ArcGIS JS API SetOpacity not working in IE8 - css

I Wrote a mapping application using ArcGIS js api 3.10.
I have a graphics layer and have a slider for the user to update its opacity. I am using the setOpacity method.
All other browsers work except for Internet Explorer 8.
Has anyone resolved this issue without changing the document mode (my app is in an iFrame so it has to run in IE8 mode).
Thanks in advance.

Well, It is clearly mentioned in ArcGIS JS API Documentation that setOpacity method is not supported by Internet Explorer..
For more detail please click here...
I had to implement similar functionality with feature layer I used setOpacity method only then I get to know IE8 doesn't support precisely opacity feature.
Hoping these info will help you :)


arcore positional tracking in aframe?

Hi I'm new here and I want to make a WebAR application using A-Frame. I know the basics and all that but one major problem I'm having is being able to walk around in the scene using ARCore running in Chrome. Is this even possible? I found a WebVR application from 6 years ago that solved the problem of positional tracking but the code's so depreciated it doesn't work anymore. I would prefer using ARCore for tracking but if nothing else marker based tracking will work too.
Edit: here's the depreciated code on github
Doesn't use ARCore but instead marker based tracking. Better than nothing I suppose.
As of today, support for ARCore via the web (and thus A-Frame) is only available on Chrome browser with some Android devices.
Here are some great examples of working projects that you can build from:
New features such as image tracking are only available on Chrome Canary (experimental). See this example for image marker tracking:
And associated documentation:

Audio unable to play in Aframe unless the inspector is opened

I have been working on adding background music to a Glitch project. I followed the documents to create a sound component and set it to automatically play upon running, however, when I try to run the project, the sound does not play automatically on my laptop. I have to open the Aframe inspector and un-pause my project for the music to begin. For some reason, I have not encountered this issue when I tried the same project on my phone. The sound played as expected once the program is up and running. I am not sure what is causing the sound to malfunction but any help is greatly appreciated. Here is the project I am working on:!/animation-animate?path=index.html%3A15%3A23
when working with sounds natively with Aframe, I had the same problem and one of the recommendations that I can give you is to play sounds with the HowlerJS sound library, which is compatible with most frameworks and also compatible with A-Frame
I share their page and the documentation, this library is very easy to use and implement to the project
Autoplay audio on most modern browsers requires user interaction before enabling audio. You can put a div in front of your scene that upon click starts playing your background audio.
Check out a related SO question / answer for video autoplay that should help:
Autoplaying videosphere from A-frame is not working on any browser(Safari/Chrome)
Another user on A-Frame discord provided this example demo:

HERE map isn't displayed well on mobile

i have issue when using mobile to view app, when i go to map section it's not displayed well.
this is how it looks, and it's not the same on all devices (this is SS taken from ZTE Blade A6 lite which has version 7.1.1), on some newer androids it's fine.
I was wondering are there some limitations to implementation or it's known issue?
If the map is rendering fine on other android devices, then problem could be with device and not how the sdk works. you can refer to github for efficient map rendering practices followed in our sample code implementation( Is there any specific error which is logging at the application level while map rendering. Do you mind sharing to know the issue better.

printing from client side client side landscape (ie only)

Can someone please help with the following: I am trying to force an page to go in landscape mode and remove all headers and footers.... N.b all clients only uses ie browser. therefore an activex control may work but i have not found any thus far.. thanks
If you are IE specific you can use CSS to rotate content 90 degrees. Documentation
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(Rotation=3);
I don't believe there is a JS solution to altering browser settings as this would be a security issue. ActiveX or some other binary should have access but then you will have installation issues.

How to create a sidebar(right-side) in google chrome?

It seems that it is not possible, but if anyone as a hint on how to create a right-sided sidebar (like a iframe) in google chrome, any hint will help. Thanks.
The experimental sidebar API has, as of this time, disappeared from the chrome documentation, since there is no longer a developer working on it.
Your best bet for something that you can achieve now is a DOM bar, as discussed in Creating a StumbleUpon-like toolbar for Chrome
If you mean something like that
This is from the google chrome experimental api:
Caution: Don't depend on these
experimental APIs. They might
disappear, and they will change. Also,
the Chrome Developer Dashboard doesn't
allow you to upload extensions that
use experimental APIs.
