A generic error occurred in GDI+ + ABCPdf + Load Balancing - asp.net

We are using two load balancing server for asp.net site in that we have a functionality which will create a receipt of order in pdf using abcpdf component it was working fine without load balancing server and but when we move it to load balancing server it is giving errors like. A generic error occurred in GDI. I have given full rights to directory which is used but still there problem. Does anybody have a solutions for this.

I cannot believe that. It fixed it. The other server had the permission, but the server that was throwing an error message did not have correct permission. We copied missing user permission from the sane server folder to insane server folder.


Error while Creating a Relying Party Trust in ADFS

We are getting attached error while adding a relying party trust to ADFS. This needed to be done as our CRM Test server had to be repaired since it was not taking in new patches. We reinstalled CRM and were trying to reconfigure IFD when we are running into this issue
Error While Adding a Relying Party
While on the ADFS server, can you browse to the metadata address?
Does it result in an XML document?
I've seen this error when you have HTTP URL in the metadata. In which case, download the metadata, change to HTTPS and load as a file.
Failing that, can you add the RP manually?
We performed all the steps again and this time the File option worked for us. we were able to move forward by downloading the XML and use it.

Invalid handle attempting to load message from resource DLL

We are doing SQL Server Transactional Publication through C# code between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Express 2005. It is working in couple of laptops, but in some laptops it is giving error as:
Invalid handle attempting to load message from resource DLL
Can someone help me why we are getting this error and how can we solve it?
I came across this same issue while experimenting with RMO merge pull subscriptions. In my case the folder I had specified for the merge agent log didn't exists, or the current user didn't have permission to write to that folder.
subscription.SynchronizationAgent.Output = "C:\TEMP\mergeagent.log";

Why file path is invalid in a MQ configurable service?

I have a configurable service (CDServer). When I try to deploy my WMB flow that uses a CDInput Node, which is using the configurable service I got the following error:
BIP7962E: File path '\\\myfolder' specified for the property 'brokerPathToInputDir' in the CDServer configurable service is not valid.
The file path is accesible from my Windows Explorer. The folder "myfolder" is shared on the remote computer.
I don't know where could be the error. I've tried chanching the file path to a different format (\myfolder), but still doesn´t work.
I'm using:
MQ 7
Sterling Connect Direct 4.6
Any help on this issue is very appreciated.
I'm up against the same problem. While I continue to hope for a solution that works like yours, my manager told me yesterday he had wrestled with the problem a year ago, and the only solution he found was to put an SFTP server in the middle. For his message flow, he used Attachmate Reflection.
The FileInput node has hooks for remote access. On the FTP tab, click Remote Transfer and fill in the Attachmate server and port, and other settings. Attachmate in turn is configured with a virtual folder, which accesses the actual remote server.
It seems like more machinery than is necessary, but you can't argue with the fact that it works and has been in production for over a year.

Xpages HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception HTTP Code: 500

I have an Xpage working properly on the test Domino server.
On production Domino server it can not be opened, Http 500 error displayed.
The two servers has different access control settings in the server document, but the signer of the application (production server) is listed in all programmability restrictions field except "Sign script libraries to run on behalf of someone else" field.
Server log
[25A4:0014-1604] 2012.11.07 14:06:30 HTTP JVM: SEVERE: CLFAD0141E: Error processing XPage request
[25A4:0014-1604] 2012.11.07 14:06:30 HTTP JVM: SEVERE: CLFAD0211E: Exception thrown
[25A4:0014-1604] 2012.11.07 14:06:30 HTTP JVM: SEVERE: CLFAD0246E: Exception occurred servicing request for: /applications/application.nsf/xpage.xsp - HTTP Code: 500
[25A4:0014-1604] 2012.11.07 14:06:30 HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception [/applications/application.nsf/xpage.xsp] CN=First Last/O=Company/C=Country Code
I have searched the net including IBM pages and forums for possible fix this error, but I have not found useable solution. Does anyone now how to fix this error?
Have a look at the latest xpages_exc_*.log file in the data/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT folder on the server for a more detailed explanation of the error.
If you don't have access to the file system on the server, then install and use the XPages Log File Reader from OpenNTF for easy access to the server log files.
I also had this problem earlier this week on a production 8.5.1 server (without extlib) and it was resolved by restarting the Domino server.
Besides server security settings etc the issue can also be related to application specific settings. E. g. Fulltext index, database properties etc. It might be a good idea to compare these things too.
Furthermore I also recommend using the Log Reader for easy access to the XPages log files...
Here I found a fix for the same problem
The resolution was discovered! We had added some Crystal Reports jar files to the C:\Lotus\Domino\jvm\lib\ext directory. It appears as if Domino and XPages did not like that. Instead, we had to put them in a directory external to Domino and then needed to reference those jar files in the "JavaUserClassesExt" line of the notes.ini.
After this was completed, Xpages worked!
I got this same error when I included the extlib.relational.library with the extlibx.library in the page generations property section of the Xpage property window. If I uncheck the relational library it works fine.

Crystal Reports Viewer: Failed to Open the Connection error

Currently I'm working on a piece of code that involves using the Crystal Reports Viewer to export .RPT files to PDF. My problem is that the code works on literally everything except the website I'm planning to eventually put it on.
When placed on the website it throws back the error "Failed to open the connection." which I believe is connected to the SQL Server connection that's formed in order to read data for the report itself.
The code itself is solid and works when used in a separate console application I built to test it whether said code is run on my local machine or on the server itself. It even runs when I test the website in Visual Studio's virtual host.
I've narrowed it down to being some sort of permissions issue, but I am not knowledgeable enough in the various permissions settings to figure out which ones specifically apply to this situation. It's worth mentioning that other pages on the website are directly connecting to the same database, but they are doing so directly through Linq instead of going through the Crystal Report Viewer.
So does anybody know which settings I need to modify in order to fix the connection error.
An added note: One of the other suggestions is to make sure there's an ODBC DNS in place that matches the one being used by the code. I have created such a DNS already.
Application Pool dictates how your application runs in many ways. You can probably configure the web.config to run under the credentials, or access level of your choice.
Solution for people who didn't read the comments:
Change the identity under the advanced setting's of your application pool to the desired level of access.
Glad I could help.- J
