ASP.NET + Access to the path is denied -

I have an ASP.NET application that attempts to write files on the web server during runtime. In my development environment, this works. However, when I deploy it to the production server, and I execute the code, I receive an error that states:
"Access to the path 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MyWebApp\DirToWriteTo\' is denied."
My production server is a Window Server 2003 machine. The web application is set to allow anonymous access via the IUSR_TEMPLATE account.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!

You need provide the grant permissions to NETWORK SERVICE user.
you can check this link:-

The most likely problem is that your anonymous user does not have write access to the location.
What I would do is create a web.config entry for the location you want to write to and use that config key as your writable directory. This will allow you to have separate configuration for your production server and your development machine, if needed.
Next, just give write access to the directory defined in your configuration to the user IUSER_TEMPLATE, or as Thorarin said the Network Service, in which case you should set up identity impersonation in your Web.config so that you can specify the user (unless you configure the user through the app pool). That should fix the problem.

If you have Windows 2008 or above, try giving write permissions to IIS_IUSRS.
(Network Service has also worked for me in the past. From what I read here, it depends on the Server OS.)

In my case, Visual Studio 2015 changed an existing project's IIS AppPool user to the default of DefaultAppPool, which gave me permission errors, configuration errors, role provider errors, and null reference errors. After discovering this and changing it back to the application pool that the folder permissions were set to, things started working again.


IIS7 IUSR account permissions not working with forms authentication and file upload

I am trying to deploy an 4 app to a new microsoft server 2008 R2
I have set up the application as I have done dozens of times before and set the folder permissions appropriately.
I have tried setting the application pool name directly to have write permissions
I have tried setting IUSR, IIS_IUSRS, NETWORK SERVICE and Users.
I have confirmed that windows authentication is disabled and anonymous is enabled as well as forms authentication is enabled. Logging in works fine i can access all pages normally except if i try to write to the folder. Then a password is required box pops up which looks like windows authentication (even though its disabled)
Every post here states and in my past experience says if I set the folder permissions for the defaultidentity application pool it should work, but for some reason this server wont let me do it!
Any help would be most appreciated.
Welp this turns out to be a really weird one. For some reason when SQL reporting services is installed it reserves the folder name "Reports" in any IIS Web application folder regardless of whether your actually using Reporting services. Its not created by default or anything, but if you happen to create folder titled "Reports" dont expect to access anything from it. After many hours of frustration it turns out it's a random reservation which doesn't throw any error just somehow overrides your authentication protocol to use windows authentication for their reserved folder.
Thanks Microsoft!

Web.Config - Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions

I am getting the error:
Module IIS Web Core
Notification Unknown
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070005
Config Error Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
Config File \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config
The file itself has full permissions for IUSR. IIS is running its app pool under ApplicationPoolIdentity. I did a file monitor on the file, and I see this:
9:04:43.8035456 AM w3wp.exe 8104 CreateFile C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Web.config ACCESS DENIED Desired Access: Generic Read, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, AllocationSize: n/a
No idea why I am getting this error... Any ideas?
Try giving read/write access to these accounts to the root folder of your Web application and all files/subs within:
I found that adding the mymachine/USERS with full permissions to C:\inetpub\wwwroot fixed the issue.
The problem was caused because I shared some sites content inside C:\inetpub\wwwroot with other developers. This must have changed permissions and broke my IIS completely.
First, make sure IUSR has Read permission on the config file (which I believe you have done that)
Then, change IIS authentication method to BasicAuthentication
If still not working, probably the .config extension is not properly installed in IIS.
Try all 3! Good luck!
EDIT: Forget to ask you, what kind of appliation is it?
I just came across this and was unable to find applicationpoolidentity as an account in order to add it to the folder security. I changed the application pool identity from applicationpoolidentity to Local Service and the site ran fine.
I was copying a live WordPress site to my local machine for editing/updating when this IIS error occurred. Changing permissions did nothing.
In my case, simply deleting the web.config did the trick.
I ran into this issue again today. This time, no amount of granting permissions worked (tried all the usual accounts, everybody, read-only, modify, full control).
Closed processes, restarted IIS, full reboot. No results.
Eventually changed the owner from "Administrators" to myself, and things fell into place.
I usually run Visual Studio at Admin level (using my own account) because I like to use the local IIS for hosting / debugging ASP.NET sites. Perhaps that caused new files to be owned by \Administrators, which in turn may have limited access to those files by the IIS or App Pool processes.
My DefaultAppPool identity is set to load the user profile. I don't know at what point the session manager applies UAC / permissions drops and whether user profile loading has any influence on this. Food for thought...

IIS - Required permissions cannot be acquired. Enabled "Full Trust" and Load User Profile on App Pool is "True"

There is an IIS 6 application running in a .NET 2.0 App Pool on Server-A. IIS 7 Server-B needs to host that same code-base under a different URL. I created a virtual directory under Server-B's website to the network path of the application on Server-A. I've enabled this virtual directory on Server-B as an application running in its own .NET 2.0 App Pool in Classic Mode. Both app pools run as the same domain account that has access to that folder.
When accessing the site from Server-A it works fine. Accessing it from Server-B however generates the infamous "Required permissions cannot be acquired." error.
I have been trying to find a solution to this problem for two days. The two most common solutions have been to check the CLR Trust level on the Server-B box or to set the Load User Profile property on the App Pool to "True". Since I have full administrative rights I set the Trust level to Full and set the profile sitting to "True". Strongly naming all the assemblies the application and throwing them in the GAC is not where I want to go.
I'm sure I'm just missing some configuration somewhere. Any ideas? Thanks.
We have had a similar problem once.
In our case the user that was the identity of the app pool have never logged on to the server. Therefore, there was no local user profile, therefore there was a problem when the system tried to use the profile.
As a test try and set the identity of the app pool to the admin account you use to log in with.
Manually verify that user can access that share. Try logging into windows as that user and then accessing that share (or fake it with something like a "runas /User:{Domain\UserName} net use {\server\share}").
Also try loading ShareMonitor wherever the files actually live. It should tell you what user account is trying to access a given share. It might not be the account you think it is. I cannot recall if it was this program or not, but I have used something very similar in the past to figure out a really odd permission problem.
That should determine if it is a file access problem. If it isn't, then all I can say is to make sure you have ASP.NET enabled (on windows server it is a separate option).
Also check out the file permissions on your "Temporary ASP.NET Files" directory. I've had to explicitly add users write access to that before to get things working.
in my case my IIS App Pool had LoadUserProfile=false, so it was not loading the profile of the app pool's Identify (a domain account). This caused this unable to acquire permissions even though my Webroot files/folders (including /bin) had correct permissions. Setting LoadUserProfile=true fixed the issue for my setup.
I would set that application pools identity attribute (in advanced settings) as administrator. That way, you application will work on the server, just like it works on the local setup.

ASP.NET impersonations?

I have a aspx file that suppose to write to a file in the server while loading. On the local machine it works fine, but when i deploy it to a live server it gives me an exception "Access to the path 'd:\DZHosts\LocalUser\asafz83\\lala.htm' is denied."
WHen i asked my serverAdmin for the reason - he told me to remove any impersonation from my web.config file. Well, my web.config file doesn't contain any impersonation, so i'm really confused:
What can i do in order for this sealy-stupid application to work?
Assuming the id being impersonated has appropriate access to the server & folder that you are writing to, you have to allow your web server to be trusted for delegation.
See this for Windows 2003 server:
I've had the same problem a couple weeks took us a few days to figure out that it's just a checkbox that needed to be set.
You don't have to go through impersonation.
Create a folder in your website, let's call it "Files". You can access its path via Server.MapPath to do whatever saves you want in that directory.
When you deploy on IIS, you have to apply Write permissions on the folder "Files" for the ASP.NET user.
Essentially your server admin is saying that you may not have the permissions needed to perform the operation / access th path in the error.
Is this a valid path that you think you should have access to, if it is then there is a chance your application is configured wrong.
Your admin guy is basically saying ...
In the web.config file check that you have not got something that reads like this :
if you do, remove it because you re trying to impersonate / get to run within the context of the guest account for internet users connecting to the server.
There is more on the topic here ...
Something worth noting is that application configs "inherit settings from parent applications", this means if you have a web app running that works with this, and then in a child folder deploy a new web app that does not have the right to do this then it will break because of the parent applications settings.
This may or may not be relevant to your situation but i feel its worth noting.

asp mvc textreader

I am trying to use a textreader to retrieve data from a text file on a local machine. I have an upload routine to get the file for the reader to open.
When I run the application locally, it works fine. When I publish my application to my server, I am getting a Could not find a part of the path error. I assume this error has to do with permission in that the server cannot read from the local file system, but I don't know the proper way to remedy this.
do I set up the application to impersonate the user? I know I can't possibly set up each local users machine to allow the iusr account to access it.
Thanks for any thoughts.
I ensured that network service is they user for the app pool. I also ensured that the networkService has access to the local folder that the application resides in. I am running IIS7, and when I test the site, I am getting the error -
The server is configured to use pass-through authentication with a built-in account to access the specified physical path. However, IIS Manager cannot verify whether the built-in account has access. Make sure that the application pool identity has Read access to the physical path. If this server is joined to a domain, and the application pool identity is NetworkService or LocalSystem, verify that <domain>\<computer_name>$ has Read access to the physical path. Then test these settings again
I have tried suggestions from various posts, including adding domain\servername$ to the folder to allow access, but nothing seems to work.
Any thoughts?
Assuming this is IIS 6.5 or higher, the application pool user must have the necessary permission. By default, this is Network Service, which likely does not.
I solved this issue by first saving the file to the server, and then accessing the server's local file -
savedFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName));
The following blog helped me out -
