styles/images/loading.gif"></a></div></div></div><div class="lb-dataContainer"><div class="lb-data"><div class="lb-details"><span class="lb-caption"></span><span class="lb-number"></span></div><div class="lb-closeContainer"><a class="lb-close"><img src="/z/styles/images/close.png"></a></div></div></div></div>
The strange part about this code is that I didn't make that div, it seems to have just been inserted by the script. Does anyone know what this might be and how to get rid of it?
This could easily be a problem with your css or script path.
If you look at the lightbox2 demo it displays that loading page you see and then removes it to display the loaded image. When either the javascript or stylesheets are not correctly linked it will not work properly.
Lightbox2 site:
You can try using (in chrome, for firefox there's firebug) right-click inspect element, go to the resources tab and expand the frames boxes until you see all the images, scripts and style sheets in a list. It'll let you know if one of them can't be found.
I had the same issue when I integrated Lightbox with an MVC site. The issue was I had referred both lightbox.js and lightbox.min.js files. I fixed the issue by removing one reference.
