Is it possible to link Web.config transform with publishing profile? -

Currently I can easily setup Web.config transform based on build configuration, e.g. use connectionString=server;.. for Debug and connectionString=./SQLExpress;.. for Release.
But is it possible to do some Web.config transformation basing on web publish profile? I.e. use connectionString=server1;.. for profile Server1 and connectionString=server2;.. for Server2 ?

We keep all machine/profile specific configuration in separate config files, then use configSource to include them like so...
<connectionStrings configSource="cstrings.config"/>
This way Web.config is the same and doesn't require any transformations. We do this for connection strings, smtp settings and app settings.
We version control Web.config and "machine specific" files such as cstrings.config.production, cstrings.config.staging, etc.
Once you have this structure it's easy to generate images for different profiles. We have deployment scripts on each machine that read an environment variable and deploy appropriately. For example, the staging server build script copies cstrings.config.staging to cstrings.config, etc.

There could be a slightly different way to do this.
On your production servers create a dummy entry, for customdb, in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on each of the production machines. Each one pointing to the database that you want that machine to use. Then you only have to point to the connectionString=customdb; for all your production servers.
Only downside of this would be that you would need access to the hosts file and it would require you to use a db.
Hope this helps

I believe that the publishing profiles are independent of the build profiles, which is a bit of a shame, as you could easily accidentally deploy a debug configuration to your production servers.
However, if you're using MSDeploy, there are ways to modify the web.config in there. See MSDeploy - Changing Connection string parameter after deploying the package for more details.


nopcommerce 4.0 datasettings.json transform

This may seem a bit trivial...but how do you go about transforming the db connection for a nopcommerce app as it is deployed to various environments.
The db connection is set in app_data\datasettings.json.
Normally this type of stuff is handled with web.config transforms.
How do you go about setting up build transforms for different environments (dev, test, prod)?
I am also looking around this topic.
In my humble opinion, the nopCommerce config is a pain, because it makes it really hard to do proper Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery while keeping secrets safe.
At initial deployment you are greeted with the install page. The problem is that the installation process writes a a bunch of files to on server, including datasettings.json, where the connection string to the DB is hard-coded.
This means that when I deploy nopCommerce to Azure App Service, for deployments after installation, I have to make sure NOT to delete "additional files on the server" or the config will be deleted, since these config files written by the installer, are not in source control.
It is really impractical not to be able to use standards ASP.NET connection strings, environment variables or KeyVault.
To answer your question on how you do transformation on the config file, one possibility is to use a PowerShell script to read, transform, and write the config file directly on the App Service instance. There is an API for that.
Alternatively, you can modify the source to read from Web.Config:
Change the connection string of nopCommerce?

AWS CodeDeploy --Deploy different web.config

Can someone tell any way to deploy different web.config on different EC2 instances with in same deployment group.
Scenario: We have few entries in the config that will be different on different instances. So need some way to update based on instance.
Create a script to make the necessary changes to your web.config and then use the hooks section of your app.spec file to run the script before install on your deployment.
I actually took the approach of storing my web.config files for each environment in an S3 bucket. As part of the CodeDeploy Deployment group process, it would download the config file from the S3 bucket in the After Install hook. This way you can build the application once and push the same application files for each environment. This also separates the configuration of the application from the actual code so that the development team doesn't need to know things like connection string values, etc...

Secure web.config info

We are working on a ASP.NET MVC site. I am a dev who is also responsible for prod deployments with other members of the team distributed across the globe.
Today I started working on the web.release.config transformation file for production deployment, and it made me thinking that I really don't want other devs to have access to these files since they contain sensitive production information. But, in VS 2010 these files are placed right next to the dev web.config, so if I check them in, then, the rest of the crew will see them.
Is there a recommended way to use VS2010 to apply transformations to web.config files in such a way that these transformation files don't have to be located with the rest of dev files? Or, do I need to use some kind of automated build tools such as NANT or MS Team Server to do that?
Thanks for your advice.
I typically use the src= tag on the web.config connection file to have a separate file for connection strings for production server that the developers don't have access to to keep it secure. Then in my build process, I grab the webProd.config file from a more secure place and update the server with it.

ASP.Net configuration file -> Connection strings for multiple developers and deployment servers

I have a team of three developers, two of whom use a standard local test database, one of whom uses his own database and there is also a server environment with a production database and a testing database.
This amounts to multiple connection strings required.
The web.config file periodically gets updated and keeps having to be changed by each developer when a source control update is performed, as well as the fact that sometimes a developer accidentally checks in his personal web.config file change with his connection string, which temporarily interrupts us after running a subsequent update from source control.
What can I change so that the web.config file can be committed/updated as often as is necessary and not result in broken connection strings for other developers or require modifications before it can be uploaded to the testing or production environments?
You might want to look at replacing the ConnectionStrings section of the Web.Config with a Config Source file, commit the LIVE set of connection strings into source control, but not include them in the actual solution.
Information on using the configSource attribute can be found in the section "Using External Configuration Files" in the document:
Connection Strings and Configuration Files
This has the advantage that developers could have their own settings that don't get checked into the main Web.Config. The potential downside is that it's yet another file that you have to worry about, and depending on how you're getting the latest version out of source control might not help (i.e. if you go to your SC client and say "Get latest" that would overwrite the file, whereas if you are in Visual Studio, right click on the solution/project and select "Get Latest" that will only get files in the projects).
For the question regarding the testing and production environments, you can make use of the Visual Studio Web Deployment Projects. With that, you can define sections in the web.config that will be replaced when you build the deployment package for the test / prod server.
You could use the Enterprise Library Data Access Block to handle your database connections. You can then define as many connection strings as you want and simply change the use key to whichever one is required. See for more information.

How do you deal with connection strings when deploying an ASP.NET site?

Right now our test and production databases are on the same server, but with different names. Deploying has meant editing Web.config to change all the connection strings for the correct database. A step which I forget all too frequently...
We've finally created a new database server for testing, and I'm moving the databases over... but now the server will be different and we'll still need to deal with connection string issues.
I was thinking of managing it via a hosts file, but the thought of switching that on my desktop machine whenever I need to test against production data seems cumbersome at best.
So I'm just wondering if there's a better way out there. Something that would build with a "production" web config for deployment would be ideal...
Use a Web Deployment Project and update the wdproj file (it's just an MSBuild file) with some post build tasks to output the correct .config file. I keep a web.config and web.release.config then use this in the wdproj file:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' " SourceFiles="$(SourceWebPhysicalPath)\web.release.config" DestinationFiles="$(OutputPath)\web.config" />
<Delete Files="$(OutputPath)\web.release.config" />
More information
A simpler solution some like is using configSource property of appSettings and connectionStrings and then never overwriting that file on the production server.
I usually have three separate web configs: one for my development machine, one for QA, and one for production. The development one connects to my local SQL database (which is firewalled from outside) and it is the default web.config. The others are named web-prod.config and web-qa.config. After publishing I delete the two that I don't need and rename the correct one to web.config. If I forget, the app breaks the first time it attempts to access the database, since the default config references one it can't get to.
Since IIS refuses to serve up a file named .config, I make sure they all end in .config instead of say web.config-prod or web.config-qa.
Here's another thing you can try:
Using SQL Server Configuration Manager, make a db Alias for your development database so that the web.config file can be the same on both your development box and the production server.
I create a database alias on each server to point to the database. I then use this alias in my web.config files. If I need to change which database the application points to, then I change the alias and not the web.config.
For SQL Server, go to SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Native Client Configuration > Aliases > Create New Alias.
You can do the same thing with Oracle with the tnsnames file.
have environment folders with separate configs for each environment
deploy out the correct one for the environment
I did this so often, I made the web.config on the production server read-only.
I've been in a few places now that store them in the registry.
There's probably more elaborate ways to do it now but a lot of code I've worked on with a 1.0/1.1 heritage store the strings in the registry.
The registry has a few advantages
It keeps people from deploying the code to the wrong places since machines not configured properly will lack the keys
It eliminates the problem wherein a developer will accidentally package a web.config file with the development connection strings in it (followed by a frantic phone call in the middle of the night wherein it is revealed that the late night sysadmin did not back up the previous web.config and the developer does not know or recall the production strings)
It limits the possibility of a hacker being able to get the connection string by fetching the web.config off of the machine. Plus the registry has more levels of security than the filesystem.
We drive our a deployments from our CI server. We usualy have a seperate file for each location and have the CI server switch to the appropriate config depending on the arguments passed ot it. All the file editing is done in NAnt scripts, so develops can run the sam build on their machine to get their own settings.
I'll put my connection strings in the machine.config on our QA and Production boxes. I'll keep them in the web.config on my dev box for flexibility, though. Then, I'll use a web deployment project to overwrite my dev connection strings with nothing (no connection strings) when deploying to QA. Therefore the QA site relies on the connection strings in machine.config. I still deploy to Production manually to make sure everything succeeds. I do this by manually copying everything from QA (except for web.config) to production.
This kind of task is exactly what build events are designed to address. Think of building as building for a specific target, any target specific configuration should be done there. (with the normal caveat that there are always some exceptions to the rule)
I've recently been leaning towards config manipulation on the continuous integration server. That's because we've had problems with multiple web.config,, web.production.config keeping the 95% of the file that should be the same in sync.
In a nutshell: there's only the one web.config in source control and it's the development configuration (debug friendly, local db, etc.). The build server does the compile, then a deploy to the canary site, then the package for release candidate.
We're using nant, so it's the .build file that has xmlpoke to set debug="false", alter connection strings, and whatever else needs to change in the canary copy and the packaging copy of the web.config.
The build machine's deploy is called "canary" because it's the first thing to die if there's a problem.
