What are cons if we do not care about validation of XHTML and CSS? - css

What are cons if we do not care about validation of XHTML and CSS? Errors other than CSS 3 and vendor specific properties
In terms of development time(How valid XHTML and CSS code save time to find problems?),
Code debugging (How we can track then problem quickly?),
Cross browser compatibility (How it helps us to achieve cross browser compatibility?),
Website maintainability (How it would be helpful to maintain and update for someone else?),
Future changes in website (How it would be helpful to make any changes in design if client can ask in future?),
SEO ranking (How it can affect our site's search engine ranking?)
Accessibility (Does validity of code increase accessibility of site?)
I have to explain a client's Secretary,Code validation is not just Fashion, it is beneficial for his site. I'm not just advocating of this to make more money. it's not useful only for developer it mainly beneficial for his website.

There's the obvious point that if your markup is valid, the odds of it being rendered as you want it to be by a wide variety of browsers are improved.
But separate from that, sometimes you spend valuable development time tracking down bugs (usually ones that seem specific to a given browser) only to find that the reason for the bug is that your markup is invalid and different browsers are handling the invalid markup in different ways. Validating (whether it's XHTML or HTML) saves you time tracking down those sorts of problems. There was an example here just yesterday, in fact. The OP thought he was having a weird Firefox-specific jQuery problem. In fact, he just had invalid markup, and fixing the markup fixed his problem.
So I'm thinking that you tell the client that validation saves time, and therefore money.
Note that this is an argument for validating, not for proclaiming validity (via icons and such).

I found some very good answers here
Using markup improperly -- not
according to specification -- hinders
accessibility. Misusing markup for a
presentation effect (e.g., using a
table for layout or a header to change
the font size) makes it difficult for
users with specialized software to
understand the organization of the
page or to navigate through it.
Furthermore, using presentation markup
rather than structural markup to
convey structure (e.g., constructing
what looks like a table of data with
an HTML PRE element) makes it
difficult to render a page
intelligibly to other devices (refer
to the description of difference
between content, structure, and


When will you start using HTML 5?

So HTML 5 has been widely publicised as expected to be ready in 2022. This is a long time to wait, and the test for that readiness is that "at least two browsers to completely pass [HTML 5 test suites]"
Obviously for browsers to pass this test they have to start implementing usable HTML 5 features before that. The list of new HTML5 features supported is looking thin at the moment. But there are a couple of significant changes to existing elements such as allowing A tags to surround block level that could be very useful now.
There are sites that are using HTML 5 now, so what are the factors that will make you start, or keep you from, building sites with an HTML 5 doctype?
Myself, I'm toying with HTML5 in a couple of personal sites, but will wait a while for work sites until things like a reliable validator appear.
It helps to divide this question into several parts.
1) When should one start using the HTML5 doctype?
The HTML5 doctype causes browsers to render pages in Full Standards mode. Unless you're currently using a strict doctype, pages may display differently. So you'll need to weigh up the amount of rework required if you're converting a existing site, and you'll need to understand the difference in rendering behaviour. Secondly, the doctype will cause the w3c validator to select HTML5 as the default language to validate against. Given that HTML5 is still in draft, this means aiming at a moving target. Is validity important to you? Some features that are valid in HTML4 are not currently valid in HTML5. Should you change your markup now to remove those features, given that HTML5 may change to make those features valid again? Provided you're comfortable with this, you can start using the HTML5 doctype now.
On the other hand, on it's own, what are you gaining? If you want browsers to render in Full Standards mode, you can use a strict doctype from HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.x. Do you need HTML5 validation given that it will pass things that may not at present be handled consistently across browsers? Be aware that any HTML5 feature that currently works in browsers, works regardless of whether you use the HTML5 doctype or not.
2) When should one start using features that are currently interoperably implemented in the major browsers, but standardised for the first time in HTML5?
You can use these now, but try to make sure that your pages are properly accessible. Canvas, for example, does not provide good support for non-sighted users.
3) When should one start using features that are current implemented in some browsers, and will be standardised by HTML5?
This depends on your target users and delivery schedules. Will your users be using a browser that supports these features by the time your site goes live? What happens if they don't? Does the page fall back gracefully? Do you care if some users can't use your site?
4) When should one start using features of HTML5 that are not implemented at all yet?
Why would you want to do that? It might be reasonable for training purposes or investigating fall back behaviour, but HTML5 is still in draft form, and it's quite possible that some features will never be implemented, or will be implemented in a totally different way to that currently described, so you could waste a lot of effort.
Summarising, what matters is not so much what's in the HTML5 draft, as what is practically usable today. The draft describes a range of features, some of which have been in browsers for years, some which are new but have support or good fall back behaviour, and some which are not currently and may never be usable.
For me, I'll be holding off until I need an HTML5 feature, and I know that that feature is implemented in a consistent and stable way across the major browsers. That will probably happen some time during HTML5's Last Call phase, or possibly during the Candidate Recommendation phase.
Already have started using it for personal and client work.
For validation I use Henri Sivonen's excellent http://validator.nu/
When IE supports it. I work in the corporate world, and IE is required.
I use the doctype now! (for some projects at least)
As for the features, things like <canvas> and <video> are cool and useful now because there are often ways to make the content available for users whose browsers don't support HTML5 yet.
Semantic page structure tags like <sidebar> and the lot don't seem very urgent to me. I'll let those sit for another year or two.

Is it practical to build a web site using strict XHTML and relying on CSS 100% for visual style?

I tend to take the academic approach all too often and adhere to strict principles in my development when the reality is that I could have finished the project sooner had I been a little less cautious. I'm looking to find the right amount of practicality.
I want to take the "Zen" approach to designing a site which (in my words) says "Use HTML strictly for content structure, and let the CSS magic do the rest". How practical is this in reality? One of the issues I run into is that I want to develop (make functional) the site first, then come back in and design it later. I know structure-wise how I want the site to flow, but I haven't even begun playing with the CSS layout, graphics, or any of the other designy stuff. What is the right approach here?
It's absolutely practical, and provides infinite benefit. In fact it's exactly what CSS and the separation of content and layout is designed for.
The right approach given the above, is to let different teams get on with the different tasks at hand. That requires (perhaps) an initial graphic design which can be quite rough, and a documented and collaboratively agreed set of naming conventions for things like "#viewport", ".user" etc..
The markup team will usually be backend driven and will usually lead the design team slightly, but they should and must remain flexible enough to change markup where required, or put that in the control of the designers.
This last is just my $.02, but where one person is both roles, again I think you lead yourself with the markup/backend first and then iteratively go to a design stage, then markup, then design, as required.
The approach you want to follow is the right one. Just two things:
If you use a validator for css or html, don't pretend that all your html or css pass the test. Obviously the ideal goal is that everything validates, but at a first stage I think is better not spend a lot of time in validation issues. And remember that no one validator is perfect, and the good way to use it at the beginning is to guide you in the right direction and avoid big mistakes (i.e. put the same id twice in one page, or put block elements inside inline ones...). Then, when the application is at a good stage, you can make your css and html perfect and valid.
Don't design the interface at the end. I think that the interface of the application can give you good directions in how develop your back-end too. So, at your place, I would design the interface first, with html and css, and then I'd start to add functionality to it.
(Sorry for my english, spelling corrections are welcome.)
It can be very practical and you will be suprised how clean your HTML looks. I like using a CSS reset file to help get started, I personally like the YUI reset. Another Zen item to consider is the use of unobtrusive JavaScript. This further separates the different layers of your code. JavaScript libraries, like jquery, prototype and dojo can help with this.
It can be done, and I think your site (and your web design skills, not least) will be much better for it. But it also has a certain learning curve. It requires a more thorough understanding of the XHTML/CSS specs than many people have.
Making sure your HTML can be validated is just the beginning.
Oh, and make sure all browsers run in strict mode when rendering the page.
Of course, you will require workarounds for IE support, but that can be done with several methods.
First, IE supports conditional comments, allowing you to include special CSS stylesheets just to fix IE bugs, which should get you most of the way, without affecting your compliant standard-version of the page.
For some things, you may need a bit of javascript as well, but it shouldn't be necessary for most common functionality.
There are reasons explained in http://www.webdevout.net/articles/beware-of-xhtml against using XHTML today. To summarize, XHTML is not supported unless you serve it as such and if you target older browsers (any IE version is old considering most of its features are implemented when they were still immature and not changed substantially for a while) you have no choice but serve it as HTML.
Unless you don't require features that being XML provides (like SVG, MathML), stick with HTML. You won't have any serious advantage over HTML, be any more semantic, have better CSS support (even less). But you get wider compatibility and your layout will be more predictable (for example table cells can inherit from first cell in the row in HTML, no such thing in XML, not even sure XHTML has any exceptions somewhere).
Validators won't help writing XHTML any more than HTML. Even annoy, if you use a strict one, leaving you wondering what is all the fuss about / in the br tag if you lie and say it is HTML. (Firefox view source shows it bright red if you serve XHTML as HTML). I am sure you can find more examples.
Sure, you can do that, but be prepared that it WILL NOT render under IE. On a recent web project, the majority of our front-end defects were fixing stuff in IE that already worked fine in Firefox. Maybe this will change in IE8, but I doubt it. In some cases we even had to write some javascript that would be executed on IE only to work around things that couldn't be done with just CSS.
while it sounds good in theory you cant create the layout for a site 100% with css. You still need to use some markup so that you have something to apply the css to. That said, you can come fairly close to ideal using this method. I'm constantly amazed at how little markup a true css guru actually requires.
closer the "zen" approach that you are really looking for is xslt. it works by your app generating xml data and then the xslt transforms that xml into html/css. this requires learning xslt and adds another layer of complication to the process of generating a page, but adds the separation you are looking for. In an ideal world the theory is that a programmer only has to worry about generating xml data and then a designer can generate the visuals using that data, however it rarely works that way as xslt is more technical than most designers can handle. Most of the time the programmer ends up generating the xslt which somewhat defeats the purpose.
One approach that works for me is to structure the HTML first, then add some minimal CSS in a tag in the same file (just enough to create the right layout etc). Then once you're happy with the structure, you can pull the CSS out into separate files and / or completely rework the CSS. This strikes the right balance for me - it's still a lightweight process, but it avoids the potential headache of finding and replacing inline CSS.
In theoria yes, in practice, browser differences may force you to add a bit of javascript to deal with the differences.
Now... Benefits of something is different from practicality of doing it. Are you guys forgetting IE or even the pain-in-the-whatever client who wants the impossible done?
I am tempted to say you have to make some exception to the strict DTD that you are using to make it work in a reasonable set of browsers and please your stakeholder for the website/web-app.
I am a standards freak and no one would be more happy than me if it was possible to build a website that doesn't violate even 1 DTD rule. But after 4 years, I just haven't been able to do it for practical purposes.
Sure if I am the one coming up with the requirements for the website I am going to develop, it might be possible, but I have to bend the business rules to accommodate that. Believe me, that's the only way it is possible.

Is it worth the development time to output valid HTML?

Developing websites are time-consuming. To improve productivity, I would code a prototype to show to our clients. I don't worry about making the prototype comform to the standard. Most of the time, our clients would approve the prototype and give an unreasonable deadline. I usually end up using the prototype in production (hey, the prototype works. No need to make my job harder.)
I could refactor the code to output valid HTML. But is it worth the effort to output valid HTML?
It is only worth the effort if it gives you a practical benefit. Sticking to standards might make it easier to build a website that works across most browsers. Then again, if you're happy with how a website displays on the browsers you care about (maybe one, maybe all), then going through hoops to make it pass validation is a waste of time.
Also, the difference in SEO between an all-valid html website and a mostly-valid html website is negligible.
So always look for the practical benefit, there are some in some situations, but don't do it just for the sake of it.
Yes. It's hard enough trying to deal with how different browsers will render valid HTML, never mind trying to predict what they'll do with invalid code. Same goes for search engines - enough problems in the HTML may lead to the site not being indexed properly or at all.
I guess the real answer is "it depends on what is invalid about the HTML". If the invalid parts relate to accessibility issues, you might even find your customer has legal problems if they use the site on a commercial basis.
Probably not if you have a non-complying site to begin with and are short on time.
However, and you won't believe me because I didn't believe others to begin with, but it is easier to make a site compliant from the start - it saves you headaches in terms of browser compatibility, CSS behaviour and even JavaScript behavior and it is typically less markup to maintain.
Site compliance (at least to Transitional) is pretty easy.
Producing compliant HTML is similar to ensuring that you have no warnings during a compilation - the warnings are there for a reason, you may not realise what that reason is, but ignore the warnings and, before you know where you are, there as so many, you can't spot the one that's relevant to the problem that you're trying to fix.
If you use Firefox to view your web pages, you'll get a helpful green tick or red cross in the bottom right hand corner, quickly showin you whether you've complied or not. Clicking on a red cross will show you all of the places where you goofed.
Some of the warnings/errors may seem a bit pedantic, but fix them and you'll benefit in many ways.
Your page is much more likely to work with a wider range of browsers.
Accessibility compliance will be easier (You'll have 'alt' attributes on your images, for example)
If you choose XHTML as a standard, your markup will be more likely to be useful in an AJAX environment.
Failure to do this results in unpredictability.
One of the biggest problems with web browsers is that they have perpetuated bad habits (And still do, in some cases) by silently correcting certain markup problems, such as failure to close table cells and/or rows. This single fact has resulted in thousands of web pages that are not compliant but 'work', lulling their developers into a false sense of security.
When you consider how many things there are that can go wrong with a website, being lazy when it comes to compliance is just adding more problems to your workload.
EDIT: having read your original post again, I notice that you say you don't bother with compliance when working on a prototype, then you go on to say that you usually use the prototype in production - this means that it's not strictly a prototype, but a candidate.
The normal situation in such circumstances is that once the customer accepts a candidate, no time is allocated for bug fixing or tidying up, thus strengthening the argument for making the markup compliant in the first place.
If you won't be given time later, do it now.
If you are given time later, then you had the time to do it anyway.
If you want your sight to be accessible to people with and without disabilities, as well as external systems, then yes, you should definitely make sure you output valid HTML.
It's easy to test your HTML with automatic validators.
I'll add to what Mike Edwards said about legal ramifications and remind you that you have a moral obligation too :)
Why not write the prototype in valid (X)HTML in the first place? I've never found that to be more of an effort than using invalid HTML. Producing valid XHTML should be a trivial task. (On the other hand, producing semantically meaningful XHTML might be more taxing.)
In short, I see no advantage whatsoever in using invalid HTML for prototypes.
I honestly dont know why it is extra effort to do standards based HTML. It's not as if it's hard and you should be doing it as a matter of professionalism.
If you paid someone to build you a house and he cut corners out of laziness, that you didnt notice at the time, but in 10 years cracks appeared in your walls, would you be happy?
Valid HTML just to be able to have a badge on your site - no.
Having "valid HTML" in the sense of "HTML that works on every major browser or browser engine" - yes.
Absolutely. Invalid code can cause all sorts of weird behaviors, and errors which don't obscure those that do when you get a validation report.
Case in point:
A yellow background was spilling out of a list of messages and over the heading for the next list of messages - but only in Internet Explorer.
Why? The background was applied to a list item, but the person who wrote the page had written it as a single list with a heading in the middle. Headings are not allowed between list items and different browsers attempted to recover from it in different ways. Internet Explorer ended the list item (with the background colour) when it saw the start of the following item (after the heading), while other browsers ended it when they saw the end tag for the first list item.
It was the only validity error on the page, so it took only a couple of minutes to track down the problem and fix it.
Because, if you stick to standards, your work will be compatible in the future. User Agents will strive for standard compliance and their quirks non-compliance mode will always be subject to change. This is the way is supposed to be.
Unless you're into that whole IE8 broken standards perpetuation thing that they want to enable by default. -- that's another argument.
Webkit, Gecko, Presto? (is that opera's engine?), and the others will always become more compliant with every release.
Unless your html work is in a IE embedded browser control, then there's really no reason to output valid html as long as it renders.
In my opinion the key criterion is "fit for purpose" - If your clients want something for a small/internal market (and don't care if that alienates potential customers who have disabilities or use less-common browsers) then that's their choice.
At the same time I think it's our (as developers) responsibility to make sure they know the implications of their decisions - Some organisations will be bound by legislative requirements that websites be useable by screen readers, which typically means standards-compliant HTML.
i believe making valid html outputs wont hurt your development time that much if you've trained yourself to code valid html from the start. for one, its not that hard to know which tags are not allowed within an elementand the required attributes in a tag are sometimes the ones you'd really need anyway - i believe these are the main errors that makes your html invalid, so why not just learn them as early as now if you plan to stay on the web for long?plus outputting valid html can help boost your sites ranking
There are two rules for writing websites:
The site must work for your users.
The site must work for your users.
To meet the first rule, you have to code such that your site renders correctly when using Internet Explorer. Unless you have the freedom to alter your site design to use only those features that IE renders correctly, this means writing invalid HTML.
To meet the second rule, you have to code such that your site renders correctly when using screen-readers and braille screens. Although some newer screen readers can work with IE-targeted sites, in general this means writing valid HTML.
If you're working on a small project, or you're part of a large team, you can code a site that outputs IE-targeted HTML for IE, and valid HTML otherwise. But if you're taking on a medium-to-large project on your own, you have to decide which rule you're going to follow and which one you're going to ignore.
This is getting voted down by users who think you can always get away with valid HTML in IE. That may be true if you have the flexibility to change your design to get around IE's shortcomings, but if a client has given you a design and you have to get it working, you may have to resort to invalid HTML. It's sad, but it's true, whatever they might think.

Is there a business reason for striving for pure CSS layout?

It seems like every time I try to create a pure CSS layout it takes me much longer than if I'd use a table or two. Getting three columns to be equal lengths with different amounts of data seems to require particular fancy hacks, especially when dealing with cross-browser issues.
My Question:
Who are these few tables going to hurt?
Tables seem to work particularly well on tabular data — why are they so reviled in this day and age?
Google.com has a table in its source code, so do many other sites (stackoverflow.com does not by the way).
Since this is stackoverflow, I'll give you my programmer's answer
semantics 101
First take a look at this code and think about what's wrong here...
class car {
int wheels = 4;
string engine;
car mybike = new car();
mybike.wheels = 2;
mybike.engine = null;
The problem, of course, is that a bike is not a car. The car class is an inappropriate class for the bike instance. The code is error-free, but is semantically incorrect. It reflects poorly on the programmer.
semantics 102
Now apply this to document markup. If your document needs to present tabular data, then the appropriate tag would be <table>. If you place navigation into a table however, then you're misusing the intended purpose of the <table> element. In the second case, you're not presenting tabular data -- you're (mis)using the <table> element to achieve a presentational goal.
Whom does this hurt? No one. Who benefits if you use semantic markup? You -- and your professional reputation. Now go and do the right thing.
Like a lot of things, it's a good idea that often gets carried too far. I like a div+css driven layout because it's usually quite easy to change the appearance, even drastically, just through the stylesheet. It's also nice to be friendly to lower-level browsers, screen readers, etc. But like most decisions in programming, the purpose of the site and the cost of development should be considered in making a decision. Neither side is the right way to go 100% of the time.
BTW, I think everyone agrees that tables should be used for tabular data.
In the real world, your chances of taking one design and totally reskinning it without touching the markup are pretty remote. It's fine for blogs and concocted demos like the csszengarden, but it's a bogus benefit on any site with a moderately complex design, really. Using a CMS is far more important.
DIVs plus CSS != semantic, either. Good HTML is well worthwhile for SEO and accessibility always, whether tables or CSS are used for layout. You get really efficient, fast web designs by combining really simple tables with some good CSS.
Table layouts can be more accessible than CSS layouts, and the reverse is also true - it depends TOTALLY on the source order of the content, and just because you avoided tables does not mean users with screen readers will automatically have a good time on your site. Layout tables are irrelevant to screen reader access provided the content makes sense when linearised, exactly the same as if you do CSS layout. Data tables are different; they are really hard to mark up properly and even then the users of screen reader software generally don't know the commands they need to use to understand the data.
Rather than agonising over using a few layout tables, you should worry that heading tags and alt text are used properly, and that form labels are properly assigned. Then you'll have a pretty good stab at real world accessibility.
This from several years experience running user testing for web accessibility, specialising in accessible site design, and from consulting for Cahoot, an online bank, on this topic for a year.
So my answer to the poster is no, there is no business reason to prefer CSS over tables. It's more elegant, more satisfying and more correct, but you as the person building it and the person that has to maintain it after you are the only two people in the world who give a rat's ass whether it's CSS or tables.
Using semantic HTML design is one of those things where you don't know what you're missing unless you make a practice of it. I've worked on several sites where the site was restyled after the fact with little or no impact to the server-side code.
Restyling sites is a very common request, something that I've noticed more now that I'm able to say "yes" to instead of try to talk my way out of.
And, once you've learned to work with the page layout system, it's usually no harder than table based layout.
I'm of the thought that CSS layout with as few tables as possible is cleaner and better, but I agree that sometimes you just gotta use a table.
Business-wise, it's generally "what's going to get it done the fastest and most reliable way." In my experience, using a few tables generally falls into that category.
I have found that a very effective way to mitigate cross-browser differences in CSS rendering is to use the "strict" doctype at the top of your page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
Also, for the dreaded IE6 CSS issues, you can use this hack:
.someClass {
background-color:black; /*this is for most browsers*/
_background-color:white; /*this is for IE6 only - all others will ignore it*/
The main reason why we changed our web pages to DIV/CSS based layout was the delay in rendering table based pages.
We have a public web site, with most of its users base is in countries like India, where the internet bandwidth is still an issue (its getting improved day by day, but still not on par). In such circumstances, when we used table based layout, users had to stare at a blank page for considerably long time. Then the entire page will get displayed as a whole in a tick. By converting our pages to DIV, we managed to bring some contents to the browser almost instantly as users entered to our web site, and those contents where enough to get the users engaged till browser downloads entire contents of the page.
The major flaw with table based implementation is that, the browser we will show the content of the table only after it downloads the entire html for that table. The issue will blow out when we have a main table which wraps the entire content of the page, and when we have lots of nested tables. For the 'flexible tables' (those without any fixed width), after downloading entire table tag, browser has to parse till the last row of the table to find out the width of each columns, then has to parse it again for displaying the content. Till all these happens users has to stare at a blank screen, then everything will come to screen in a tick.
If you have a public facing website, the real business case is SEO.
Accessibility is important and maintaining semantic (X)HTML is much easier than maintaining table layouts, but that #1 spot on Google will bring home the bacon.
For example: Monthly web report: 127 million page views for July
Monthly web report: 127 million page views for July
Latimes.com keeps getting better at SEO (search engine optimization), which means our stories are ranking higher in Google and other search engines. We are also performing better on sites like Digg.com. All that adds up to more exposure and more readership than ever before.
If you look at their site, they've got a pretty decent CSS layout going.
Generally, you find relatively few table layouts performing well in the SERPs these days.
Keep your layout and your content separate allows you to redesign or make tweaks and changes to your site easily. It may take a bit longer up front, but the longest phase of software development is maintenance. A css friendly site with clear separation between content and design is best over the course of maintenance.
One other thing I just remembered, you can assign a different stylesheet to a page for printing vs. display.
In addition to your normal stylesheet definition, you can add the following tag
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="PrintStyle.css" />
Which will render the document according to that style when you send it to the printer. This allows you to strip out the background images, additional header/footer information and just print the raw information without creating a separate module.
doing a complete revamp of a 15 page web site just by updating 1 file is heaven.
This is true. Unfortunately, having one CSS file used by 15,000 complex and widely differing pages is your worst nightmare come true. Change something - did it break a thousand pages? Who knows?
CSS is a double-edged sword on big sites like ours.
In my experience, the only time this really adds business value is when there is a need for 100% support for accessibility. When you have users who are visually impaired and/or use screenreaders to view your site, you need to make sure that your site is compliant to accessibility standards.
Users that use screenreaders will tend to have their own high-contrast, large-font stylesheet (if your site doesn't supply one itself) which makes it easy for screenreaders to parse the page.
When a screenreader reads a page and sees a table, it'll tell the user it's a table. Hence, if you use a table for layout, it gets very confusing because the user doesn't know that the content of the table is actually the article instead of some other tabular data. A menu should be a list or a collection of divs, not a table with menu items, again that's confusing. You should make sure that you use blockquotes, alt-tags title attributes, etc to make it more readable.
If you make your design CSS-driven, then your entire look and feel can be stripped away and replaced with a raw view which is very readable to those users. If you have inline styles, table-based layouts, etc, then you're making it harder for those users to parse your content.
While I do feel that maintenance is made easier for some things when your site is purely laid out with CSS, I don't think it's the case for all kinds of maintenance -- especially when you're dealing with cross-browser CSS, which can obviously be a nightmare.
In short, your page should describe its make-up in a standards compliant way if you want it to be accessible to said users. If you have no need/requirement and likely won't need it in the future, then don't bother wasting too much time attempting to be a CSS purist :) Use the mixture of style and layout techniques that suits you and makes your job easier.
[EDIT - added strikethrough to wrong or misleading parts of this answer - see comments]
The idea is that Designers can Design and Web Developers can implement. This is especially the case in dynamic web applications where you do not want your Designers to mess around in your Source Code.
Now, while there are templating engines, Designers apparantly just love to go crazy and CSS allows to pull a lot more stunts than tables.
That being said: As a developer, i abandoned CSS Layout mostly because my Design sucks anyway, so at least it can suck properly :-) But if I would ever hire a Designer, I would let him use whatever his WYSIWYG Editor spits out.
Business reason for CSS layout: You can blow away the customers by saying "our portal is totally customizable/skinnable without writing code!"
Then again, I don't see any evil in designing block elements with tables. By block elements I mean where it doesn't make any sense to break apart the said element in different designs.
So, tabular data would best be presented with tables, of course. Designing major building blocks (such as a menu bar, news ticker, etc.) within their own tables should be OK as well. Just don't rely on tables for the overall page layout and you'll be fine, methinks.
*I would let him use whatever his WYSIWYG Editor spits out
I just threw-up a little...
*ahh hello? You don't think the graphic designer is writing the CSS by hand do you?
Funnily enough I have worked with a few designers and the best among them do hand-tweak their css. The guy I am thinking of actually does all of his design work as an XHTML file with a couple of CSS files and creates graphical elements on the fly as he needs them. He uses Dreamweaver but only really as a navigation tool. (I learned a lot from that guy)
Once you've made an investment to learn purely CSS-based design and have had a little experience (found out where IE sucks [to be fair it's getting better]) it ends up being faster I've found. I worked on Content Management Systems and the application rarely had to change for the designers to come up with a radically different look.
Besides being easily updatable and compliant...
I use to design all table based web sites and I was resistant at first, but little by little I moved to CSS. It did not happen overnight, but it happened and it is something you should do as well.
There have been some nights I wanted to toss my computer out the window because the style I was applying to a div was not doing what I want, but you learn from those obstacles.
As for a business, once you get to designing web sites by CSS down to a science, you can develop processes for each site and even use past web sites and just add a different header graphic, color, etc.
Also, be sure to embed/include all reusable parts of your website: header, sub-header, footer.
Once you get over the hump, it will be all down hill from there. Good luck!
:: nods at palmsey and Jon Galloway ::
I agree with the maintainability factor. It does take me a bit longer to get my initial layouts done (since I'm still a jedi apprentice in the CSS arts) but doing a complete revamp of a 15 page web site just by updating 1 file is heaven.
Some additional reasons why this is good practice:
Accessibility - the web should ideally be
accessible by all
Performance - save
bandwidth and load faster on mobile
devices (these lack bandwidth to some
degree and cannot layout complex
tables quickly). Besides loading fast is always a good thing...
When a screenreader reads a page and sees a table, it'll tell the user it's a table. Hence, if you use a table for layout, it gets very confusing because the user doesn't know that the content of the table is actually the article instead of some other tabular data
This is actually not true; screen readers like JAWS, Window Eyes and HAL ignore layout tables. They work really well at dealing with the real web.
I don't think there is a business reason at all. Technical reason, maybe, even so, barely - it is a huge timesuck the world over, and then you look at it in IE and break down and weep.
i actually can see Tables in Stack Overflow on the user page.
It even has heaps of inline styles...
There definitely is. If you are still striving for it, you are not getting it right.
DIV+CSS layout is actually much easier than table layout in terms of maintainability and productivity. Just keep practicing it before it's too early to say that.
Table layout is good too it's just not meant for layouts and have exceptional drawbacks when it comes to minor tuning.

Is it acceptable for invalid XHTML?

I've noticed a lot of sites, SO included, use XHTML as their mark-up language and then fail to adhere to the spec. Just browsing the source for SO there are missing closing tags for paragraphs, invalid elements, etc.
So should tools (and developers) use the XHTML doctype if they are going to produce invalid mark up? And should browsers be more firm in their acceptance of poor mark-up?
And before anyone shouts hypocrite, my blog has one piece of invalid mark-up involving the captha (or it did the last time I checked) which involves styling the noscript tag.
There are many reasons to use valid markup. My favorite is that it allows you to use validation as a form of regression testing, preventing the markup equivalent of "delta rot" from leading to real rendering problems once the errors reach some critical mass. And really, it's just plain sloppy to allow "lazy" errors like typos and mis-nested/unclosed tags to accumulate. Valid markup is one way to identify passionate programmers.
There's also the issue of debugging: valid markup also gives you a stable baseline from which to work on the inevitable cross-browser compatibility woes. No web developer who values his time should begin debugging browser compatibility problems without first ensuring that the markup is at least syntactically valid—and any other invalid markup should have a good reason for being there.
(Incidentally, stackoverflow.com fails both these tests, and suggestions to fix the problems were declined.)
All of that said, to answer your specific question, it's probably not worthwhile to use one of the XHTML doctypes unless you plan to produce valid (or at least well-formed) markup. XHTML's primary advantages are derived from the fact that XHTML is XML, allowing it to be processed and transformed by tools and technologies that work with XML. If you don't plan to make your XHTML well-formed XML, then there's little point in choosing that doctype. The latest HTML 4 spec will probably do everything you need, and it's much more forgiving.
We should always try to make it validate according to standards. We'll be sure that the website will display and work fine on current browsers AND future browsers.
I don't think that, if you specify a doctype, there is any reason not to adhere to this doctype.
Using XHTML makes automated error detection easy, every change can be automatically checked for invalid markup. This prevents errors, especially when using automatically generated content. It is really easy for a web developer using a templating engine (JSP, ASP.NET StringTemplate, etcetera) to copy/paste one closing tag too little or too many. When this is your only error, it can be detected and fixed immediately. I once worked for a site that had 165 validation errors per page, of which 2 or 3 were actual bugs. These were hard to find in the clutter of other errors. Automatic validation would have prevented these errors at the source.
Needless to say, choosing a standard and sticking to it can never benefit interoperability with other systems (screen scrapers, screen readers, search engines) and I have never come across a situation where a valid semantic XHTML with CSS solution wasn't possible for all major browsers.
Obviously, when working with complex systems, it's not always possible to stick to your doctype, but this is mostly a result of improper communication between the different teams developing different parts of these systems, or, most likely, legacy systems. In the last case it's probably better to isolate these cases and change your doctype accordingly.
It's good to be pragmatic and not adhere to XHTML just because someone said so, regardless of costs, but with current knowledge about CSS and browsers, testing and validation tools, most of the time the benefits are much greater than the costs.
You can say that I have an OCD on XHTML validity. I find that most of the problems with the code not being valid comes from programmers not knowing the difference between HTML and XHTML. I've been writing 100% valid XHTML and CSS or a while now and have never had any major rendering problems with other browsers. If you keep everything valid, and don't try anything too exotic css wise, you will save yourself a ton of time in fixes.
I wouldn't use XHTML at all just to save myself the philosophical stress. It's not like any browsers are treating it like XHTML anyway.
Browsers will reject poor mark-up if the page is sent as application/xhtml+xml, but they rarely are. This is fine.
I would be more concerned about things like inline use of CSS and JavaScript with Stack Overflow, just because they make maintenance harder.
Though I believe in striving for valid XHTML and CSS, it's often hard to do for a number of reasons.
First, some of the content could be loaded via AJAX. Sometimes, fragments are not properly inserted into the existing DOM.
The HTML that you are viewing may not have all been produced in the same document. For example, the page could be made of up components, or templates, and then thrown together right before the browser renders it. This isn't an excuse, but you can't assume that the HTML you're seeing was hand coded all at once.
What if some of the code generated by Markdown is invalid? You can't blame Stack Overflow for not producing valid code.
Lastly, the purpose of the DOCTYPE is not to simply say "Hey, I'm using valid code" but it's also to give the browser a heads up what you're trying to do so that it can at least come close to correctly parsing that information.
I don't think that most developers specify a DOCTYPE and then explicitly fail to adhere to it.
while I agree with the sentiment of "if it renders fine then don't worry about it" statement, however it's good for follow a standard, even though it may not be fully supported right now. you can still use Table for layout, but it's not good for a reason.
No, you should not use XHTML if you can't guarantee well-formedness, and in practice you can't guarantee it if you don't use XML serializer to generate markup. Read about producing XML.
Well-formedness is the thing that differentiates XHTML from HTML. XHTML with "just one" markup error ceases to be XHTML. It has to be perfect every time.
If "XHTML" site appears to work with some errors, it's because browsers ignore the DOCTYPE and interpret page as HTML.
See XHTML proxy that forces interpretation of pages as XHTML. Most of the time they fail miserably. This is one of the reason why future of XHTML is uncertain and why development of HTML has been resumed.
It depends. I had that issue with my blog where a YouTube video caused invalid XHTML, but it rendered fine. On the other hand, I have a "Valid XHTML" link, and a combination of a "Valid XHTML" claim and invalid XHTML is not professional.
As SO does not claim to be valid, I think it's acceptable, but personally if I were Jeff i would be bothered and try to fix it even if it looks good in modern browsers, but some people rather just move on and actually get things done instead of fixing non-existent bugs.
So long as it works in IE, FF, Safari, (insert other browser here) you should be okay. Validation isn't as important as having it render correctly in multiple browsers. Just because it is valid, doesn't mean it'll work in IE properly, for instance.
Run Google Analytics or similar on your site and see what kind of browsers your users are using and then judge which browsers you need to support the most and worry about the less important ones when you have the spare time to do so.
I say, if it renders OK, then it doesn't matter if it's pixel perfect.
It takes a while to get a site up and running the way you want it, going back and making changes is going to change the way the page renders slightly, then you have to fix those problems.
Now, I'm not saying you should built sloppy web pages, but I see no reason to fix what ain't broke. Browsers aren't going to drop support for error correction anytime in the near future.
I don't understand why everyone get caught up trying to make their websites fit the standard when some browsers sill have problems properly rendering standard code. I've been in web design for something like 10 years and I stopped double codding (read: hacking css), and changing stupid stuff just so I could put a button on my site.
I believe that using a < div> will cause you to be invalid regardless, and it get a bit harder to do any major JavaScript/AJAX without it.
There are so many standards and they are so badly "enforced" or supported that I don't think it matters. Don't get me wrong, I think there should be standards but because they are not enforced, nobody follows them and it's a massive downward spiral.
For 99.999% of the sites out there, it really won't matter. The only time I've had it matter, I ran the HTML input through HTMLTidy to XHTML-ize it, and then ran my processing on it.
Pretty much, it's the old programmer's axiom: trust no input.
