Do Java web-server apps have any way to PUSH? - http

Web-servers work in response to incoming HTTP requests... process the request and return an HTTP response. Are there any common ways that a server can PUSH data to clients in this architecture... e.g a request comes in from client1 and the server wants to notify client2? It can obviously be done by a non-web server, using sockets, but what about a web-server app which has to support page requests AND allow PUSHing data..?

what about a web-server app which has to support page requests AND allow PUSHing data..?
Servlet 3.0 introduces Async support allowing to write Comet style applications (i.e. applications using Long-lived HTTP connections and either long polling or streaming).
If you can't wait for Servlet 3.0 Async support and don't want to use proprietary Comet or WebSocket support from containers (like GlassFish, Jetty), then have a look at Atmosphere.
See also
JavaOne 2008: Comet (AJAX, Grizzly and Cometd)
Asynchronous processing support in Servlet 3.0
Servlet 3.0 Async API or Atmosphere? A Simple Comparison

You can use web app containers like Jetty which support Web Sockets if you don't mind waiting for the web world to catch up to this up-and-coming standard. Then you'll have real bi-directional communications instead of HTTP + Polling or special plug-ins or the like.

No, not without some client side tech (Flash, Silverlight, Applets, etc.)
You could have the page poll the server with AJAX though.

Another possibility would be to abuse HTTP Keep Alive to achieve this. See for some background. In your scenario you would have client2 initiate a connection to the server that then would stay open listening for notifications.
This is not a great solution, first off you need to keep lots of long lived TCP connections around, and if a connection is lost there is no way for the server to reconnect. It must wait for the client to come back.


Grpc-Web Client in Java

I'm trying to connect to a grpc-service from a Java client. The problem is that this service is currently supporting only grpc-web over http1.1, this is because of a limitation of supporting http2 in Azure App service where the service is deployed.
The grpc-java client liberary from io.grpc only supports grpc over http2 protocol, which maskes sense, and unfortenatly is not working for me.
I managed to consume a service using HTTP client from apache and okhttp3 but this works for unary calls and it didn't work for a server-side streaming service.
Is any one aware of a grpc-web java client liberary that I could use or a work arround using convenienal Http for reading grpc-web server-side streaming service.
If I understand your question correctly, you want a Java client for gRPC-Web so that your client can talk HTTP/1.1 through a gRPC-Web proxy (e.g. Envoy gRPC-Web) because you're unable to talk HTTP/2 directly to your service because of the Azure networking limitation?
In theory this should be possible. The JavaScript implementation is because, in-browser, there's no alternative except JSON transcoding. The JavaScript implementation does implement server-side streaming, which is another requirement and confirms that this should be possible over HTTP/1.1.
However, in a quick search I found no other (i.e non-JavaScript) client implementations of gRPC-Web.

stateless protocol and stateful protocol

How to understand stateless protocol and stateful protocol? HTTP is a stateless protocol and FTP is a stateful protocol. For the web applications requiring a lot of interactions, the underlying protocol should be stateful ones. Is my understanding right?
HTTP is a stateless protocol, in other word the server will forget everything related to client/browser state. Although web applications have made it virtually look like stateful.
A stateless protocol can be forced to behave as if it were stateful. This can be accomplished if the server sends the state to the client, and if the client to sends it back again to the server, every time.
There are three ways this may be accomplished in HTTP:
a) One is cookies, in which case the state is sent and returned in HTTP headers.
b) The second is URL extension, in which case the state is sent as part of the URL as request.
c) The third is "hidden form fields", in which the state is sent to the client as part of the response, and returned to the server as part of a form's hidden data
One of the major reasons why HTTP scales so well is its Statelessness. Stateless protocol eases the replication concerns, as the state itself doesn't need to be stored on the server.
Stateful protocols are logically heavy to implement in Internet reliably. Stateless servers are also easily scalable, while for stateful servers scalablity is problematic. Stateless request can be sent to any node, at any time, while with Stateful this is not a case.
HTTP as Stateless protocol increases availability for stateless web applications, which otherwise would be difficult or impossible to implement. If there is connection lost, there is no state that is lost, simple request resend will resolve the problem. Stateless requests are also cacheable.
see more here
Since you're asking about a Web application, the protocol will always be stateless -- the protocol for the Web is http (or https), and that's all she wrote.
I think what you're thinking of is providing a state mechanism in your Web application itself. The typical approach to this is that you create a unique identifier for the user's session in your Web application (a sessionID of one form or another is the common practice) which is handed back and forth between browser and server. That's typically done in a cookie, though it can be done, with a bit more hassle for you depending on your platform/framework, on the URL as well.
Your server-side code stores stateful information (again, typically called the user's session) however it wants to using the sessionID to look it up. The http traffic simply hands back the sessionID. As long as that identifier is there, each http transaction is completely independent of all others, hence the protocol traffic itself is stateless.
HTTP is a stateless protocol. All the web-based applications are also stateless.
When a request is send to the server, a connection is established between client and server. The server receives the request, processes the request and sends back the response and then, the connection will be closed.
If another request will be sent, after that, it will be treated as a new request and a new connection will be established.
In order to make HTTP stateful, we use session management techniques.
So that, it uses the data coming from previous request while processing present request i.e, it uses the same connection for a series of client server interactions.
The session management techniques are:
hidden form field
Anything that forgets whatever it did in past is stateless, such as http
Anything that can keep the history is statefull, such as database
Http is a stateless protocol, that's why it forgets the user information.
We make http as statefull protocol using jsonWebToken(JWT) i.e. on each request going to server, server will first verify the user using JWT.
Your question is spot on, and yes, it would be great if your web transactions with your bank were done over a stateful connection. Alas, HTTP is stateless due to a quirky bug in FTP and a 12 socket limit in the partial socket table in BSD of 1989. Marcus Ranum explained it all here.
So HTTP throws away the state it inherits from TCP and has to recreate state at the application layer in the form of cookies. Crappy internet security is the result.
The Seif project proposes to fix all that using "secure JSON over TCP". DNS and certificate authorities are not required. The protocol and seifnode.js are finished and on github with an MIT license.
HTTP doesn't 'inherit' from TCP, but rather uses it for a transport. HTTP uses TCP for a stateful connection, but then disconnects. Later it will connect again, if needed. So, while you browse through a web site you create many different connections. Each one of those connections is stateful, but the conversation as a whole is not, since you are dropping the connection with every conversation.
From this link
Basically yes, but you have no choice but use HTTP which is where websites are served in. So you have to deal with compromises to make HTTP stateful, aka session management. Possibilities are basically passing on a session id through each call in the URL so you know when you're talking to someone you've talked about before, or via cookies, which achieve the same goal without cluttering the url. However, most modern web development languages take care of that for you; if you google for the language of your choice + "session management" you should get some ideas of how it's done.

Can I reuse my existing TCP-Server?

At the moment I have an existing application which basically consists of a desktop GUI and a TCP server. The client connects to the server, and the server notifies the client if something interesting happens.
Now I'm supposed to replace the desktop GUI by a web GUI, and I'm wondering if I have to rewrite the server to send http packets instead of tcp packets or if I can somehow use some sort of proxy to grab the tcp packets and forward them to the web client?
Do I need some sort of comet server?
If you can make your client ask something like "Whats new pal?" to your server from time to time you can start implementing HTTP server emulator over TCP - its fun and easy process. And you could have any web based GUI.
You can just add to your TCP responds Http headers - itll probably do=)
So I mean HTTP is just a TCP with some headers like shown in here.
You should probably install fiddler and monitor some http requests/ responses you normally do on the web and you'll get how to turn your TCP server into http emulator=)
If you want keep sockets based approche use flash (there is some socket api) or silverlight (there is socket API and you can go for NetTcpBinding or Duplexbinding something like that - it would provide you with ability to receive messages from server when server wants you to receive them (server pushes messages))
So probably you should tall us which back end you plan to use so we could recomend to you something more usefull.

HTTP Proxy/FastCGI/SCGI not closing connection when client disconnected - bug or feature?

I'm working on Comet support for CppCMS framework via long XMLHttpRequest polls. In many cases, such request is closed by client before any response from server was given -- for example the page is closed, user moves to other page or it is just refeshed.
At the server side I expect that I would recieve the notification that connection is dropped. I tested the application via 3 connectors: FastCGI, SCGI and simple HTTP Proxy.
From 3 major UNIX web servers, Apache2, lighttpd and Nginx, only the last one had closed
connection as expected allowing my application to remove the request from wait queue -- this worked for both FastCGI and HTTP Proxy connectors. (Nginx does not have scgi module by default).
Others, Apache and Lighttpd do not close connection or inform the backend about disconnected
clients, the proceed as if the client is still on line. This happens for all 3 supported APIs: FastCGI, SCGI and HTTP Proxy.
I had opened an issue for Lighttpd, but what
more conserns me is the fact that Apache -- mature and well supported web server as lighttpd
and does not discloses the server backend that client had gone.
Is this a bug or this is a feature? Is there any reason not to close the connection between web server and application backend?
Are there real life Comet application working behind these servers via FastCGI/SCGI/HTTP-Proxy backends?
If the above true, how do they deal with this issue? I understand that I can timeout all connections every 10 seconds, but I would like to keep them idle as far as client listens -- because this allows easier scale up -- each connection is very cheep -- the cost is only the opended socket.
(1) Feature. Or, more specifically, fallout from an implementation detail.
A TCP/IP connection does not involve a constant flow of traffic back and forth. Thus, there is no way to know that a client is gone without (a) the client telling you it is closing the connection or (b) a timeout.
(2) I'm not specifically familiar with Comet or CppCMS. But, yes, there are all kinds of CMS servers running behind the mentioned web servers and they all have to deal with this issue (and, yes, it is a pain).
(3) Timeouts are the only way, but you can mitigate the pain, so to speak. Have the client ping the server across the connection every N seconds when there is otherwise no activity. Doesn't have to do anything and you can tack stuff on the reply; notifications of concurrent edits or whatever you need.
You are correct in that it is surprising that mod_fastcgi doesn't support telling the backend that Apache has detected the disconnect or the connection timed out. And you aren't the first to be dismayed.
The second patch on this page should fix that particular issue:
I don't have any concrete information for you, but this article does mention that they can detect when the client has disconnected from Apache. See tora.Queue. And it sounds like the source is available in the neko CVS, so you might be able to find some clues there. Good luck.

How to implement HTTP Tunneling

I've written a Flash (Flex) client connecting to a back-end server to exchange data.
I've also written my server from scratch, and it serves two purposes:
(1) Web (HTTP) Server- By default listens on port 80
(2) Socket/Application- Server - By default listens on port 443
Just FYI, both servers run in the same process space, for convenience reasons. They are not expected to handle massive loads, so I'm fine with that.
As soon as the Flash client is served to the browser from the HTTP socket, the client attempts to open an XMLSocket to the Socket/Application server.
I now want to implement HTTP tunneling, so that my client can connect to the Application server even if the user is behind a firewall. I do not want any external servers involved (proxies etc.) - simply use the servers I already have.
My questions:
(1) Is it better to use port 443 for that? (does it better fool firewalls?)
(2) As far as I can see, what I am required to do, is just ensure that my actual application data is simply encapsulated in an HTTP structure (preceded by a dummy HTTP header), both from the client and server sides. Is that so or am I missing anything here?
(3) Do I need to keep hiding/encapsulating my data every message I send through the socket, or can I just encapsulate the first message when opening the connection?
Thanks in advance guys!
Don't reinvent the wheel - use remoting via AMF protocol. AMF an HTTP-based binary format that performs serialization between ActionScript (MXML) and server side languages. Technically, this is HTTP tunneling.
Adobe offers BlazeDS (open source) and LCDS (commercial) implementations of AMF for AS/Java, but there are third-party implementations of AMF for AS/PHP, AS/Python, AS/Ruby, AS/.Net.
BTW, AMF is an open source format.
