Errors and warnings in Xcode4 - xcode4

I think this is just a bug in Xcode4.
When I click an error showed in the issue navigator, Xcode shows the line that contains the error in the editor view. But in some projects, Xcode opens the file that contains the error but never scroll to the line. It wastes my time and energies away a lot everytime...
It seems that some specific codes may cause this problem, but I can't figure out what it is. Anyone knows what may cause this problem or avoid it?


qt creator unwanted disassembly

I had this very annoying problem that while debugging, suddenly it started to show the disassembled code rather than the C++ code, via google I found several with the same problem, and a suggested weird solution here which I'm not sure how to interpret. I tried things similar to that post and found a solution:
Shut down and restart QT Creator
In left-hand tab "Projects", untick then re-tick "Shadow build"
Seems like voodoo right? But I noticed that step 1 clears all breakpoints, and step 2 temporarily changes some paths after which it says "evaluating" for a second in the lower right corner. So perhaps it's not as weird as it sounds, apparently a few things are cleared during this process.
I don't think I'm supposed to write answers to my own problems here but I thought it would be a waste not to post this solution to this very annoying problem that apparently more than I have encountered. The next guy hopefully finds my post.
I cant post links to others with similar problems since I need a higher reputation then.. :-/
It probably helps if you uncheck options to break debugging on Thread creation and Thread exit if you have these options checked for the Debugger. These options will certainly pop the disassembler view up when you start debugging even if you haven't set any Breakpoints in your code. You find these options in menu Tools/Debugger/CDB. If you want to break on C++ exceptions leave that option checked, otherwise uncheck that too.

Chrome Developer Console Started Logging Too Much Info. CSS Warnings

I do a large part of my development work in the Chrome developer console, and love it, but recently something highly annoying has happened.
Every page load, I now get a log of every CSS property warning, a considerable list that fills the entire console with warnings. I know I can set the log level to filter out warnings, but I want to see some warnings, particularly script related. Also, this resets itself every page load, so all the CSS warnings fill up my console, and look visually upsetting.
See the screenshot:
I believe that this started happening immediately following the most recent chrome update, but I was also fooling around with some of the settings in the console. I've looked through the settings in the console and under chrome://flags but haven't found anything. Does anyone know why this is?
I've never had this happen to me, but have you tried deleting the history?

ASP.NET: The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document

I was having this issue for several days. I finally figured out a fix for ASP.NET programmers, and I figured I would share.
After setting a breakpoint, and then debugging my breakpoint would turn yellow with an exclamation point. When hovering over the breakpoint it would say "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.”. I tried cleaning, rebuilding, changing various settings through my project and visual studio. Nothing worked.
I was digging around in the Solution settings. I noticed that under "Web" tab my Start Action setting was set to something other than "Current Page". After setting it back to current page everything worked out.
I hope this solves the issue for other's like me that were exhausted after trying every other suggestion/answer they could find on the internet.
The issue only happens to me on ASP.Net Projects
Right Click the Web Project
Select Property Pages
Start Options
Make sure Use current page is selected (as shown below)
This happens because your project still has errors, so run the last correct version.
Correct your mistakes, surely it is the error "CodeBehind" change it to "CodeFile" and surely the errors disappear, you can return project run without errors.

Strange Error in Xcode 4 that persisted across different versions of the same file

I want to preface this question by admitting that I'm still very much a novice, to Xcode 4 and to development in general. But I find I learn the most when I've made mistakes and been able to discover ways to correct my errors.
So I was mucking about in Xcode, following an example in the book I've been studying, in this case trying to determine why the keyboard wouldn't hide when I touched outside a text field. In the process of experimentation, I tried adding an Outlet to the top level View of a View Controller, dragging into the Header file to automagically create it. I knew almost at once this wasn't what I wanted, and I deleted the reference in Interface Builder, and the code it had added to the other files.
And when I did run the program, it threw an exception. Being new to this, I didn't think to check the log files, and when I couldn't work out what the error was, I restored an earlier version of the project from Time Machine, and tried again -- same result. I restored an even earlier version and tried again -- and got the same error!
When I finally did have the good sense to look at the log file, I noticed the reference to the name of the Outlet I had added, but removed! But these were older versions of the code, before I'd even made that change.
I made a thorough search of the code, and my NIB file, looking for any reference to the deleted Outlet. I couldn't find anything.
I eventually replaced the NIB file with a version from the tutorial from the book I was following (it was identical, and easier than rebuilding it from the bottom up), and all was well, everything ran just fine. But now I'm left wondering -- what could I have done to make this error so persistent, across different versions of the file? I'm already kinda uncertain about the way Xcode 4 will automagically add code under certain circumstances (that's probably more dangerous than useful for the novice), and I wonder if this is a bug in Xcode 4, or if I inadvertently tripped over a useful feature.
Xcode loves to play tricks on you. I've several times gotten an XIB mysteriously hosed up to the point where I had to delete it and start over. No matter what I'd do to the XIB some elements wouldn't display correctly (or at all).
In a recent case I had an XIB with a label with the text "Start date:". I changed that label text to "Treatment date:", but it still kept coming out "Start date:". I opened the XIB as text and scanned for "Start date:" and it wasn't there. So I tried dragging the label off to one side. Then it displayed the correct words. Dragged the label back to the correct place -- back to "Start date:". I finally deleted the label and recreated it and then the text came out correctly.

Flex builder error

My flex builder suddenly stopped highlighting compile time errors.
Its also not giving any code completion suggestion, even after pressing ctrl+Space.
What could be the possible reasons?
this happens sometimes and it seems for no reason. What may have occurred is you may have an error higher up inside your code of which the compiler has not picked up - This can happen, but when it does the clue is the suggestion stops working and any errors proceeding don't get highlighted.
Clean your project,
restart flex,
check to see if you have the same problem on an another project - you probably won't and this'll show you the clue you have an error in your code.
Be aware the error may not be in that file - it could be in an ajoining mxml file or superclass.
