Using oauth with wordpress - wordpress

I am creating a twitter plugin for wordpress and I was told that when using oauth you can't really make the plugin act natively because each time the user installs the plugin they have to add their own twitter api credentials because of the callback url. Is this correct? Or is there a workaround for this?
Thanks for your help in advance!

Any number of Twitter plugins use oauth; they would be good to check out for the necessary code and techniques: WordPress › Twitter WordPress Plugins


How to call instagram images in wordpress theme without using plugin

I need to call Instagram feed in WordPress theme without using the plugin. is their anyone to help me with this problem.
Thanks in advance
If you don't want to use plugin to load Instagram feeds, then you are supposed to use Instagram API or you may use a ready open source library like this.

Wordpress restAPI?

Is there now an official wordpress restAPI integration or I have to use some of from the provided plugins what are many of theme?
I remember that they wanted to integrate one of the plugins in the core but now I do not find nothing googleing over and over.
If I have to use one of the plugins which should be that? ? ?
I would like to use it to get my custom post types and use it with ReactJS
This is official plugin
And this is api guide

wordpress multilingual with google api

I am building a website in wordpress. I wish to use google's multilingual API in it.
Is there a ready made plugin available for this? If yes please provide links.
If there is any other way please let me know. The website will be built in wordpress.
I don't know if this was what you where looking for:
Google Language Translator

wordpress plugin development

Does anybody know about a simple customizable wordpress plugin framework with the help of which i can build more frameworks rapidly ??.
There is no any plugin framework. And you don't need to build any. If you want to learn how to create WP plugins, just go and download some simple. See how they works, read docs. And viola.
You might check out:
LMB^Box WordPress Plugin API
GD Plugin Core
Wordpress Plugin Framework Reloaded
Search for them at

Posting to self-hosted WordPress from Tweetie (or other Twitter Clients)

Is there a plugin yet that allows me to post to my self-hosted WordPress install from Tweetie or another Twitter client?
I know can do this, I just want to do this on my own blog.
Not sure about Tweetie but you can use the Twitter Tools wordpress plugin to show your tweets.
I would suggest you to use instead. Post it to broadcast to both twitter and your wordpress blog.
However, if you don't want to use, you can always fetch RSS from twitter and have it shown as blogpost on your wordpress using this plugin.
I am unable to find something to do this. Instead I am now just using the WordPress app and posting my tweets in the title and have those auto-post to Twitter. Not quite as slick, but works.
