Is it worth the development time to output valid HTML? - xhtml

Developing websites are time-consuming. To improve productivity, I would code a prototype to show to our clients. I don't worry about making the prototype comform to the standard. Most of the time, our clients would approve the prototype and give an unreasonable deadline. I usually end up using the prototype in production (hey, the prototype works. No need to make my job harder.)
I could refactor the code to output valid HTML. But is it worth the effort to output valid HTML?

It is only worth the effort if it gives you a practical benefit. Sticking to standards might make it easier to build a website that works across most browsers. Then again, if you're happy with how a website displays on the browsers you care about (maybe one, maybe all), then going through hoops to make it pass validation is a waste of time.
Also, the difference in SEO between an all-valid html website and a mostly-valid html website is negligible.
So always look for the practical benefit, there are some in some situations, but don't do it just for the sake of it.

Yes. It's hard enough trying to deal with how different browsers will render valid HTML, never mind trying to predict what they'll do with invalid code. Same goes for search engines - enough problems in the HTML may lead to the site not being indexed properly or at all.
I guess the real answer is "it depends on what is invalid about the HTML". If the invalid parts relate to accessibility issues, you might even find your customer has legal problems if they use the site on a commercial basis.

Probably not if you have a non-complying site to begin with and are short on time.
However, and you won't believe me because I didn't believe others to begin with, but it is easier to make a site compliant from the start - it saves you headaches in terms of browser compatibility, CSS behaviour and even JavaScript behavior and it is typically less markup to maintain.
Site compliance (at least to Transitional) is pretty easy.

Producing compliant HTML is similar to ensuring that you have no warnings during a compilation - the warnings are there for a reason, you may not realise what that reason is, but ignore the warnings and, before you know where you are, there as so many, you can't spot the one that's relevant to the problem that you're trying to fix.
If you use Firefox to view your web pages, you'll get a helpful green tick or red cross in the bottom right hand corner, quickly showin you whether you've complied or not. Clicking on a red cross will show you all of the places where you goofed.
Some of the warnings/errors may seem a bit pedantic, but fix them and you'll benefit in many ways.
Your page is much more likely to work with a wider range of browsers.
Accessibility compliance will be easier (You'll have 'alt' attributes on your images, for example)
If you choose XHTML as a standard, your markup will be more likely to be useful in an AJAX environment.
Failure to do this results in unpredictability.
One of the biggest problems with web browsers is that they have perpetuated bad habits (And still do, in some cases) by silently correcting certain markup problems, such as failure to close table cells and/or rows. This single fact has resulted in thousands of web pages that are not compliant but 'work', lulling their developers into a false sense of security.
When you consider how many things there are that can go wrong with a website, being lazy when it comes to compliance is just adding more problems to your workload.
EDIT: having read your original post again, I notice that you say you don't bother with compliance when working on a prototype, then you go on to say that you usually use the prototype in production - this means that it's not strictly a prototype, but a candidate.
The normal situation in such circumstances is that once the customer accepts a candidate, no time is allocated for bug fixing or tidying up, thus strengthening the argument for making the markup compliant in the first place.
If you won't be given time later, do it now.
If you are given time later, then you had the time to do it anyway.

If you want your sight to be accessible to people with and without disabilities, as well as external systems, then yes, you should definitely make sure you output valid HTML.
It's easy to test your HTML with automatic validators.
I'll add to what Mike Edwards said about legal ramifications and remind you that you have a moral obligation too :)

Why not write the prototype in valid (X)HTML in the first place? I've never found that to be more of an effort than using invalid HTML. Producing valid XHTML should be a trivial task. (On the other hand, producing semantically meaningful XHTML might be more taxing.)
In short, I see no advantage whatsoever in using invalid HTML for prototypes.

I honestly dont know why it is extra effort to do standards based HTML. It's not as if it's hard and you should be doing it as a matter of professionalism.
If you paid someone to build you a house and he cut corners out of laziness, that you didnt notice at the time, but in 10 years cracks appeared in your walls, would you be happy?

Valid HTML just to be able to have a badge on your site - no.
Having "valid HTML" in the sense of "HTML that works on every major browser or browser engine" - yes.

Absolutely. Invalid code can cause all sorts of weird behaviors, and errors which don't obscure those that do when you get a validation report.
Case in point:
A yellow background was spilling out of a list of messages and over the heading for the next list of messages - but only in Internet Explorer.
Why? The background was applied to a list item, but the person who wrote the page had written it as a single list with a heading in the middle. Headings are not allowed between list items and different browsers attempted to recover from it in different ways. Internet Explorer ended the list item (with the background colour) when it saw the start of the following item (after the heading), while other browsers ended it when they saw the end tag for the first list item.
It was the only validity error on the page, so it took only a couple of minutes to track down the problem and fix it.

Because, if you stick to standards, your work will be compatible in the future. User Agents will strive for standard compliance and their quirks non-compliance mode will always be subject to change. This is the way is supposed to be.
Unless you're into that whole IE8 broken standards perpetuation thing that they want to enable by default. -- that's another argument.
Webkit, Gecko, Presto? (is that opera's engine?), and the others will always become more compliant with every release.
Unless your html work is in a IE embedded browser control, then there's really no reason to output valid html as long as it renders.

In my opinion the key criterion is "fit for purpose" - If your clients want something for a small/internal market (and don't care if that alienates potential customers who have disabilities or use less-common browsers) then that's their choice.
At the same time I think it's our (as developers) responsibility to make sure they know the implications of their decisions - Some organisations will be bound by legislative requirements that websites be useable by screen readers, which typically means standards-compliant HTML.

i believe making valid html outputs wont hurt your development time that much if you've trained yourself to code valid html from the start. for one, its not that hard to know which tags are not allowed within an elementand the required attributes in a tag are sometimes the ones you'd really need anyway - i believe these are the main errors that makes your html invalid, so why not just learn them as early as now if you plan to stay on the web for long?plus outputting valid html can help boost your sites ranking

There are two rules for writing websites:
The site must work for your users.
The site must work for your users.
To meet the first rule, you have to code such that your site renders correctly when using Internet Explorer. Unless you have the freedom to alter your site design to use only those features that IE renders correctly, this means writing invalid HTML.
To meet the second rule, you have to code such that your site renders correctly when using screen-readers and braille screens. Although some newer screen readers can work with IE-targeted sites, in general this means writing valid HTML.
If you're working on a small project, or you're part of a large team, you can code a site that outputs IE-targeted HTML for IE, and valid HTML otherwise. But if you're taking on a medium-to-large project on your own, you have to decide which rule you're going to follow and which one you're going to ignore.
This is getting voted down by users who think you can always get away with valid HTML in IE. That may be true if you have the flexibility to change your design to get around IE's shortcomings, but if a client has given you a design and you have to get it working, you may have to resort to invalid HTML. It's sad, but it's true, whatever they might think.


How important are HTML/CSS validation errors like <span>s inside <p>s? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What's the point of valid CSS/HTML?
This is a over-asked question, but I'm going to ask anyway.
How important is site/code validation?
I'm not referring to code errors that would break a site layout, like forgetting to close a tag, or using an unsupported tag. Just general warnings and tag usage errors.
I used to make sure my sites were validated 100%. No questions asked. Lately, I have not taken that approach however, especially with the use of HTML5. I feel that it is more important to make the site function as needed, even if it means putting a <p> tag within a <span> tag. Also, some of the CSS validation rules are pointless I feel. They are more considered with saving every possible byte then code readability.
Does it really matter? Looking for thoughts/concerns/opinions/links to articles. Thanks!
I do it for Peace of Mind.
When code is valid, it's more likely to work with a compliant browser. In theory, just because I test it and it works in various browsers today, does not mean it will work in newer browsers tomorrow. Standards Compliance solves that issue because if it follows the "Standard" today, it will follow the "Standard" tomorrow... of course, assuming that new browsers continue to support the Doctype you've selected to standardize against.
Why Validate - W3C
From W3C itself, here's a "Why Validate?" page that is extremely helpful:
Some of the main points:
Validation as a debugging tool
Validation as a future-proof quality
Validation eases maintenance
Validation helps teach good practices
Validation is a sign of
The biggest reason I think is that when you don't validate, you're catering to broken browsers instead of designing for the browsers that do it right. Chad recently quipped that "if you use a degraded browser you deserve a degraded experience", and I think he's absolutely right. Design perfectly valid markup for standards-compliant browsers, and if absolutely necessary use IE6-specific stylesheets and the like for broken browsers. This way, you don't break the standards-compliancy of the good browsers, but you can "cheat" for the broken browsers.
Edit 2
The best exception, I think, is when you're moving forward instead of backwards. When you move backward, use separate stylesheets that only load for broken browsers - that way the good browsers aren't affected. But when you're moving forward (e.g, using CSS animations with vendor-branded tags, etc) you know that someday those will become standards (well, most of the time).
HTML5 is the culmination of our loose and sloppy HTML periods then overly-anal and pedantic semantic XML compliant xhtml period.
Which led us to an overall "validation is really important, but let's be pragmatic about it."
As stated, valid html is easier to debug, so there's the big plus right there. But there's plenty of room for exceptions as well. As long as you aren't using laziness as an excuse to allow for invalid markup when needed, it's probably a pragmatic decision.

What are cons if we do not care about validation of XHTML and CSS?

What are cons if we do not care about validation of XHTML and CSS? Errors other than CSS 3 and vendor specific properties
In terms of development time(How valid XHTML and CSS code save time to find problems?),
Code debugging (How we can track then problem quickly?),
Cross browser compatibility (How it helps us to achieve cross browser compatibility?),
Website maintainability (How it would be helpful to maintain and update for someone else?),
Future changes in website (How it would be helpful to make any changes in design if client can ask in future?),
SEO ranking (How it can affect our site's search engine ranking?)
Accessibility (Does validity of code increase accessibility of site?)
I have to explain a client's Secretary,Code validation is not just Fashion, it is beneficial for his site. I'm not just advocating of this to make more money. it's not useful only for developer it mainly beneficial for his website.
There's the obvious point that if your markup is valid, the odds of it being rendered as you want it to be by a wide variety of browsers are improved.
But separate from that, sometimes you spend valuable development time tracking down bugs (usually ones that seem specific to a given browser) only to find that the reason for the bug is that your markup is invalid and different browsers are handling the invalid markup in different ways. Validating (whether it's XHTML or HTML) saves you time tracking down those sorts of problems. There was an example here just yesterday, in fact. The OP thought he was having a weird Firefox-specific jQuery problem. In fact, he just had invalid markup, and fixing the markup fixed his problem.
So I'm thinking that you tell the client that validation saves time, and therefore money.
Note that this is an argument for validating, not for proclaiming validity (via icons and such).
I found some very good answers here
Using markup improperly -- not
according to specification -- hinders
accessibility. Misusing markup for a
presentation effect (e.g., using a
table for layout or a header to change
the font size) makes it difficult for
users with specialized software to
understand the organization of the
page or to navigate through it.
Furthermore, using presentation markup
rather than structural markup to
convey structure (e.g., constructing
what looks like a table of data with
an HTML PRE element) makes it
difficult to render a page
intelligibly to other devices (refer
to the description of difference
between content, structure, and

Is the CSS Standard broken?

With different browsers choosing to render CSS in their own preferred way , whats the point of having a standard?
Simple stuff like creating a fluid 3 column layout that works across all browsers can be an experience in frustration. How do you deal with this or make cross-browser compatible development not so painful?
As always, there's a reason behind all this.
The standard is not broken (a standard can't be broken), just that some browsers like IE don't adhere to it completely.
This is mainly because IE was developed before any standard was created and in that time it was the best browser around, with almost zero competitors (I read that netscape was the other option and that it was much worse than IE).
Then people realized that a standard was needed, and they created it obviously not including any of IE proprietary code and features. IE was forced to choose backwards compatibility with it's previous versions, or to adhere to this new "standard", they absolutely ruled the browser market so the choice was obvious.
With new versions IE tried to be more and more standards compliant, and they say that IE8 successfully passes the ACID2 test, so the standard utopia is (slowly) coming to reality.
In the mean time, check this site -> quirksmode that contains useful cross browser information. Also try to check any articles about "IE box model" online, and stay away of padding in IE. If you also use a 3rd party javascript library (JQuery, Prototype, Dojo) you should be fine (or as fine as anyone of us can be).
One major point of having standards is to keep us out of another browser war. You know the one where Netscape and Microsoft kept adding as many proprietary features as they could to the browsers. Cross browser development is a breeze today compared to then...
Another good reason for having standards is that you know where future versions of the browsers will be heading. Following the standards is the best prediction that you can get for how future browsers will work.
You can find a lot of cross-browser tips in this question: How can I achieve a consistent layout in all browsers?
Standards are emergent, not pre-defined. Well, at least they should be. Many developers I've talked to seem to find my view of Web standards slightly heretical, but stay with me here.
When you try to create the standard before the implementation, you have several problems:
A long delay before useful implementations appear. Nobody has a working implementation to reference, and since nobody is using any of the standard's features (since it doesn't exist yet), there is little impetus to actually implement it. A chicken-and-egg type of problem.
The potential for standards that cannot actually be implemented. Who knows for sure until somebody actually tries it? The HLA standard was a good example of this happening, to the point where the DoD had to write an "interpretations" memo that attempted to set the de facto standard by glossing over some of the errors in the actual standard.
The potential for standards that don't serve any practical need. Do people actually want this? See example at XForms, which has fallen into a weird, server-side niche. Or, I can't think of anybody I've met who found the CSS "width does not including padding" box model to be intuitive.
An inability for implementers of the standard to distinguish their products from their competitors, resulting in a stubborn desire to break with the standard in practical or lock-in-encouraging ways. See example at CORBA.
I think that the W3C learned this the hard way in recent years. Some of the most end-user visible innovation has come from a new browser war: examples would be HTML5 (several vendors), canvas (Apple), XMLHttpRequest (Microsoft's Outlook Web Access team), input range (Safari's built-in RSS reader), and the video element (Firefox)--these came from the proprietary level on up, not from the standards tower on down. And these new "standards" were forged by looking at these past individual implementations (Firefox copied Microsoft largely for XMLHttpRequest, and so on), not by some wide-eyed think tank pondering the future. (ISAPI, the Netscape plugin API, and SQL are all examples of bottom-up standards, where breaking changes are done gradually in a lock-step fashion.)
A standard should be a least common denominator that smooths over the basic differences in implementations, a pidgin language that works across all of them, and not an enumeration of Robert Lowth-style prescriptive rules about a language or system, because then you end up with rules that don't always make sense or apply a non-realistic ideal (like trying to apply Latin-based grammar rules to a Germanic-based language, like trying to apply XML-based grammar rules to an SGML-based language). Oh well, this is what we've got.
Probably the greatest defect in the CSS standard at this point is that there really isn't a good way to specify that a page was written against a particular version of the standard. We can specify DOCTYPEs for our HTML documents, why can't I indicate that a document was written for CSS 2.1? This will only become more important as we start adding more and more bizarre features to CSS that affect the actual content of the page, such as CSS's :before pseudo-elements. A future version of the standard is going to have errors one day that potentially break compatibility, and it'd be nice to let the document author ask for certain behavior rather than have browsers attempt to figure out the intent.
On the lighter side, though, now that IE8 and IE7 are out, things really aren't as bad as they were in, say, 2005. A specific IE6 stylesheet served with conditional comments can really go a long way to making a CSS/standards-based implementation feasible. The other advice is to use Google, to take the 3-column fluid layout example, and hope that someone else has done most of the troubleshooting for you.
Creating a cross-browser compatible Web site is difficult, standard or no standard. You can make it easier on yourself if you accept that there will be some differences in the way different browsers render your site. Don't be afraid of proprietary extensions by any means (it's all right to have CSS3 rounded corners for your non-IE users), but have a fall-back for when they don't exist (eh, the rounded corners aren't critical for using the site), and let your users choose how they'd like to consume your content.
The other answers to this question pretty much cover the ins and outs of why CSS isn't the problem, but as for how I deal with the cross-browser difficulties, it's normally in roughly 4 steps:
Design the site using firefox, as it has lots of useful extensions (most notably Firebug, which tells you which CSS rules are being applied, which are being over-ridden by other rules, etc.)
Check the site quickly in Safari and Opera to make sure design has no flaws there. Normally it'll work fine as - thanks to the CSS web standard - these browsers render web pages in almost identical ways
View the design in ie7 and use the *+html css filter to correct errors
View the design in ie6 and use the * html css filter to correct errors
to do points 3 and 4 yo would have something like this
.box {css rules}
*+html .box {css rules to override in ie7}
* html .box {css rules to override in ie6}
At the end of all this you will still be left with valid css that works across the major browsers.
Hope this helps
*edit - forgot to add that ietester is a great bit of software that allows you to install multuiple versions of ie on windows xp or vista:
The standard has some shortcomings. It's also quite a difficult thing to implement. The problem is in the implementation more so than the standard.
Use things like YUI where a lot of smart people have done a lot of hard work to make these things work across various browsers.
The standard is there in the open so that the browsers who do not confirm to the standard may look and learn. The standard is important because it is the only way by which you can HOPE to make a webpage that will display correctly on all pages.
Also remember that a standard that is developed is never for the past, it is only for the future. If in the past some browsers did not confirm to the standard it doesn't mean that we should not have standard.
In fact the standard is born because the browsers were all doing their own thingie and there was then a need for the standard.
If you code to the standard the browsers will confirm to it.
Have a hope pal!
It looks to me that You are just starting with CSS. Because even though the browsers do not adhere to the CSS specification perfectly, there is a lot of safe ground that You can use with confidence. This safe ground is nowadays much larger than it used to be about ten years ago, when coding for web was really a royal pain. And new browser releases adhere to the specification more and more, which is exactly why the standard matters. It is a kind of theoretical ideal that the browsers will probably never fully achieve, but even 90–95 percent of it are quite useful in the real world.
I also wish IE would have better implementation of CSS, but once You learn the few things that behave oddly, You can code most of the usual layouts without major hiccups. Most common layouts have also been discussed to death on various CSS forums on the web and there is always some good solution readily available so that You do not have to make it up yourself.
The CSS standard is IMHO not the problem [at least not in the sense of Your question], the problem is the reality of the browser market and the software market in general. As for the frustration, it should mostly go away after You gain some experience. The limits will always be there, but there is a plenty of safe space.
That seems like a non-sequitur. Just because some browsers flout web standards does not mean there's something wrong with the standards themselves. It's a bit like saying that seatbelts are broken because some people choose not to wear them, or that drunk driving laws are pointless because some people don't obey them.
If there were absolutely no standards to conform to, then there would be no World Wide Web, period. Just like an egalitarian society is an unachievable ideal, yet striving for that unattainable ideal has produced tremendous social progress over the decades, so too have W3C recommendations and open web standards produced measurable progress over the lifetime of the web. Without standards like CSS, the interoperability which the web depends on to thrive would not exist.
Yes CSS is broken - though semantically you cannot call it a 'broken standard'. But the question is not really one of semantics.
Experience of aiding in the definition of the UNICODE standard back in the late 80s and early 90s was good training for learning how to write a standard well. I have rolled my eyes so many times W3C write standards documentation that leaves immense holes in the definitions that lead to browsers interpreting things in different ways. There are many mutally exclusive parts to the CSS standard, even in v3, that have come about because we still have to keep compatibility with pre-CSS1.
On the critical side, CSS has three mind-bendingly obvious issues that any computer scientist will tell you are both improperly designed and inconsitent.
The Box Model - there are still huge holes in this even as CSS 3 approaches.
The 'specificity' calculations. 'specificity' was implemented to patch a hole in CSS standard and then later to try and shore-up the ever conflicting rules. If stylesheets are be truely cascading then 'specificity' needs to be scrapped. Until it is CSS should be called SWISMCCS (sometimes-when-it-suits-me-CSS). Of course, in order to scrap this feature all the remaining issues with loose language in the standards need fixing - which in reality means it will never happen.
Naming conventions for classes,selector etc allow the use of characters that are a problem for dynamic processing. The most obvious is allowing '-' symbol to be used in names. If you don't understand why I would encourage you to read up and bytecode compilers and compiler language parsing.
So the answer is the CSS standard is not broken, the premise is sound, but the implementation of the standards documentation (not the browsers, the documentation) shows how conquest by committee will rarely get you something fully fit for purpose.
I suppose this was because CSS was not created for trained programmers, it was created for web-designers - a strange breed who are not really programmers and not really designers. There are real web-developers who are different, but spend less time on pretty graphics.
IMHO: CSS is broken. On the other hand, the alternatives are much worse. Better the devil-we-know. Role on the replacement for HTML.

How important is W3C XHTML/CSS validation when finalizing work? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Even though I always strive for complete validation these days, I often wonder if it's a waste of time. If the code runs and it looks the same in all browsers (I use to verify) then do I need to take it any further or am I just being overly anal?
What level do you hold your code to when you create it for:
a) yourself
b) your clients
P.S. Jeff and company, why doesn't stack overflow validate? :)
EDIT: Some good insights, I think that since I've been so valid-obsessed for so long I program knowing what will cause problems and what won't so I'm in a better position than people who create a site first and then "go back and fix the validation problems"
I think I may post another question on stack overflow; "Do you validate as you go or do you finish and then go back and validate?" as that seems to be where this question is going
a) Must look the same
b) As standards-compliant as possible, but not so anal that it blocks finishing work
In a situation where you have perpetual access to the code, I don't think standards-compliance is all that important, since you can always make changes to the code if something breaks. If you don't have perpetual access (ie, you sign off on the code and it becomes someone else's responsibility), it's probably best to be as standards-compliant as possible to minimize maintenance headaches later... even if you never have to deal with the code again, your reputation persists and can be transmitted to other potential clients, and many teams like to blame the previous developer(s) for problems that come up.
I think this is an area in which you should strive to use the Robustness principle as far as is practical (which is good advice for any area of coding). Just because something works today doesn't mean it will work tomorrow: if you're relying on a particular HTML/CSS hack or even if you've just been a little lax in emitting strictly valid code, the next iteration of browsers could well break. Doing it once the right way minimises this problem (though does not entirely mitigate it).
There is a certain element of pragmatism to take here, though. I'd certainly do all I could for a client's site to be valid, but I would be willing to take more risks in my own space.
I think it's only "tech" guys that really care for "100% standard compliance". My usual page consumers (= users) don't care if there's no alt-attribute for a "menu border picture element".
I usually just make sure that I don't see any obvious errors (all tags closed, all lower case, attributes in quotes, ...), but if it looks good on IE and FF, that's all I care for. I don't really care if I use a non-standard attribute in any HTML tag, so that the page doesn't validate against an DTD - as long as I get the visual results that I intended to get.
For understanding why validation matters, it is needed to understand how a browser works at its different layers, and also a little bit about the history of web from the perspective of web browsers.
The HTML you give to a browser is interpreted by the browser following the DOM, an application programming interface that maps out the entire page as a hierarchy of nodes. Each part of that tree is a type of node containing different kinds of data. DOM (Document Object Model) was necessary because of the diversity of HTML pages that early web browsers (Netscape, IE...) implemented to allow alter the appearance and content of a web page without reloading it. For preserving the cross-platform nature of the web, W3C wanted to fix the different implementation of those browsers, proposing DOM.
DOM support became a huge priority for most web browsers vendors, and efforts have been ongoing to improve support on each release. So, it worked.
DOM is the very basic step with which a web browser starts. Its main flow is:
parsing HTML to construct the DOM tree
render tree construction
layout of the render tree
painting the render tree
The step 1 gives the content tree, with the tags turned to DOM nodes. The step 2 gives the render tree, containing styling information.
So, why validation matters: because content tree and render tree are the basis from which the web browser start its job. The most they are well defined, the better for the web browser.
Ultimately, the DOM is also the basis for your JavaScript events. So, its validation helps to the interaction layer too.
I know this isn't answering your whole question, but it is worth considering that by using completely valid html you can be sure that your website should work properly in future web browsers that haven't been released yet.
My approach tends to be to ensure I can completely validate on all pages, however I still send the page as text/html instead of application/xhtml+xml so there are no ugly XML errors in the event I have missed something.
For me, I feel like I've done a good job if my code validates. Seeing the green check box on the w3c pages just makes me slightly giddy. As for group b, They usually only care that it looks and works the same across browsers. They only place I've found that this is not true is the government sector. They require complete validation not only with the w3c but also passing ADA tests (basically how does it sound with a screen reader).
p.s. when I say government sector, I mean specifically the state of California and a few counties inside it. I have had no ther experience with other government groups besides them.
I think validation is a good litmus test of whether you've done things properly, so if there are only a few minor problems, why not fix them and ensure your site will at least be understood correctly by browsers in the future (even if they do render things differently for other reasons)?
OTOH, for most projects, validation seems like a huge headache and if you can get things working across browsers, it's not worth spending an extra day/week+ on just validation.
Except that the validators themselves are so positively anal,
when they flag an error or warning whenever a -moz- or -webkit or -o- i.e. a browser specific qualification term is used.
also they want you to specify 0px rather than 0 or other units
Zero is Zero whatever units the validator wants to check it against!
just try validating the WordPress twentyeleven style.css it throws 140 odd errors which are all of the nature above or the validator is recovering from parse errors
The validators are useless if you cannot sort the wheat from the chaff!!!
We need validators that recognise browser specific qualification terms!

Is it acceptable for invalid XHTML?

I've noticed a lot of sites, SO included, use XHTML as their mark-up language and then fail to adhere to the spec. Just browsing the source for SO there are missing closing tags for paragraphs, invalid elements, etc.
So should tools (and developers) use the XHTML doctype if they are going to produce invalid mark up? And should browsers be more firm in their acceptance of poor mark-up?
And before anyone shouts hypocrite, my blog has one piece of invalid mark-up involving the captha (or it did the last time I checked) which involves styling the noscript tag.
There are many reasons to use valid markup. My favorite is that it allows you to use validation as a form of regression testing, preventing the markup equivalent of "delta rot" from leading to real rendering problems once the errors reach some critical mass. And really, it's just plain sloppy to allow "lazy" errors like typos and mis-nested/unclosed tags to accumulate. Valid markup is one way to identify passionate programmers.
There's also the issue of debugging: valid markup also gives you a stable baseline from which to work on the inevitable cross-browser compatibility woes. No web developer who values his time should begin debugging browser compatibility problems without first ensuring that the markup is at least syntactically valid—and any other invalid markup should have a good reason for being there.
(Incidentally, fails both these tests, and suggestions to fix the problems were declined.)
All of that said, to answer your specific question, it's probably not worthwhile to use one of the XHTML doctypes unless you plan to produce valid (or at least well-formed) markup. XHTML's primary advantages are derived from the fact that XHTML is XML, allowing it to be processed and transformed by tools and technologies that work with XML. If you don't plan to make your XHTML well-formed XML, then there's little point in choosing that doctype. The latest HTML 4 spec will probably do everything you need, and it's much more forgiving.
We should always try to make it validate according to standards. We'll be sure that the website will display and work fine on current browsers AND future browsers.
I don't think that, if you specify a doctype, there is any reason not to adhere to this doctype.
Using XHTML makes automated error detection easy, every change can be automatically checked for invalid markup. This prevents errors, especially when using automatically generated content. It is really easy for a web developer using a templating engine (JSP, ASP.NET StringTemplate, etcetera) to copy/paste one closing tag too little or too many. When this is your only error, it can be detected and fixed immediately. I once worked for a site that had 165 validation errors per page, of which 2 or 3 were actual bugs. These were hard to find in the clutter of other errors. Automatic validation would have prevented these errors at the source.
Needless to say, choosing a standard and sticking to it can never benefit interoperability with other systems (screen scrapers, screen readers, search engines) and I have never come across a situation where a valid semantic XHTML with CSS solution wasn't possible for all major browsers.
Obviously, when working with complex systems, it's not always possible to stick to your doctype, but this is mostly a result of improper communication between the different teams developing different parts of these systems, or, most likely, legacy systems. In the last case it's probably better to isolate these cases and change your doctype accordingly.
It's good to be pragmatic and not adhere to XHTML just because someone said so, regardless of costs, but with current knowledge about CSS and browsers, testing and validation tools, most of the time the benefits are much greater than the costs.
You can say that I have an OCD on XHTML validity. I find that most of the problems with the code not being valid comes from programmers not knowing the difference between HTML and XHTML. I've been writing 100% valid XHTML and CSS or a while now and have never had any major rendering problems with other browsers. If you keep everything valid, and don't try anything too exotic css wise, you will save yourself a ton of time in fixes.
I wouldn't use XHTML at all just to save myself the philosophical stress. It's not like any browsers are treating it like XHTML anyway.
Browsers will reject poor mark-up if the page is sent as application/xhtml+xml, but they rarely are. This is fine.
I would be more concerned about things like inline use of CSS and JavaScript with Stack Overflow, just because they make maintenance harder.
Though I believe in striving for valid XHTML and CSS, it's often hard to do for a number of reasons.
First, some of the content could be loaded via AJAX. Sometimes, fragments are not properly inserted into the existing DOM.
The HTML that you are viewing may not have all been produced in the same document. For example, the page could be made of up components, or templates, and then thrown together right before the browser renders it. This isn't an excuse, but you can't assume that the HTML you're seeing was hand coded all at once.
What if some of the code generated by Markdown is invalid? You can't blame Stack Overflow for not producing valid code.
Lastly, the purpose of the DOCTYPE is not to simply say "Hey, I'm using valid code" but it's also to give the browser a heads up what you're trying to do so that it can at least come close to correctly parsing that information.
I don't think that most developers specify a DOCTYPE and then explicitly fail to adhere to it.
while I agree with the sentiment of "if it renders fine then don't worry about it" statement, however it's good for follow a standard, even though it may not be fully supported right now. you can still use Table for layout, but it's not good for a reason.
No, you should not use XHTML if you can't guarantee well-formedness, and in practice you can't guarantee it if you don't use XML serializer to generate markup. Read about producing XML.
Well-formedness is the thing that differentiates XHTML from HTML. XHTML with "just one" markup error ceases to be XHTML. It has to be perfect every time.
If "XHTML" site appears to work with some errors, it's because browsers ignore the DOCTYPE and interpret page as HTML.
See XHTML proxy that forces interpretation of pages as XHTML. Most of the time they fail miserably. This is one of the reason why future of XHTML is uncertain and why development of HTML has been resumed.
It depends. I had that issue with my blog where a YouTube video caused invalid XHTML, but it rendered fine. On the other hand, I have a "Valid XHTML" link, and a combination of a "Valid XHTML" claim and invalid XHTML is not professional.
As SO does not claim to be valid, I think it's acceptable, but personally if I were Jeff i would be bothered and try to fix it even if it looks good in modern browsers, but some people rather just move on and actually get things done instead of fixing non-existent bugs.
So long as it works in IE, FF, Safari, (insert other browser here) you should be okay. Validation isn't as important as having it render correctly in multiple browsers. Just because it is valid, doesn't mean it'll work in IE properly, for instance.
Run Google Analytics or similar on your site and see what kind of browsers your users are using and then judge which browsers you need to support the most and worry about the less important ones when you have the spare time to do so.
I say, if it renders OK, then it doesn't matter if it's pixel perfect.
It takes a while to get a site up and running the way you want it, going back and making changes is going to change the way the page renders slightly, then you have to fix those problems.
Now, I'm not saying you should built sloppy web pages, but I see no reason to fix what ain't broke. Browsers aren't going to drop support for error correction anytime in the near future.
I don't understand why everyone get caught up trying to make their websites fit the standard when some browsers sill have problems properly rendering standard code. I've been in web design for something like 10 years and I stopped double codding (read: hacking css), and changing stupid stuff just so I could put a button on my site.
I believe that using a < div> will cause you to be invalid regardless, and it get a bit harder to do any major JavaScript/AJAX without it.
There are so many standards and they are so badly "enforced" or supported that I don't think it matters. Don't get me wrong, I think there should be standards but because they are not enforced, nobody follows them and it's a massive downward spiral.
For 99.999% of the sites out there, it really won't matter. The only time I've had it matter, I ran the HTML input through HTMLTidy to XHTML-ize it, and then ran my processing on it.
Pretty much, it's the old programmer's axiom: trust no input.
