Which combining css technique? - css

Which of the following would you say is the best way to go when combining files for CSS:
Say I have a master.css file that is used across all pages on my website (page1.aspx, page2.aspx)
Page1.aspx - A specific page that has some unique css that is only ever used on that page, so I create a page1.css and it also uses another css grids.css
Page2.aspx - Another specific page that is different from all other pages on the site and is different to page1.aspx, I'll name this page2.aspx and make a page2.css this doesn't use grids.css
So would you combine the scripts as:
Combine scripts
when visiting page1
when visiting page2
Benefits: Page specific, rendering quicker since only selectors for that page need to be matched up no unused selectors
Drawback: Multiple combinations of master.css + page specific hence master.css has to be downloaded for each page
Combine all scripts whether a page needs them or not
(master, page1 and page2)
that way it gets cached as one. The problem is that rendering maybe slower since it will have to try and match EVERY selector in the css with selectors on the page even the missing ones, so in the case of page2.aspx that doesn't use grids.css the selectors in grids.css will need to be parsed to see if they are in page2 which means rendering will be slow
Benefits: One file will ever be downloaded and cached doesn't matter what page you visit
Drawback: Unused selectors will need to be parsed by the browser slower rendering
Leave the master file on it's own and only combine other scripts (the benefit of this is because master is used across all pages there is a chance that this is cached so doesn't need to keep on downloading
Benefits: master.css file can be cached doesn't matter what page you visit. Not many unused selectors as page spefic is applied
Drawback: Initially minimum of 2 HTTP request will have to be made
What do you guys think?

Personally I would say Option 2 - Combine All Scripts. As your website grows, the number of pages will increase, and tracking which CSS files go with which files will become unmanageable. You might think some CSS is only used on one page, but I bet in the future that won't be true.
Once the user has visited one page, they will have all CSS and the other pages will be vastly quicker. (Although you might want to optimize your homepage separately). Think web application, not web page.

Have you measured the page loading time with Firebug or something similar? I'm asking because I'm curious wether it will make a big difference at all.
Anyway, I just wanted to point you to a CSS Framework developed by yahoo. They've got a very clean structure, and maybe you want to design your own framework in a similar way. They use a reset CSS File to create the same preconditions for every browser, which I find a clever thing to do.
YUI 2: Grids CSS
Maybe it helps.


CSS speed optimisation - Why multiple files are better then only one?

Less HTTP request the better it's, right ?
Regarding to Google best practice explanation, less unused css rules is also better.
The browser's CSS engine has to evaluate every rule contained in the file to see if the rule applies to the current page.
Even if a stylesheet is in an external file that is cached, rendering is blocked until the browser loads the stylesheet from disk.
In your opinion what's giving better performance :
One css file per page.
One general css that will be cached (even if there will be +70% unused css / but avoiding any other http requests).
Google speed best-practice
One of the important sentence to note from the Google best practice document is "Often, many web sites reuse the same external CSS file for all of their pages, even if many of the rules defined in it don't apply to the current page".
This needs to be taken into account as if the css file has additional code that is never going to be used if user does not visit the page for which this redundant code applies then we are certainly wasting the bandwidth which may not be a proper trade off for an additional HTTP request.
This leads to additional time to load the file plus the time wasted in evaluation of that redundant code.
Certainly using multiple files for just a single page (like different header/footer css files) would be a bad practice.
And as you know that there is not a perfect solution for any problem. You have to choose the best thing that suits your need.
So, I would say the decision to use multiple files or a single file is solely based on the overall structure of website and other trade offs.
Loading CSS is usually extremely quick. CSS blocking is something you will probably never catch. Whereas JavaScript could do so that you are visually aware that it's being downloaded. (white spaces while rendering the page).
In reality one CSS is good enough, because of a single HTTP request.
Optimization should go towards JavaScript, because this is where you can see the page slowing down. We are talking about a second-two of a difference or less here.
Here is a site where you can enter URL and it will check load times. In the graph below you can compare CSS load times.

Combining CSS files: per site or per page template?

We all know that we're supposed to combine our CSS into one file, but per site or per page? I've found pro's and cons to both.
Here's the scenario:
Large site
CSS files broken out into one file for global styles and many for modules
Solution A: Combine ALL the CSS files for the whole site into one file:
Best part is that the one file would be cached on every page after the initial hit! The downside is that naming convention for your selectors (classes and id's) becomes more important as the chance for a namespace collision increases. You also need a system for styling the same module differently on separate pages. This leads to extra selectors in your CSS which is more work for the browser. This can cause problems on mobile devices like the iPad that don't have as much memory and processing power. If you're using media queries for responsive design, you're troubles compound even further as you add in the extra styles.
Solution B: Combine one CSS file per page template:
(By page template I mean one layout, but many different pages, like an article page)
In this scenario, you lose most of the issues with selecting described above, but you also lose some of the cache advantages. The worst part of this technique is that if you have the same styles on 2 different page templates then they'll be download twice, once for each page! For instance, this would happen with all your global files. :(
So, as is common in programming, neither solution is perfect, but if anyone has run into this and found an answer I'd love to hear it! Especially, if you know of any techniques that help with the selector issue of Solution A.
Of course, combine and minify all the global styles, like your site template, typography, forms, etc. I would also consider combining the most important and most frequently used module styles into the global stylesheet, certainly the ones that you plan to use on the home page or entry point.
Solution B isn't a good one: the user ends up downloading the same content for each unique layout/page when you could have just loaded parts of it from the last page's cache. There is no advantage whatsoever to this method.
For the rest, I would leave them separate (and minified) and just load them individually as needed. You can use any of the preloading techniques described on the Yahoo! Developer network's "Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site" guide to load the user's cache beforehand:
Preload Components
By preloading components you can take advantage
of the time the browser is idle and request components (like images,
styles and scripts) you'll need in the future. This way when the user
visits the next page, you could have most of the components already in
the cache and your page will load much faster for the user. There are actually several types of preloading:
Unconditional preload - as soon as onload fires, you go ahead and fetch some extra components. Check google.com for an example of how a
sprite image is requested onload. This sprite image is not needed on
the google.com homepage, but it is needed on the consecutive search
result page.
Conditional preload - based on a user action you make an educated guess where the user is headed next and preload accordingly. On
search.yahoo.com you can see how some extra components are requested
after you start typing in the input box.
As far as the conflicting selectors go: combining all the files and doing it any other way should not make a difference, this is a problem with your design. If possible, have all modules "namespaced" somehow, perhaps by using a common prefix for classes specific to the module, like blog-header or storefront-title. There is a concept called "Object-oriented CSS" that might reduce the need for lots of redundant CSS and module-specific class names, but this is normally done during the design phase, not something you can "tack on" to an existing project.
Less HTTP requests is better, but you have to take file size into consideration as well as user behavior and activity. The initial download time of the entry page is the most important thing, so you don't want to bog it down with stuff you won't use until later. If you really want to crunch the numbers, try a few different things and profile your site with Firebug or Chrome's developer tools.
i think you can make global.css that store style that need every template.
And you could make css in each template.
Or simply use css framework like lescss

How can I effectively clean up styles in a large web site?

Our web site has been under a constant development for a better part of the last five years. As it happens, pretty much all the styles for the site are in one big CSS file. With time this css file has grown to about 9,000 lines - and I'm sure some of those styles are not used any more and quite a few styles provide duplicate functionality.
The site is written with PHP/Smarty; there are over 300 smarty templates and the whole site contains over 1000 different pages (read - unique URLs). I'm sure it will continue growing - as will the CSS file.
What's the best way to clean up this file?
Update: Unfortunately, online parsers where I put in a URL won't work for me, as 75% of the site is behind username/password logins - and depending on login, there are half a dozen different roles, each of which has their own set of of pages. There are also transactional elements (online shop), where the pages are displayed after (for example) credit card payment is taken/processed. I doubt that any online tool would be able to handle any of these. Therefore if there's a tool, it would have to work on a source tree.
Short of going through each .tpl file and searching the file for the selectors manually, I don't see any other way.
You could of course use Dust-Me selectors, but you'd still have to go through each page that uses the .tpl files (not each url as I know that many of them will be duplicates).
Sounds like a big job! I had to do it once before and I did exactly that, took me a week.
Another tool is a Firebug plugin called CSS Usage. As far as I read it can work across multiple pages but might break if used site-wide. Give it a go.
Triumph! Check out the Unused CSS online tool. Type your index url into the field and voila, a few minutees later a list of all the used selectors :) I know you want the unused ones, but then the only work is finding the unused ones in the file (ctrl+f) and removing them :)
Make sure to use the 2nd option, they'll email you the results of the crawl of your entire webpage. Might take up to half an hour, but that's far better than a week. Take some coffee :)
Just tested it, works a treat :)
I had to do this about 3 years ago on a rather large classic ASP web application.
I took the approach that there are only a finite number of styled items on each page and started by identifying these. For example, I went through the main pages and identified that the majority of labels were bold and dark blue and that all buttons are the same width (for example).
Once I'd done that, I spoke to the team and we decided that anything that didn't conform to these rules I'd identified should conform, so I wrote a stylesheet based on this assumption.
We ended up with about 30 styles to apply to several hundred pages. Several regular-expression-find-and-replaces later (we were fortunate that the original development had used reasonably well structured HTML) we had something usable that just needed the odd tweaking.
The key points are:
Aim for uniformity across the site. In other words, don't assume that the resultant site will look exactly the same as the original, but aim for it to look the same as itself (uniform) from page to page
Tackle the obvious styles first (labels / buttons / paragraph fonts / headers) and then worry about the smaller styles or the unique styles later
You might also find that keeping unique styles (e.g. a dashboard page that has unique elements that don't appear elsewhere) in separate files to keep the size of the file down. Obviously, it depends on your site as to whether this would help.
Additionally, there are many sites that will search for these for you. Like this one: http://unused-css.com/ I don't know how they measure up to Dust-Me Selectors, but I know that Dust-Me selectors isn't compatible with Firefox 8.0.
You could use Dust-Me Selectors plugin for FireFox to find unused styles:
If you have a sitemap you could use that to let the plugin crawl your site:
The spider dialog has all the controls for performing a site-wide spider operation. Enter the URL of either a Sitemap XML file, or an HTML sitemap, and the program will read that file and extract all its links. It will then load each of those pages in turn and perform a cumulative Find operation on each one.
I see there's not a good answer yet. I have tried the "Unused CSS online tool" and seems to work ok for public sites. The problem is if you have a CSS to show your public website + an intranet (for example: wordpress site + login for registered users). The intranet pages woun't be tracked and you will lose your css styles.
My next try will be using gulp + uncss:
You have to define all the urls of your site (external and internal) and (maybe; not sure) if you are running the site with user + password on your browser, gulp+uncss can go inside the internal url's.
Update: I see unused-css online tool has a login solution!

serve required styles only CSS

Is there a way of filtering large CSS files for the only required selectors on a page, and creating css files that contain just these selectors?
Case: I have a very large CSS file that I want to filter on a per page basis, so that the file size is cut down and can be cached by mobile devices. I was thinking along the lines of something like a server side dust me selectors tool.
The particular project I am working on is using ASP.NET MVC.
Heads up that while you might get smaller individual page loads, the overall load of browsing the site will be higher given that you're hitting the server each and every time for a new CSS file (rather than just caching a site-level CSS file once).
In addition, if you find that there are a lot of unique per-page CSS declarations, the CSS for the site may not be written very well. So the solution may be to go back and rethink the CSS structure to begin with, perhaps looking into OOCSS models:
Unfortunately, none of that answers your specific question.

CSS / Page Loading Speed

Just wanted to get a few opinions really, I'm trying to increase the loading speed of my site, and one way that Google pagespeed has suggested is to remove the unused CSS from my CSS file for each page.
At the moment I am using one master CSS file for every page on the site.
My question is would having individual CSS files for each page make overall loading times quicker ? I guess the first page would load quicker, but then each page would have a different CSS file which could potentially end up taking longer over a whole site visit ?
Also pagespeed seems to warn against including multiple CSS files so I guess I can't really 'layer' them up...
If the CSS file is cached then including multiple files will not be an advantage.
For performance rules regarding CSS you can
Try minifying your CSS
Optimize CSS Sprites
Avoid Filters
Avoid CSS Expressions
For more detailed reading go through this
Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
There are two optimisation directives that contradict each other in this case. Of course you should reduce the size of the files if possible, but you should also have as few requests as possible. Using a global style sheet reduces the number of requests, but it means a larger file.
You just have to look into where your needs are. If you need to reduce the initial load time, you should move styles out of the global style sheet. If you need to reduce the number of requests, you should use a global style sheet rather than individual page style sheets.
Download and install YSlow, it will give you an accurate picture of how fast your page is as well as practical steps to improve performance.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Run your CSS through a filter to strip comments and whitespace, be aware of small shortcuts like padding: 1em 3em .5em 5px etc, make sure the file is being cached properly, and sent from your server with gzipping, and you'll be fine. CSS is usually such a small fraction of the payload, it's not worth losing sleep over.
The only time where I'd split up a CSS file (for delivery to the client) would be if there were large sections of my site which called for unique styles where most people would never venture: eg, an administration section.
Do a little thinking about how the typical user will use your sight. If (like many sites) the average user only views a single page before moving on, then having dedicated CSS files for each page may just be worth it.
However, in the vast majority of cases, a single css file would definitely be the preferred solution
CSS files are cached by browsers anyway, so either you have a single file or many split, it won't matter after all of them got loaded on the first use.
Use just one CSS for all pages. Once your css is cached then there will be no overhead of downloading that css again and again.
Also, ad adam said Minify your css
DustMeSelectors is the extension you need. It will go through all of your site (and providing all of these are inter-linked) will fetch which selectors in your css are not used anywhere.
