Does using cookies pose a threat to application security in -

Does using cookies pose a threat to application security in ? Or do we only use as a medium of saving user stats and non-vital information ? Got a little details of using cookies in from my own blog

IMO cookie is one of the best choice for some situations. For instance, storing the user's selected language. Also you can cache some sensitive information in the cookie as users' roles as ASP.NET Roles manager. But you should encrypt it without doubt and also you should set HttpCookie.HttpOnly = true to prevent javascript from accessing to cookie. Don't worry about supporting cookie in different browsers, size is premier (Browsers support only 4096bytes per cookie). Cookie is bandwidth killer, cause sends and receives within each request and response. Thus, you should use it in avarage. You can check if the client browser supports cookie as follows.
if (Request.Browser.Cookies) { // The browser supports cookie }
To learn more information about cookies, visit here.

Using cookies doesn't pose any threat to an application. It is the way you use them and the information you store that could be problematic. For example, you have to avoid storing sensitive information in cookies. If used for authentication, they should always be transmitted over a secure channel.

It depends on how you use them. Cookies should be treated as un-trusted input at all times, because they can be faked, edited or deleted. I've seen applications where a cookie contains something like admin=true which is obviously a very bad thing to do. If you're just dropping some guid and using that to track someone, but not caring if your results are accurate then that's fine.
If you want to make sure the cookie is semi-valid then you must add something like an HMAC to the cookie itself, which is what ASP.NET does with the forms authentication cookie (and the ViewState field). Of course this doesn't stop the user deleting the cookie, or copying a valid one from another user.

As long as you don't store critical information in the cookie (like the user's password) you should be fine.
Be careful with scenarios like that :
You store the user's ID in a cookie
You test against this ID to see if he's logged in
The user changes the ID manually in the cookie (easy to do)
The user gets access to another account
My point is that you have to keep in mind that the user can access a cookie and change it, so don't store anything you wouldn't want him to see.
Last thing, cookies often have a limited size so be careful: don't store too many information. If you store too much stuff (like a large object), you might end up breaking things.


Seurity ramifications of ASP Session

I'm looking into storing some security sensitive information (a users effective permissions for our web application) in a session-resident object, to reduce database queries while performing permissions checks throughout the app.
I understand that the session is stored server-side, and not directly accessible to the client under normal circumstances.'s other persistence mechanisms can be theoretically defeated, by modifying viewstate or cookie values client-side, but these kinds of cryptography implementation flaws should not expose session-state.
What degree of control over your server would an attacker need to modify data in a clients session-state? Assume they have a sessionID, and an ASPAUTH cookie.
For instance:
A remote attack, like a modified POST or other handler call to a
Would an attacker with programmatic access to IIS (WMI mabey?)
be able to access and change session-state in the same or another app pool's memory?
Would an attacker need to be able to post code to my app, in order to manipulate session memory?
I know these kinds of questions often rely on mistakes in my code, so by all means assume I've written the worst, most insecure code ever (I haven't, but...) and do things like change session in a constructor or life cycle event.
Since we don't know exactly how your code is implemented, all we can do is guess.
First, Session should NEVER be used for security sensitive things. Yes, it's true that a client can't directly read session, there are other factors to consider.
Session cookies are not, by default, encrypted and are passed as plain text.
Session Fixation attacks are easy to accomplish
If a session cookie is hijacked, or even guessed, then it doesn't matter what the users account is, they will get whatever security rights you assign via that cookie.
Session is unstable, and IIS can kill sessions whenever it feels like, so you end up with the situation where a user is still logged in, but their session is lost due to many possible reasons. So now their security is also unstable.
There are many other, more appropriate ways to do what you want, Session is NEVER an appropriate method.
Other methods that would be appropriate include...
Using the user data field of a FormsAuthentication ticket to store the information
Using a custom Claim with a claims based authentication, like ASP.NET Identity, WIF, or IdentityServer.
Using the Cache to hold the temporary information, based on identity (not session) and adding a cache eviction timeout.
and many more...
Session variable can be a security risk. It is always better to secure your session variable.
Few links you should take into consideration...
Securing Session State
I agree with Erik views.

MVC 2 AntiForgeryToken - Why symmetric encryption + IPrinciple?

We recently updated our solution to MVC 2, and this has updated the way that the AntiForgeryToken works. Unfortunately this does not fit with our AJAX framework any more.
The problem is that MVC 2 now uses symmetric encryption to encode some properties about the user, including the user's Name property (from IPrincipal). We are able to securely register a new user using AJAX, after which subsequent AJAX calls will be invalid as the anti forgery token will change when the user has been granted a new principal. There are also other cases when this may happen, such as a user updating their name etc.
My main question is why does MVC 2 even bother using symmetric encryption? And then why does it care about the user name property on the principal?
If my understanding is correct then any random shared secret will do. The basic principle is that the user will be sent a cookie with some specific data (HttpOnly!). This cookie is then required to match a form variable sent back with each request that may have side effects (POST's usually). Since this is only meant to protect from cross site attacks it is easy to craft up a response that would easily pass the test, but only if you had full access to the cookie. Since a cross site attacker is not going to have access to your user cookies you are protected.
By using symmetric encryption, what is the advantage in checking the contents of the cookie? That is, if I already have sent an HttpOnly cookie the attacker cannot override it (unless a browser has a major security issue), so why do I then need to check it again?
After having a think about it it appears to be one of those 'added layer of security' cases - but if your first line of defence has fallen (HttpOnly) then the attacker is going to get past the second layer anyway as they have full access to the users cookie collection, and could just impersonate them directly, instead of using an indirect XSS/CSRF attack.
Of course I could be missing a major issue, but I haven't found it yet. If there are some obvious or subtle issues at play here then I would like to be aware of them.
It was added to offer greater protection in the case where you have one subdomain trying to attack another - trying to attack Adding the username makes it more difficult for to contact behind the scenes and try to get it to generate a token on your behalf.
Going forward, it's possible that the cookie will be removed as it's not strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the system. (For example, if you're using Forms Authentication, that cookie could serve as the anti-XSRF cookie instead of requiring the system to generate a second cookie.) The cookie might only be issued in the case of anonymous users, for example.
Besides the "evil subdomain"-scenario outlined by Levi, consider an attacker that has an account on the targeted site. If the CSRF-token does not encode user-specific information, the server can not verify that the token has been generated exclusively for the logged-in user. The attacker could then use one of his own legitimately acquired CSRF-tokens when building a forged request.
That being said, anonymous tokens are during certain circumstances accepted by ASP.NET MVC. See Why does ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute allow anonymous tokens?

How does ASP.NET (or any web framework) implement persistent session state?

For various reasons I am fed up with ASP.NET session state and I'm trying to do it myself (separate question coming soon related to why I'm fed up and whether it's feasible to do it myself, but for now let's assume that it is).
Security concerns aside, it seems like tracking sessions involves little more than storing a cookie with a guid and associating that guid with a small "sessions" table in the database, which is keyed on the guid and contains a small number of fields to track timeout and to link to the primary key in the user's table, for those sessions that are linked to registered users.
But I'm stuck on a detail with the cookie, in the case the user's browser is not set to accept cookies. It seems to me that each time a user accesses any page that has session state enabled, ASP.NET must determine whether the browser supports cookies. If there already is a session cookie sent with the request, obviously it knows cookies are accepted.
If not, it seems like it needs to check, which as I understand it involves trying to write a cookie and redirecting to a page that tries to read the cookie. So it seems, when a user with cookies turned off visits several pages of a site, that ASP.NET
(a) has to do this round-trip test for every page the user visits, or
(b) has to assume the browser accepts cookies and create a record with a (provisional) session id for the user on each page -- and if session state is supposed to be persistent, it seems it has to write that initial session id to the database on each page.
But (a) sounds crazy and (b) sounds crazy also, since we would quickly accumulate session ids for all these single-page sessions. So I'm thinking there must be some other trick/heuristic that is used to know when to do the round-trip test and/or when to actually create a record for the session.
Am I wrong to be perplexed?
(To be clear, I'm not talking about implementing a custom storage solution within ASP.NET's pluggable session state system. I'm talking about skipping ASP.NET's session state system entirely. My question is a more detailed version of this one: Implementing own Session Management in ASP.NET.)
Session behaviour is set through the sessionState element in web.config. In the sessionState element the HttpCookieMode can be set to one of UseUri, UseCookies, AutoDetect, UseDeviceProfile.
UseUri and UseCookies tell ASP.NET explicitly how to handle storing the session identifier. If UseDeviceProfile is used then the behavior is determined by whether the user agent supports cookies (not whether they are enabled or not).
AutoDetect is the interesting case that you are interested in. How ASP.NET is handling the auto detection is explained in Understand How the ASP.NET Cookieless Feature Works. In that article you will see that they have 5 different checks they do. One of the checks is, as you mention, to set a cookie and do a redirect to see if the cookie exists. If the cookie exists, then the browser supports cookies and the sessionID cookie is set. However, this is not done on every request because another check they do before tring to redirect is is check to for the existence of any cookies. Since after the initial set-cookie and redirect the sessionID cookie will be set then the existence of the cookie lets ASP.NET know that cookies are supported and no further set-cookie and redirects are required.
Well, cookies are a standard mechanism of web authentication. Do you have any reason at all why you wouldn't want to use them? Are you sure you're not trying to invent a problem where there isn't any problem?
Most serious websites I know of require the browser to accept cookies in order for the user to be authenticated. It's safe to assume that every modern browser supports them.
There's an interesting article about cookieless ASP.NET that you should read.
#o.k.w: By default the session state is kept by ASP.NET in-process (read: in memory). Unless told explicitly by the configuration to store the session in the database (SQL Server is supported out-of-the-box), this won't result in a database hit. The stale session states will get purged from the in-process storage. Unfortunately, with default ASP.NET settings every cookieless request will result in a new session being created.
Here's a detailed comparison of available session storage options:

ASP.Net - What is current best practice for tracking state and session variables?

We're creating a new consumer/public-facing ASP.Net web app. There are two concerns:
--Use cookie or cookieless forms authentication?
--If we decide not to use cookies at all, how would you store the data that would otherwise be stored in the cookie (Customer ID, AffiliateID, etc.). Does the ASP.Net authentication framework track something like CustomerID?
For a normal web app there is no good reason to use cookieless authentication - Fear of cookies died out about a decade ago.
For actual data, the session object is generally a better choice than individual cookies - The session cookie is a single value that effectively gives you a key to whatever session data you have stored on the server. There are certain specialized cases where there are problems with using session, for example in multi-server deployments, but in for most applications it is simple and adequate.
The standard forms authentication system does track the username - generally this is enough to look up whatever data you need from your database if you don't want to keep anything in the session.
If you're doing authentication, cookies are the usual method. It's very rare these days that people will have cookies turned off because so many sites already depend on them.
Having said that, ASP.NET does support "cookieless" authentication. Basically it just adds the authentication token as a parameter on the URL. It parses all outbound URLs to ensure that they also include the token information. Personally, I wouldn't bother with this and just go with requiring cookies. There are a few additional headaches when trying to go cookieless (for example, it can make SEO that much harder, because the search engines will see a different URL every time it crawls the page).

How to create a database driven login system

I want to create a website that the login system shouldn't be handled by cookies, but on (a) table(s) in the local (on the server) SQL DB.
Is there a way to do it?
Even no partial way?
What and where should I save instead of the cookie???
ASP.NET uses Session cookies by default to track user requests. If you use Cookieless sessions, you will find the Session ID being appended in all requests from the browser. In many scenarios, this could also be unacceptable.
Even if you decide to hit the database and check for a "LoggedIn" flag upon each request, you still need some way to identify the incoming request as belonging to a particular user. This could be in the form of encrypted values in hidden fields, depending on your security scenario. That said, it's not a much better method than the use of cookies, because any data that comes from the client has the potential to have been tampered with.
Personally, I think Cookies are great to track user requests as long as you encrypt them properly.
You still need some way of telling the users apart. If you don't use cookies, then you will have to transfer that information in url or allow only one user from a single ip address (this is really stupid) ... or something else. Cookies are not that bad :-).
Cookieless ASP.NET
If you need help actually implementing the login system you'll need to include more details about your specific problem.
You can store your usernames and so in a database, but you will still need a way to recognize the user as he/she navigates from page to page. That is the cookies role in this, to persist this login token...
It is possible to implement some other ways of handling this token. One can use the URL or somme hidden fields (as ASP.NET's ViewState) to store this token.
So, yes; it can be done. But it takes some work, since you can't use what ASP.NET already provides you. (ASP.NET has builtin-features to handle this token as a cookie, and also store the credentials in the database.)
Use the SqlMembershipProvider.
