Using hyperlink control with imagefield control in gridview -

I have a gridview and a column of that gridview is displaying images whose path is stored in a database & image is stored in locale folder inside my website. My problem is that I want to use the hyperlink control with the image, so that when the image is clicked it should jump to another page. How can I do that?

Firstly, you should bind data to your grid (in the code-behind):
public override void DataBind()
// you implementation of getting data
yourGridId.DataSource = GetData();
Then I'd suggest to use template field for your image:
<asp:gridview id="yourGridId"
<asp:templatefield headertext="An Image">
<a href="pageWhereToGo.aspx">
<img src='<%# ResolveUrl((string)Eval("ImageUrl"))%>' />
The code above is assuming that the paths to images in your database are stored as a relative paths from your application (e.g. ~/assets/images/image1.jpg) or as full paths (e.g. Also assuming that your data source holds a path to image in ImageUrl field.
So the example above is a simplest grid with one asp:templatefield column: here is a clickable image which goes to the pageWhereToGo.aspx page on click event.
More about Gridview Column Fields could be found here.

Instead of using DataBound fields you can also use TemplateFiled within a GridView:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="SomeText" >
// Put any kind of .NET Code in here
// you can access the data bound values like this:
<%# Eval("NameOfPropertyOnDataBoundObject")%>
<ItemStyle CssClass="tworows"></ItemStyle>


Using hyperlink with querystring for gridview row

Is there someway to turn the row of a gridview into a hyperlink so that when a user opens it in a new tab for example, it goes to that link? Right now I am using a LinkButton and when the user opens it in a new tab, it doesn't know where to go.
I figured the .aspx code would look something like:
<Hyperlink ID="hyperlink" runat="server" ForeColor="red" HtmlEncode="false" navigationURL="testUrl.aspx"
The only thing is, our URLs are set up in the C# code behind as a query string, so I'm not sure how to pass that into the navigationURL section.
I'm guessing there's something I can do on the page_load with the query string to redirect to the page I need, but this is my first time working with query strings so I'm a little confused.
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%#String.Format("~/controller.aspx?routeID1={0}&routeID2={1}", Eval("routeid1"), Eval("routeid2"))%>'></asp:HyperLink>
routeid1 and routeid2 are passed as query strings to the controller of that page.
What I did recently is modified my class to have a readonly property that constructs the A tag for me. This way I have control over what gets displayed; just text or a link.
<asp:Label ID="ColumnItem_Title" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("DownloadATag") %>'> </asp:Label>
The code behind just binds an instance of the class to the gridview. You can bind the gridview whenever, on load on postback event, etc.
Dim docs As DocViewList = GetViewList()
GridViewDocuments.DataSource = docs
In the above code, the DocViewList, instantiated as docs, is a list of a class that has all the properties that are needed to fill my GridView, which is named GridViewDocuments here. Once you set the DataSource of your GridView, you can bind any of the source's properties to an item.
Something like:
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton_Title" runat="server" target="_blank"
PostBackUrl='<%# Eval(Request.QueryString["title"]) %>'
or binding them from the RowCreated event:
protected void GridView_OnRowCreated(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
(e.Row.FindControl("LinkButton_Title") as LinkButton).PostBackUrl = Request.QueryString["title"]))

Dynamic Data - Selecting a table from a DropDownList to scaffold in a GridView

I have been struggling with this ASP.NET Dynamic Data problem for days now... I have a DropDownList containing the table names of all the tables in my data context (.dbml) file. When I select the DropDownList, it needs to scaffold the selected table in a GridView. My code works 100% in scaffolding the MetaTable in the GridView (it implements all the rules that I applied in my Meta Classes).
However, filtering only seems to work if I explicitly add the DynamicExpression in the declaration of the QueryExtender:
<asp:QueryExtender ID="GridQueryExtender" TargetControlID="GridDataSource" runat="server">
<asp:DynamicFilterExpression ControlID="FilterRepeater" />
This in turn requires me to specify the MetaTable explicitly in the LinqDataSource (linqdsData), either programmatically in the Page_Load or in the ASP.NET syntax.
Since the GridView gets scaffolded in the Page_Load part of the life-cycle, the above approach does not work for me, since it takes place in the Page_Init part of the life-cycle.
So my requirement is that as soon as I select another table to populate the GridView with from the DropDownList, the FilterRepeater needs to reflect the filters of the newly selected MetaTable.
Is there any way for me to programmatically update the FilterRepeater in the Page_Load so that it will contain the filters of the MetaTable that I selected in the DropDownList.
The following is some of my code:
ASP.NET Page Code-Behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ddlTable.SelectedIndex > 0)
string tableName = ddlDataType.SelectedValue;
linqdsData.TableName = tableName;
MetaTable mt = ASP.global_asax.DefaultModel.GetTable(tableName);
GridViewData.SetMetaTable(mt, mt.GetColumnValuesFromRoute(Context));
GridViewData.DataSourceID = linqdsData.ID;
<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlFilters" CssClass="gridFilterCon" EnableTheming="True">
<div class="filterGridHeading">
Filter the grid by:</div>
<asp:QueryableFilterRepeater runat="server" ID="FilterRepeater">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("DisplayName") %>' OnPreRender="Label_PreRender"
CssClass="gridFilterLbl" />
<asp:DynamicFilter runat="server" ID="DynamicFilter" />
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnFilter" runat="server" Text="OK"
EnableTheming="False" UseSubmitBehavior="False" OnClick="btnFilter_Click" />
<asp:GridView ID="GridViewData" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="GridViewData_SelectedIndexChanged"
OnPreRender="GridViewData_PreRender" OnRowDataBound="GridViewData_RowDataBound"
OnPageIndexChanged="GridViewData_PageIndexChanged" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="50" OnInit="GridViewData_Init">
<asp:GridViewPager ID="GridViewPager1" runat="server" />
<PagerSettings Mode="NumericFirstLast" NextPageText="Next" />
<asp:LinqDataSource ID="linqdsData" runat="server" ContextTypeName="pdcDataContext"
OnSelected="linqdsData_Selected" OnSelecting="linqdsData_Selecting" EnableUpdate="True">
<asp:QueryExtender ID="GridQueryExtender" TargetControlID="linqdsData" runat="server">
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
It sounds like you are trying to do a lot on one web page. This creates complications of the type you are experiencing: each table requires distinct filters and MetaTables. Trying to keep each item straight requires a bunch of switch and/or if...then statements. I recommend an alternate approach. Instead of doing all of this on one page:
Create a web page for each table
Setup the appropriate filters and MetaTables
Copy the DropDownList containing the table names of all the tables to each web page, and use it to redirect to the appropriate web page. Dynamic Data makes it easy to create web pages for each table. That is what scaffolding is all about. With the approach above, each web page will handle its own set of concerns that are focused on the particular table.
Hope this helps.

How do I data bind a drop down list in a gridview from a database table using VB?

So in this gridview, there is a column for status and I want to have a drop down list with Pass, Pending, Fail appear when the edit button is clicked. These values are already in a table, so I need to somehow bind from this table to each ddl for every row.
Here is the column from the gridview. As you can see, I would like to just have a label showing when not in edit mode, and a ddl when the edit button is pressed
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="During Production Status" SortExpression="DuringProductionStatus">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlStatus" runat="server" datavaluefield="Name"
datatextfield="Name" DataSource="*What goes here?*"> />
<asp:Label ID="lblStatus" runat="server"
Text='I don't understand how to get this from the ddl' />
For clarity's sake, my table is named Status, and the database is named DirectImport
There's a few steps to go through here - none of them are particularly difficult, but they can be a bit fiddly (IMHO). The good news is once you've got this working once, it gets easier to do it again!
I'm assuming you've got a <asp:*DataSource> control on your page - my preference is for an ObjectDataSource but I don't think it matters, I think a SqlDataSource works equally well. I've never tried doing this with GridView.DataSource = MyDataSet in code-behind, so I don't know whether that would work or not, but my assumption is that it wouldn't as you wouldn't get the proper two-way binding that you want. This data source feeds your grid with your main data. The key point here is that your database query must return both the Status text field and the Status id.
So your gridview will now look something like:
<asp:objectdatasource runat="server" id="MainDataSource" ... />
<asp:gridview runat="server" id="MyGridView" DataSourceID="MainDataSource">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="During Production Status" SortExpression="DuringProductionStatus">
<asp:Label ID="lblStatus" runat="server"
Text="<%# Bind('Status') %>" />
The Text="<%# Bind('Status') %>" is the bit you're missing to get the status text into the grid.
Now add a second data source into your markup that reads in the set of values from the Status table.
<asp:objectdatasource runat="server" id="StatusObjectDataSource" ... />
And add the EditItemTemplate into the GridView, which is bound to the Status DataSource.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlStatus" runat="server" datavaluefield="StatusID"
datatextfield="Status" DataSourceID="StatusObjectDataSource"
SelectedValue="<%# Bind('StatusId') %>" />
The SelectedValue="<%# Bind('StatusId') %>" is what connects up the two datasets so that when you flip a row into Edit mode, the dropdownlist has the correct item already selected, and when you then save it you've got the Status ID to put into your database.
And you're done.
I have used the RowDataBound event. Here is a small code snippet. HTH
you would have an ItemTemplate in your aspx/ascx
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Column Headings">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlName" runat="server" Width="150"></asp:DropDownList>
and in your code behind, you will have
protected void grdDataMap_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlName");
ddl.DataSource = someList;//the source of your dropdown
so when you bind your grid with grdDataMap.Databind (assuming your grid id is grdDataMap), row databound event will be called for each row (including header/footer, and thats the reason you check RowType)
so you can probably decide what controls/columns to hide/show/bind inside this row databound event
In the winforms world I pull my objects from the DB into a List(Of Whatever) and use the list as the datasource.
This also lets me add extra "convenience" fields in the object so that I can populate it with stuff from other tables.
I don't know at all so if you can do something similar, it might help.
A really quick solution is to create a custom web control for the status dropdown. The control will always contain the same data. When it renders you populate the datasource. When it gets added to the gridview, the data will be in the drop down. Hope that helps!

Asp.Net Image in datalist onclick event? is it possible?

Ok I have been working on this gallery for some time and I keep getting little tidbits. It is now time to finish it off. I have a datalist which binds to an array of *.aspx image urls that contain a thumbnail id that is sent through the url. I now need to implement an onclick event, that when a user clicks on a photo, it brings them to the actual picture.
example url:
(thumbnail) = ~/UserPages/Photo/GetThumbnail.aspx?id=7
(actualpic) = ~/UserPages/Photo/GetPhoto.aspx?id=7
What I need: How do i get it so that each photo has an onclick event? I tried adding onclick to the imag src but it didn't work. It is difficult because it is not an actual image control, they exist inside a datalist. I also need to know how to extract the thumbnail url when getting clicked so that I can grab the id and redirect to the actual picture. Help please!
<asp:DataList ID="dlImages" runat="server"
<img src="<%# ResolveUrl((string)Container.DataItem) %>" />
Code Behind:
dlImages.DataSource = ImageUrls;
Can you wrap it in an a tag?
<img src="<%# ResolveUrl(String.Format("~/UserPages/Photo/GetThumbnail.aspx?id={0}", Container.DataItem)) %>" />
This assumes your DataItem contains only the ID.
<img src="<%# ResolveUrl((string)Container.DataItem) %>" onclick="doSomething(this)" />
After that you can simply implement a doSomething function that parses the id out of "this.src" and do whatever you want with it.

ASP.NET GridView CommandField Update/Cancel does not wrap

My question is on the ASP.NET GridView control. I am using a CommandField in the Columns tag as seen below.
<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" HeaderStyle-Width="40px" UpdateText="Save" ButtonType="Link" HeaderStyle-Wrap="true" ItemStyle-Wrap="true" ItemStyle-Width="40px"/>
What renders is the shown in the following image (after I click on the Edit button).
As you can see I am trying to have the Cancel link show up a new line and my question is how do you do what? If I change the ButtonType="Link" to ButtonType="Button", I get it rendering correctly as shown below.
alt text
I've tried Google already and maybe I'm not searching on the right tags but I couldn't see this one addressed before.
If you use a template field it will give you complete control over the look of your page, but it requires that you use the CommandName and possible CommandArgument properties, and also using the GridView's OnRowCommand.
The aspx page:
<asp:GridView id="gvGrid" runat="server" OnRowCommand="gvGrid_Command">
Some Stuff random content
<br />
<asp:LinkButton id="lbDoIt" runat="server" CommandName="Cancel" CommandArgument="SomeIdentifierIfNecessary" />
The code behind:
protected void gvGrid_Command(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
// Do your cancel stuff here.
Don't use a command field, use a TemplateField and put your command button in that with a line break (br) before it like you want.
