Can some hacker steal a web browser cookie from a user and login with that name on a web site? -

Reading this question,
Different users get the same cookie - value in .ASPXANONYMOUS
and search for a solution, I start thinking, if it is possible for some one to really steal the cookie with some way, and then place it on his browser and login lets say as administrator.
Do you know how form authentication can ensure that even if the cookie is stolen, the hacker does not get to use it in an actual login?
Is there any other alternative automatic defense mechanism?

Is it possible to steal a cookie and
authenticate as an administrator?
Yes it is possible, if the Forms Auth cookie is not encrypted, someone could hack their cookie to give them elevated privileges or if SSL is not require, copy someone another person's cookie. However, there are steps you can take to mitigate these risks:
On the system.web/authentication/forms element:
requireSSL=true. This requires that the cookie only be transmitted over SSL
slidingExpiration=false. When true, an expired ticket can be reactivated.
cookieless=false. Do not use cookieless sessions in an environment where are you trying to enforce security.
enableCrossAppRedirects=false. When false, processing of cookies across apps is not allowed.
protection=all. Encrypts and hashes the Forms Auth cookie using the machine key specified in the machine.config or web.config. This feature would stop someone from hacking their own cookie as this setting tells the system to generate a signature of the cookie and on each authentication request, compare the signature with the passed cookie.
If you so wanted, you could add a small bit of protection by putting some sort of authentication information in Session such as a hash of the user's username (Never the username in plain text nor their password). This would require the attacker to steal both the Session cookie and the Forms Auth cookie.

The scenario where a cookie can be stolen happens in a public wireless environment. While you or I would never operate in such a setup, it may be impossible to prevent your customers from doing so.
If the attacker knows what secure site you're connected to, the idea is that your browser can be tricked into posting to a non-secure version of the same url. At that point your cookie is compromised.
That's why in addition to httpOnlyCookies you'll want to specify requireSSL="true"
<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="true" />
I disagree with The Rook's comment, in that I find it unfair;
#Aristos i updated my answer. But to be honest, if your using a Microsoft development platform your application will be inherently insecure. – The Rook 22 mins ago
Security doesn't happen by accident and it doesn't happen "right out of the box", at least not in my experience. Nothing is secure until it's designed to be so, regardless of the platform or the tools.

There are many ways that a session id can be leaked to an attacker. XSS is the most commonly used attack to hijack a Session ID and you should test for XSS vulnerabilities in your application. . A common method of improving the strength of a session is to check the IP address. When the user logs in, record the ip address. Check the IP address for every request, if the IP changes then its probably a hijacked session. This secuirty measure could prevent legitimate requests, but that is very unlikely.
Do not check the X-Forwarded-For or User-Agent, its trivial for an attacker to modify these values.
I also recommend enabling httpOnlyCookies in your web.config file:
<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true"/>
This makes it more difficult for an attacker to hijack a session with javascript, but its still possible.

I don't know the specifics of the cookie in question but it's generally bad practice to store both the username and password in a user cookie. You generally want to only store the username in the cookie along with other non sensitive information. That way the user is prompted to provide their password only when logging in.

I am working on this, and I am coming up with an idea, that I am not sure if it is 100% safe, but is an idea.
My idea is that every user must pass from the login page.
If some one stole the cookie, is not pass the login page, but is go direct inside to the rest pages. He can not pass the login page, because did not know the really password, so if he pass he fail anyway.
So I place an extra session value, that the user have been pass with success the login page.
Now inside every critical page, I check that extra session value and if found it null, I login off and ask again for the password.
Now I do not know, maybe all that done all ready by microsoft, need to check it more.
To check this idea I use this function that direct make a user logged in.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("UserName", false);
My second security that I have all ready fix and use, is that I check for different ips and or different cookie from the same logged in user. I have made many think on that, many checks (if is behind proxy, if is from different countries, what is look for, how many times I have see him, etc...) but this is the general idea.
This video show exactly what I try to prevent. By using the trick I have describe here, you can not just set the login cookie only.
Just sharing my ideas...


.Net Identity - Login with forged cookie

We are developing a MVC application using .Net identity. We have created register and login systems. Now we are trying to add some security.
My friend have logged in to application and session cookie have been created. With an extension, i have created same cookie in my machine and i have successfully logged in. How can we prevent this?
We have tried adding [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] and #HTML.AntiForgeryToken() but not pages are throwing
The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present.
Exception. We think we are missing something. What is the right way to do this?
I don't think this token does what you're trying to use it for. According to this StackOverflow question's accepted answer, it's actually for preventing cross-site request forgeries, not for preventing hijacking of browser sessions.
Your main question appears to be:
With an extension, i have created same cookie in my machine and i have successfully logged in. How can we prevent this?
What you need to bear in mind is that you have been able to get hold of a security cookie from another machine. In the "real world", that security cookie would be transmitted over a secure channel (such as https), such that one user should have no way of getting at another user's cookie. If a user "a" managed to get hold of the cookie from user "b"'s computer without user "b" performing any deliberate action, then user "b"'s computer is already terminally compromised.
Although I commend you for trying to work around this, if a user were capable of getting hold of another user's cookie there's a fairly good chance they'd also be able to get hold of pretty much anything else too. You could check that the browser identification string always matches, or that the IP address the requests come from doesn't change, but both checks are possible to circumvent if someone is determined enough.

Does Forms Authentication protect from session hijacking?

I have ASP.NET MVC app that uses Forms Authentication. After user is authenticated, in response he will receive forms cookie that contains auth information. Now regarding the forms cookie: It is encrypted by a machine key and it is protected from tampering by signature. I also use HTTPS... However, what if somehow I get the cookie and try to make request from another client (meaning that the request will be made from another IP address)?
It seems to me that this scenario will work. Are there any ways to defend from this kind of attack?
If you are using HTTPS everywhere on your site and set requireSSL="true" on your system.web/authentication/forms element in web.config, you are instructing the browser to only pass that cookie back over an HTTPS connection. This will protect against the vast majority of traffic sniffing-based session hijacking attacks and you should definitely use it if your site is HTTPS only.
Forms Authentication is inherently stateless. The server is encrypting the following information and storing it client-side: CookiePath, Expiration, Expired, IsPersistent, IssueDate, Name, UserData, Version. Assuming your machineKey hasn't been compromised, the client will just see this as a blob of encrypted data. When it presents that blob to the server again, the server decrypts it and converts it back into a FormsAuthenticationTicket, validates the fields in the ticket against config, verifies that the ticket isn't expired, etc. and decides whether to treat the request as authenticated. It doesn't 'remember' anything about which tickets are outstanding. Also note that it doesn't include the IP address anywhere.
The only real attack vector I can think of if you are HTTPS-only, take care to protect your machineKey, and set the forms auth cookie to requireSSL would be for an attacker to target the client's browser and/or computer. Theoretically they could steal the cookie from memory or disk out of the browser's space. It might be possible for a virus/trojan to do this or even a malicious browser extension. In short, if a user could get their hands on a valid, non-expired Forms Auth cookie, they could present it from any machine they wanted to until it expired. You can reduce the risk here by not allowing persistent auth cookies and keeping your timeouts to a minimum.
If they had the machineKey, they could create FormsAuth cookies from scratch whenever they wanted to.
Oh.. Can't forget Heartbleed. If you had a load balancer or reverse proxy that was using an insecure version of OpenSSL, it's possible an attacker could compromise your private key and intercept traffic over HTTPS connections. ASP.NET doesn't use OpenSSL, so you're safe from this in a pure-MS stack. If you ever hear anything about a vulnerability in MS' SSL implementation, you'd want to patch it ASAP and get your passwords changed and certificates re-issued.
If you are concerned about the browser/machine based hijacking, you might want to take a look at a project I started [and abandoned] called Sholo.Web.Security ( It's goal was to strengthen Forms Authentication by maintaining state on the server at the expense of some overhead on each request. You get the ability to do things like revoke tickets server-side (kick/logout a user) and prevent users from moving tickets between IP addresses. It can get annoying in the traveling mobile user scenario that Wiktor describes (it's optional). Feel free to fork it or submit pull requests.
The Anti-CSRF features that 0leg refers to apply to the UI/form mechanism that initiates the login process, but to my knowledge there is nothing in the Forms Authentication process itself that relates to CSRF. That is, once the cookie is issued to the client, the only thing protecting it from being bounced between servers is the fact that cookies are restricted to the domains/subdomain they were issued for. Your cookies won't be presented to The browser takes care of that stuff for you.
Are there any ways to defend from that kind of attacks?
You shouldn't. Years ago we have had implemented such feature and abandoned it soon. It turned out that:
a single user making requests from the very same browser/machine but switching between http/https can sometimes be seen from different IP adresses
a single user traveling and using her mobile phone sometimes makes consecutive requests from different IP addresses when her phone switches between BTSes
Just to clarify the terminology, session hijacking is usually referred to the vulnerability where an unauthorized user accesses the session state on the server.
Authentication cookies are different from session cookies. ASP.NET puts a great deal more precautions in safeguarding authentication cookies. What you describe is better described by the term CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery). As #Wiktor indicated in his response, restricting access by IP is not practical. Plus, if you read how CSRF works, the exploit can run in the user browser from the original IP address.
The good news is that ASP.NET MVC has built in support for CSRF prevention that is pretty easy to implement. Read here.

Only uname/pwd verification over https - everything else in http

For username/pwd verification - the good websites use https - to avoid sending cleartext password over the wire. If I have a site where I want to do this - i.e. login over https. However - after logging in the rest of the stuff should be over http. Is this possible - if yes, why don't we see too many websites doing this. If not, why not?
You might want to read up on Firesheep. The short form is that this technique allows malicious people to hijack the session.
if yes, why don't we see too many websites doing this
The usual excuse for not using end-to-end TLS/SSL is that it causes the web app to take a performance hit, slow response times etc. This is a very flawed argument for https-sometimes security policy. Not entirely unfounded, but still unjustifiable.
If not, why not?
The thinking is that the only inherently vulnerable aspect of user access control is the authentication phase, i.e. where you supply your username and password to prove you are who you say you are. Organizations are aware of the risk of transmitting the credentials in clear text. After this process however, authorization is carried out server side and the web app trusts you from there on out and there are no credentials to protect any more.
Or are there?
As jszakmeister pointed out very succinctly, the session cookie is every bit as security critical as a username/password pair. Should someone get a hold of that, they might as well have seen the password and username on post-it.

ASP.NET FormsAuthentication exclusive login

I'm working on a website where I get a feed of usernames / hashed passwords from another service. When someone sucesfully logs in I set a forms authentication cookie with FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie.
My client doesn't like multiple people logged with the same credentials. They would like a log in to invalidate any currently logged in clients.
There isn't a method on FormsAuthentication to tell the server "invalidate any other cookie under this name". KB900111 suggests the server doesn't maintain a list of valid cookies. So my approach isn't sounding good.
What's the alternative? Time to ditch forms auth?
Not necessarily. Forms auth still provides quite a bit of baked-in functionality you might want. Maybe you can generate and issue a Guid the first time each user logs in, and store that on the server-side, and in a cookie (security ticket preferably). Every time a request is made, you check to make sure the user is using not only the correct credentials, but also the same machine and browser (based on the cookie you issued the user when the user logged in). You would of course have to make sure that your Guid expires at some point, and also make sure you clear it out when the user signs out.

Does using cookies pose a threat to application security in

Does using cookies pose a threat to application security in ? Or do we only use as a medium of saving user stats and non-vital information ? Got a little details of using cookies in from my own blog
IMO cookie is one of the best choice for some situations. For instance, storing the user's selected language. Also you can cache some sensitive information in the cookie as users' roles as ASP.NET Roles manager. But you should encrypt it without doubt and also you should set HttpCookie.HttpOnly = true to prevent javascript from accessing to cookie. Don't worry about supporting cookie in different browsers, size is premier (Browsers support only 4096bytes per cookie). Cookie is bandwidth killer, cause sends and receives within each request and response. Thus, you should use it in avarage. You can check if the client browser supports cookie as follows.
if (Request.Browser.Cookies) { // The browser supports cookie }
To learn more information about cookies, visit here.
Using cookies doesn't pose any threat to an application. It is the way you use them and the information you store that could be problematic. For example, you have to avoid storing sensitive information in cookies. If used for authentication, they should always be transmitted over a secure channel.
It depends on how you use them. Cookies should be treated as un-trusted input at all times, because they can be faked, edited or deleted. I've seen applications where a cookie contains something like admin=true which is obviously a very bad thing to do. If you're just dropping some guid and using that to track someone, but not caring if your results are accurate then that's fine.
If you want to make sure the cookie is semi-valid then you must add something like an HMAC to the cookie itself, which is what ASP.NET does with the forms authentication cookie (and the ViewState field). Of course this doesn't stop the user deleting the cookie, or copying a valid one from another user.
As long as you don't store critical information in the cookie (like the user's password) you should be fine.
Be careful with scenarios like that :
You store the user's ID in a cookie
You test against this ID to see if he's logged in
The user changes the ID manually in the cookie (easy to do)
The user gets access to another account
My point is that you have to keep in mind that the user can access a cookie and change it, so don't store anything you wouldn't want him to see.
Last thing, cookies often have a limited size so be careful: don't store too many information. If you store too much stuff (like a large object), you might end up breaking things.
