Weird Issues with WPMU I Can't Figure Out - wordpress

I know I should post this on the WPMU forum, but no one writes me back and I'm just trying to find a larger audience hoping you have run into this issue as well.
I have built a WPMU site for a client, and I am able to upload media into the Media Library and within a Post or Page perfectly. I thought my job was finished, yet the client can't upload any media at all. I'm located in Kentucky, they are located in New England (if that even matters). I had the client record their process of uploading as I thought they were simply not following my instructions for uploading, yet they are doing everything correctly.
When uploading a file it goes through the process of allowing them to select a file and it says it uploads it, yet when it is finished uploading nothing is in the Media Library or in the Post.
Video of the client trying to upload in Media Manager (
Video of the client trying to upload within a Post (
Asking the client to disable Flash Uploader didn't work :(
Yet, I can login to the WPMU site, access their blog's backend and can easily upload a ton of files. I am so lost at to what the issue is here. I am running version 2.8.4a, and will try to upgrade to latest release hoping this will fix things.

Are you using same blog and same username to login ?

Ask the client what media exactly he is trying to upload. PHP server has "Maximum allowed size for uploaded files"(upload_max_filesize) option. So if this limit is set to 2M(M stands for MB in php.ini), but the client is trying to upload something can't be uploaded.
Also check the filetype...I'm not sure, but I think wordpress has such a filter.
If even this doesn't help, ask the client to record itself what exactly is doing on his screen. There could be errors returned, or any other little missed, by him things ;)


I have a backup of the Wordpress folder but not the SQL database, is it possible for me to recover the website for local use?

I have a backup of the entire Wordpress folder of one of my old websites but, unfortunately, I forgot to also make a backup of the database for it. It's been years since the website expired so there's no way I can get the SQL file that way, and both Wayback Machine and Google don't seem to have any caches left of it (a tutorial I saw mentioned trying that way).
Is it still possible for me to get the website working for local use?
Yes and no, depending on what you are willing to do.
Is it still possible for me to get the website working for local use? No
If you have no database you will not have access to the Posts, Pages, Users, Options and all of the meta.
Is it still possible for me to get the website working for local use? Yes
If you create all of the database entries again to your satisfaction. You will still have all of the images you can re-upload to recreate the database entries for images. Then just re-create all of the pages and users as needed. Plugins may need to be disabled/reactivated/reinstalled and configured as well as your theme settings.
Try , you might be in luck there. Without sqldump its not much to do. If you had a cache plugin active, check if you have any snapshots.

Microsoft Azure wordpress install is not appearing

I have set up a second wordpress web app in Microsoft Azure however when i go to the url no wordpress install wizard is appearing. Not sure if this is because i am on a free account that can be used by students or if i have done something wrong? My first web app is still working. Thanks for any help.
It shouldn't have to do with anything about being a student. There is a free tier, and you can make multiple free tiered sites.
You didn't say what appears when you go to the URL though, so it could be any number of errors. Here is a checklist of what I'd go through:
Make sure you are going to the correct new URL
Can you FTP into the new web app, and verify there is WordPress code there? If not, something weird happened in the set up process! Delete the web app and try again, or simply upload WordPress yourself! Can get the files from and upload yourself using FTP
If WordPress code is there... What appears when you go to the URL? If it's an error message, something might have messed up in the install. You can always delete it and remake it to start again. Without knowing the error message, I can't really give more specific advice.
As a side note, did you create a new ClearDB MySQL database? Can you confirm there is a second database on your ClearDB account? If not, that could easily be the problem.
Sorry to give vague answers, but without more specifics to go on not many more details I can give. Except confirm that yes, you should be able to make multiple WordPress sites, so either something has gone wrong or you did something wrong.

Wordpress site is very slow after being attacked by malwares

I have been developing this website and we had to use Gravity Form plugin.
There was a time when it went very vulnerable and the website was attacked (a massive crash occurred to the site) ever since the website has never been normal every again. It is extremely slow to download sometimes there are some error messages 503 We have securely monitoring the website, have the wordpress and every plugin updated to the latest version or even delete the one without the recent updates but it seems not enough because if you access the website now you will feel that it's extremely slow.
Is there anybody who has experienced this kind of attacked? (especially, from when you got attacked via Gravity Form plugin)
I would really appreciate you answer.
As Ed Cottrell mentioned you must rebuild your site.
Make a backup of files and database
Write down which plugins you use
Delete everything (leave only wp-content/uploads)
Install clean WP - it will be best if you use the same version you used
Install all the plugins - the data is still in DB, so you won't have configure them again
If you bought a theme - just download it again and install it. If someone made it for you - check it for some strange eval or some js files you dont's know. When you are sure it's clean put it back on the server.
When everything is done, change user passwords and ftp password.
Use - it will help to find some nasty code.

Unable to upload document to begin translations

Have to get some localization done and hoping to use Google's translate toolkit to make .po files.
Despite setup billing, translate api, tried different browsers, accounts, new account... any time I click the upload button, I'm redirected (new tab) to the following url which reports a 404:
I don't mind setting up by hand if upload doesn't work, but seems first step is upload.
Same for me with hl=fr.
The issue is also on the google forum!searchin/translator-toolkit-api/404/translator-toolkit-api/pB-EJM1EUAo/4BQIdkrsmPMJ
with no answer !
Strange to get 404 error from Google !
Turns out I had to configure translate API, I'm now able to upload.

wordpress, a download manager for outside URLs

I'm working on a online file library for one of my clients. It's a library for mostly PDFs and office documents. Because they are a huge amount(almost 2gb in files), I'm hosting them on another site(divshare), so that the hosting account we have doesn't get blocked by the excess of files, and also because of excess traffic downloading can generate.
So, my question is if there is a good download manager(even with some search for download categories and so) that can handle instead of local uploaded files, URLs of files hosted somewhere else?
The advice about any plugin or the like is very appreciated.
You ask how to code such manager, right? Otherwise, your are on the wrong site...
I think you need to make a kind of file manager, except that instead of generating HTML pages to view the files and act on them, it exposes a Web API, returning XML or Json data, that a WordPress plugin can manage.
From Divshare:
The DivShare Uploader Plugin for Wordpress replaces your regular
uploading frame with a DivShare upload form, allowing you to easily
upload and add files without ever leaving your "Write a Post" page.
It's a great way to speed up your blogging and take the load off your
servers when hosting big files and images.
It can be found here:
Good Luck!
