Integrate Google App to my ASP.NET application -

I need to use google accounts in my ASP.NET application. Did somebody do it? I have many questions about it

StackOverflow does it. Use the OAuth/OpenID libraries for .NET - DotNotOpenAuth.


Add Authentification in .NET MAUI development?

I an new to .NET MAUI and i am developing an App. But i don’t know where to start in implementing Authentification.
I have a ASP.NET Core WebApp running Identity already.
So What is the best approach to add Authentification in .NET MAUI development?
I have not tried anything
If you want to use your own web service for authentication, you can use WebAuthenticator to achieve it.
For more information, you can refer to: Web authenticator | Microsoft
Actually best thing is to implement custom authentication service so there won't be any limitation in future.
However, MAUI got "Microsoft.Identity.Web" package to help you out.
Microsoft has provided better guide here

Ionic/Angular Auth from Membership DB

Im looking to create an Angular 4 app or possibly an Ionic app. The problem i face is im a bit unsure how to implement the authentication. i currenctly have an webforms site that uses the membership db. i would like to make use of this, but cant seem to find any relevant information on it. if anybody can shed any light on this or point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. thanks in advance
You can add Web API to your .NET solution, which then utilizes the same business logic (including Authentication logic) you are using with your web forms. These APIs can then be consumed by your Angular/Ionic app via http and/or rxjs.

Login and register on ASP.NET MVC 5/6

I'm beginning with mvc and I'd like to learn to the best way for user registration and login whitch is used in real projects. Please, can anyone share good tutorial for beginner? Thanks
You can find a lot of tutorials if you google "ASP.NET Identity 2.X". Here is one I found ASP.NET Identity Tutorial
This should give you a foundation to build on if you need to do something more complex.
You can use Membership api for user creation and login, And it is widely used in real projects.
check this link:-

Is it possible to post to google+ account using web application?

Is this possible to Implement the ability to post to Google+ platform using web application?
I have searched through but did not find any solution yet.
follow the link
VS c# sample is also available

How do I manage ASP.Net users on a non development server?

In Visual Studio 2010 there is a handy tool for managing users for my Silverlight Business Application. How do I do this with my deployed application?
Good question, I'm surprised there isn't a built-in, pre-canned solution :)
There's an option here:
Related questions:
is it possible to use iis 7 to manage users when using forms authentication with
User management in Silverlight, create custom UI or use ASP.NET website administration tool?
Sorry to say, but you will have to write user management code in your app.
You might find this article interesting.
