whats web part and where it is used? - asp.net-2.0

Can anybody tell me what is web part and where it is used commonly ?
Why should'nt we use user control instead of it ...(might be this is a blunder..but i donno whats it )
Thanks in advance!

Webparts are user controls, with some additional functionality.
From MSDN:
Using the Web Parts control set, you as a developer can enable end users to:
Personalize page content. Users can add new Web Parts controls to a page, remove them, hide them, or minimize them like ordinary windows.
Personalize page layout. Users can drag a Web Parts control to a different zone on a page, or change its appearance, properties, and behavior.
Export and import controls. Users can import or export Web Parts control settings for use in other pages or sites, retaining the properties, appearance, and even the data in the controls. This reduces data entry and configuration demands on end users.
Create connections. Users can establish connections between controls so that, for example, a chart control could display a graph for the data in a stock ticker control. Users could personalize not only the connection itself, but the appearance and details of how the chart control displays the data.
Manage and personalize site-level settings. Authorized users can configure site-level settings, determine who can access a site or page, set role-based access to controls, and so on. For example, a user in an administrative role could set a Web Parts control to be shared by all users, and prevent users who are not administrators from personalizing the shared control.
See MSDN documentation for how to create and use webparts.


Is there a way to redirect or override an existing ASCX?

I am working on a ASP.NET site that uses several ascx files scattered throughout the web project, I want to add my ascx files but keep the existing code-behind file. I also want to enable the user to easily switch between the mine and the existing ones. Ideally, I want to enable the user to install the ascx files with minimal hassle without changing any code or going through some complex error-prone process. (The goal is to provide a change of the markup code)
ASP.NET provides ControlAdapters, a mechanism that allows a server control to be customized through adapters that map to a server control. I was wondering if such a mechanism exists for user controls, if not, are there any features or a work-around that provides the same results.
I discovered a "feature" that's not well documented that may allow me to do what I want. It's called tagMapping. It is supposed to work with server controls, but it's failed to work with UserControls.
You can add a panel to where you want to display these user controls. Then, load user controls dynamicly how you wish on backend.
UserControl ctrl = (UserControl)this.LoadControl("/UserControls/"
+ whichone + "/.ascx");

The best solution to customize page controls based on some roles and settings

I have several pages in asp.net each with lots of controls. I Also have some roles in my application that each has some setting options. Now I want to prepare my page based on these settings. Maybe it’s not too clear, so please take a look at my example.
Example: There are some buttons, some textboxes, some datetime picker, and a chart in a page, now what I want is when a user sees this page, the controls appear and disappear based on the users role. An important thing is that I don’t want to have only visible and invisible controls, in some scenarios I need to show controls with some customizations. For example change chart data source, limit selecting date time and so on.
The first solution that I can think of, is saving the settings in database and after visiting the page by user, the settings fetch from database and based on those, I can customize the controls with conditional phrases (if and else). But I suppose it is not a good approach and my page will get very messy.
Please help me with any better solutions and if you know good references about it, please let me know.
Please see this link...use of ControlAdapters may help you...
Role-based enabling/disabling of controls in asp.net
You must use Thread.CurrentPrincipal.
A. When user login to your application, you attach his identity to thread, for example
string[] rolesArray = .....; //Get roles from dataBase by identity.
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new YourCustomPrincipal(new YourCustomIdentity("YouName", "..."), rolesArray);
B. And when you navige about your application you test Thread.CurrentPrincipal
IPrincipal threadPrincipal = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
//Adjust your control

Share same information on multiple web pages

How can I share the same ordered list across multiple web pages without writing code behind? In this manner the information would only have to be updated in one location.
You can build an ASP.NET user control (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y6wb1a0e.aspx) so you can put your list there and use your user control on every page you need.
With this, you'll have to alter your ordered list only in the user control, and this update will be available everywhere you've used the user control.

Displaying same content to different users who may be seeing different master pages (ASP.net)

I have some pages that have content that is relevant to both logged in users and non logged in users. For example, pages with contact information, privacy policies, etc. All the pages have your typical navigation menu but the thing is logged in users normally see a different navigation menu bar than non logged in users.
What is the best way to do this in ASP.net?
So far, possible solutions include the following:
Displaying the content using a pop up window. The page will contain no menu and is just some basic page doesn't need to check what type of user is seeing it.
Programmatically changing the master page depending on whether the user is authenticated or not. However, there are some variables on one of the master pages that need to be accessed but isn't touched at all by non logged in users.
Putting the content in a user control and sticking this user control on two separate pages to be displayed to the appropriate user.
I'm not really a fan of #1 because users visiting the site for the first time may have some type of popup blocker or have javascript disabled.
I know #2 is possible by having the page use some type of base class that has inherited from MasterPage. However, I've read that this might not be the best design since now one of the pages has access to variables that isn't really necessary.
The third method sounds reasonable but then there'd be two separate ASPX files.
Is there a proper way of doing this? Or another method I haven't thought of yet?
To clarify, logged in users need to set certain variables in their master pages where non logged in users do not. The reason for this is that there is a user control that displays a special navigation menu that will highlight certain items depending on these variables.
For example, the user control requires a string to determine which item to highlight. A page with profile information will provide "profile" as a parameter that will highlight the "Profile" item on the menu.
The menu in the user control is generated dynamically based on data from the database. The menu items are grouped by category and are displayed with an appropriate heading that is also pulled from the DB.
Programmably changing the master page is easy; just supply the correct URL on pre init, set
protected override void OnPreInit(..)
if (this.User != null) {
if (this.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
this.MasterPageFile = "~/loggedin.master";
this.MasterPageFile = "~/notloggedin.master";
No base class needed for this.
User control approach would work too, but changing master page file is really easy to do.
EDIT: If you have properties to set or get from the master, you could have the code-behind file implement the interface, and check if the this.Master reference is of that interface type.

How to break an ASP.NET website down into modules that can be enabled/disabled?

I have an ASP.NET website with some independent sections. I need a way to turn on/off the different sections (each section is in it's own directory) based on the user selection. How can I prevent the users from accessing sections that are turned off?
The solution I ended up using was to make a new class ModulePage that inherited Page. In the OnInit it would check an Abstract property I added IxModule to see if that that module was turned on or off, if it was on the page will display and if it is not the user is redirected to another page. Each page in each module has to be change to inherit ModulePage and then just specify the IxModule value. It is working very well.
you can require a log-in for those pages. I'm not sure if that's what you want.
You could look for a specific web.config app setting for each section. Each section would need a web.config setting with a sectionID app setting element.
If your using master pages, just do a check in the master's on PageLoad and check to see if the user has access to the sectionID store in the config setting. Store the section IDs that the current user has access to in the session or a cookie or something (not sure what type of security your looking for). Have one global function to lookup the app setting from the web.config. Depending on which page is calling it (from which directory) you will get the specific section's ID.
If the user does not have access redirect or show a message or something.
