How to create a sidebar(right-side) in google chrome? - iframe

It seems that it is not possible, but if anyone as a hint on how to create a right-sided sidebar (like a iframe) in google chrome, any hint will help. Thanks.

The experimental sidebar API has, as of this time, disappeared from the chrome documentation, since there is no longer a developer working on it.
Your best bet for something that you can achieve now is a DOM bar, as discussed in Creating a StumbleUpon-like toolbar for Chrome

If you mean something like that
This is from the google chrome experimental api:
Caution: Don't depend on these
experimental APIs. They might
disappear, and they will change. Also,
the Chrome Developer Dashboard doesn't
allow you to upload extensions that
use experimental APIs.


ArcGIS JS API SetOpacity not working in IE8

I Wrote a mapping application using ArcGIS js api 3.10.
I have a graphics layer and have a slider for the user to update its opacity. I am using the setOpacity method.
All other browsers work except for Internet Explorer 8.
Has anyone resolved this issue without changing the document mode (my app is in an iFrame so it has to run in IE8 mode).
Thanks in advance.
Well, It is clearly mentioned in ArcGIS JS API Documentation that setOpacity method is not supported by Internet Explorer..
For more detail please click here...
I had to implement similar functionality with feature layer I used setOpacity method only then I get to know IE8 doesn't support precisely opacity feature.
Hoping these info will help you :)

Google Chrome command line switch to emulate a device size?

Does anyone know what are the Google Chrome command line switches that I can use to emulate the device size?
The component that I want to test contains the CSS #media query min-device-width/min-device-height. I tried using the --window-size and --user-agent but I have no luck with those.
Basically, I am trying to write a webdriver test for this component.
There are switches which might help you do that --window-size, --user-agent and --use-mobile-user-agent .Here is the full list of switches. This article also explains how to save those settings as a new app.
I was also looking for a way to trigger chrome mobile emulation tool by command line or using webdriver or simply karma, but according to this answer and chromium team there is no such option yet, but a feature request has been filled up you can vote for.
Regular Chrome does not really support this function, but Chrome Canary is exactly what you are looking for.

Custom css for entire Google Chrome browser

Is it possible to change CSS that google Chrome apply to websites.
I want to hide some elements for example on facebook to dont see it, becouse it eats half of my free time.
Something like
.facebook-wall{display:none;} -auto applied everytime I go to fb.
Assuming I understand you correctly...
This isn't for a website you're making
This is only for your own personal use
Use Tampermonkey.
It's supposed to work much like Greasemonkey (the Firefox add-on), and it should meet your needs.
Stylebot is a good extension. You can interactively build some custom CSS to apply to your choice of website.
It even seems to have an accompanying website where other people have shared their concoctions, so possibly somebody has already put together something to filter down Facebook feeds.

Is there any way to programmatically fix DOM/CSS on-the-fly in web browser?

For example, opening the front page of, it contains a lot of banners. But by the Developer Tools in Chrome it's possible to go through the page and tweak CSS in-place (mostly adding 'display: none') and eventually the page looks this way:
So, a question: is there any APIs or existing extensions for Chrome allowing programmatically change DOM/CSS on the page? I saw similar Chrome extensions allowing to tweak Gmail and Google Reader, but it was specifically for those websites.
You can do this using Stylebot.

Is there a way to customize Google Chrome's Developer Console?

I consistently run into the need to clean up css files and strip unused css elements. I am aware that google chrome has the capability to display all the unused css elements on a page but there are times (like a project I am working on right now) where the original designer left hundreds of unused elements within this file.
So, my question here is -- does anyone know of a way to customize the google chrome developer console to export a list of all used CSS elements. Or, is anyone aware of an existing google chrome plugin which provides this functionality?
I realize there is a firefox plugin which provides these capabilities but I would love to find a similar solution for google chrome.
You have two ways customizing the Google Chrome Web Inspector:
Web Inspector Options
Chrome Extensions
You could create an extension that does what you need.
