Redmine, can't see new Issue Status - status

I added a new status to Redmine, but I can't see it in the dropdown list, even when manager is logged in.
What can be wrong?

Got it working.
All you need to do is open Administration -> Workflow and check out "Only display statuses that are used by this tracker", only this way you can see all new statuses to edit in wf.

Did you enable the new status in the workflow for any tracker (Administration -> Workflow)? You need to specify what statuses are allowed for a tracker type.


Amazon Pay on Woocommerce error in Sandbox mode (InvalidOrderReferenceId)

I installed the Amazon Pay plugin on my WordPress/Woocommerce website, left in in Sanbox mode, created a Sandbox test account and when I run a test transaction, I get a message that states "Invalid Payment Method"
When I go to the Woocommerce log, the error that I find is:
<ErrorResponse xmlns="">
<Message>The OrderReferenceId S00-0000000-0000000 is invalid.</Message>
Any ideas? Thank you!
Please follow the Integration guide:
You would have to use an Amazon Generated Order ID from the Address widget. Please obtain it using the function:
onOrderReferenceCreate: function(orderReference) {
// Here is where you can grab the Order Reference ID.
You can use the orderReference ID anywhere from this point. Since, you are using WooCommerce SP, you can follow the integration guide too.

ccavenue - iframe method shows blank page after click the paynow button in

I am New to Payment Gateway Integration and i'm using CCAvenue iFrame method for my site. Using Query String method i sent all details like amount, merchant id, order id etc. to ccavRequestHandler.aspx.cs file.
But it shows only Blank Page without any error message.
There are all done in my testing environment and testing environment is activated from CCAvenue.
Thanks in Advance.
Finally I found the Ans...
In CCAvenue Iframe method, dont change anything in "download kit". And Use that files(dataform.htm,ccavRequestHandler.aspx, ccavResponseHandler.aspx with dll) without change anything.
Make Sure Test Environment is Activated or not from CCAvenue. if its not make call to CCAvenue they will do it. After that use test environment url( ) with Newly Generated Access code and Working key.
Sure U will Get the Final Result.
Hope, i will helps someone.

Triggering a function when administrator enables a user in Sitecore

I'm trying to do a web application in which the user creates a account in the /extranet domain and its disabled initially.
When the sitecore admin enables the user account an function should be triggered so that a mail can be sent to the user, But i'm not finding any solution to trigger the code.
This is the code i have used to create the user in /extranet
Membership.CreateUser(mailId, password, mailId, "question", "answer", false, out status);
Well, there's a command that gets executed (<command name="usermanager:enable" type="Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.UserManager.Enable,Sitecore.Kernel"/>) - which you can find in the Commands.config file in the App_Config folder - when you click on the Enable button, so you could override that with your own code (don't forget to also run that Enable functionality of course.
Please refer:
for a complete example of overriding the corresponding command.
You will need to replace
<command name="usermanager:enable" type="Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.UserManager.Enable,Sitecore.Kernel"/>
with <command name="usermanager:enable" type="Sitecore72.Classes.EnableUserNotify, Sitecore72"/>
You could use the reflected code from Sitecore.Kernel.dll, and append your logic for notification in the Run method - where args.IsPostBack is true, after the user profile has been updated (user.IsApproved = true;)
This would enable you to retain the message boxes as implemented by sitecore and add the custom functionality you need as well.

How to check user status when login into wordpress

Could you please advice me how to check user status upon login?
I have added a new field named user_flag in wp_users table to control user status. user_flag has value of active or deactivate.
I want to check this field's value when user logs in.
if value is active, then user can proceed login,
but if value is deactivate, then user can not login, and a message will be displayed to notify user that his account is deactivated and he need to contact admin to re-activate account for him to be able to login.
I looked at wp-login.php file but had no idea where to write code to check above logic, could you please advice me where to check user_flag at login time?
Thank you so much.
Stop trying to modify core code and learn to use the pluggable architecture. Also stop modifying the core database tables. You can store additional fields for users in the usermeta table with add_user_meta and retrieve them with get_user_meta. If you start modifying core code and database tables, you will never be able to upgrade wordpress.
To answer your question, use something like the following in functions.php
add_filter('wp_authenticate_user', function($user) {
if (get_user_meta($user->ID, 'user_flag', true) == 'active') {
return $user;
return new WP_Error('Account Not Active...');
}, 10, 2);

Integrate twitter in drupal 7 website

I am trying to get the twitter module (7.x-5.4) running on my local drupal 7.19 website. Already installed Oauth and registered a twitter app. I am using the keys of that twitter app.
Callback URL
twitter host
Twitter API
Twitter search
when I want to add at least my own twitter account so that the site can display my tweets. when I want to add this account, an error occurs:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$data in Twitter->request() (line 131 of root\modules\twitter\twitter.lib.php).
Could not obtain a valid token from the Twitter API. Please review the configuration.
any ideas? thanks in advance.
In my case, uncommenting the line
in php.ini resolved the error.
I'm not sure this will work for you, but this worked for me. I had the same exact error, even though I had followed the documentation. Here's the test: go to admin/reports/status. If you see the following warning: "HTTP request status Fails" this means your drupal/LAMP stack is unable to use DNS to callback to itself. In my case I used my machines's IP to access my Drupal instance. So, rather that use "localhost" use your machine's IP address (you can use ipconfig on MSWin or ifconfig on Mac/Linux) and use that for finishing the twitter account setup process.
Again, not
(substituting your machine's IP address)
I was getting the exact same error which i fixed by adding appropriate proxy server details.
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$data in Twitter->request() (line 131 of C:\wamp\www\test_twitter\sites\all\modules\twitter\twitter.lib.php
The problem was due to proxy-settings. I added values for $conf['proxy_server'] and $conf['proxy_port'] in settings.php and this error vanished.
I also verified that if i remove the proxy settings, this error is reproduced again.
Install oauth_common and twitter on your Drupal site
Check that both Oauth and the Twitter modules are enabled. I didn't use any of the other Twitter modules to do this
Go to the twitter module in Drupal
Go to the Configure (button) -> settings (Tab)
(note that the Callback URL is http://localhost/yourwebsite/twitter/oauth i.e. it doesn’t have to be
Click on the link that says register your application
Go to twitter and sign in to be a developer
Add a new application, making a distinct feed name
Enter your site details
For localhost use: for both the website and callback URLs
Press save when you've done
Next go to the Test OAuth button - this will give you your illusive consumer key and consumer secret key
Back to the Drupal website and and to the twitter module to configure (button) -> settings (Tab)
Copy and paste these consumer and consumer secret keys you just got
Press Save configuration
Hopefully no errors.
Go to the twitter tab in the module and hopefully your twitter avatar has appeared
Read the top of the page where it says "Tweets are pulled from Twitter by running cron. You can view the full list of tweets at the Tweets view."
Select the View Tweets checkbox and click view - Chances are your tweets won’t show up in the next window - yet
Go to your drupal Configuration screen and to [System] Cron and press the "Run cron"
Now go back to view tweets from the twitter module and they should all appear
[This was a pig to figure out]
