How to create report with architecture layer? -

i work with Nhibernate's framework..
Would you give me advice, what I use to create a report for my web applications..??

Have you tried using the ReportViewer control from Microsoft? I am guessing you are using Visual Web Developer?
ReportViewer Controls (Visual Studio)
In genereal you should try and add a little more information to your question. ;)


Code Map for ASP.NET Projects in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate

I need to visualize complex business logic on a single ASP.NET page that has over thousands of lines code so I decided to give Visual Studio's own "Code Map" feature a shot, which is described here:
The tool looks like this:
I tried with VB.NET and C# (including MVC) projects and it was working very well... or that's what I thought, until I tried to use code map tool on an ASP.NET project.
Instead I got this helpful window:
I couldn't find any documentation that says "it's not supported" so I guess I'm doing something wrong? Is there any way to get this tool work, manually trying to add did not help either. I'm open to suggestions.
It appears you're using a File System Web Site Project. These have nebulous support in Visual Studio 2012 and later. I say "nebulous" because I haven't found anything that explicitly states they're deprecated, but the documentation for them is only provided for Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010.
If you need Code Map support for your project, consider converting it to a Web Application.

How to add datagrid to web application?

I want to add a datagrid to my web application. Is it possible to do this without recreating my project as a Silverlight project? If so, how do I do it?
I only see the option to add a DataList in my toolbox and no option at all for a DataGrid. I'm also not sure how to include a library in my project, if it is even possible to do this (this is my first time working with VB.NET so it's all a little confusing still). In C, C++, Java it's so easy! Or do I even need to use the SilverLight library at all?
If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be greatly appreciated.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 Professional.
In previous versions of .NET, a tabled list of records was referred to as a datagrid. In .NET 4 (Visual Studio 2010), it is now called a gridview and will be available in the Toolbox.
Also, there isn't any need to recreate your project as a Silverlight project. You can use gridviews in ASP.NET Web Applications.

cannot find richtext box control in

I am using visual studio 2010. The problem is I am looking for rich text box control in the toolbox but i am unable to find it. isn't it available in vs 2010 or is it only me who couldn't find it out. please help
The RichTextBox control is only available in Windows Forms development, not ASP.NET development.
The most often referenced free ASP.NET solution is CKEditor.

How to create a reusable rdlc template?

How to create an rdlc template so that we can use it for all the rdlc files in a project reducing the time to format each and every rdlc file. is it possible to create a rdlc template by which we can have the header to all rdlc files as same as rdlc template by inheriting it??
SSRS for SQL 2008 R2 added some features for using reusable queries (DataSets) and Report headers. The two caveats to this technology is that 1) You can only render these reports via SSRS 2008 R2 (not via the .net reporting controls for Winforms or Webforms), and 2) you need to edit them via Report Builder 3.0 (which requires elevated permissions to SSRS). It will not work with BIDS (VS2008). I have heard that you might be able to edit the new RDLCs by getting an add-on for VStudio 2010 or by using VStudio 2012, but I cannot confirm this.
I usually use a good compare tool, like Beyond Compare, and merge everything from my template into the new report.
It's not that fancy but works. Plus you get a good insight to how reports are defined.
This is usually done through Sub-Reports for Header and Footer.
Is it possible to reuse a header or footer in ReportViewer in Visual Studio 2010?

How to start new ASP.NET Web Application using C#

I'm trying to start a new ASP.NET Web Application Project using Visual Studio 2008. The default language is somehow VB and I want C#... I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change it to C#. I've gotta be missing something somewhere.... thanks!
Huh? Do you have Visual C# component installed? You should select ASP.NET Web Application from Visual C# -> Web category.
Are you sure you installed C#? Seems to me there's an option to NOT install it.
