Automating a form post in Firefox - http

I go to a web form, enter some info into a number of fields on the form, click the Submit button (which does a POST) and get results. I do this frequently and would like to automate this process. I mainly use Firefox. I've looked at Watir but perhaps overkill for my needs.

Watir or Watin are perfect for what you want, and aren't heavyweight. I use them all the time.

Watir's a great tool to get familiar with for UI automation. I don't quite understand the SU comment above, but it will work for what you're looking to accomplish. The additional side benefit is that you get to learn and/or work with Ruby. :)

have a look at simple to use selenium plugin

Watir would handle this with ease. If you provide sample HTML and let me know what you want to do, I will create a Watir script.

Hope this helps:


Google Maps v3 autocomplete search only works in IE

I'm having a minor problem with an autocomplete search box. My application seems to work fine in IE, but when I try it in Firefox or Chrome, the search box doesn't function.
Unfortunately I'm pretty much of a newbie at mashups and javascript but I've managed to piece something together based on other examples from various sources. So forgive me if it's not the most elegant thing in the world! ;) It's a bit of a hodgepodge that I've been building in stages. I'm nervous about trying to streamline it much because I'm under a time constraint as it's a class project and don't want to mess up what already works. No doubt I have a lot to learn yet and I welcome suggestions. I just may not be able to apply them before I have to turn it in.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong with the autocomplete? Also, I noticed that the Map/Satellite view buttons no longer worked after I built in the search functionality. My solution to that was to disable/hide the buttons! If anyone has any hints on that too, let me know.
Here's where the app is located:
For some reason, I'm not able to get my code to post here but please feel free to view the source code for the page.
Thanks in advance,
You have an extra <script type="text/javascript"> tag. Remove that and look at the source in Firefox. The HTML errors are highlighted. In general, never use IE for development. Use a real browser instead. ;-)

Alternative to (Flash) SimpleViewer image gallery?

I am using SimpleViewer to show images on a website. It's a nice and elegant tool. But, as it is using Flash not all devices (e.g. iPad?) will/can show the images. Does anybody know about a non-Flash alternative? Maybe totally CSS cased?
I know this is an old question, but I found something that looks quite a bit like SimplerViewer called Gallerific.
If you check out the example 2 you'll see a layout that looks a lot like SimpleView
Well, I have checked under every rock and I can't find a good non-flash alternative to SimpleViewer (i'm really curious now to if there's one!). There are rumours about it soon being changed to HTML5 (a wise decision), but I don't know if you can wait that long.
I would say the best option is jQuery and CSS, you can personalise and style your gallery as you wish, but you will have to be at least a bit comfortable with html editing. It's not complicated at all, you should give it a try.
You can find lots of jQuery galleries and sliders tutorials here for example:
Do some search engine research to get the best options, there are tons of different galleries.
Good luck!
They have now, see: this comment at the SimpleViewer Forum. It's called Universal Playback.

How to edit the Ajax HTML Editor, that I only need a few buttons of it?

I use the HTML Editor from ASP.NET Ajax AjaxControlToolkit
Its like:
But I want to have it like:
So the default buttons are much overpowered for my users.
Is there a way to reduce the ajax HTMLEditor to this few buttons?
Or is there another controle you can help me with?
You haven't said which one you're using. I would recommend using TinyMCE:
It will be easy to achieve what you want with it.
The best way to achieve this is to take advice from Ed Pitt, I did it this way and I was able to create different versions with different tools. The basic premise is to copy the HTMLEditor.Samples.cs file from the AJAX Control Toolkit source into your app and modify it to only print out the toolbars you want:
Hope this is what you are looking for dynamically extend content

i'm not sure how to call that. i'm looking for some samples guiding me how to implement a automatic page extend. i'm mean something like the friends list on facebook. first only a few friends are loaded. after you scroll down, some others get loaded.
thx in advance
The solution to your problem relies more on AJAX then anything else.
I suggest using jQuery Ajax, and here is a nice article that will get you started with calling ASP.NET web services via client side script.
enter link description here
If you don't have experience using ajax this will probably be a lot for you to grasp. Especially if you're going to dive in with a feature like you described above.
Edit: It may be more practical to use a plugin to achieve this:
scrolling jQuery plugin

Writing web forms filler/submitter with QT C++

I'm scratching my head on how to accomplish the following task: I need to write a simple web forms filler/submitter with QT C++, it does the following:
1) Loads page url
2) Fills in form fields
3) Submits the form
Sounds easy, but I'm a web developer and can't find the way how to make QT accomplish the task, I only managed to load url with QWebView object using WebKit, have no idea what to do next, how to fill in fields and submit forms. Any hints, tutorials, videos? I appreciate this.
QWebElement class does all the work, just reading through the class documentation gave me a full idea on how to accomplish my task. Thanks to eveyrone for suggestions.
The best solution would be to write the logic in JavaScript that does what you want and then inject it into the page using QWebFrame::evaluateJavaScript() after it finishes loading.
There's also another way to do this; involving the document tree traversal API that's been available in QtWebKit since 4.6: QWebElement. You'd basically process the form pretty much the same as you would do in JavaScript, except that here the API is different and more limited. It's C++ though and might be a little bit faster. I guess, this approach might be less attractive for you, given you're a web developer and probably already know JavaScript.
