Flex builder error - apache-flex

My flex builder suddenly stopped highlighting compile time errors.
Its also not giving any code completion suggestion, even after pressing ctrl+Space.
What could be the possible reasons?

this happens sometimes and it seems for no reason. What may have occurred is you may have an error higher up inside your code of which the compiler has not picked up - This can happen, but when it does the clue is the suggestion stops working and any errors proceeding don't get highlighted.
Clean your project,
restart flex,
check to see if you have the same problem on an another project - you probably won't and this'll show you the clue you have an error in your code.
Be aware the error may not be in that file - it could be in an ajoining mxml file or superclass.


"External component has thrown an exception" on rebuild

I'm really hitting a wall over here.
I was making some changes to an existing web site project in VS2010 and everything was fine.
Sudently, i was unable to rebuild the solution. I can build and run it, with every change i made working. When i try to publish it, it gives the error "External component has thrown an exception" and gives no aditional information.
So, i started everything from zero and started to rebuild the solution after each change, to check where the problem was. The error is thrown when i add a new control (be it a text box) and then, in the code behind i try to set is value to something (like Me.TextBox1 = ""), although the textBox is correctly recognized.
Has someone experienced anything similar? I'm googling for 3 days and i just can't solve this really important issue.
Thanks in advance
I tried to delete all references and re-add them but nothing.
Other apps are working fine.
Is there any way that i can debug this error? i tried to check the events log, but found nothing.
Ok, i solved my problem.
The textboxes were inside a panel and for the new ones i had to declare a textbox and assign it to PanelName.FindControl(TextBoxName).
The already existent ones didn't need this.
Still don't know why it was working fine and suddently stopped working.

Unable to debug aspx page

Everything worked normally untill yesterday. Today morning when I tried to debug java script function (in aspx), it is not hitting the debug points...
I thought debug thing is not working ..so to test I added debug points in code behind file..it is firing them..the only problem is with aspx page..
I tried the following:
Clean solution Re-Build..
close and re open visual studio..
Restart my machine..
I am confused what might be the reason..Can anybody please help me out?
I had the same problem recently and this checklist helped me solve my issue:
Some ideas.
Make sure it's a debug build and not release
Turn off optimizations in your project properties if they are on
Try inserting Debugger.Break() in your code instead of a breakpoint in VS
Make sure breakpoints are enabled (Debug->Windows->Breakpoints toolbar), and breakpoint symbol should be solid red circle, not a red outline of a circle
Execute your application. Load Debug->Window->Modules window. Check your assembly to see if symbols are loaded. It may give a relevant status message if not.
Have you been adjusting the date on your computer at all? This can really screw up a build process. If so, delete all your obj/bin folders manually and recompile.
This was copied from the an answer found in this post:
VS2012 Breakpoints are not getting hit
There are many other helpful suggestions there as well, im sure one of them should work!
In your aspx, find the tag <script runat="server">.....abx xyz... </script> then delete the content of this tag.

Adobe Brackets 0.41 - CSS auto-completion error while in Live Preview

Live Preview is running
I'm writing CSS
& I hit Enter to use an auto-completion recommendation
The auto-completion occurs
The cursor skips down a line & indents
I usually work around this annoying cursor movement by closing Live Preview, but I'd really rather not. Is this a bug or am I missing something? How can I fix it to where it just simply fills in the auto-completion recommendation?
Brackets 0.41
Windows 7
Brackets doesn't normally behave this way - you may have an extension installed that's causing trouble. Try using Debug > Reload Without Extensions and see if the problem still happens. If that fixes it, you can systematically disable individual extensions until you find which one was causing the problem. I believe the "Emmet" extension has caused some similar issues in the past, so that might be a good one to check first.
Once you know which extension causes the problem, I can walk you though filing a bug with the extension's author so it can be fixed.
If you're seeing the issue even after Debug > Reload Without Extensions, then it would be good to get more specific with the steps that trigger the problem. For example:
Open the default "Getting Started" project and open its main.css file
Start Live Preview
Add a new line to the end of the body rule
Type font-w and press Enter
type b and press Enter
When I do these steps, no extra newline is inserted. What steps should I use instead to see the problem?
I found this as I was experiencing the exact same issue. Try disabling any scripts called in your html one by one to see if it goes away. My issue was a script I was loading from a Wu

ASP.NET: The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document

I was having this issue for several days. I finally figured out a fix for ASP.NET programmers, and I figured I would share.
After setting a breakpoint, and then debugging my breakpoint would turn yellow with an exclamation point. When hovering over the breakpoint it would say "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.”. I tried cleaning, rebuilding, changing various settings through my project and visual studio. Nothing worked.
I was digging around in the Solution settings. I noticed that under "Web" tab my Start Action setting was set to something other than "Current Page". After setting it back to current page everything worked out.
I hope this solves the issue for other's like me that were exhausted after trying every other suggestion/answer they could find on the internet.
The issue only happens to me on ASP.Net Projects
Right Click the Web Project
Select Property Pages
Start Options
Make sure Use current page is selected (as shown below)
This happens because your project still has errors, so run the last correct version.
Correct your mistakes, surely it is the error "CodeBehind" change it to "CodeFile" and surely the errors disappear, you can return project run without errors.

Errors and warnings in Xcode4

I think this is just a bug in Xcode4.
When I click an error showed in the issue navigator, Xcode shows the line that contains the error in the editor view. But in some projects, Xcode opens the file that contains the error but never scroll to the line. It wastes my time and energies away a lot everytime...
It seems that some specific codes may cause this problem, but I can't figure out what it is. Anyone knows what may cause this problem or avoid it?
