SQUID Proxy - does it have an interface for reviewing internet usage? - squid

Does SQUID (for Windows specifically) it have an interface for reviewing internet usage?
More specifically if I wanted a way to track, for my PC at work, it's internet usage on a per application/service basis (e.g. browser vs calendar synch service etc), would SQUID for Windows help me here? (i.e. would it act as a transparent proxy for anything running on my PC, then keep a history of internet usage against which process requested the access)

Not quite the same, but you could write scripts that parse the squid logs in /var/log/squid and compute metrics of interest.


Work with multiple NICs/networks in Windows

I'm searching for a solution to work on a Windows machine with multiple NICs/networks. While working within the network of a customer I tend to get a lot of problems. I need an internet connection for several things like git/sourcesafe/development system etc. but clients often can't offer internet access. So the solution is to use a mobilephone to connect to the internet and ethernet to access the client network/database.
Windows seems to be pretty random here. Sometimes everything works, some mintues later it trys to access the internet over the clients gataway or access the database via the internet. So I end up deactivting/activating NIC's all day long.
Is there some easy way to use the ethernet connection only to access the clients network and the mobile for everything else?
From what you described I think this might help: turn off DHCP for the interface that connects to your customers network and set a static address for that (without a gateway). Then configure your other interface to use DHCP. This should set ONE default gateway (your phone) and all traffic will run through it, except endpoints in your customer's net.
BTW: You can only have one default gateway at a time, of course, but in your case the gateway that was set the latest won, so to speak.

Web browser as web server

Sorry if this is a dumb question that's already been asked, but I don't even know what terms to best search for.
I have a situation where a cloud app would deliver a SPA (single page app) to a client web browser. Multiple clients would connect at once and would all work within the same network. An example would be an app a business uses to work together - all within the same physical space (all on the same network).
A concern is that the internet connection could be spotty. I know I can store the client changes locally and then push them all to the server once the connection is restored. The problem, however, is that some of the clients (display systems) will need to show up-to-date data from other clients (mobile input systems). If the internet goes down for a minute or two it would be unacceptable.
My current line of thinking is that the local network would need some kind of "ThinServer" that all the clients would connect to. This ThinServer would then work as a proxy for the main cloud server. If the internet breaks then the ThinServer would take over the job of syncing data. Since all the clients would be full SPAs the only thing moving around would be the data - so the ThinServer would really just need to sync DB info (it probably wouldn't need to host the full SPA - though, that wouldn't be a bad thing).
However, a full dedicated server is obviously a big hurdle for most companies to setup.
So the question is, is there any kind of tech that would allow a web page to act as a web server? Could a business be instructed to go to thinserver.coolapp.com in a browser on any one of their machines? This "webpage" would then say, "All clients in this network should connect to" (which would be the IP:port of the machine running this page). All the clients would then connect to this new "server" and that server would act as a data coordinator if the internet ever went down.
In other words, I really don't like the idea of a complicated server setup. A simple URL to start the service would be all that is needed.
I suppose the only option might have to be a binary program that would need to be installed? It's not an ideal solution - but perhaps the only one? If so, are their any programs out there that are single click web servers? I've tried MAMP, LAMP, etc, but all of them are designed for the developer. Any others that are more streamlined?
Thanks for any ideas!
There are a couple of fundamental ways you can approach this. The first is to host a server in a browser as you suggest. Some example projects:
Another is to use WebRTC peer to peer communication to allow the browsers share information between each other (you could have them all share date or have one act as a 'master' etc deepening not he architecture you wanted). Its likely not going to be that different under the skin, but your application design may be better suited to a more 'peer to peer' model or a more 'client server' one depending on what you need. An example 'peer to peer' project:
I have not used any of the above personally but I would say, from using similar browser extension mechanisms in the past, that you need to check the browser requirements before you decide if they can do what you want. The top one above is Chrome based (I believe) and the second one is Firefox. The peer to peer one contains a list of compatible browser functions, but is effectively Firefox and Chrome based also (see the table in the link). If you are in an environment where you can dictate the browser type and plugins etc then this may be ok for you.
The concept is definitely very interesting (peer to peer web servers) and it is great if you have the time to explore it. However, if you have an immediate business requirement, it might be that a simple on site server based approach may actually be more reliable, support a wider variety of browser and actually be easier to maintain (as the skills required are quite commonly available).
BTW, I should have said - 'WebRTC' is probably a good search term for you, in answer to the first line of your question.
httprelay.io v.s. WebRTC
Simple to use
Supported by all browsers and HTTP clients
Can be used with the not stable network
Opensource and cross-platform
Need to run a server instance
No data streaming is supported (yet)

Why some internet providers close certain ports?

We published the game on russian server and 1% of people couldn't connect to server on 46xx port through raw TCP while they can load it's HTML page (through HTTP). Most of such people live in Germany, Israel....
Why is it so? What's the politics decisions lay behind it? We discovered that their such ports (which are free on IANA) are closed. Does it mean that such people cannot run Steam (and, then, play all games which you can buy through it), play WoW and many other modern games which use TCP through 4xxx ports?
Thank you.
ISPs have been known to filter certain ports for various reasons. Users should complain loudly to them (or switch) in order to send a signal that such is not to be tolerated. You can encourage them to do so but of course that doesn't solve your problem (or really answer your question).
Common reasons are:
- trying to block bittorrent traffic
- limit bandwidth usage (largely related to previous reason)
- security (mistaken)
- control (companies often don't want employees goofing off)
The easiest thing for you to do is run your game over port 443 (perhaps as an alternate). That's HTTPS and so will not generally be blocked. However, because HTTPS is encrypted, there's no way to inspect the stream to know if its web traffic or something else and thus you can run any data stream (encrypted or not) that you wish over it.
That's precisely correct. In fact every public web site would by default block all ports except the ones they expect to be running some traffic they would want to.
This is the reason many applications often try to encapsulate their programs to use port 80 which can't be blocked as long as some one wants http traffic to run.
They simply don't want any application that they haven't approved to run through their servers. If you have a sensitive server in public you surely won't want any one to use your machine for any apps that you don't allow. A common reason is applications that eat up bandwidth such as bittorent, edonkey, gnutella as well as streaming, voip and other high bandwidth consuming apps

How to watch network traffic? A la packet sniffing or web debugging proxy?

So when I am debugging my web applications and such, I've used the Charles web proxy and debugger and love it. It's so nice to see what's being sent and received via port 80 and 443. I can see all the resources loading, not just from the "browser" per say, but also flash applications. I can also see how the calls are being made, and it pretty easy to reconstruct them. It's a great debugging tool and I love it.
So I'm wondering two things:
First, I'm wondering is if there is something similar I can use to watch traffic that might be coming though on other ports. I guess some desktop applications will use the internet, but not necessarily via http / https requests. I remember looking at some security tools a few years ago - there are a lot of security tools out there, like kismet / etherCap, ethershark, etc - is there one that does what I'm describing in an easy and intuitive way?
Also, I'm wondering if I am using my iPhone / iPad / Android device, how can I set up a proxy through my computer so I can watch the http/https requests that the device makes?
Found the answer to that one here: http://www.ravelrumba.com/blog/ipad-http-debugging/
I'm mostly on a Mac so anything that is Mac friendly would be extra helpful.
I believe you are looking for Wireshark. It allows you to monitor the network interface on your machine and be able to tell you sent/receive packets as well as their protocols. It also has a protocol decoder that can be used to get Layer 7 information about a IP stream. You can also do a "Follow TCP stream" which allows you to view the entire conversation of that connection. It's based on libpcap (Packet capture) which the built in tcpdump also uses.
The only downside for you web developers is that if you're using SSL encrypted sessions, you can't decode it. The endpoints of the SSL session are "above" (using OSI model) the layer at which wireshark (and similar tools) operate.
Here's a good list http://sectools.org/sniffers.html. I used Wireshark back when it was Ethereal. At that time it ran under X11, It looks like that has changed.

HTTP communication monitoring on OS X

What application do you use to monitor HTTP communication on OS X?
Charles Proxy
Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP
monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a
developer to view all of the HTTP
traffic between their machine and the
Internet. This includes requests,
responses and the HTTP headers (which
contain the cookies and caching
Runs on JAVA. Available on OSX, Linux and Windows.
I like TcpCatcher. It is free and 100% java based so it works fine on Mac OS X.
Not only, you will be able to monitor HTTP communication but you will also be able to change requests / responses on the fly which opens very interesting possibilities..
There is a dedicated tutorial on capturing iPhone's HTTP communication.
If you're looking to trace application traffic, Wireshark is the best tool I've found - it can log and decode HTTP and many other protocols, and the GUI's search tools make finding the messages you're interesting in pretty quick and painless.
Other reasons I recommend this:
It's quick to install
It captures traffic straight from the network card, there is no need to change the application or set up proxies etc. It'll even read dumps captured from tcpdump and similar tools offline
It's multi-platform (works on Windows/Mac/Linux and others)
It's open source
You could also use dTrace to monitor in even more detail, if that's what you need.
I second using Charles, it's a really excellent tool for HTTP examination. When used with the iPhone simulator (or any other OS X application) Charles automatically sets up the system settings to use itself as a proxy so you only have to launch and run. It also is very easy to examine the traffic in a few different ways, and has a very lenient free trial version that is fully featured (time limited to an hour with a few nag screens) so you can give it a good try.
Depends on what you mean by monitor...
If you simply want to know/stop when an installed application (or the OS) tries to "phone home", then I recommend LittleSnitch.
The peace of mind you gain is well worth the loss of weight from your bank account.
