How to place text at the bottom when there's predefined height! - css

This should be incredibly trivial, but it's not. I have a predefined height for an anchor, and I would like to place the text at the bottom.
<li><a class="my-text">My Text</a></li>
I used the following CSS, which does not work. The text still appears at the top. {
The idea is: I want to align text to the bottom, but if there is text that is longer than one line, I want the over flow to go to the top, not push everything else down... any ideas of how this could be achieved?

This can't be done using css and the html you provide. If you put an extra span in the anchor, it can be done: {
height: 50px;
display: block;
} span {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;

You can use bottom:0px with position:absolute in anchor.
<li><a class="my-text">My Text</a></li>
li {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid red;
} {
bottom: 0px;
border: 1px solid blue;
position: absolute;
See in jsfiddle.

It definitely would not work, because <a> anchors are inline tags, therefore assigning them heights and widths is useless. The vertical-align property determines the positioning of inline elements with respect to the line they're in, not the vertical position of the text. (See As far as I understand what you are requesting cannot be done. However, there are alternatives, as suggested above, to achieve similar effects.

The issue with your code is that the anchor won't respond to height/width because it is an inline element. If you you add a {display: block} to the anchor it's now a block element, but, as I recall, vertical-align doesn't work on the contents of block elements. This was the easiest way I could think of using display: table-cell. {
background-color: #ccc;
height: 200px; width: 100px;
vertical-align: bottom;
display: table-cell;

It sounds like you just need to get rid of the height rule on the anchor tag and use something like padding-top: 45px on the li


text displayed outside of <div> when parent position is relative

I have this title bar <div> that contains some text. The position of the <div> is all working fine but but for some weird reason the text inside it is completely outside the <div> as follows in the JSFiddle code.
I seriously have tried everything but I just can't find out why this text is there. It may have something with the floating <div>'s above or the parent element (the <div>) being set to:
div#user_topics_box {
position: relative;
top: 134px;
left: 0px;
But I still don't understand how that is affecting the inner text. Any help would be appreciated!
The text is supposed to be inside the first black bar div above it.
You need to clear the floated containers preceding.
#user_topics_box {
clear: both;
left: 0;
position: relative;
top: 134px;
And make the floated containers to be contained in the parent container
#profile_area {
overflow: hidden;
Add overflow:auto or clear:left to .infobox:
.infobox {
border-right:2px inset #888;
border-left:2px inset #888;
border-bottom:2px inset #888;
jsFiddle example (overflow)
jsFiddle example (clear)
You should clear the float on #user_topics_title with something like clear: both;.
On your #user_topics_box you should set top: 0; and adjust the height to whatever fits your needs.
Demo JSFiddle.

Vertically align text

Im having problem vertically aligning a text with CSS. I have tried probably everything but it just doesnt want to work. You can see my demo jsfiddle demo here:
.section {
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
With this code it should work but something is wrong.
How can I fix this? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Updated demo:
.section {
display: table-cell;
Updated Fiddle.
The .section needs the display: table-cell
.section {
height: 200px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
The display:table-cell is what allows an element to have children vertically aligned, so it has to be on the parent to be able to have the children aligned vertically.
Here's a Working Demo.
For a vertical paragraph align use that:
p {
vertical-align: middle;
JSFiddle example: Exemple
The problem is, that the <p>-Tag just adds some margin at the bottom. You can see this, when inspecting with firebug. Simply add a margin: 0 to your .section p selector:
.section p {
font-size: 15px;
font-family: Arial;
font-style: italic;
margin: 0;
all credit goes to this link owner #Sebastian Ekström Link, please go through this.
see it in action codepen,
by reading above article I crated a demo fiddle also.
With just 3 lines of CSS (excluding vendor prefixes) we can with the help of transform: translateY vertically center whatever we want, even if we don’t know its height.
The CSS property transform is usally used for rotating and scaling elements, but with its translateY function we can now vertically align elements. Usually this must be done with absolute positioning or setting line-heights, but these require you to either know the height of the element or only works on single-line text etc.
So, to do this we write:
.element {
position: relative;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
That’s all you need. It is a similar technique to the absolute-position method, but with the upside that we don’t have to set any height on the element or position-property on the parent. It works straight out of the box, even in IE9!
To make it even more simple, we can write it as a mixin with its vendor prefixes:

Box creation in CSS

I have an unordered list as a menu and the current item has a class active. I want the the active item to have a little box below it like in the image attached. How would I do this using just CSS? If there is no (good) answer I will go old-school and create an image as a background-image.
What you're describing can be done using a pseudo-element and positioning it relative to the element you're decorating:
.box {
position: relative;
.box:after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
width: 100%;
height: 10px;
background-color: blue;
You can add the following to your CSS:
a:hover{border-bottom:10px solid red;}
You can add the border-bottom style to any element. I attach it to the a tag so it spans the entire width of the content it contains.
Here's an example fiddle (don't mind the extra fluff)

Changing properties of one div element when hovering above other div elements

Sorry to bring this up again since I am quite sure it was answered in threads like here, yet posting in older threads appears to be pointless. But I'd like to know whether this is still true that I will in fact need jQuery (or something similar) in order to change the properties of one div-element when hovering above some other div-element?
If the answer would still be yes, please have a look at the following picture:
This is part of my navigation I am trying to bring to life right now. As you can see there is some kind of mirror effect underneath the buttons. I want those buttons to be clickable while having a "hover" background-position / background-image change. I tried to do that with a single div-element which didn't work out since the button-area itself is smaller than the entire graphic so even when I was hovering above the reflection the button was ready to be used which was not very intuitive.
Currently I am using a div-element to display the background image including the hover effect and - sorry but I don't really know how to describe the following - some kind of "invisible" text link which is forced to a specific size in order to simulate a clickable area. Here a small visualization:
Green is the area of the background image which is changing upon hovering above the div-element and the red area is the "button".
So again the question ... do I still need something like jQuery to get this hover effect working only when I hover above the button area, are there different approaches to this or ... is something like jQuery really the only answer to that?
I've got a quick solution that is working in Firefox 3.6, you can try it at jsFiddle.
It is not exactly the answer to your question, but offers a solution to your design.
<div id="container">
<a href="target1.html" id="button1">
<div id="reflection1-active"></div>
<div id="reflection1-inactive"></div>
position: relative;
background-color: #900;
height: 32px;
width: 80px;
display: block;
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
background-color: #F00;
#button1 #reflection1-active{
position: absolute;
background-color: #f77;
height: 32px;
width: 80px;
display: block;
top: 32px;
display: none;
#button1:hover #reflection1-active{
display: block;
#button1 #reflection1-active:hover{
display: none;
background-color: #977;
height: 32px;
width: 80px;
top: 32px;
display: block;
position: absolute;
z-index: 0;
when you hover on an element (link/button) inside another element (parent div) you are actually still hovering on the parent element too so you can effect the two of them at the same time:
<div>the button</div>
div {width: 100px; height: 200px; background: green;}
a {display: block; height: 100px; background: #000;}
div:hover {background: #cfc;}
a:hover {background: #eee;}
If I'm understanding the question right, the background (green to lightgreen) changes no matter if you're on the "button area" or not (div:hover), whereas the button area only changes when you're on the button itself as it's effected by only the a:hover
actually I think I have misunderstood the question: you want to change the background image of the div only when you hover the <a> (button)?
put the new full background on the <a> and have it change it's height too it will mean a bigger "button" area, but that will only be when the button is actually hovered on anyway
try this CSS instead:
div {width: 100px; height: 200px; background: green;}
a {display: block; height: 100px; background: #eee;}
a:hover {background: #000; height: 200px;}
I don't know whether any browsers support this, and I've never tried, but... Could you use a selector for a sibling adjacent to the hovered element, and then use the adjacent element to render the shadow? Since the adjacent element is not a child of the hoverable element, hovering over that would not trigger the hover selection match.

Getting image to stretch a div

How can I get an image to stretch the height of a DIV class?
Currently it looks like this:
However, I would like the DIV to be stretched so the image fits properly, but I do not want to resize the `image.
Here is the CSS for the DIV (the grey box):
.product1 {
width: 100%;
padding: 5px;
margin: 0px 0px 15px -5px;
background: #ADA19A;
color: #000000;
min-height: 100px;
The CSS being applied on the image:
display: inline;
float: left;
So, how can I fix this?
Add overflow:auto; to .product1
In the markup after the image, insert something like <div style="clear:left"/>. A bit messy, but it's the easiest way I've found.
And while you're at it, put a bit of margin on that image so the text doesn't butt up against it.
Assuming #John Millikin is correct, the code
.product + * { clear: left; }
would suffice to do the same thing without forcing you to manually adjust the code after the div.
One trick you can use is to set the <div>'s overflow property to hidden. This forces browsers to calculate the physical size of the box, and fixes the weird overlap problem with the floated image. It will save you from adding in any extra HTML markup.
Here's how the class should look:
.product1 {
width: 100%;
padding: 5px;
margin: 0px 0px 15px -5px;
background: #ADA19A;
color: #000000;
min-height: 100px;
overflow: hidden;
This looks like a job for clearfix to me ...
Try the following:
background-size:100% 100%;
is your problem
Floating makes the parents width not be stretched by the child, try placing the image without the float. If you take the float off, it should give you the desired effect.
Another approach would be to make sure you are clearing your floats at the end of the parent element so that they don't scope creep.
Update: After viewing your link Your height issue as displayed, is because the floats are not being cleared.
