Is count(*) really expensive? -

I have a page where I have 4 tabs displaying 4 different reports based off different tables.
I obtain the row count of each table using a select count(*) from <table> query and display number of rows available in each table on the tabs. As a result, each page postback causes 5 count(*) queries to be executed (4 to get counts and 1 for pagination) and 1 query for getting the report content.
Now my question is: are count(*) queries really expensive -- should I keep the row counts (at least those that are displayed on the tab) in the view state of page instead of querying multiple times?
How expensive are COUNT(*) queries ?

In general, the cost of COUNT(*) cost is proportional to the number of records satisfying the query conditions plus the time required to prepare these records (which depends on the underlying query complexity).
In simple cases where you're dealing with a single table, there are often specific optimisations in place to make such an operation cheap. For example, doing COUNT(*) without WHERE conditions from a single MyISAM table in MySQL - this is instantaneous as it is stored in metadata.
For example, Let's consider two queries:
FROM largeTableA a
Since every record satisfies the query, the COUNT(*) cost is proportional to the number of records in the table (i.e., proportional to what it returns) (Assuming it needs to visit the rows and there isnt a specific optimisation in place to handle it)
FROM largeTableA a
JOIN largeTableB b
ON =
In this case, the engine will most probably use HASH JOIN and the execution plan will be something like this:
Build a hash table on the smaller of the tables
Scan the larger table, looking up each records in a hash table
Count the matches as they go.
In this case, the COUNT(*) overhead (step 3) will be negligible and the query time will be completely defined by steps 1 and 2, that is building the hash table and looking it up. For such a query, the time will be O(a + b): it does not really depend on the number of matches.
However, if there are indexes on both and, the MERGE JOIN may be chosen and the COUNT(*) time will be proportional to the number of matches again, since an index seek will be performed after each match.

You need to attach SQL Profiler or an app level profiler like L2SProf and look at the real query costs in your context before:
guessing what the problem is and trying to determine the likely benefits of a potential solution
allowing others to guess for you on da interwebs - there's lots of misinformation without citations about, including in this thread (but not in this post :P)
When you've done that, it'll be clear what the best approach is - i.e., whether the SELECT COUNT is dominating things or not, etc.
And having done that, you'll also know whether any changes you choose to do have had a positive or a negative impact.

As others have said COUNT(*) always physically counts rows, so if you can do that once and cache the results, thats certainly preferable.
If you benchmark and determine that the cost is negligible, you don't (currently) have a problem.
If it turns out to be too expensive for your scenario you could make your pagination 'fuzzy' as in "Showing 1 to 500 of approx 30,000" by using
SELECT rows FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('sometable') AND indid < 2
which will return an approximation of the number of rows (its approximate because its not updated until a CHECKPOINT).

If the page gets slow, one thing you can look at is minimizing the number of database roundtrips, if at all possible. Even if your COUNT(*) queries are O(1), if you're doing enough of them, that could certainly slow things down.
Instead of setting up and executing 5 separate queries one at a time, run the SELECT statements in a single batch and process the 5 results at once.
I.e., if you're using ADO.NET, do something like this (error checking omitted for brevity; non-looped/non-dynamic for clarity):
string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table1; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table2;"
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// Defaults to first result set
int table1Count = (int)dr[0];
// Move to second result set
int table2Count = (int)dr[0];
If you're using an ORM of some sort, such as NHibernate, there should be a way to enable automatic query batching.

COUNT(*) can be particularly expensive as it may result in loading (and paging) an entire table, where you may only need a count on a primary key (In some implementations it is optimised).
From the sound of it, you are causing a table load operation each time, which is slow, but unless it is running noticeably slowly, or causing some sort of problem, don't optimise: premature and unnecessary optimisation can cause a great deal of trouble!
A count on an indexed primary key will be much faster, but with the costs of having an index this may provide no benefit.

All I/O is expensive and if you can accomplish the task without it, you should. But if it's needed, I wouldn't worry about it.
You mention storing the counts in view state, certainly an option, as long as the behavior of the code is acceptable when that count is wrong because the underlying records are gone or have been added to.

This depends on what are you doing with data in this table. If they are changing very often and you need them all every time, maybe you could make trigger which will fill another table that consists only on counts from this table. If you need to show this data separately, maybe you could just execute "select count(*)..." for only one particular table. This just came to my mind instantly, but there are other ways to speed this up, I'm sure. Cache data, maybe? :)


Should I use WITH instead of a JOIN on a table with a lot of data?

I have a MariaDB table which contains a lot of metadata and is very big in terms of bytes.
I have columns A, B in that table a long with other columns.
I would like to join that table with another table (stuff) in order to get column C from it.
So I have something like:
SELECT metadata.A, metadata.B, stuff.C FROM metadata JOIN
stuff on metadata.D = stuff.D
This query takes a very long time sometimes, I suspect its because (AFAIK, please correct me if Im wrong) that JOIN stores the result of the join in some side table and because metadata table is very big it has to copy a lot of data even though I dont use it, so I thought about optimizing it with WITH as follows:
WITH m as (SELECT A,B,D FROM metadata),
s as (SELECT C,D FROM stuff)
SELECT * FROM m JOIN s ON m.D = s.D;
The execution plan is the same (using EXPLAIN) but I think it will be faster since the side tables that will be created by WITH (again AFAIK WITH also creates side tables, please correct me if Im wrong) will be smaller and only contain the needed data.
Is my logic correct? Is there some way I can test that in MariaDB?
More likely, there is some form of cache speeding up one query or the other.
The Query cache is usually recognizable by a query time that is only about 1ms. It can be turned off via SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ... to get a timing to compare against.
The other likely cache is the buffer_pool. Data is read from disk into the buffer_pool unless it is already there. The simple workaround for strange timings is to run the query twice and take the second 'time'.
Your hypothesis that WITH creates 'small' temp tables falls apart because of the work that is needed to read the original tables is the same with or without WITH.
Please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE for the two tables. There are a couple of datatype issues that may be involved -- big TEXTs or BLOBs.
The newly-added WITH opens up the possibility of recursive CTEs (and other things). And it provides a way to materialize a temp table that is used more than once. Neither of those applies in your query, so I would not expect any performance improvement.

How can I improve performance while altering a large mysql table?

I have 600 Millions records in a table and I am not able to add a column in this table as every time I try to do it, it times out.
Suppose in your MYSQL database you have a giant table having 600 Millions of rows, having some schema operation such as adding a unique key, altering a column, even adding one more column to it is a very cumbersome process which will takes hours to process and sometimes there is a server time out. In order to overcome that, one to have to come up with very good migration plan, one of which I jotting below.
1) Suppose there is table Orig_X in which I have to add a new column colNew with default value as 0.
2) A Dummy table Dummy_X is created which is replica of Orig_X except with a new column colNew.
3) Data is inserted from the Orig_X to Dummy_X with the following settings.
4) Auto commit is set to zero, so that data is not committed after each insert statement hindering the performance.
5) Binary logs are set to zero, so that no data will be written in these logs.
6) After insertion of data bot the feature are set to one.
SET sql_log_bin = 0;
Insert into Dummy_X(col1, col2, col3, colNew)
Select col1, col2, col3, from Orig_X;
SET sql_log_bin = 1;
7) Now primary key can be created with the newly inserted column, which is now the part of primary key.
8) All the unique keys can now be created.
9) We can check the status of the server by issuing the following command
10) It’s also helpful to issue FLUSH LOGS so MySQL will clear the old logs.
11) In order to boost performance to run the similar type of queries such as above insert statement, one should have query cache variable on.
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_query_cache';
query_cache_type = 1
Above were the steps for the migration strategy for the large table, below I am witting so steps to improve the performance of the database/queries.
1) Remove any unnecessary indexes on the table, pay particular attention to UNIQUE indexes as these when disable change buffering. Don't use a UNIQUE index if you have no reason for that constraint, prefer a regular INDEX.
2) If bulk loading a fresh table, delay creating any indexes besides the PRIMARY KEY. If you create them once all after data is loaded, then InnoDB is able to apply a pre-sort and bulk load process which is both faster and results in typically more compact indexes.
3) More memory can actually help in performance optimization. If SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS shows any reads/s under BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY and the number of Free buffers (also under BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY) is zero, you could benefit from more (assuming you have sized innodb_buffer_pool_size correctly on your server.
4) Normally your database table gets re-indexed after every insert. That's some heavy lifting for you database, but when your queries are wrapped inside a Transaction, the table does not get re-indexed until after this entire bulk is processed. Saving a lot of work.
5) Most MySQL servers have query caching enabled. It's one of the most effective methods of improving performance that is quietly handled by the database engine. When the same query is executed multiple times, the result is fetched from the cache, which is quite fast.
6) Using the EXPLAIN keyword can give you insight on what MySQL is doing to execute your query. This can help you spot the bottlenecks and other problems with your query or table structures. The results of an EXPLAIN query will show you which indexes are being utilized, how the table is being scanned and sorted etc...
7) If your application contains many JOIN queries, you need to make sure that the columns you join by are indexed on both tables. This affects how MySQL internally optimizes the join operation.
8) In every table have an id column that is the PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT and one of the flavors of INT. Also preferably UNSIGNED, since the value cannot be negative.
9) Even if you have a user’s table that has a unique username field, do not make that your primary key. VARCHAR fields as primary keys are slower. And you will have a better structure in your code by referring to all users with their id's internally.
10) Normally when you perform a query from a script, it will wait for the execution of that query to finish before it can continue. You can change that by using unbuffered queries. This saves a considerable amount of memory with SQL queries that produce large result sets, and you can start working on the result set immediately after the first row has been retrieved as you don't have to wait until the complete SQL query has been performed.
11) With database engines, disk is perhaps the most significant bottleneck. Keeping things smaller and more compact is usually helpful in terms of performance, to reduce the amount of disk transfer.
12) The two main storage engines in MySQL are MyISAM and InnoDB. Each have their own pros and cons.MyISAM is good for read-heavy applications, but it doesn't scale very well when there are a lot of writes. Even if you are updating one field of one row, the whole table gets locked, and no other process can even read from it until that query is finished. MyISAM is very fast at calculating
types of queries.InnoDB tends to be a more complicated storage
engine and can be slower than MyISAM for most small applications. But it supports row-based locking, which scales better. It also supports some more advanced features such as transactions.

offset/limit performance optimization

I have a table with structure like :
Id (serial int) (index on this)
Post (text)
CreationDate (DateTime) (Desc index on this)
I need to implement pagination. My simple query looks like :
SELECT Id, Post, etc FROM Posts ORDER BY CreationDate desc OFFSET x LIMIT 15
When there are few records (below 1 mln) performance is somewhat bearable, but when the table grows there is a noticeable difference.
Skipping the fact that there is good to configure DB settings like cache size, work memory, cost, shared mem, etc... What can be done to improve the performance and what are the best practices of pagination using Postgres. There is something similar asked here, but I am not sure if this can be applied in my case too.
Since my Id is auto incremented (so predictable) one of the other options I was thinking is to have something like this
SELECT Id, Post...FROM Posts WHERE Id > x and Id < y
But this seems to complicate things, I have to get the count of records all the time and besides it is not guaranteed that I will always get 15 records(for example if one of the posts has been deleted and Ids are not in "straight" sequence anymore).
I was thinking about CURSOR too, but if I am not mistaken CURSOR will keep the connection open, which is not acceptable in my case.
Pagination is hard; the RDBMS model isn't well suited to large numbers of short-lived queries with stateful scrolling. As you noted, resource use tends to be too high.
You have the options:
Using a cursor
Copying the results to a temporary table or into memcached or similar, then reading it from there
x > id and LIMIT
Of these, I prefer x > id with a LIMIT. Just remember the last ID you saw and ask for the next one. If you have a monotonously increasing sequence this will be simple, reliable, and for simple queries it'll be efficient.

LINQ to entities performance regarding where clause

Let's say i have a table in a database with 10k records. I dont need to actually use those 10k records anymore, but i still need to keep them in the database. That very table is now going to be used to store new data. So there's gonna be more records coming on top of the 10K records already present in the table. As opposed to the "old" 10K records, i do need to work with the newly inserted data. Right now im doing this to get the data i need:
List<Stuff> l = (from x in db.Table
where > id
select x).ToList();
My question now is: how does the where clause in LINQ (or in SQL in general) work under the covers? Is the ENTIRE table going to be searched until ( > id) is true? Because let's say the table will increase from 10k records to 20K. It'd be a little silly to look through the entire 20 k records, if i know that i only have to start looking from a certain point.
I've had performance problems (not dramatic, but bad enough to be agitated by it) with this while using LINQ to entities, which i kinda don't understand because it should be no problem at all for a modern computer to sift through a mere 20 k records. I've been advised to use a stored procedure instead of a LINQ query, but i dont know whether or not this will boost performance?
Any feedback will be appreciated.
It's going to behave just like a similarly worded SQL query would. The question is whether the overhead you're experiencing is happening in the query or in the conversion of the query to a list. The query itself as you've written should equate literally to:
Select ID, Column1, Column2, Column3, ... , Column(n+1)
From db.Table
Where ID > id
This query should be fairly fast depending on the nature of the data. The query itself will not be executed until it is acted upon, however. In this case, you're converting it to a list, which is the equivalent of acting upon it. I can't find the comment someone made to me about this practice, but I've found it too be quite helpful in keeping performance clean. Unless you have some very specific need, you should leave your queries as IQueryable. Converting them to lists doubles the effort because first the query must be executed and then the result set must be converted into an appropriate IEnumerable (List in this case).
So you have 2 potential bottlenecks. The simple query could be taking a long time to query a massive collection of data, or the number of records could be bottenecking at the poing where the List is created. Another possibility is the nature of ID in this case. If it is numeric, that will save you some time. If it's performing a text-based search then it's going to be heavier.
To answer your specific question, yes, it's going to search every record in the database and return all of the records that match the expression. Edit: If the database has a proper index on the column in question, it will not search EVERY record but rather will use the index to perform the search. From comment from #Pleun.
As for using a stored procedure, that's a load of hogwash, but it's a perfectly acceptable alternative. I have several programs that routinely run similar queries against a database with over 40 million records, and the only performance issue I've run into so far has been CPU usage when multiple users are performing rapid firing queries. To solve your specific issue, I'd recommend that you tune it a little in SQL Management Studio until the query you want returns to your interface with an acceptable speed. Then you can convert that query into a compatible Linq statement. As long as you leave it as an IQueryable it should exhibit similar results.

Reindexing a large SQL Server database to Lucene

We have a web service method which accepts some data and puts it in Lucene index. We use it to index new and updated entries from our web app.
These entries are stored in a large SQL Server table (20M rows and growing), and I need a way to be able to reindex the whole table in case if current index gets deleted or corrupted. I'm not sure what's the optimal way to retrieve chunks of data from a large table. Currently, we use the fact that the table has PK which is autoincrement, so we get chunks of 1000 rows until it starts to return nothing. Kind of like (in pseudo language):
i = 0
while (true)
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM mytable WHERE pk between i and i + 1000
.... if result is empty 20 times in a row, break ....
.... otherwise send result to web service to reindex ....
i = i + 1000
This way, we don't need to SELECT COUNT(*) which would be a big performance killer, and we just move up the pk values until we stop getting any results. This has it's con: if we have a hole greater than 20,000 values somewhere in the table, it will stop indexing assuming it reached the end, but that's a tradeoff we have to live for now.
Can anyone suggest a more efficient way of getting data from a table to index? I would assume we are not the first ones facing this problem - search engines are widely used nowadays :)
For what we do with Lucene, we rarely need to reindex everything. I can't remember coming across any case when all index would be corrupted (Lucene is actually quite safe/good at this), but it has been many times when individual items needed to be reindexed because of one reason or another. I'd say the most frequent reindexing patterns would be:
reindex items by given id (or set of ids)
reindex items by given period of time
The latter, of course, requires separate db index on the relevant date field(s) which should be a bit costly for 20M+ records but we decided to go for it (our biggest deployment had up to 10M records) as disk space is cheap these days anyway.
EDIT: added few explanations as per question author's comment.
If the source data structure changes, requiring reindexing of all records, our approach is to roll out new code which ensures all new data is correct (basically forms correct Lucene Document from this moment). Then after we can reindex things in batches (either manually or by hand), by providing relevant period ranges. This, to certain extent, also applies to Lucene version changes, too.
Why is a COUNT(*) a performance killer? What about MAX(id)? I'm thinking that a index would provide the information needed for those queries. You do have an index on your primary key, right?
I actually just figured it out - I can use IDENT_CURRENT(table_name) to get the last generated id, and use that instead of MAX() or Count() - this method should blow the other two away :)
