drupal get list of terms of a node - drupal

How to get list of terms of a node ( by node id) belongs to a particular vocabulary. Is there any drupal function ?

taxonomy_node_get_terms function.
Or also:

I know there is api for getting list of vocabularies But i am nto sure, one api exist for gettign list of terms of vocabularies.
However, you can try this function. It will work.
function myutils_get_terms_by_vocabulary($vname, $tname = "") {
$sql = "select td.*
from term_data td
inner join vocabulary v on td.vid = v.vid
where v.name = '%s'";
if($tname) {
$result = db_query($sql . " and td.name = '%s'", $vname, $tname);
return db_fetch_object($result);
} else {
$result = db_query($sql, $vname);
$terms = array();
while ($term = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$terms[$term->tid] = strtolower($term->name);
return $terms;
Basically i created a 'myutils' module for such common functions and added this function there. so that i can use them in all similar scenarios.


Get Magento 2 collection based on final_price

I have the following code to get a Magento 2 product collection:
<?php namespace Qxs\Related\Block;
class Related extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory $productCollectionFactory,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Attribute\Source\Status $productStatus,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Visibility $productVisibility,
\Magento\Framework\Registry $registry,
array $data = []
$this->_productCollectionFactory = $productCollectionFactory;
$this->productStatus = $productStatus;
$this->productVisibility = $productVisibility;
$this->_registry = $registry;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
public function getProductCollection()
try {
$product = $this->_registry->registry('current_product');
$range_percentage = 35;
$price_temp = round($product->getFinalPrice() / 100 * $range_percentage);
$price_from = $product->getFinalPrice() - $price_temp;
$price_to = $product->getFinalPrice() + $price_temp;
$categories = $product->getCategoryIds();
$collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create();
->addCategoriesFilter(['in' => $categories])
->addPriceDataFieldFilter('%s >= %s', ['min_price', $price_from])
->addPriceDataFieldFilter('%s <= %s', ['min_price', $price_to])
->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', ['neq' => $product->getId()])
->addAttributeToFilter('status', ['in' => $this->productStatus->getVisibleStatusIds()])
return $collection;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Code above is updated with a working example
It will return a result with addtofieldfilter 'price' but it does not work with final_price attribute. I need to sort based on final_price because configurable products don't have a price. The code returns: invalid attribute name.
How can I filter on price range in final_price attribute?
The final_price is part of the price index tables, so you can't work with it the same way as you would do with fields and attributes. You need to join in the price index to be able to filter and sort based on final_price. Luckily, Magento has added a few nifty functions for us to use on the product collection; addPriceDataFieldFilter() and addFinalPrice().
To be able to achieve the logic you describe above, you would want to change your code to something like this:
$collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create();
->addCategoriesFilter(['in' => $categories])
->addPriceDataFieldFilter('%s >= %s', ['final_price', $price_from])
->addPriceDataFieldFilter('%s <= %s', ['final_price', $price_to])
->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', ['neq' => $product->getId()])
->addAttributeToFilter('status', ['in' => $this->productStatus->getVisibleStatusIds()])
Note the order of the functions. You must always call addFinalPrice() after all of the addPriceDataFieldFilter() or else the filter won't be applied.
If you want to sort by final_price, you can add following code after addFinalPrice():
$collection->getSelect()->order('price_index.final_price ASC');

Wordpress search query modify query vars

A client has requested that I make the characters "S" and "$" interchangeable in the search function, i.e. "Search Query" and "$earch Query" should return identical results.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
Change it before WP queries the database:
$the_replacements = array(
'$' => 'S',
function modify_search_vars($search_vars) {
global $the_replacements;
if (!empty($search_vars['s']) && !empty($the_replacements[$search_vars['s']])) {
$search_vars['s'] = $the_replacements[$search_vars['s']];
return $search_vars;
add_filter('request', 'modify_search_vars', 99);
This seems to work well enough I guess..
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'modified_search');
function modified_search($query){
global $wp_query;
global $wpdb;
$original_query = get_search_query();
$modified_query = preg_replace("/(s|S)/", "$", $original_query);
$new_query = "
SELECT $wpdb->posts.ID
FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish'
AND (($wpdb->posts.post_title LIKE '%$original_query%') OR ($wpdb->posts.post_content LIKE '%$original_query%') OR ($wpdb->posts.post_title LIKE '%$modified_query%') OR ($wpdb->posts.post_content LIKE '%$modified_query%'))
ORDER BY $wpdb->posts.post_date DESC
LIMIT 0, 10
$results = $wpdb->get_results($new_query);
$post_ids = array();
foreach ($results as $post_id){
$post_ids[] = $post_id->ID;
$query->set('post__in', $post_ids);
I'm sure there are ways to improve that, and I'm more than happy to implement suggestions, but this appears to return results using both search terms, so it's good enough.

PHPexcel - getOldCalculatedValue and rangeToArray

Searched for quite a while now, but I'm stuck at the following problem.
I am using PHPexcel 1.8.0
The spreadsheet is read using the following code:
$rowData = $sheet->rangeToArray('A' . $row . ':' . $highestColumn . $row, NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
So far ok and it works well.
But some spreadsheets contain external referenced data.
And for that I want to use "getOldCalculatedValue".
How do I combine "getOldCalculatedValue" with "rangeToArray" ?
Or is "rangeToArray" inappropriate for this ?
Thanks for any help or hints !
Simple answer, you can't combine the two
rangeToArray() is a simple method for a simple purpose, it doesn't try to do anything clever, simply to return the data from the worksheet as efficiently and quickly as possible
getOldCalculatedValue() is used for a very specific circumstance, and isn't guaranteed to be correct even then, because it retrieves the last value calculated for the cell in MS EXcel itself, which ,ay not be correct if the external workbook wasn't available to MS Excel in that circumstance, or MS Excel formula evaluation was disable.
When calculating cells values from a formula, the PHPExcel calculation engine should use the getOldCalculatedValue() as a fallback if it finds an external reference, and rangeToArray() will try to use this method, but it isn't perfect, especially when that reference in nested deep inside other formulae referenced in other cells.
If you know that a formula in a cell contains an external reference, you should use getOldCalculatedValue() directly for that cell
I came up with the following solution.
Maybe not perfect, but it currently does the job. Thanks for any improvements!
With PHPExcel included and the excel file uploaded and ready, I continue with:
$sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);
$highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow();
Create a new array to store the cell values of a row
$arr_row = array();
Loop through the rows
for ($rownumber = 2; $rownumber <= $highestRow; $rownumber++){
$row = $sheet->getRowIterator($rownumber)->current();
$cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator();
Then loop through the cells of the current row
foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) {
Find cells with a formula
$cellcheck = substr($cell->getValue(),0,1);
if($cellcheck == '='){
$cell_content = $cell->getOldCalculatedValue();
$cell_content = $cell->getValue();
Add the cell values to the array
Close cell loop
At this point I use the $arr_row to do further calculations and string formatting, before finally inserting it into a mysql table.
Close row loop
I made some changes in the function rangeToArray() inside Worksheet.php.
Worked fine!
public function rangeToArray($pRange = 'A1', $nullValue = null, $calculateFormulas = true, $formatData = true, $returnCellRef = false) {
// Returnvalue
$returnValue = array();
// Identify the range that we need to extract from the worksheet
list($rangeStart, $rangeEnd) = PHPExcel_Cell::rangeBoundaries($pRange);
$minCol = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($rangeStart[0] -1);
$minRow = $rangeStart[1];
$maxCol = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($rangeEnd[0] -1);
$maxRow = $rangeEnd[1];
// Loop through rows
$r = -1;
for ($row = $minRow; $row <= $maxRow; ++$row) {
$rRef = ($returnCellRef) ? $row : ++$r;
$c = -1;
// Loop through columns in the current row
for ($col = $minCol; $col != $maxCol; ++$col) {
$cRef = ($returnCellRef) ? $col : ++$c;
// Using getCell() will create a new cell if it doesn't already exist. We don't want that to happen
// so we test and retrieve directly against _cellCollection
if ($this->_cellCollection->isDataSet($col.$row)) {
// Cell exists
$cell = $this->_cellCollection->getCacheData($col.$row);
if ($cell->getValue() !== null) {
if ($cell->getValue() instanceof PHPExcel_RichText) {
$returnValue[$rRef][$cRef] = $cell->getValue()->getPlainText();
} else {
if ($calculateFormulas)
{ ##################################### CHANGED LINES
if(!preg_match('/^[=].*/', $cell->getValue()))
$returnValue[$rRef][$cRef] = $cell->getCalculatedValue(); # THE ORIGINAL CODE ONLY HAD THIS LINE
$returnValue[$rRef][$cRef] = $cell->getOldCalculatedValue();
} ##################################### CHANGED LINES
$returnValue[$rRef][$cRef] = $cell->getValue();
if ($formatData) {
$style = $this->_parent->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex());
$returnValue[$rRef][$cRef] = PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString(
($style && $style->getNumberFormat()) ?
$style->getNumberFormat()->getFormatCode() :
} else {
// Cell holds a NULL
$returnValue[$rRef][$cRef] = $nullValue;
} else {
// Cell doesn't exist
$returnValue[$rRef][$cRef] = $nullValue;
// Return
return $returnValue;

Call to undefined method Slice in Doctrine

I have this function,
public function getWall(){
$q = $this->createQueryBuilder('f');
$q->leftJoin("f.profilo", 'p');
$q->leftJoin("p.utente", 'u');
$q->where('(f.foto_eliminata IS NULL OR f.foto_eliminata != 1)');
$q->andWhere('p.fase_registrazione = :fase');
$q->andWhere('u.locked = :false');
$q->slice(0, 20);
$q->setParameter(':fase', 100);
$q->setParameter('false', false);
$q->orderBy('f.created_at', 'desc');
$dql = $q->getQuery();
$results = $dql->execute();
return $results;
but I get this error,
Call to undefined method Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder::slice()
Ok, so, u get this error, cause QueryBuilder has no such method. But Collection has. If u want to use slice, a possible variant is:
use Doctrine\Common\Collections;
public function getWall(){
$result = $this->createQueryBuilder('f')
->leftJoin("f.profilo", 'p')
->leftJoin("p.utente", 'u')
->where('(f.foto_eliminata IS NULL OR f.foto_eliminata != 1)')
->andWhere('p.fase_registrazione = :fase')
->andWhere('u.locked = :false')
->setParameter('fase', 100)
->setParameter('false', false)
->orderBy('f.created_at', 'desc')
// $result typed as array
return new Collections\ArrayCollection($result))->slice(0,20); // convert array to collection, then slice
By the way, it is not a good idea to 'limit' result of the query in a such way.
U can use setMaxResults(20), and not to select all objects at all.
About lazy collections (http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/tutorials/extra-lazy-associations.html): after selecting result objects, u can take some object from result collection: $r = $result[0] after that:
$portfilos = $r->getPortfolio(); // returns for example Collection with some objects;
// its Lazy, without SQL query!
$portfolios->slice(0, 20); // queries first 20 potfolios
To use slice is a rather good idea, if u have lots of objects in some relation.
p.s. sry, mb I didn't recognized your problem, but tried :)
fixed errors in code.

get_categories order by meta key issue?

I'm trying to search for a way to order categories by meta value. From what I read, it seems like I can use:
However, this does not work at all, the categories are still not in the order I want. I wonder how I can:
correct this to make it work
print out the sql to see what is really going on inside?
Thank you very much in advance.
First of all, I must mention that I'm using the module custom category fields, and second of all I'm a complete WP newbie
Anyhow, after learning that this cannot be done by default, I looked into the get_categories functions and finally came up with a solution
function category_custom_field_get_terms_orderby( $orderby, $args ){
if($args['orderby'] == 'category_custom_field' && isset($args['category_custom_field']))
return 'cv.field_value';
return $orderby;
function category_custom_field_get_terms_fields( $selects, $args ){
if($args['orderby'] == 'category_custom_field' && isset($args['category_custom_field']))
$selects[] = 'cv.*';
return $selects;
function category_custom_field_terms_clauses($pieces, $taxonomies, $args){
global $wpdb;
if($args['orderby'] == 'category_custom_field' && isset($args['category_custom_field']))
$pieces['join'] .= " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->prefix" . "ccf_Value cv ON cv.term_id = tt.term_id AND cv.field_name = '".$args['category_custom_field']."'";
return $pieces;
add_filter('get_terms_orderby', 'category_custom_field_get_terms_orderby',1,2);
add_filter('get_terms_fields', 'category_custom_field_get_terms_fields',1,2);
add_filter('terms_clauses', 'category_custom_field_terms_clauses',1,3);
(The code above can be put into the theme functions.php file)
then the code to get categories is:
Any correction is greatly appreciated!
You can also give the get_categories new meta and sort using usort.
$subcategories = get_categories();
foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
$subcategory->your_meta_key = your_meta_value;
foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
blah blah blah
function my_cmp($a, $b) {
if ($a->ordering == $b->ordering) {
return 0;
return ($a->ordering < $b->ordering) ? -1 : 1;
usort($subcategories, "my_cmp");
