How to create a reusable rdlc template? -

How to create an rdlc template so that we can use it for all the rdlc files in a project reducing the time to format each and every rdlc file. is it possible to create a rdlc template by which we can have the header to all rdlc files as same as rdlc template by inheriting it??

SSRS for SQL 2008 R2 added some features for using reusable queries (DataSets) and Report headers. The two caveats to this technology is that 1) You can only render these reports via SSRS 2008 R2 (not via the .net reporting controls for Winforms or Webforms), and 2) you need to edit them via Report Builder 3.0 (which requires elevated permissions to SSRS). It will not work with BIDS (VS2008). I have heard that you might be able to edit the new RDLCs by getting an add-on for VStudio 2010 or by using VStudio 2012, but I cannot confirm this.

I usually use a good compare tool, like Beyond Compare, and merge everything from my template into the new report.
It's not that fancy but works. Plus you get a good insight to how reports are defined.

This is usually done through Sub-Reports for Header and Footer.
Is it possible to reuse a header or footer in ReportViewer in Visual Studio 2010?


How to add Crystal Report in Visual Studio 2019 in .NET Core project?

I have installed Crystal Report from SAP in Visual Studio 2019, but it's not showing up in the list to "Add Crystal Report". I want to add into a .NET Core project.
If there is another option to create a Crystal Report, please let me know.
afaik, your only option is to call another EXE. You can use the process object for that.
You can use existing 3rd-party Crystal Reports viewers for this. See list here. Some of these have a command line API. So you can specify the .rpt file, parameters, export formats, export file name, printer destinations, etc.
Crystal Reports is not compatible with .NET Core.
This is because, under the covers, the runtime depends on COM technology.
.Net Core is almost useless for database development without reporting support

Visual Studio 2013 Single-File Mode?

I am fairly new to using VS 2013, but I had quite a bit of time in on 2010 version. In VS 2010, working with ASP.NET, I could choose to use a "single file" method instead of the "code-behind" option. This is where the VB code could reside at the top of a page, then the scripting below.
I detest having separate files for code and content, but I cannot find the option in VS 2013 to disable code-behind mode. Did they do away wit this feature?
This option is only available for websites not web applications, go to File->New->Website and create a new website, then you can choose to have the code behind on the same page or separate page when you are adding new pages.
Keep in mind there are differences between a website and a web application, please investigate further before choosing which project type is suitable for you.

How to create a Report using ReportViewer?

i need now to make a report. I found some threads here but it just show how to implement some of reportviewer's functions, and I need to know how to create one from the beginning... Its really differente than create one on WindowsForm ;\
Any help or tip ? Thanks
Just did it recently. There are a lot of manuals, like this MSDN Walkthrough: Creating a ReportViewer Report or this
Creating an ASP.NET report using Visual Studio 2010 - Part 1
Creating an ASP.NET report using Visual Studio 2010 - Part 2
Creating an ASP.NET report using Visual Studio 2010 - Part 3

How to create report with architecture layer?

i work with Nhibernate's framework..
Would you give me advice, what I use to create a report for my web applications..??
Have you tried using the ReportViewer control from Microsoft? I am guessing you are using Visual Web Developer?
ReportViewer Controls (Visual Studio)
In genereal you should try and add a little more information to your question. ;)

CrystalReports Embedded reports in ASP.NET

We currently have a set of crystal reports used for winforms projects embedded into a dll. This has been working well for us as the dll exposes a simple constructor for each report to pass needed parameters.
A property can then be retrieved which is the:
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass object which you send to the report viewer to see the report.
I thought it would be easy to add this dll to an ASP.NET project and do the same. However it seems ASP.NET reports require a path to pick up the actual .rpt file.
From what I can find on the internet it says embedded reports are not supported in CR 2005 and CR 2008 basic but says nothing about CR 2008 Full Version (Which is what we have). Is there a way to do it with this version?
If not any work arounds?
From what I have managed to discover this is not possbile. I modified my report classes to have a constructor for web and a constructor for windows so the windows one can pick up the embedded reports and the web the standalone ones from bin. This is not ideal but there seems no other solution.
