INSERT stored procedure does not work? -

I'm trying to make an insertion from one database called suspension to the table called Notification in the ANimals database. My stored procedure is this:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spCreateNotification]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
#notRecID int,
#notName nvarchar(50),
#notRecStatus nvarchar(1),
#notAdded smalldatetime,
#notByWho int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
INSERT INTO Animals.dbo.Notification
values (#notRecID, #notName, #notRecStatus, #notAdded, #notByWho);
The null inserting is to replenish one column that otherwise will not be filled, I've tried different ways, like using also the names for the columns after the name of the table and then only indicate in values the fields I've got. I know it is not a problem of the stored procedure because I executed it from the sql server management studio and it works introducing the parameters. Then I guess the problem must be in the repository when I call the stored procedure:
public void createNotification(Notification not)
DB.spCreateNotification(not.NotRecID, not.NotName, not.NotRecStatus,
(DateTime)not.NotAdded, (int)not.NotByWho);
And I call the method here:
public void createNotifications(IList<TemporalNotification> notifications)
foreach (var TNot in notifications)
var ts = RepositoryService._suspension.getTemporalSuspensionForNotificationID(TNot.TNotRecID);
Notification notification = new Notification();
if (ts.Count != 0)
notification.NotName = TNot.TNotName;
notification.NotRecID = TNot.TNotRecID;
notification.NotRecStatus = TNot.TNotRecStatus;
notification.NotAdded = TNot.TNotAdded;
notification.NotByWho = TNot.TNotByWho;
if (TNot.TNotToReplace != 0)
var suspensions = RepositoryService._suspension.getSuspensionsAttached((int)TNot.TNotToReplace);
foreach (var sus in suspensions)
sus.CtsEndDate = TNot.TNotAdded;
sus.CtsEndNotRecID = TNot.TNotRecID;
DB.spModifySuspensionWhenNotificationIsReplaced((int)TNot.TNotToReplace, (int)sus.CtsEndNotRecID, (DateTime) sus.CtsEndDate);
DB.spReplaceNotification((int)TNot.TNotToReplace, DateTime.Now);
It does not record the value in the database. I've been debugging and getting mad about this, because it works when I execute it manually, but not when I automatize the proccess in my application. Does anyone see anything wrong with my code?
Thank you
EDIT: Added more code. It still doesn't work changing that, I mean, the procedure works if I execute it, so I don't know what could be the error. In fact, I don't get any error. Could it be a matter of writin in a table that is not in the database where you have your stored procedure?

I would specify your column names and DONT incude the NULL at all for that column. Just let SQL Server deal with it.
INSERT INTO Animals.dbo.Notification
values (#notRecID, #notName, #notRecStatus, #notAdded, #notByWho);

Run profiler when you try to run it from the application and see what values it realy is sending. That will tell you if the application is creating the correct exec statment to exec the proc.
Also it may be a permissions problem.

Specify your column names:
INSERT INTO Animals.dbo.Notification
(RecID, Name, RecStatus, Added, ByWho)
(#notRecID, #notName, #notRecStatus, #notAdded, #notByWho);

"Could it be a matter of writin in a table that is not in the database where you have your stored procedure?"
That may be the problem. You could try adding the "WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER" clause to your stored procedure so that it executes as the owner of the stored procedure. Or grant write permissions for the executing user to the table.

ok, I finally found out what noone realized lol. It was a very stupid error but got me really mad till I found the problem. It wasn't a problem of permissions, the problem was that I was not executing the procedure from my application, so where I wrote this:
DB.spCreateNotification(not.NotRecID, not.NotName, not.NotRecStatus,
(DateTime)not.NotAdded, (int)not.NotByWho);
When I had to write:
DB.spCreateNotification(not.NotRecID, not.NotName, not.NotRecStatus,
(DateTime)not.NotAdded, (int)not.NotByWho).Execute();
so as you see I was focusing my efforts in much more complex things and I wasn't even executing
Thank you all for your answers anyway:)


Problem passing parameters to stored procedure

I don't know how to pass the custom table names (eg prepAccTN) so that the SP gets executed w/o ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table '[my-schema-name].prepacctn' doesn't exist
Tried executing it like so
CALL Bill_UpdateUnbalancedPrepaidAccounts('correct_table_name', 'boo', 3);
CALL Bill_UpdateUnbalancedPrepaidAccounts("correct_table_name", 'boo', 3);
CALL Bill_UpdateUnbalancedPrepaidAccounts("my-schema-name.correct_table_name", 'boo', 3);
All failed!
CREATE PROCEDURE Bill_UpdateUnbalancedPrepaidAccounts(prepAccTN VARCHAR(100), wtrTN VARCHAR(100), prepAccId INT)
UPDATE prepAccTN SET `unbalanced` = (
SELECT SUM(`chargesecs`) FROM wtrTN WHERE `prepaidaccount` = prepAccId AND `prepaccsettl` = 0
) WHERE `id` = prepAccId;
If you really need to pass ther table name as a parameter to a stored procedure you need to use prepared statements. You cannot use the parameter directly in a query.
Tried out the prepared statements but unfortunately they cannot be used within the stored procedure! So I do not use a SP now and put the whole necessary code (back) into the trigger. Not the best and preferred way but it's ok to me and my little sql code I have to execute

How can I create a new SQLite file and table at runtime using FieldDefs?

I'm using Delphi Seattle to create a brand new table in a brand new SQLite file and using only FieldDefs and non-visual code. I can create a table using the ExecSQL ('CREATE TABLE....' ) syntax but not as shown below (I get 'No such table 'MyTable' which is raised when I execute the CreateDataSet call). I'd like some solution that allows me to work with FieldDefs. This code is modelled on the example here. I notice though, that there is note regarding CreateDataSet that it only applies to TFDMemTable. Is there a runtime way of creating an SQLite table without using ExecSQL?
procedure Test;
MyDBFile = 'c:\scratch\hope.db';
Connection : TFDConnection;
DriverLink : TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink;
Table : TFDTable;
DeleteFile( MyDBFile );
DriverLink := TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink.Create( nil );
Connection := TFDConnection.Create( nil );
Connection.Params.Values['DriverID'] := 'SQLite';
Connection.Params.Values['Database'] := MyDBFile;
Connection.Connected := True;
Table := TFDTable.Create( nil );
Table.TableName := 'MyTable';
Table.Connection := Connection;
Table.FieldDefs.Add( 'one', ftString, 20 );
Table.FieldDefs.Add( 'two', ftString, 20 );
// I would add records here....
CreateDataSet is usually a local operation for initializing a client-side dataset into an empty state. If TClientDataSet is anything to go by, afaik it cannot be used create a server-side table.
To create an actual server table, I would expect to have to construct the DDL SQL to create the table and then execute it using ExecSQL on the (client-side) dataset, as you have already tried.
The following seems to satisfy your requirement to do everything in code, though using a TFDTable component, which doesn't surface FieldDefs, so I've used code-created TFields instead. Tested in D10 Seattle.
procedure TForm3.CreateDatabaseAndTable;
DBName = 'd:\delphi\code\sqlite\atest.sqlite';
AField : TField;
if FileExists(DBName) then
AField := TLargeIntField.Create(Self);
AField.Name := 'IDField';
AField.FieldName := 'ID';
AField.DataSet := FDTable1;
AField := TWideStringField.Create(Self);
AField.Size := 80;
AField.Name := 'NameField';
AField.FieldName := 'Name';
AField.DataSet := FDTable1;
FDConnection1.Params.Values['database'] := DBName;
FDConnection1.Connected:= True;
FDTable1.TableName := 'MyTable';
FDTable1.CreateTable(False, [tpTable]);
FDTable1.InsertRecord([1, 'First']);
FDConnection1.Connected:= False;
I expect that someone a bit more familiar than I am could do similar using a TFDMemTable's FieldDefs if it were correctly connected to a server-side component (FDCommand?) via an FDTableAdaptor.
Fwiw, I've used a LargeInt ID field and WideString Name field because trying to use Sqlite with D7 a while back, I had no end of trouble trying to use Integer and string fields.
Btw, you if you know the structure you require in advance of deployment, you might find that you get more predictable/robust results if you simply copy an empty database + table into place, rather than try and create the table in situ. Ymmv, of course.
I would NEVER dream of creating database tables using fielddefs because you wind up having tables without a proper primary key, indexes and referential integrity. The resulting tables are totally "dumbed down".
Whenever you have a "where" clause in a query the database would do a full table scan to find the records matching the query. So your database slows down (and CPU use increases) with size. That's just bad design.
You can use the app SQLite Expert Professional, create SQLite database.
And using FDConnection connect to the database. And use it.
Method to database SQLite, the same way that MartynA have said.

How to delete a row that has the same ID as a variable in an SQLite database

I've got a function that I'd like use to delete a row in my database. This is the only way I've used the DELETE statement to remove a row before but I want the 1 to be replaced by a variable called recID so that the value of recID is the row ID number which is deleted. So if recID = 6, I want the function to delete the row with ID = 6. I hope that makes sense.
The notation I've been using is the following, if it helps or makes any difference.
db.transaction(function(transaction) {
transaction.executeSql( //DELETE STATEMENT HERE );
executeSql supports arguments (check definition).
Use it like:
db.transaction(function(transaction) {
transaction.executeSql("DELETE FROM MyRecords WHERE ID=?", [recId]);
If you're certain that your variable, recID, will only ever contain numbers, you can just use:
transaction.executeSql("DELETE FROM MyRecords WHERE ID=" + recID);
If recID comes from outside your application (user input) however, it either needs to be sanitized, or use a prepared statement and use the database API to set the parameter after the statement has been prepared. Otherwise you open yourself up to SQL injection attacks.
I don't know the details of your SQLite wrapper, or what version of SQLite it wraps, but creating a prepared statement using the SQLite3 C API would go something like this:
// sqlite3* db = ...
sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "DELETE FROM MyRecords WHERE ID=?", -1, &stmt, 0);
sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, recID);
// ...
This simple example excludes all the error checking you'd want to do in a real application, but since you're using a wrapper that has different syntax anyway, you'd have to figure out how it wraps these functions anyway.

Slow data insert on Sql

I'm just trying to import data to database (Sql) from a dataset, but its a bit slower when I try to import 70000 rows. Am I doing something wrong or missing?
Could please give me some advice how can I do it better?
Here is my code:
ArtiDB entity = new ArtiDB();
int grid = 50;
foreach (string item_kisiler in kisiler)
if (item_kisiler == "")
if (Tools.isNumber(item_kisiler) == false)
string gsm1 = item_kisiler;
if (gsm1.Length > 10)
gsm1 = gsm1.Substring(1, 10);
entity.veriaktar(gsm1, gg, grid);
This is my store prosedure:
alter proc veriaktar
#gsm1 nvarchar(50)=null,
#userid uniqueidentifier,
#grupid int = 0
Declare #AltMusID int
if not exists (select * from tbl_AltMusteriler with (updlock, rowlock, holdlock) where Gsm1=#gsm1 and UserId=#userid)
insert into tbl_AltMusteriler (Gsm1,UserId)
values (#gsm1,#userid)
Set #AltMusID = scope_identity()
Set #AltMusID = (select AltMusteriID from tbl_AltMusteriler with (updlock, rowlock, holdlock) where Gsm1=#gsm1 and UserId=#userid)
if (#grupid != 0)
if not exists (select * from tbl_KisiGrup with (updlock, rowlock, holdlock) where GrupID=#grupid and AltMusteriID=#AltMusID)
insert into tbl_KisiGrup values(#grupid,#AltMusID)
The server is designed to work with sets. You're requiring it to deal with one row at a time, and with each row three times. Stop doing that and things will get better.
First go back to your VB docs and look for a way to do one INSERT for all 70,000 rows. If you can use the Bulk Copy (bcp) feature of SQL Server, you should be able to insert the whole set in 10-20 seconds.
The read-test-update paradigm might work here, but it's error-prone and forces the server to work much harder than necessary. If some of the 70,000 are new and others are updates, bulk them into a temporary table and use MERGE to apply it to tbl_AltMusteriler.
Second, uniqueidentifier isn't a good sign. It looks like tbl_AltMusteriler is used to generate a surrogate key. Why wouldn't a simple integer do? It would be faster to generate (with IDENTITY), easier to read, faster to query, and have better PK properties generally. (Also, make sure both the natural key and the surrogate are declared to be unique. What would it mean if two rows have the same values for gsm1 and userid, differing only by AltMusteriID?)
In short, find a way to insert all rows at once, so that your interaction with the DBMS is limited to one or at most two calls.

Delete All Data with SQLite delete syntax?

I've made a button that removes all the objects in my array, which is shown in my tableView. Then it reloads data and the tableview is empty. But how can I delete all the data from my SQLite database as well, and not just the array? Now the data occurs when I restart. I have tried this:
Button void:
- (void) deleteAllButton_Clicked:(id)sender {
[appDelegate removeAllBooks:nil];
[self.tableView reloadData];
Appdelegate void:
-(void) removeAllBooks:(Book *)bookObj {
//Delete it from the database.
[bookObj deleteAllBooks];
//Remove it from the array.
[bookArray removeAllObjects];
Delete syntax in Book.m
- (void) deleteAllBooks {
if(deleteStmt == nil) {
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &deleteStmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK)
NSAssert1(0, #"Error while creating delete statement. '%s'", sqlite3_errmsg(database));
//When binding parameters, index starts from 1 and not zero.
sqlite3_bind_int(deleteStmt, 1, bookID);
if (SQLITE_DONE != sqlite3_step(deleteStmt))
NSAssert1(0, #"Error while deleting. '%s'", sqlite3_errmsg(database));
Well, the normal SQL syntax would be:
DELETE FROM tablename
If you have a standard primary id column (and you should) you can do
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE id > -1;
And this will delete all rows in the table since there is no id less than 0.
DELETE FROM tablename did not work for me. I was using a sqlite3 database on iPhone, which I assume the poster was, as well. For me to get this to work, I needed to:
DROP table tablename
followed by a CREATE statement, if I wanted the table to still exist (without any rows).
Of course, that requires knowing the right CREATE statement. Using the SQLManager plugin for Firefox quickly reverse-engineered for me the correct CREATE statement to use. I never figured out why DELETE FROM tablename didn't work, but it definitely didn't, in my case.
