sIFR links deactivate - wordpress

I am developing a Wordpress site using the WP sIFR plugin. Yesterday my hyperlinks suddenly stopped working after 15 minutes or so. When I open the page in a new window, they are reactivated, even in the original page. I am using Firefox 3 on a Mac.
Can anyone help me? I would really appreciate any suggestions :)

Try removing the wmode value from the Flash movies.


Elementor / Videos disapear

I'm Pascal from france.
I developed a WP site with the plugin elementor one year ago.
Everything was fine until, a week ago, my videos disappeared.
Example here :
What happened ? What changed ? The plugin ? Wordpress (I tried to upgrade it. No changes) ?
Sometimes, we can hear the sound of the video, but no image. Nothing, not even a black square.
Sometimes the video appears and...pfft ! Dissapears.
Any idea ?
The best way to put videos is by 1st uploading them on youtube then you can show that video on your website using embed or by elementor widget
Your server might be slow or you may have used some cache plugin or something that caused the issue. But embedding youtube video will solve your problem.

Why Is My Wordpress Theme Losing CSS On Mobile?

I'm working on a Wordpress theme over at
Up in-till an hour ago all was OK, now however whenever accessing the site with mobile dimensions, the previous CSS has disappeared. I've tried going back to previous CSS but that's not working and to my knowledge I've not touched any other part of the build.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.
I have checked the url you mentioned.
Found some weird tags.
Please open your website and view your page source(Ctrl + U).
Preferably in Mozilla Firfox. As there the errors will be highlighted.
Please see the attached screenshots.
Go through the page source and resolve the things that are making these occur.
Please check
Please check
Did you checked if there are css rules that make your CSS appear only for desktop screens? This could be only explainable reason.
I'd just left a tag out - one day I'll learn not to panic. Sorry guys.

Wordpress visual editor displays html

After finishing a Wordpress site and moving it to another directory of the website, the visual editor disappeared and instead started displaying HTML and the text is white at the same time. I tried different suggestions from Wordpress support forums but nothing helped and everyone seemed to have a different answer.
Does anyone know what could have happened and how to fix it?
Thank you!

Trying to Use mediaelement.js alongside infinite-scroll plugin for Wordpress

I'm using Paul Irish's Infinite-Scroll plugin with Wordpress, and I'm also trying to use John Dyer's mediaelement.js plugin with it. Works great on the individual posts, and, oddly enough, no problems on iPhone, but when viewing in Firefox, the audio defaults to a placeholder image of the player, that when you click on it, then turns to an "X" like i'm missing a flashplayer plugin or something. Like I said, I don't have the issue on the individual post pages, just on the index, so I know Firefox can handle the files properly.
I'm sure this has to do with needing to add some javascript in the settings of inifinite scroll to re-initialize mediaelement.js for each new page that is brought in, but I'm at a loss as to what I should add. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
John Dyer was awesome enough to answer this one for me.

Joomla - template dissapearing

I have a Joomla Website located at, and upon going to the site initially everything looks fine. However if you go into the site and click any link say web-design
You can see that the default template is no longer being displayed. I have tried changing to a different template but that does not seem to help.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have discovered the answer to my question. I should have updated this a long time ago.
Something with the URL Rewriting engine built into Joomla, was throwing errors. I turned it off and everything was back to normal!
Thanks for your help though.
