Sqlite3 error after Rails 3 (beta 4) install - sqlite

After Installing Rails 3, I get the following error regarding Sqlite3 when I try to do a migrate:
Init_sqlite3_native): symbol not found
- /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.3.0/lib/sqlite3/sqlite3_native.bundle
I am using Snow Leopard, if that makes a difference.

I faced the same issue. The problem is that your sqlite-ruby interface is not installed properly in your snow leopard. To install that , use the following :-
sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
But before installing that check if a proper gcc is installed in your Mac.Use the below lines to check that :-
ok First of all check if the follwoing is installed:-
$gcc -v
If not then you have to install Mac developers xcode package in your snow leopard first.
You can download using a free registration from this site:- http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/mac
For more reference take a look into my post : How to install ruby interface for sqlite3 in Mac snow leopard?
If you face the problem the problem even after trying these please let me know the error your facing. Because I faced all the error before making my snow leopard work ;). So I 'm familiar to most of the errors and blunders we usually make ;) !!

Hmm, looks like maybe something isn't compiled correctly. Maybe a gem was compiled on an older system or pre-upgrading to snow leopard? It may be that the sqlite binary is 64 bit but the native ruby extension isn't.
I'd try this:
Install RVM (Or create a new gemset if you're already using it.)
Using a fresh rvm gemset, re-install rails 3
Do bundle install to get all your gems loaded
If the problem goes away then it's likely that your libraries aren't all compiled the same way. This can happen when upgrading to snow leopard from a previous version of Mac OS X. The upgrade would have updated the sqlite binary but not any gems you had compiled yourself, like the sqlite bindings for ruby.

I'm not sure how it's done with Snow Leopard but you need to install The sqlite dev package, libsqlite3-dev
Then install the gem, sqlite3-ruby

Just got to the GEMFILE inside you project and comment out the gems that you do not require.


No module named 'charset_normalizer.md__mypyc'

I'm using PyInstaller to compile a program and keep coming across the error "No module named 'charset_normalizer.md__mypyc.'" The Charset-Normalizer package is installed.
As a test, I tried re-compiling a program that I had previously created in early September without issue, but now receive the same error. I thought that maybe there is an issue with the versions of either PyInstaller or Charset-Normalizer so I've experimented with different versions, but cannot get it to work.
You are probably missing the "chardet" library
I installed it and it worked.
pip install chardet
I had the EXACT problem. Scripts that I was able to make into executables using Pyinstaller before I could no longer do so again. In my script I used the pdfplumber package, which when you install it also installs other packages like pillow, wand, charset-normalizer, etc.
Since the error was regarding charset-normalizer for me as well, I tried different versions of it. For me it was version 2.1.0 that made the executable work again. Install it with the "pip install charset-normalizer==2.1.0" command: https://pypi.org/project/charset-normalizer/2.1.0/.
If it does not work, go to "Release history" on that link and try another version. Try to remember when was the last time you created a working executable and get the version you think will work for you.
This worked for me:
I just added
from charset_normalizer import md__mypyc
to the top of my python script.
If you don't have the charset-normalizer library installed, then you should install it using the following command:
pip install charset-normalizer
I got it to work by installing older versions of PyInstaller and Charest-Normalizer. Anytime this messages pops-up, consider installing an older version of the package.
Pyinstaller may sometimes miss your dependency. In such a case run pyinstaller with the --collect-all option.
In this case --collect-all charset_normalizer should force pyinstaller to include the dependency.

Installing Fluent Bit on Mac

I want to install Fluent Bit on macOS Catalina. All the resources available are for Ubuntu and Windows.
I followed this guide for Ubuntu [1].
Can anyone guide me on this?
[1] https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/installation/linux/debian
I doubt that you can install those debian packages on macOS. But you can surely build from the source. There is a link on official documentation on how to build and install from source.
But from my experience you better get an understanding of possible errors that might come if you just try to download and install. Have a look at this post about pre-requisites. Once you have add those dependencies, surely you can build and installed on a macOS.
If you really want to install a package version on Mac, use it with homebrew.
You can install Fluent Bit on Mac with homebrew:
brew install fluent-bit
In my experience, on Mac it is very unstable and when I've attempted to do something simple like tailing logs you'll get lots of crashes.

Can't brew install MariaDB 5.5 on Mac OS

does anyone know how I could install MariaDB 5.5 server with Homebrew on Mac OS? I've tried running brew install mariadb#5.5 but it doesn’t work.
You can also Try Building it from source!
you can use Homebrew to build MariaDB from source.Its helpful if you want to use a different version of the server or enable some different capabilities that are not included in the bottle package or if you are having issues with the bottle package.
To build MariaDB Server with these engines, you must first install boost and judy.
And please can you be specific about the errors you encountered.
You might want to check this site:

Unable to locate package libqt5webkit5-dev

Suddenly today, without us changing any configuration, all test containers began to fail because of the following error:
$ sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install libqt5webkit5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package libqt5webkit5-dev
E: Unable to locate package qtdeclarative5-dev
We have the following configuration in our .travis.yml in order to use QT5 on Travis with Ubuntu 12.04:
- ubuntu-sdk-team
- libqt5webkit5-dev
- qtdeclarative5-dev
We've tried to fix this but are baffled. Any ideas? Anyone else experiencing this?
We had the same problem and after contacting Travis support I learned that apparently the ubuntu-sdk-team has stopped providing packages for Precise and you need to switch dist to Trusty. In order to get the builds working again add this to your .travis.yml file
sudo: required
dist: trusty
You can read more about it here
Ubuntu 12.04 will be deprecated in less than a year from now (exactly at 2017-04-26), and also Qt Webkit is deprecated with the new versions of Qt starting from Qt 5.5. It is removed in Qt 5.6 from the Qt distribution:
With 5.6, Qt WebKit and Qt Quick 1 will no longer be supported and are
dropped from the release. The source code for these modules will still
be available. You can continue to compile and use these modules, but
we will not be supporting them any longer.
So, you in order to maintain the stability of your development environment, either you have to stay with the current versions of Ubuntu and Qt (which has its own issues), or you have to port your code to work with the newer versions of Ubuntu and Qt, like Qt 5.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Installing iPDC Unix Programme

I am trying to install iPDC on a Centos unix laptop.
I am getting a make error when I attempt to install the programme - I have attached a screenshot of my problem.
The command run is sudo make install and I am attempting to install as the root user.
Your installed GTK version is probably too old to support this software. GtkBuilder (a component within GTK) showed up at version 2.12. To find out what version you have, run pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 at the command line. But that version has been around for quite some time. What version Centos are you running? I assume 5, which is quite old.
Upgrading GTK can be tricky, as most of your desktop software relies on it. If you're in for an adventure, the "easiest" would be to upgrade your Centos OS (to 6.x). You might be able to compile a more recent GTK from source and keep it separate from your system GTK, but that will take some patience.
It seems that GTK is not installed.
Try something like: yum install gtk2 or yum install gtk2-devel
