Chrome Back button page refresh - -

I have an application (c#).
When a user is on a specific page, they click a link on this page that takes them to a child page, displaying the product details.
If the user clicks the browser back button, I need the parent page to be refreshed to its initial state. ie all text boxes that had data typed need to be blank, any hidden fields reset etc. Basically i need a CTRL-F5 when a user clicks back.
Disabling the back button is not an option.
I need this only on certain pages.
In IE and Firefox i can get this working without an issue. But with chrome the textboxes still contain their values as do the hidden fields. If I hit CTRL-F5 in Chrome, the page is correctly reset to its initial state.
This is the code I have tried.
<%# OutputCache Location="None" VaryByParam="None" %>
and this:
Response.Buffer = true;
and this:
I have also tried a variety of these in different combination, but with no success.

When the browser's back button is pressed, the INPUT fields are not reset automatically by the browser. Instead, the browser retains the user's input, making it easier for users to go back and make a change to the input.
You cannot solve this server-side, because the browser bypasses the cache for this. Instead, you can use the autocomplete="off" HTML attribute on the input fields to prevent them from being retained by the browser.
You can also manually reset the form using JavaScript:

These two lines solved the Chrome problem for me:
And I use this optional line to tell the browser not to create a history entry for each request of the same page:
Most popular answer in this post
Optional line

The 'brute force' solution would be to put some javascript on the page that on page load sets the data to some known state. So it finds all the elements and sets the data based on an array of data or json object. On the initial request, since everything is defaulted anyways, the setting doesn't make a difference. On a back button request, since the javascript still has to be run, it resets all the values, regardless of browser.
I don't believe you can force a browser to function in the way you describe though, as it's up to each browser how they want to implement a back button - chrome just does it differently.

You can also put the autocomplete="off" on the form tag instead of every input field.


Maintain Scroll Position with response.redirect function

I have one main page in my website.
In that page i have used gridview with hyperlinkfield.
on click of any of hyperlink, application will redirecting to detailed page.
on coming back to main page i want to hold scroll position instead of i am getting top of page.
i have tried maintainscrollposition script but its not working.
i also have used master page.
i have used button on detailed page and onclick i have used response.redirect.
How can i maintain my scroll position in this scenario ?
Since you are leaving the page and coming back, you cannot store in data in javascript or the ViewState. This leaves you with two options:
Save the scroll position in a session variable. You will have to use a hidden field to send a javascript variable to the server to save it.
You could also use a cookie with an appropriate expiry time to remember the scroll position. Using a cookie allows for a pure javascript solution.
Using a cookie is a simpler and better option in my opinion.

how to stop user to use back button

I have one button on page, page name abc.aspx . when user click on that button
it should redirect to finishwork.aspx page.
After finishwork.aspx page user must not go back to abc.aspx page. when user press back button in browser, he should be redirect to workallreadyfinish.aspx page
Disable caching on that pages and avoid caching the page.
location.replace() can be used to replace your page in the history.
There are many ways to accomplish this, but, as you are using ASP.NET and I'm going to assume, WebForms, why don't you make use of the <asp:Wizard> control?
You will be able to have a much detailed control over your steps and block the user to go back and all sort of nice things.
If you want to take the normal way, you can always warn the user that the page will no longer be valid using a javascript event.
You can also make use of hashing and submit the form by an ajax call instead of a normal POST
You can write a cookie once the form is submitted and the next time, show such warning, so even if the user goes back and press the Submit button again, you will not care. Remember to erase the Cookie on if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ... }
Having your user workflow around the browser back button is not such a good idea.
Browser back buttons are not entire in your control.
If you want to provide a logical back in your application, use a back button in your application.
If you only want that a user cannot go back to a page, you should tell the browser not to cache it set the page to expire.
You can use javascript function for this:-
function disableBackButton()
setTimeout("disableBackButton()", 0);

How to refresh page when hitting back button on browser (IE,Chrome,Firefox Safari)?

Most browsers reload the page from cache and do not perform a round trip server refresh.
I added Response.AppendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store") on Page_Load but not working for Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
How to refresh page when hitting back button on browser (IE,Chrome,Firefox Safari) ?
This would be for your c# code I'm assuming.
These are my suggestions in order of most suggested to least.
It's probably a bad idea to force this behavior because the user is expecting to see what they saw before, not a refreshed view. If that's the behavior of Chrome/Firefox/Safari then presumably the users desire this behavior because they chose that browser. If they want a refreshed view, they can refresh on their own.
That said, I often see this done with Javascript in the browser. You can hook into page load events and manually refresh if you see the page being loaded a second time. But if the client uses noscript, or otherwise doesn't support Javascript, then you're out of luck. Also, be careful to reload correctly so that users don't get taken to a new page every time they click Back and get stuck in a battle of fast-clicking reflexes.

Maintaing changes on the previous page

I have a page in by clicking on the grid in the page it takes me to the detail page,on this page i have a back button (not browser back) by clicking on the button it takes me again to the search page.
i want to see the page with changes which i have made before coming to the detail page,also i want to disable back button of browser.
i dont want to use session variable or viewstate variable.
is there any property for this scenario.
yours sincerely
Talha khan
You can't disable the browser back button. End of story. Sorry.
What changes are you making to the grid, where is it getting it's data from? You could use a cookie to store the previous pages' state if you don't want to use session or viewstate.
If the the amount of data you need to track is relatively small (in your case this would probably be a search query) you can use query string to pass the state to the detail page (which can be later passed back to the search page).
You can also use browser cookies to persist the state but I wouldn't do that (at least because they're not designed for this kind of interaction).
-- Pavel
There are several ways to solve this.
The first that comes to mind is to change the page to AJAX. AJAX would not force a page jump forward, hence there will be nowhere to go back to.
The second way is to have a check on the previouis page, for example set "Session("if_search_go_here") = Request.Url.PathAndQuery" and unset it at the right place. If this is set then the search page will just forward you to the detils page again.
probably more. :)

Back button refresh page

There are a few similar questions posted here but none that really addresses my needs.
I have a list of items on one page, lets call it masterlist.aspx. If I click on one these list items another page appears, i.e. details.aspx?id=something.
The page that appears has a formview control in edit mode. If the user wants to edit the data they hit an edit linkbutton and, the form is sent into edit mode, they then edit the data and click the save button, saving the data and putting the formview back in view mode.
The issue is if the user uses the browser back button to go back to the masterlist.aspx page the page is not updated, it's pulled out of the browser cache.
I have played around with the HTTP headers cache settings but can't get anything that works on all major browsers. On some browsers I get web page expired warnings. Another option is to somehow trigger a page refresh (or partial page refresh) when the page loads using client side code, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this.
Is there any other approach or has anyone been successful with the two approaches above, or is there some way of avoiding the issue completely.
I have to do something like this in a catalog where the browse page needs to be loaded from the DB on every load because when you hit a product page it calls out to a 3rd party to get updated info, and then save it if it should be updated. This is so when you hit the back button like you're saying the data is reloaded. What I've done is added this into the page and it seems to work fine in all browsers.
public class ProductBrowser : Page
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
What about capturing the Back button keypress event, then instead of allowing it do a browser.history.back(), you can do a document.location(...) call.
Alternatively, you could capture the back event and trigger a post-back, which could do a Response.Redirect("yourpage"). This would force the browser to issue a GET statement for the designated page, and make it refresh
With Javascript a complete solution may not be possible, but there is a workaround.
It uses a timeout function that repeatedly forces the browser to perform a 'Forward' action. Even if someone clicks the Back button, it'll bring back to the actual page, thereby nullifying the Back operation. It may cause a flicker though.
I have played around with the HTTP headers cache settings but can't get anything that works on all major browsers. On some browsers I get web page expired warnings.
How do you get to that masterlist page? If you issue an HTTP GET and prevent clients and proxies to cache it you'd have no issues navigating back to it (and still getting an updated version).
That leaves you with server side caching (with proper invalidation when any of those items change) or no caching at all.
