Does Qt support ribbon control? - qt

Does Qt support ribbon control?

I want to share with you the link to site has published screenshots of their component Qtitan Ribbon for Qt.

While there is no dedicated Ribbon widget in Qt, you can fashion something similar yourself. You could take a QTabWidget and put some buttons inside (and optionally style it to look a bit more like Microsoft's Ribbon). Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, that might suffice.

One of their sample apps apparently has a ribbon, so it should be do-able.

You can take any JavaScript/JQuery ribbon, insert it into QWebView and do whatever you want with it, using the Qt Webkit Bridge.

There is no Qt ribbon control.
I believe there are license issues preventing Nokia from developing a ribbon control that is similar to Microsofts.

There are free alternatives to QtitanRibbon by now, for example, checkout:
You can even directly use it in any *.ui file!
Simply add a QTabWidget in QtDesigner and then promote that widget to the Ribbon class.

No, it doesn't. I didn't find out any plan to support it in the future.

We use QtitanRibbon, and it works very well for us. Support has been good, documentation on the short side. Worth noting that it not only provides a ribbon UI, it also makes it convenient to implement dark mode (or in our case, we opted for grey mode).


How to use MFC Ribbon in the Qt application?

I am started to implement the microsoft ribbon interface on the qt library but finally understand that it is too complex task for me.
So I decided to use native mfc ribbon inside my application.
But the main question is how to do this?
Qt does not have native "MFC Ribbon", but the closest thing available is QTabWidget. You can use CSS stylesheets to make it look somewhat like MFC Ribbon. If you want exact look of MFC Ribbon, then you need to reimplement paintEvent and draw the widget as you need.
Some CSS Examples to get you started.
There is a pre-built library called QtitanRibbon, although it's not free take a look into the free trial version.
Also check out this answer

Different look of QSpinBox on MacOs

I developed a simple QT application on Windows using QT creator 5.8 with good result. I used a simple form with QSpinBox.
To fix the color of the QSpinBox I wrote in the related style sheet
Then I moved the application on MaxOs but the look of QSpinBox changed.
Did you have a similar problem ? How did you fix it ?
Thank you very much for your help and cooperation
This is because the QWidget appearance actually depends on the platform. One (limited) solution is to use the palette, with setForegroundRole
The other is to use stylesheets, like you did, but you very likely will have to redefine more to obtain the desired result, and result will of course depend on the platform. You can actually make the result completely custom using only stylesheet. Just make sure to set the "border" style to avoid problems.
Here is Qt documentation about style sheets: Qt StyleSheets

How do I use my own custom buttons and design with wxpython

I've been looking for some inspiration with wxpython as far as the GUI goes. Everything in the demo looks boring and uninspiring so I want to go in my own direction but I can't figure out how to use my own buttons I made in photoshop or my own background images.
I'm kind of new to GUI programming so I ask if you could please be clear in what steps I should take. Once I intialize the to I load my custom buttons, or set the panel background?
As acattle pointed out, I already wrote on how to change a panel's background. You should note that wxPython isn't a themable GUI toolkit. It uses the native widgets of the OS wherever possible and most of the time, those just aren't very themable. If you need that, then you should look at Tkinter's (especially ttk) or pyside/pyQt.
If you need bitmap buttons, there are several options:
I did some googling and I found this tutorial for setting the background of panels.
A bit more googling and I found this post talking about wxPython's Bitmap Button Class and showing some code examples.
I would suggest being very very careful designing your GUI if you're going to use custom images. You need to pay special attention to your spacing and your text sizes or your GUI might come out looking like crap.

Looking for QML scrollBar component

Who knows QML scrollbar component with the standard Windows style?
See the blog entry QML Components for Desktop? in the Qt Labs Blog. But beware: this is unfinished code and in my installation (Qt 4.7.2, Vista, MSVC-2008) the example did not work out of the box for me.
You probably don't need this anymore, but I just stumbled into the same problem and this post might be useful to whoever have the same needs. It contains a scrollbar qml source that worked pretty well for me. It doesn't have the standard windows style though, so you'd have to tweak its appearance a little.

Glossy buttons in wxPython?

alt text
This is how they look in vista. They are glossier than the normal buttons and when the mouse is not over them they are flat. They have a correspondent version on Windows XP. Is there a way to get them using wxPython?
You can always make a custom button which can look same or better
see my answer to your other question
Custom Button
Get the wxpython docs package from
and check out the examples.
Andrea Gavana's agw library, which is included with wxpython now, has a couple of custom widgets called AquaButton and Gradient button both which look very nice. These may work or you may be able to adapt them to suit, they're pure python so you shouldn't have hard time modifying them.
