ASP.NET impersonations? -

I have a aspx file that suppose to write to a file in the server while loading. On the local machine it works fine, but when i deploy it to a live server it gives me an exception "Access to the path 'd:\DZHosts\LocalUser\asafz83\\lala.htm' is denied."
WHen i asked my serverAdmin for the reason - he told me to remove any impersonation from my web.config file. Well, my web.config file doesn't contain any impersonation, so i'm really confused:
What can i do in order for this sealy-stupid application to work?

Assuming the id being impersonated has appropriate access to the server & folder that you are writing to, you have to allow your web server to be trusted for delegation.
See this for Windows 2003 server:
I've had the same problem a couple weeks took us a few days to figure out that it's just a checkbox that needed to be set.

You don't have to go through impersonation.
Create a folder in your website, let's call it "Files". You can access its path via Server.MapPath to do whatever saves you want in that directory.
When you deploy on IIS, you have to apply Write permissions on the folder "Files" for the ASP.NET user.

Essentially your server admin is saying that you may not have the permissions needed to perform the operation / access th path in the error.
Is this a valid path that you think you should have access to, if it is then there is a chance your application is configured wrong.
Your admin guy is basically saying ...
In the web.config file check that you have not got something that reads like this :
if you do, remove it because you re trying to impersonate / get to run within the context of the guest account for internet users connecting to the server.
There is more on the topic here ...
Something worth noting is that application configs "inherit settings from parent applications", this means if you have a web app running that works with this, and then in a child folder deploy a new web app that does not have the right to do this then it will break because of the parent applications settings.
This may or may not be relevant to your situation but i feel its worth noting.


Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions on web.config [duplicate]

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Error Code : 0x80070005
Config Error : Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient
When add new web application in IIS 7.5 and run it, this page shown to me, how to solve this problem win7 ultimate visual studio 2010
The message is clear.
Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
How to solve it.
Every application is run under one pool assigned to it, and each pool is run under a specific account.
Open the IIS, locate the pool under which your app is try to run, see the user that is assigned to that pool, and give read permissions to that user on your full site directory tree.
Especial for the web.config
The web.config, its the configuration file that message says, must have (and) write permissions.
So you locate web.config on the root of your site, right click on it, go to permissions and give on the pool-user, the write capability. The pool user, is the user under the witch the pool is run, as I explain below.
More details
To been able to run a public site with IIS, each file on the directory must have permissions for two accounts.
One account that is permitted for public access, and the account that assigned to that application pool have.
To find/assing the first account you go to your iis site | Authentication | Edit, and see or change it as you see on that screen shot.
Now note that name and we going to find the user under with the pool run.
Go the your IIS Site and click on the Basic Settings to find the pool name, then go to the IIS | Application Pools and see the Identity column, and note the name of the user under the witch your site is run.
Now that we have the two users names we go to the root of the site and set the minimum of permissions that is the read as
Some Notes
If the IIS_Public_ACCESS_USER is not give read permission the site is run, but ask for password
On some directories you need and write permissions, if you let for example your users upload images, or keep on App_Data, some database files. Only for that directories you give and the write permissions to the IIS_POOL_USER.
Some directories, like the App_Data and App_Code have direct protection from and they not allow anyone from the client side to run or view whats is in there.
On the public directory that allow write access to your user add one web.config and totally disable all the running of files.
More to read for the directories that give write permissions I've been hacked. Evil aspx file uploaded called AspxSpy. They're still trying. Help me trap them‼
It looks like your IIS_User doesn't have the necesarry permissions to access your website in C:\Users....\Visual Studio 2012\Websites...
Also make sure your application is running the correct .NET version (2.0, 4.0, ...)

How to set correct file permissions for ASP.NET on IIS

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Error Code : 0x80070005
Config Error : Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient
When add new web application in IIS 7.5 and run it, this page shown to me, how to solve this problem win7 ultimate visual studio 2010
The message is clear.
Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
How to solve it.
Every application is run under one pool assigned to it, and each pool is run under a specific account.
Open the IIS, locate the pool under which your app is try to run, see the user that is assigned to that pool, and give read permissions to that user on your full site directory tree.
Especial for the web.config
The web.config, its the configuration file that message says, must have (and) write permissions.
So you locate web.config on the root of your site, right click on it, go to permissions and give on the pool-user, the write capability. The pool user, is the user under the witch the pool is run, as I explain below.
More details
To been able to run a public site with IIS, each file on the directory must have permissions for two accounts.
One account that is permitted for public access, and the account that assigned to that application pool have.
To find/assing the first account you go to your iis site | Authentication | Edit, and see or change it as you see on that screen shot.
Now note that name and we going to find the user under with the pool run.
Go the your IIS Site and click on the Basic Settings to find the pool name, then go to the IIS | Application Pools and see the Identity column, and note the name of the user under the witch your site is run.
Now that we have the two users names we go to the root of the site and set the minimum of permissions that is the read as
Some Notes
If the IIS_Public_ACCESS_USER is not give read permission the site is run, but ask for password
On some directories you need and write permissions, if you let for example your users upload images, or keep on App_Data, some database files. Only for that directories you give and the write permissions to the IIS_POOL_USER.
Some directories, like the App_Data and App_Code have direct protection from and they not allow anyone from the client side to run or view whats is in there.
On the public directory that allow write access to your user add one web.config and totally disable all the running of files.
More to read for the directories that give write permissions I've been hacked. Evil aspx file uploaded called AspxSpy. They're still trying. Help me trap them‼
It looks like your IIS_User doesn't have the necesarry permissions to access your website in C:\Users....\Visual Studio 2012\Websites...
Also make sure your application is running the correct .NET version (2.0, 4.0, ...) log files permissions

Our app writes errors to a text log file in the web sites root folder. This has lead to all sorts of permission problems, different flavors of IIS and windows allow different things by default.
So what I am wondering is there a location somewhere in Windows where all types of users can write a file without any extra permissions that will also work for all IIS and flavors of windows?
I am thinking of the ApplicationData folder, but did this exist in Server 2003 ?
The easiest solution would be to use the App_Data subfolder of your web application for this. By default it's not viewable from the web, so Internet clients won't be able to read the logs.
Depending on your deployment method, you might have to change the permission to allow write access to this folder (to the user under which your web application is running).
Alternatively, there is a place where every user can write to: It's that user's temporary folder, which you can access through Path.GetTempPath. This, however, does not sound like a suitable location for log files.
You should always first think about wwwroot folder (%systemdrive%\inetpub\wwwroot) because it has the required permission.
The permission you need is to set a full control for IIS_IUSRS
Edit: you can simply give Everyone Full Control (not recommended at all) but this solves most of ntfs permissions issues with IIS

No access to files in iis7 mvc app - server 2008 r2

I've just installed windows server 2008 r2 along with visual studio and dropbox. I'm using it as a VM for development and dropbox helps me keep my files in sync with other machines.
I've got my site set up in IIS but I'm getting an access denied error when trying to view the site. I've had this before and to get around it in the past I've gone through and added the IIS_User account to the list of permissions to read/modify the files. I assume because the file's have been copied down with drop box the files don't have the necessary permissions. Here's the bugger, I can't batch update the files by modifying permissions on a folder, I'm having to do it right to the file level and even worse, one at a time! I can't have this.
I'm relatively new to 2008 r2 and IIS 7 so I have no idea what's happening here. Can someone explain what is going on and if there's an IIS/file permission setting I can update to resolve it at the top level folder?
I've tried adding anonymous permssions on the website in IIS and I've added permissions on the folder for IIS_User (even Everyone). I have an Administrator account and that's already set to allow me to read/write/modify the files.
This is typically the message I'm getting 'An error occurred loading a configuration file: Access to the path X is denied'.
This is happening on ascx & aspx files as well as config files.
The site is visible when debugging from Visual Studio.
The site is operating in Full Trust (internal)
Please help, this is stopping me from working and driving me insane!
By default in IIS 7, websites run as the local system's network account (NetworkService), not as IIS_User.
To verify, in IIS Manager, select the Site in question, click Basic Settings... and check the Application Pool it is assigned to. Then go into Application Pools and check the Identity for that Application Pool. Make sure that user listed is in the ACL.
Adding Everyone to the ACL should work instead, but just in case I would suggest you check the above. Also of course make sure when you set the ACL to check the box for resetting inheritance on all subfolders, if that is appropriate for your application.
You could also try setting the identity of the application pool to a local (or domain) user you have created which has access to your application directory.
Hope that helps.
Regarding whether other identities would work for your app pool, that depends entirely on whether those identities have permissions to all the files and/or databases and other resources you application needs to access. Right now you have the application running under your user account, which is generally not recommended. IIS has your password cached, and if you change it, your application will stop working until you update the application pool configuration.
As far as setting NTFS permissions, it can get tricky. Once you have disabled permissions inheritance, that file or folder will need to be updated individually every time you need a permission change. The flip side of this is that you cannot remove inherited entries on an ACL, you can only add to them. However you can design a strategy that offers a baseline level of permission at the root of a file structure, and then add permissions to subfolders/files.
In order to check & reset inheritance on a folder, go into its properties, security tab, click advanced, then click Edit. You can see whether this folder inherits permissions from its parent, and optionally wipe out all subfolder/file permissions and enable inheritance on all child folders & files.
Hope this helps.

ASP.NET + Access to the path is denied

I have an ASP.NET application that attempts to write files on the web server during runtime. In my development environment, this works. However, when I deploy it to the production server, and I execute the code, I receive an error that states:
"Access to the path 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MyWebApp\DirToWriteTo\' is denied."
My production server is a Window Server 2003 machine. The web application is set to allow anonymous access via the IUSR_TEMPLATE account.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
You need provide the grant permissions to NETWORK SERVICE user.
you can check this link:-
The most likely problem is that your anonymous user does not have write access to the location.
What I would do is create a web.config entry for the location you want to write to and use that config key as your writable directory. This will allow you to have separate configuration for your production server and your development machine, if needed.
Next, just give write access to the directory defined in your configuration to the user IUSER_TEMPLATE, or as Thorarin said the Network Service, in which case you should set up identity impersonation in your Web.config so that you can specify the user (unless you configure the user through the app pool). That should fix the problem.
If you have Windows 2008 or above, try giving write permissions to IIS_IUSRS.
(Network Service has also worked for me in the past. From what I read here, it depends on the Server OS.)
In my case, Visual Studio 2015 changed an existing project's IIS AppPool user to the default of DefaultAppPool, which gave me permission errors, configuration errors, role provider errors, and null reference errors. After discovering this and changing it back to the application pool that the folder permissions were set to, things started working again.
