How to share the same style between few websites? -

There is a website with a master-page, set of css-files,... menus. It is necessary to implement another one that will have same (or at least very similar) look-and-feel. And also it is necessary to have look-and-feel in sync.
I've tried to find for appropriate solution (at least idea, not implementation) in the internet but didn't find anything.
My idea is to use an additional project (class library) that will contain an implementation of the master-page and all its comnponents (menus, images, css, etc will be stored as resources), this project will be refferenced from all web-sites that need to sare look-and-feel.
Do you see any best approach or any pitfalls in my idea?

I would recommend a class library for your masterpage, but I would put images and css on a web server and make links to it from your sites with absolute paths.

Maintaining images, css and menus (? menu entries?) in resources seems a lot of pain to me.
Would it not be enough to simply share a common css file and the images needed? That's what css files are for.
You probably could set up version control to have every project include the same css and image files.


What do people use to design the css for use with Visual Studio?

I am going to design a site using, and after watching a tutorial to get a feel for what is will entail, it came to a point where the video just said "drop your css files into the project", so is there a common applications(s) for designing the actual css?
Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Expression.
First, learn to use a css compiler, it makes life much easier and you can write css much more intuitively in my opinion
Second, write css (or SASS/LESS) by hand. Designers have come a long way since the early Dreamweaver days, but in my experience, you will spend just as much time, if not more, tracking down the autogenerated stuff that doesn't work, than if you just wrote it from scratch and test with Chrome (or your other favorite in-browser CSS debugger).
They could of been referring to a theme in Creating a theme in the App_Themes folder. (ASP.Net folder when you go to the add new items)This allows you to make pathing allot simpler. You can then put your skins, images(in a image folder) along with all of your style sheets. You then can set all your pages to use that theme in a web.config file. If you use the root web.config file then it will do it for your whole site. You would link it in the <pages styleSheetTheme="MyTheme"> You also will not have to have a lot of links in your head tags because all stylesheets in the theme will be inherited.(This is the drag and drop, Drag the .css file and drop it in your theme then all pages using that theme inherit the css.) Later on you can even change your themes dynamically.
Hope this helps do what you what you where looking for if not good knowledge on how sites work from what i have learned. I am just learning myself.
You don't need an application to write css for you. Just get yourself a book on css or read some online tutorials to get you started.
Then create one and code it yourself. That way you are in complete control of what is happening. It doesn't mean you won't spend some time tracking down strange behaviour but that is all part of the learning curve.

Any CSS Sprites resources and files

While there are many resources for Icons, free graphic files why can't i find any that hosts CSS Sprite images so that as a web developer that saves me time from uploading, stacking and doing nonsense stuff rather than developing the website.(I am not looking for css sprite generator but one that provided css sprite images as a whole that i can readily use)
Best i could find was this one :
I picked some from jQueryUi, Yahoo YUI anymore ??
Some More Examples:
I am a web developer and frequent this site:
I think it is an awesomely designed system, that automates the whole spriting task.
Interesting question.
I have never seen a CDN (content delivery network) for sprites, in the same way that there are CDNs for javascript libraries, etc.
I am guessing the reason is this: CSS spites are usually particular to a specific site. They are usually clips of various images related to a specific design. So they might not be as portable as a framework.
If you were to have several of your own sites using similar designs, you could "roll your own" sprites file and serve it from one domain to all your sites.

Is Creating Separate CSS Files Per Page To Speed Up Load Time Overkill?

I've been using Google PageSpeed to improve my site's performance. One of its recommendations is eliminating unused CSS in my app. Although a lot of the CSS is unused for a given page, it is used elsehwere in the app.
What's the right approach here? I'm considering creating a base CSS file for common CSS and then separate files for each individual page. Luckily there aren't that many pages. Is this overkill? And is there a better approach?
This is a Rails app, and I'm using asset_packager to minify my CSS and Javascript
It won't speed up your application because you will be adding new http requests, while if you pack all CSS into one file, that file will stay in the cache and you won't have to have an http-request for it for subsequent pages.
Google PageSpeed simply mean that you shouldn't provide styles you don't use anywhere in your application or only in pages that a user can't visit, for example the admin area.
As people in here mentioned, definitely not. You will just add new http requests. You should really keep in mind that pagespeed will probably always show that you have unused css on a given page, but that's not really a big issue.
Take a look at the other recommandations page speed is showing like enabling compression, optimizing the images (consider using css sprites if you aren't already) and more.
See also yahoo best practices to speed up your site.
That'll depend on the size of the file(s) and the way people use your site. If the file isn't huge to begin with and people will often go to many different pages, having page-specific css files will forfeit the benefit of caching, which is generally going to garner more benefit.
The overhead of an extra HTTP request to download yet another CSS file greatly outweighs the overhead of an extra few KB in the master CSS file.
I think it is best to componentise your stylesheets. For example, you might have a base css that provides the layout for your pages. Then you might have a theme css that provides colours, images, borders - visual elements. Then you might have separate css files for individual UI components, e.g. popup.css, calendar.css etc.
This approach makes it easier to manage your styles (and switch them if you need to). More relevant to your question however, is that you now have the ability to specify what stylesheets are needed for each page on your site. Now if the user visits the homepage of your site only, and the homepage has no popups or calendars, then they haven't downloaded the styles for the components they aren't using. As they proceed further into the site, they will get the required stylesheets as and when they need them.

What CSS tools (framework,grids system, IDE,..) do I need for starting web design?

I am building a new WebSite based on Grails technology.
Concerning the graphical design of my website, I plan to use services from a professional web designer but meanwhile, I need to do some basics graphical design myself in order to have a "user-friendly" beta-version.
I have read through the site but couldn't make up my mind. Here is what I have found out:
But unfortunately there are many contradictory answers.
First, some say that using CSS framework is backwards authoring and not a good thing. Others advice YUI Grids, BluePrint, 960 gs, YAML...And many say that Compass allows to develop CSS layouts easily and reusable.
So considering that:
I am new to the CSS world and I do not intend to be a web designer
My layout should be user-friendly (but not necessary awesome L&F)
It should be maintanable and easily improvable (by a professionnal web designer)
Easy to implement (in order to have something quickly)
What do you advice me for getting started with the web design of my site?
Thank you for your advices.
First, if you don't intend to be a web designer, I'd suggest outsourcing your CSS. There are several websites where you can supply HTML or a Photoshop design and have it coded up for well under a grand (1k). Or get HTML/CSS designs free.
Then there is one thing you need to know and another two you need to work out:
all HTML should be written in a semantic and valid manner: semantic = properly ordered headings, lists, no excessive divs etc.; valid = will pass WC3 validation tests. None of this is rocket science, but is still a skill that needs to be learned. Andy Clarke's Transcending CSS is a great book on semantic HTML/CSS. For ease of maintenance, the HTML and CSS should be tidy and consistently indented, etc.
you need to determine whether you'll be needing an admin backend and database for managing content, or if you're just building a site consisting of static pages (i.e. html and css files, images and other media etc.). If it's the former, that's a whole other learning curve :-)
what are your best skills? If you're a good designer, get other people to write the HTML/CSS, or use a ready-made template (there are many on the web) and customise it. Here's a good start for multi-column layouts. If you're a programmer, learn to use a framework like Django (Python), Titanium (Perl), something smaller in Ruby (because Ruby on Rails is a bit big to start with) or one in your favourite language.
Good CSS is a craft, and simplicity is the essence, but if you want to learn enough to get started, my advice would be to:
understand inheritance (the 'cascade' in CSS) and the fact that anything can be a 'block', so don't use lots of nested divs just to apply a style. Instead, apply the style to the HTML element itself, or to the element only when it appears in a parent block (like a menu unordered list contained in a sidebar div);
learn about block and inline elements (Web Design from Scratch is a great learning resource and I'd recommend it), and that CSS can change this behaviour;
test in Firefox, then test in Internet Explorer. >= IE7's not so bad (but look out for HasLayout). What you can't tweak to get right in IE, use conditional comments to add CSS that only IE can see - never use CSS hacks - .htc files that add missing IE functionality (e.g. rollover styles on any element) are available;
learn about CSS positioning, and use 'fixed' sparingly;
put all your CSS in one file (for starters), and don't use inline CSS in the HTML;
styling forms and form fields is almost a separate skill :-)
Use background images to add style, but also understand that you can offset and overlap images using positioning. You'll need to use PNGs for nice transparency, though. Oh yes, and opacity looks nice, but requires non-standard CSS for now. although the more flexible rgba (a=alpha) method is widely-supported. As do rounded corners, but both worth using.
I'd avoid CSS frameworks and resets for now - they'll complicate things at this stage by adding yet another DSL to learn (but read the arguments and the pros and cons). To avoid annoying default margins and padding, I always reset everything by doing html *, body * {margin: 0; padding 0;} then build padding and margins back in wherever needed - never been a problem so far :-)
What do you advice me for getting started with the web design of my site?
Get Firebug plugin for Firefox now!
Primary CSS uses:
See which CSS rules apply
Change CSS in real time and see the affect
Inspect other websites to see how they do things
I would not be able to develop CSS (and other web related technologies) without this tool
Take a look at YUI CSS reset/base/font/grid
And Grid 960 also has some nice layouts (search for their site in google)
I don't know what OS you are running, but if you are a Mac user, I suggest a great free tool for CSS: Xyle Scope. It's not an editor but a CSS viewer/scanner, it let you browse easily the CSS code of any web page so you can learn better how css works and you can analyze any well done layout on the web.
CSSEdit (Mac Only) is a good solution for writing Cascade sheets, easy to use, not expensive, and reach of features.
Fireworks: I think is a great software to draft your layouts and make some good graphical works!
Dreamweaver: it's an all in one solution for web developing ... it's a really great tool to easily maintain synched your remote version of the website with your local one.
Coda (Mac Only) is a very good alternative to Dreamweaver, even if it don't let you manage and edit the .htaccess files!
For coding your web site I suggest dreamweaver or Coda, but an other good alternative is BBEdit (Mac Only).
Bootstrap, Its the best css framework i can suggest, there is another one called foundation also but i prefer bootstrap more since it is popular among developers and is extendible. There are few more other frameworks, I wrote a blog about that, Here Read it too if you want :)

How can I provide dynamic CSS styles or custom theme for web site?

There are plenty of ways to provide a dynamic style/theme for a web site, but I am looking for some help on some best practices or techniques that have worked well for others.
I am creating a web site that needs to provide the ability for customers to create or specify their own colors, style, theme, or layout. I'm not convinced how much flexibility I need yet, but basically I need to provide Branding capabilities.
I will be using ASP.NET, and am open to any ideas that will fit within the ASP.NET framework.
Using Themes for ASP.NET 2 and greater will provide you everything you need for this.
Best way to handle it would be to make a nice CSS document that will specify all the areas that you would like to offer customization, such as header background image, background and text colors, etc. Then build application code to allow specification of which theme to load, and bring up that CSS file.
I'd personally go for a CSS-based solution.
You could define the elements' IDs and CSS classes for each page in the web application, so that customers can provide their own set of CSS files.
This approach is platform-agnostic, so that the developer who creates the custom themes is not forced to fit into the ASP.NET themes model - she might as well be a web designer with no programming knowledge.
Themes might be a good solution but having re-read your question I think you might be asking for a method for allowing customers to submit their own branding dynamically, i.e. without you having to modify any files, a hands-off approach? How about having an admin interface consisting of web forms where the customer can upload images and CSS themselves? You could then retrieve that content using a HttpHandler or similar.
